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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger


    Eastman and Laird aren't writing it; Kevin Munroe is the writer. Laird is producing, but Eastman hasn't been involved with TMNT in years.
  2. Boner Kawanger

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    You know, besides the occasional bounty hunter scum and lowly spies, only humans seem to work for the Empire...
  3. Boner Kawanger

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Agreed. Order 66 was probably like the activation word for someone that's been brainwashed to go batshit crazy. Only difference is the clones were made that way from day one. Anyways, I was watching Episode IV the other night and something hit me. One of the complaints stemming from the use of Artoo and Threepio in the prequels was the fact that they don't remember anything. Threepio's memory wipe solved that, but there was still Artoo. Is it possible that the Jawas gave him a memory wipe, or at least short circuted some of his memory with their droid stun gun? Just something to think about, I guess. He does still remember his mission. I don't know, it just got me thinking. Oh, since I haven't posted anything in this thread, I saw Episode III at a midnight opening and loved it. Picking it apart doesn't even hurt it. It just had everything I've wanted to see in a movie, stuff I would do with my own Star Wars action figures years ago. Most impressive.
  4. Boner Kawanger


    "It was like when your divorced mother stopped dating serial arsonists and junkies and found a nice man to settle down with" is neck and neck with Dave's Catchphrases for me.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    The Biggest Angle Ever

    RRR saves the WWE Folder.
  6. Boner Kawanger

    Well, I guess my boss is just out to get me now...

    Playing the same CD over and over? You work at Sam Goody or one of its affiliates, don't you?
  7. Boner Kawanger


    I do the same thing with subtitles. Luckily, my DVD-Rom player has closed captioning.
  8. Boner Kawanger

    10 minutes of Batman Begins footage

    No. That's not it at all. That's pretty much the opposite of what every person on the production wanted. They're aiming for a functional Batman. Look, my favorite Batman design ever is the Neal Adams blue/gray version, but seeing that on the bigscreen would be the biggest letdown for me as a Batman fan. As great as it is seeing a non-superpowered vigilante dodging bullets in skin-tight spandex, when it comes to real life, I think a non-superpowered vigilante dodging bullets in an experimental armored suit designed for the military makes more sense, especially since technology has come so far that he can TURN HIS NECK. What next? Talking motion pictures?
  9. Boner Kawanger

    The Old School questions thread

    I always kinda saw it as, when Faarooq was leading the Nation, it was about his cause, black power or something. Once The Rock took over, it was about The Rock, and The Rock just happened to like Owen Hart and didn't mind him being white, since he wasn't in it for Faarooq.
  10. Boner Kawanger

    I'm sure someone's made this joke already

    Who is Usama and why is this a topic?
  11. Boner Kawanger


    Bears can't have blonde hair:(
  12. Boner Kawanger

    Dave Chappelle Season 2 DVD

    Yes. Two unaired Hollywood stories.
  13. Boner Kawanger


    Watching the gag reel right now. Best $30 I've spent in a while.
  14. Boner Kawanger

    Time Magazine's "All Time 100 Movies"

    Ravenbomb makes me feel better about myself, seeing as how just last night I had to explain to two people what Return of the Jedi was about.
  15. Boner Kawanger

    Very emotional flash movie.

    If everyone hated me, I know I'd try posting an EMOTIONAL FLASH MOVIE.
  16. Boner Kawanger


    This one works fine. It's our tradition. Plus it won an award once, too.
  17. Boner Kawanger


    NEWSRADIO IS BACK AGAIN Tuesday. Entertainment Weekly gave the set an A and revealed that the Cast and Crew commentaries feature the epic tale of why they were banned from awards shows and an NBC suit admitting they were wrong for cancelling the show. I can't wait for Tuesday.
  18. Boner Kawanger

    Who is the worst poster currently?

    ...why would you even put this in your sig? It's a bad allegory about TSM's mods being "dictators" or something, but it's written in an ironic tone, as if it's supposed to be funny. It's not. It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be scathing and sarcastic. The The Smart Mark Staff Players?
  19. Boner Kawanger

    Spider-Man 3 Villian

    Church needs to be the one playing Sandman, so Topher should be another villain.
  20. Boner Kawanger

    Dave Chappelle found! Talks with TIME Magazine in

    The show would never work on Fox. It would have to go to HBO or Showtime.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    Box Office Report

    Yes. Star Wars fans love quality.
  22. Boner Kawanger

    Sid in WCW, mid 2000

    Sid used to be a huge face in WCW and the WWF, so therefore he could still draw, and WCW was desperate. That's my attempt at WCW logic.
  23. Boner Kawanger

    Box Office Report

    I'm just glad I won't have to see the trailer for Mindhunters ever again. I swear I've seen it at least six times this past year.
  24. Boner Kawanger

    Help identify movie for my column

    Fire in the Sky!
  25. Boner Kawanger

    Dave Chappelle found! Talks with TIME Magazine in

    Point taken. I prefer to view all celebrities as eccentric enough to go to South Africa for treatment, though.