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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Honestly, I would have gotten around to drafting him later.
  2. Boner Kawanger

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Okay, I had just found that on 1Up after wading through 1up's awful coverage. Is there anything from the Wii CAW that's gettting gimped besides custom music? Thanks again.
  3. Boner Kawanger

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    No Create-A-Finisher, no run button. Doesn't say, but I'm almost sure that there's no Highlight Reel, due to memory limitations (I could be wrong) However, the Wii version DOES have online play. Exclusive features: Finishers are done with motion-controlled minigames (For Pedigree, the finisher is the kick, then you lift Wiimote to raise one arm, lift nunchuk to raise the other, then raise both to jump) Interactive Entrances Other than obvious things like control differences, everything else is the same (Same single player mode, same career mode) Thanks. So I gather that Highlight Reel is some kind of screenshot sharing thing(like Smash Bros Brawl?) but no run button? Does that mean no clotheslines or Harley Race kneelifts? It does have Create-a-Wrestler, right?
  4. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Sounds like you have a case of Jebeditis. Just as I was getting over my case of Chester A. Arthritis Hah....you had arthritis?
  5. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Sounds like you have a case of Jebeditis.
  6. Boner Kawanger

    WWE Raw - November 10, 2008

    Good call, I guess you can't fly overseas with a concussion. That's awesome. I'm all for the Orton Punt to be built up as a killer.
  7. Boner Kawanger

    WWE Raw - November 10, 2008

    Where is Ted DiBiase? Is he the Million Dollar Dopehead?
  8. Boner Kawanger

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    I hate to ask something like this, but I can't find an efficient list. Can somebody summarize what the Wii version isn't getting and what the general consensus towards picking it up is?
  9. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    I really wish they'd gone with the original plan for A Milhouse Divided (as mentioned on the commentary) and had the entire story focus on the Van Houtens instead of forcing in a Marge/Homer story at the end. It's a severely underrated episode.
  10. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Plus his new kids (though he's only the father of the one who can't adlib and the one who can't do something else I forget) introduced in "Yokel Chords": Whitney, Jitney, Dubya, Incest, Crystal Meth, International Harvester, and Birthday After posting, I found out there have been 44 Cletus kids on the show. Bart almost married one last season.
  11. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Most folk'll never lose a toe But then again some folk'll Like my pick: Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel (Cletus is my mother's favorite character, for what it's worth.) Hey, Brandine! You might could wear these to your job interview. And scuff up the topless dancin' runway? Nah. You'd best bring 'em back where from ya got 'em. Okay....back you go. To waits for a woman of less discriminating taste...hey, you know what? I could call my ma from up here. Hey, Ma! Get off the dang roof! Now I have Cletus but Brandine is still out there along with their smellhound Geech and their kids, Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermott, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumer, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendal, Katlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kira, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, and Phil.
  12. Boner Kawanger

    Your five favourite guys/teams right now.

    Well, I don't think you know who the Motor City Machine Guns or the Dangerous Alliance are after reading those words you tried to form into a sentence, but if this was five favorite posterzzz, you'd be on my list. I edit this and say that we both like The Great Khali, so respect to that.
  13. Boner Kawanger

    PYBO: Starrcade '92

    I meant the "nicknames" I "gave them" in the "OP". Sorry. Upon seeing the face Ricky Steamboat titantron, I need to see that match with Vader.
  14. Boner Kawanger

    Your five favourite guys/teams right now.

    Anyway, in no particular order after the #1 guy: 1) Jamie Noble - loved the guy ever since he debuted in WCW. 2) Brian Kendrick - fast becoming the only reason for me to watch Smackdown. 3) Chris Jericho - on fire since his return. 4) John Cena - Raw's hasn't been as good since Cena's been hurt (although it's still been better than Smackdown), can't wait for his return. 5) Randy Orton - never thought I'd see this guy on a list of my top 5 guys, but he's really stepped up his game over the last year. We both still love Orton and NewsRadio at least.
  15. Boner Kawanger

    PYBO: Starrcade '92

    If you notice, both Douglas and Steamboat's "nicknames" are things Flair has said about them. They do not reflect my opinion. I was just bored putting the OP together.
  16. Boner Kawanger

    Has Samoa Joe's time in TNA hurt him?

    I thought I'd put this in my post earlier, but the only way for this MEM Angle to work is for Joe to give them all the Booker T-reatment one by one until he destroys Sting but oh wait Sting is the biggest face on the roster.
  17. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Knock it off, you two! It's time for church! We're not going to church today! WHAT?! You give me one good reason! It's Saturday!!! Haaa okily-dodily-doo! Everyone who counts loves Ned Flanders.
  18. Boner Kawanger

    PYBO: Starrcade '92

    So what's this intro/outro we're missing?
  19. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Seeing as how I was #7 in round one and #11 in round two (7/11 is my birthday coincidentally enough), the many arms of Vishnu are obviously pointing me towards Apu Nahaasa..de Beaumarchais! And while it is a great dishonor to my ancestors and my gods, I'm doing it.
  20. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    "You have 24 hours to give us the money. And to show you we are serious, you have 12 hours" This should be the rule in the OP.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    I learned one lesson from The Simpsons, and that lesson was never try. No list for me, but I've got the huge character poster. So I'm good with that.
  22. Boner Kawanger

    Has Samoa Joe's time in TNA hurt him?

    This is another good point because the few casual fans I know who have watched TNA just view Joe as a fatass, just as Scott Steiner said last night.
  23. Boner Kawanger

    The Simpsons Character Draft

  24. Boner Kawanger

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I looked forward to Karen's Angle every week. It was great television. Sure, it never had more than three minutes (but that gave us the exciting two-parter on the always exciting KAZ) and usually ended with Karen being molested by some heel(s), but it was always a guaranteed laugh. Plus Karen has some sort of former-stripper-turned-mom/athlete's wife thing going on.
  25. Boner Kawanger

    Has Samoa Joe's time in TNA hurt him?

    Without a doubt. I still remember the excitement I had to finally see Joe on television (I think this was pre-YouTube, so I had seen very little if any action-by the way, YouTube has kill the notion of any wrestler having mystique but that's another thing altogether). Joe was severely wounded once Angle came into the company, and by the time he won the title, he was booked as such an idiot. Complete turnaround from his debut character. And what was the deal with the angle with Nash? How was this supposed to help Joe at all? First off, the booking made him look inferior to Angle in every way. He's going into the biggest match of his life and needs to train with Kevin Nash? The guy went from being their top wrestler to someone who needed DIESEL to help him prepare. Who is he, Lawrence Taylor? The topper, of course, was Nash constantly telling Joe how he would turn on him eventually, and then he did. Oops. Plus he could have ended his career (and nearly destroyed his groin) doing that stupid ass dropkick on the concrete stairs in the match with Sting. I have a bad feeling that bump will come back to hurt him more than any booking ever did.