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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    Were they in multiple scenes? It could be assumed that he had been leaving them behind at all the murders he had been committing. I mean, he's kill a LOT of people, it wouldn't be outrageous for the Coroner to see that and go "SHIT! NOT GOOD!"
  2. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    I can understand why you found it tedious, but it had to be done that way. Does that clear it up a bit?
  3. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    Banned, bitch! w00ty! Can we get the mods to clean up the shit he caused so we can forever forget his involvement? You can definitely delete all my posts that are specifically in response to him.
  4. Justice


    Yeah, agreed. Please, ban him.
  5. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    Everyone, just stop. He's just a stupid 6 ear old troll. Fuck 'em and get back to real discussion. Move along... nothing to see here....
  6. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    And just as I said, it's SUPERFICIAL AT BEST. So it's not an accurate judge of the movie to call it a 'clone' because they are both graphic novels. End of subject. No, it's not. You're an idiot. See, this is where you're 'comparison' is so absurd. Anything can have violence. Again, Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket are two war movies, but the differences in purpose and plot make it impossible to call them 'clones'. I can say Evey is more important because, as a character, she is. Goldie is an object. She's nothing more. might be a slightly more valid comparison, but there aren't any women in Sin City that compare with Evey characterwise. Hell, there's not much similarity at all except that I'm reasonably sure they're all women. Character-wise, Goldie is useless. She doesn't develop, she doesn't do anything. In terms of comparing her to Evey, no, she's completely useless, like the dead hooker she fucking is. Stop dragging her out because she is the worst choice for a character comparison because she technically isn't even a real fucking character. She's simply a Deus Ex Machina to get Marv to kill people. You could put a blow-up doll in her place and you wouldn't notice because she's not a real character. DO YOU EVEN READ WHAT THE FUCK YOU WRITE?! You're using an invalid form of a word to draw a comparison between two completely different movies based on superficial similarities! JESUS CHRIST JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.
  7. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    ... Oops. I knew something was wrong with that.
  8. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    BUT HOW DOES IT MAKE THEM SIMILAR? Jesus, explain it. You talk about my 'lame examples' but you can't tell me how this links them together in any important way. And so does The Last Boy Scout. But I don't see anyone making comparisons there, do you? Gorey can be considered similar, if it's gorey for the same purpose. Friday the 13th and Halloween are gorey in the same way and for the same purpose. V for Vendetta is hardly similar to Sin City for the purposes of gore. So far, of all the people I've talked to about the movie, you are the first associate it with Sin City. In fact, I mentioned your claims to a few people and they didn't understand what the hell you were talking about. That's not Goldie taking on a role. That's Blondie acting as a plot device. Her and Evey are incomparable, as Evey is able to act, change, and do things, while Goldie doesn't actually do anything; Marv does it all. Evey changes, Goldie never does BECAUSE SHE'S FUCKING DEAD. God, what stupidity. And yet you chose the worst choice of them all. Pehaps the stupidity of using 'Goldie' as someone filling a role blinded me to your previous statement. You know, Liv Tyler is attached to Bruce Willis and Ben Afflack in Armageddon. I suppose that makes those two a 'clone', eh? Overusing generalized plot points does not a 'clone' make. Alright, whatever. Give up. You have forced me to recognize the logic of your incredible argument. I'll never question your encyclopedic knowledge again, especially when it comes to definitions. Oh, and those are just the links to my variations of those words. You know, because not everything means what it should with me!
  9. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    No, it's not. Not at all, actually. It's just the same as getting your content from a book or a TV series. Perhaps you could care to explain how it is important, because no one seems to agree with you on that. Indeed. Because, as we all know, if something is violent, is obviously similar. Let's get A Clockwork Orange together with The Last Boy Scout, because they are so obviously similar! I mean, they're both DARK and VIOLENT. Whether or not something has violence doesn't mean shit to a movie. Whether or not it's 'dark' doesn't mean shit to a movie. The reason behind it, the reason driving the violence and the darkness... now THAT's what you look at. Ironically enough, Blondie's role isn't big at all. She's simply a Deus Ex Machina for Marv to go around killing people. What major role or responsibility does she assume in comparison to Evey? And there were multiple 'girls' in Sin CIty, you stupid fuck. It's not just Blondie (The most static one of all). That's where your comparison fails. And the relationships are completely different. The Wizard of Oz has "a girl" take on a pretty major role. I suppose we should group that one with those two, right?
  10. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    Of the 4 things you mentioned: 1) Graphic Novels - Small detail. Swamp Thing and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen were both done by the same author, yet are completely different in style and tone. Director matters more than what form the source material was. 2) Darkness - Not really, no. V is serious, and a bit dark, yes, but on a completely different level and a completely different way than Sin City. Patriot Games and The Rock both have action, but the action is in a completely different way. I'd say this is superficial at best. 2) Violence - Violence alone isn't a theme. The reason behind the violence, though, is. Sin City and V have very, very different uses for violence and how it comes about. More of a difference than anything else. 4) A girl - HOLY SHIT! IT'S SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER! YOU DON'T SEE THOSE IN MOVIES ANYMORE! Conclusion: You're still an idiot, and you still don't know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "similar", let alone "clone".
  11. 1) This isn't the first time this has been shown. 2) We've already seen it, debated it, and shown how fucking stupid it is. 3) Thanks for visiting the CE Board for your first and last time. Buh-bye now.
  13. BOOM! Drop that shot!
  14. Ahahahahaha! Yes! YES!
  15. Justice

    Most emotional/dramatic you've gotten

    Which one?
  17. BEAUTIFUL 2-on-1 Fast Break.
  18. Wow, they are really 'rolling over' Mason right now.
  19. Justice

    "Snakes on a Plane" Teaser up

    Dogs on a plane. POTD
  20. My dad is from New Brunswick; Rogersville, to be exact (Yeah, little hick town out there). I believe Annie Eclectic, a former poster here, was from New Brunswick as well.
  21. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    ... I think I'll be content to call you an idiot. Let me make this very, very clear to you: Sin City and V for Vendetta aren't at all similar to each other in the "main part about what they are about" (Whatever that really means). V for Vendetta is a commentary on freedom, politics, and social structure. Sin City is an essay on brutality, gray morality, and survival. THOSE are the main parts. Your definition of 'clone' is basically having one or two elements in common, which is perhaps the most out-there version I've ever heard of. Platoon and Platoon Leader are clones. The Naked Gun and Se7en are not, despite both involving cops. Please, just stop posting.
  22. Justice

    Most emotional/dramatic you've gotten

    Happiest? 1) Winning the World Title at Countdown to Genesis. I was like "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" 2) Beating Chilly Chilly Bang Bang as Justice and Rule. I honestly thought that Ejiro and I were going to get our asses kicked and have our title taken before we could win and honest match. 3) Beating Ash to get to Genesis IV, simply because I crushed his dreams with one screwed up Shooting Star Knee Drop. Negative 1) Losing to Tom at Genesis IV. Sucked big-time, and I was just so uninspired outside of my ending. 2) Getting tossed out second in Clusterfuck 2003. Ouch. 3) My failed comeback. God damn if that hasn't dwelled on my mind. :-\
  23. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    V for Vendetta isn't noir in nearly the same way as Sin City. One is a semi-realistic, political noir. The other is a gritty, pulp noir. That's like saying "Beethoven? Bach? Eh, they both start with a B, right?" Violence? You're wrong; Vendetta's random-yet-calculated anarchy is a hell of a lot different than Sin City's violence for the sake of violence. The attitudes on violence are very much different. Dark tones? Shit, son, you can find dark tones in any movie today. Next up... What the fuck?! Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket are completely different movies! Just because "They both have guys with guns!" doesn't mean they are the same. Completely different style, motivations, story, and... well, fuck, just about everything else. Do you actually watch the movies you talk about, or simply make sweeping generalizations? "Clones" aren't similar in one aspect of plot or location. By that token, Birth of a Nation and Glory are clones of each other because they involve black people, racism, and the South. Or Raging Bull and Kingpin, because they both have sports failures in them.
  24. Justice

    V for Vendetta

    Yeah, BigOl, that was me. I'm gonna go back to it, just in honor of the movie. By the by, I haven't seen the movie yet. I have to get the money, and I have to prepare myself for some of the bigger changes that have been made. From what I've heard (especially in regards to ). Overall, I'm expecting a fairly good movie, despite the discrepancies. I also agree with Jingus wholeheartedly: I was actually at the Watchmen website, and I checked out their forum. Watching people think it was a GOOD idea change Dr. Manhattan's , I never went back. I know a few people argued against it, but God damn if that would have ruined the movie for me completely. Watchmen deserves a mini-series from HBO if it is ever to be done, because that's the only way it will be done right. fanofcoils: You're just a movie idiot. Comparing Sin City and V for Vendetta is like saying "Titanic and Saving Private Ryan are basically clones. I mean, people die and stuff in both of them. I mean, it's like tragic and stuff, so they are basically the same, right?" V is political commentary on fascist and fear-based governments. Sin City is brutal 80's noir. In tone, they are little alike besides being serious and having corrupt governmental figures (As previously stated). One is deeply philosophical and engimatic, the other is direct and sadistical. That alone seperates the tone from one another. I don't know anyone who'd mistake one for the other, or even liken the tones outside of both are fairly 'serious'.