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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    The revolution will be forumized.
  2. Boner Kawanger

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    ECW is awesome every week, and every one complaining about Christian being punished or whatever needs to remember that Matt Hardy went from US Champ on SmackDown to ECW and is all that much better for it. If Christian can prove himself in ECW the same way Matt did, he'll be off to bigger things by the summer.
  3. Boner Kawanger

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    "Christian wastes no time making an impact in ECW!" I love this announce team.
  4. Boner Kawanger

    Pictures I Like

    Get those cats out of the way. I can't see the lesbian wedding.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    I may be biased because when I won a free VIP pass to some festival outside of Atlanta I also got free Sweetwater for the entire weekend, but I much prefer it to Terrapin. So take that as you will.
  6. Boner Kawanger

    Pictures I Like

    I've pasted a snippet of the leaked script to Inglorious Bastards to the letter in order to save time. Both are written by Quentin Tarantino
  7. Boner Kawanger

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    My favorite weed dealer is my lesbian weed de-er...keeper-awayer followed closely by my 40-something year old deal-er...keeper-awayer. I find older dudes are generally at the top of the hierarchy, at least when it comes to getting straight sacks at the best price.
  8. Boner Kawanger

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Don't worry, Zombie's currently casting a necrophiliac morgue assistant* for part two, so he's going to be classing it up big time. *God I wish I was joking.
  9. Boner Kawanger

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    A video that answers all the burning questions raised last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MltUs-xwtPQ
  10. Boner Kawanger

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    It's a giant enemy crab!!
  11. Logos speak more than words in the world of marketing. EDIT-I just saw an ad with the "th" inside the big 13.
  12. Boner Kawanger

    Comic Request thread

    In my defense, there's a Titan named Jericho.....right?
  13. Boner Kawanger

    2009 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards

    Well I'm a twenty-two year old male and these are my thoughts on the 2009 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards:
  14. Boner Kawanger

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    The newest Dirt Sheet is one of the best yet.
  15. Boner Kawanger

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    Hey, I was there, too. I marked out when the ladder match popped up on The Rock DVD on 24/7 this week. Did you go to Armageddon 2000, or were you no longer in Bham? Yup... went to Armageddon as well. A friend, who was a big Kurt Angle fan, had a sign for Angle as we waited outside. The Dudleys came up to sign autographs before the show, saw the sign, and playfully acted like they were going to tear it up (The crowd definitely encouraging them). And I could have sworn I was the only person cheering on Angle. By the way, since you brought up Bama cheap heat, how about Regal's line about the difference between loving farm animals and loving farm animals.
  16. Boner Kawanger

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    Hey, I was there, too. I marked out when the ladder match popped up on The Rock DVD on 24/7 this week. Did you go to Armageddon 2000, or were you no longer in Bham?
  17. Boner Kawanger

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Wow, Shawn has not feet. Sweet Chin Music de-confirmed!!!!
  18. Boner Kawanger

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    So my old copy of No Mercy (which I had used to make a pretty big roster of 80s wrestlers) crashed again, leading my roommate and I to go back and play Revenge again. We were debating the merits of playing as Bischoff while I used Larry Z to send his Easy E to Larryland, and I promised to beat him using Uncle Eric. So we went into another match, me as Bisch and he as Kim Chee, I believe. We have a standard match for a few minutes, when all of a sudden, the characters (Miss Elizabeth) all turned into long, bent, pole shaped objects and flew around in the air at a tremendous speed. We could still taunt and build up our special meter, but we had no control until it randomly stopped. It happened three times. In all these years, that never happened to me once.
  19. Boner Kawanger

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    And anything from ECW. As much as I love Savage, he doesn't fit on a best of the 90s set, considering the bulk of the decade he was either on commentary or working the same match over and over where he would get beat down before hitting one slam plus the elbow. RVD and Sabu definitely got shafted, but weed's a helluva drug.
  20. Boner Kawanger

    TNA Impact - February 5, 2009

    This was how I took it: "The MCMG aren't committed to the Frontline, who get their asses kicked all the while they themselves keep winning matches and titles" also, what was The Wire reference he dropped? I just started watching it for a class I'm taking on the show this semester, and we're covering season 4, so that's all I'm familiar with so far.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    TNA Impact - February 5, 2009

    Okay, that was a good rough cut. I know The Great Muta can't be in every one of them, but that was so much more effective than, say, the Sojourner Bolt one that painted her as a nice kid from a nice neighborhood immediately after she cut a promo saying she was a mean lady from the mean streets. I am excited to see Kiyoshi now.
  22. Boner Kawanger

    Monday Night Wars

    Between this and your encyclopedic knowledge of the Mega Powers et. al., I'm starting to like the way you think.
  23. Boner Kawanger

    Monday Night Wars

    They could have just dubbed over it with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPP-sM_2YU
  24. Boner Kawanger

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Y2G has come to the WWE Universe to save us all from the kids show WWE has become. It is one thing to appeal to the younger audience, and its another to turn a legendary company into a kids show, and that exactly what they're doing. Y2G vows to save every true, old school WWE fan from this kids show. And once he does, Monday Night Raw, ECW on SciFi, Friday Night Smackdown, every Pay-per-view, every live event will never EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BE THE SAME........AGAIN!!! Join my group if you agree..... http://fans.wwe.com/nomorekids EDIT-While we're on the subject, the...WWE Universe...had a live chat during Raw with Katie Lea and Dolph Ziggler, and, from what I read, Dolphomania ran wild. Quote of the night was something like... WWEFan1: hbk needs a better storyline Dolph_Ziggler: Storyline? This is real life, brother!
  25. Boner Kawanger

    Sequel to Waiting...

    I recognize your avatar, Beto, and I appreciate your appreciation of Anna Faris. I wish she like good scripts as much as I liked her.