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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger


    Man, I've got a test tomorrow and two lab assignments due Friday. Super Paper Mario is making me feel like a kid again, but kids aren't especially apt at college.
  2. Boner Kawanger

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I can't decide which new movie convention I'm tired of more: reboots or EPIC TRILOGY. If they sign on Zombie to two more movie so he can "complete the EXTREME trilogy of terror!" I'll probably get someone to reboot my head into the ground. I mean, all it would take to set this apart from the other movies would be renaming the characters and retooling them. It would make sense in that I find the scariest thing about the original Halloween to be that this could randomly happen anywhere, anytime, so having it happen just out of nowhere to some likable characters with an interesting premise and some palpable suspense would be infinitely more interesting to me than trailer trash origin stories of unexplainable evil. But I guess I'm not Rob Zombie. *If it helps I think that Laurie being Michael's sister is the worst thing that ever happened to the movies.
  3. Boner Kawanger


    Has anyone seen Super Paper Mario in stores today?
  4. Boner Kawanger

    DS Lite - The Thread

    Doctors can't afford to take breaks, Victim. Get out of my hospital.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    DS Lite - The Thread

    It's especially hard compared to the Wii version. I breezed through the Wii version on a rental, yet the DS version (that I bought in July) remains unbeaten.
  6. Boner Kawanger


    Yeah, in case anyone didn't know, Nintendo has probably the best customer service on the planet, let alone video game companies.
  7. Boner Kawanger

    Bob Clark Dead

    I could go for that. I much prefer it as a Christmas movie to A Christmas Story. But of course, I also consider Die Hard a Christmas movie, so maybe I shouldn't judge. On a related note, I'm pretty bummed out that his son died along with him, not to mention that it was a drunk driver.
  8. Boner Kawanger

    Bob Clark Dead

    Good director, good filmography...Why can't they ever show a 24 hour Porky's Marathon?
  9. Boner Kawanger

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    It's Tyler (Sabretooth) Mane, although I did hear Kane Hodder speak in October and he said that he was interested in doing it since he would never play Jason again.
  10. Boner Kawanger


    http://peppyprankcall.ytmnd.com/ NSFW
  11. Boner Kawanger

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I just finished reading the first draft (http://www.sendspace.com/file/ljgit6), and sadly, I was not very impressed. To me, it just read like "Hey, here's this great movie reimagined into an okay movie that includes a couple of scenes verbatim in case you didn't know". I also found the ending to be particularly embarrassing. It really reminds me of the Halloween scripts my friends and I would write when we were in middle school trying to make a movie just because we had the costume and a video camera.
  12. Boner Kawanger


    So the Wii might be getting the sequel to some obscure game, it seems. http://www.gamereactor.se/nyheter/10115/Gamereactor+%2346/ http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=148259
  13. Boner Kawanger


    Shouldn't any game be hard on Advanced mode? I think we're gonna rent Tiger Woods once I'm reunited with my Wii (I can't get back into my dorm until Sunday).
  14. Boner Kawanger

    I'm officially a film student now

    Congratulations. I've been writing the scripts for a friend of mine whose in film school, so if that falls through, can I ride your coattails?
  15. Boner Kawanger

    South Park: Season 11

    It isn't a great Butters episode unless I say or hear "Poor Butters" at least twelve times during the show. Mission accomplished!
  16. Boner Kawanger

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Katie Holmes did go on Letterman to "promote" Batman Begins, but when Dave asked her which movie she'd rather see, she said "War of the Worlds" and then gigged like a dumbass. That makes me glad she's gone.
  17. Boner Kawanger

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    When they were filming Batman Returns, they constructed a series of tunnels from the makeup room to the studio in order to keep The Penguin under wraps, so it's gonna take a WB employee with grapefruit-sized cajones and a camera phone to get a photo of The Joker out.
  18. Boner Kawanger


    I don't know if you guys are familiar with Mega64. If you're not, it's like Jackass minus stunts plus video game reenactments. Anyways, they filmed a new skit, and well, just check it out. http://www.mega64.com/smb.htm
  19. Boner Kawanger


    I prefer Unetee. Just about the same concept, so check it out.
  20. Boner Kawanger


    They ported MTV's online Laguna Beach game EDIT: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/03/gdc_ni...dos_k.html#more "Kick his rear end and take his name!" someone shouted from a few rows behind me. "Who?" answered Reggie in mid-autograph. "Phil Harrison, front row!" Sure enough, there was Phil Harrison, seated dead center, front row. Looks like he could show up on time for Nintendoâ„¢s keynote, but not Sonyâ„¢s. With a grin and a chuckle, Reggie replies, "Some would say we've already done that." Touchdown. The crowd goes wild.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    MLB 2K7

    Has anyone heard anything about the DS version?
  22. Boner Kawanger


    Today on the VC: Legend of Zelda: OoT Chew Man Fu Bio-Hazzard Battle
  23. Boner Kawanger


    I talked about playing Trauma Center a few pages back, but given the fact that this is page 63, I don't want you to have to find it. Basically, not only did I love Trauma Center, but so did my friends who were playing the Wii for the first time, one of them going so far as to say that it was the best game he had played in years. Prognosis: Positive
  24. Boner Kawanger

    The Official "52" Thread

    I hope I'm not the only one LOL'ing at Jimmy Olsen. IT IS ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE DAWN GUYZ
  25. Boner Kawanger


    I'd agree, but on the other end of the same spectrum, I love the VC because all of my other formats (except for my N64) are back at home. Plus, I'd gladly pay $5 for an "NES Rom" because, for me at least, its convenient and I want to be able to play with a real controller instead of my keyboard. I know I could get a PS2-USB adapter, but like I said: convenience.