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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger

    Like Justice League?

    Well, I liked that Green Lantern was the one to pick up Green Arrow (even though I'll probably mix up their names without thinking if I discuss them for too long). The whole scene with GA fighting off robbers in a grocery store was a great intro for him, and who doesn't love a Boxing Glove Arrow (I'll bet that it's a few people). From here, we get the new opening that is a FULL-ON POWER BALLAD OF GUITAR RIFFS, BAY-BAY~! Since I've spent the past year using FULL-ON POWER BALLAD OF GUITAR RIFFS~! to accenuate over-the-top jokes in movies my friends and I have made, that's not something to my liking. Ah, well, the fact that they're episode-centric is a cool deal since the roster is so big. As for the rest of the episode, it had a few bright spots (GA marching against nuclear power in college and Captain Atom being so straight laced that it hurt) and, even though I saw the ending coming a mile away, I still enjoyed it. I didn't love it, but they had to start somewhere. I just hope every episode doesn't have someone making cutesy little remarks all the time. Supergirl's act wore a little thin. The new voice actors did a good job, too. I say ***.
  2. Boner Kawanger

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    I still think spraypainting the belt was pretty state-of-the-art heel stuff.
  3. Boner Kawanger

    Does this folder need a name change?

    If we call it The War Room, someone will post "gentelman there si no fighting in teh WARROOM~!lol" in every topic. I vote for The War Room.
  4. Boner Kawanger

    Something I found funny...

    I hate "pwned". I hate it so much.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    Best rogues' galleries

    Rage brings up a good point. The problem with Marvel villains is that too many of the good ones (Venom, Juggernaut) get so popular that instead of making them more evil, they just turn them into good bad guys. I think Bane helped out Batman recently, but that story with the whole "I'm your brother...psyche" twist sounded lame. I don't know where he stands now. Any other DC villains that have 'turned face' for lack of a better term? *Rereads Tower of Babel* APO's right. Flash wins.
  6. Boner Kawanger

    50 Cent Does Song With Bart Simpson

    I'm so glad I'll probably be dead by the time these newest seasons hit DVD*. *Assuming DVD is still around.
  7. Boner Kawanger

    Hulk Hogan pwns Aaron Carter

    I'd watch it. Call it "The Hulk Hogan Army" show and pray Marvel doesn't sue. Plus, we can get updated on the life of "Nasty" Nick, brother!
  8. Boner Kawanger

    Hulk Hogan pwns Aaron Carter

    That special was so surreal. Where else can you see Hogan wearing a plastic CVS bag instead of a doo-rag?
  9. Boner Kawanger

    Ric Flair agrees with me

    Bret Hart - "Overrated" Mick Foley - "Overrated and overstated" Ric Flair - "Overra-hey, you tried to trick me! Woo!"
  10. Boner Kawanger

    The Ultimate Warrior Causes AOL Crash

    Well, Vince, how do you explain AOL crashes today? Fuckin' company...I swear...you just had to offer it for three bucks a month. Once I get out of this house, I am so through with you.
  11. Boner Kawanger


    Unless this is Giant Sized Man-Thing, I ain't buyin'.
  12. Boner Kawanger

    Rate songs on albums.

    Since I can't do The White Album, Grace, or The Bends, I'll do this one. One of my personal favorites, it just seems to speak to me. It's the first album I could actually relate to. The Birdman-8 Supersatellite-7 Starseed-9 Hope-7 Naveed-10 Dirty Walls-7 Denied-9 Is It Safe?-5 Julia-8 Under Zenith-8 Neon Crossing-9
  13. Boner Kawanger

    Your Wrestling Memorabilia

    I have one Unforgiven folding chair that I will never part with, but I have a cardboard cut-out of Shawn Michaels that would probably never sell (don't say eBay).
  14. Boner Kawanger

    Crying over wrestling

    And I couldn't wait for the first troll to invade the thread. lol2005 from the future
  15. Boner Kawanger

    Best rogues' galleries

    If I could add something, pochorenella, I don't think Wonder Woman is as fast as The Flash now. Geoff Johns has established that The Flash can outrun Superman (since "It doesn't make sense that your one power is running and someone can run faster than you."). Although she did keep up with him in Tower of Babel...
  16. Boner Kawanger

    New Pic of Batman

    I am a zombie for this movie. That trailer was too perfect.
  17. Boner Kawanger


    I'll bet Brock sings marvelously.
  18. Boner Kawanger

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    I had to tape Raw, too. Unfortunately, I've lost my remote and the VCR was on standard play. I missed the last minute and twenty seconds, but I heard it was just them lying there after Benoit got the pin. If only they were telling the truth when they said the Iron Man match would be first. I'm also baffled as to how nine women had no idea what the words "verbal" and "seduce" mean. And that chick with the afro-lite hair does nothing for me, and then she quotes The Nutty Professor? Why why why?
  19. Boner Kawanger

    Happy Bday Damaramu

    Happy Birthday!
  20. Boner Kawanger

    Most dissapointing games ever

    After a year or two of hype and high expectations, Batman: Dark Tomorrow turned out to be a pile of shit. They should have seen it coming. Why do they still have hope? Luckily, I'm dead inside, so I have never played this abombination.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    Books you can read over and over again....

    So true. You're my new favorite poster. I can read anything funny over and over, like Have a Nice Day, If Chins Could Kill, and MASH. Classic-wise, I love The Great Gatsby.
  22. Boner Kawanger

    family guy introduced by Macfarlane

  23. Boner Kawanger

    Happy Birthday, Dames

    The Munchkin hanging in the background in The Wizard of Oz killed himself because The Dames beat him at checkers. Happy Birthday.
  24. Boner Kawanger

    Attn: People using images from paul-london.com

    Your sig makes me want tot cry everytime I see it. You bastard.