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Everything posted by Tony149

  1. Tony149

    Booking for 8/24

    Theodore Moneymaker vignette #4
  2. Tony149

    HD: Theodore vignette #4

    [b][i][color=#009900]MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY[/color]...[color=#999900]MONEYMAKER[/color]![/i] [color=#FF0000]SMN PRODUCTIONS[/color] PRESENTS... A [color=#FFCC00]SIMON SINGLETON[/color] Film A [color=#993399]MACKENZINE DECENZO[/color] Interview [color=#009900]MONEY[/color] [color=#999900]MATTERS[/color][/b] The interview is shot inside a moving LIMOUSINE. Seated next to Theodore in a pinstrip suit and mini-skirt is the smokin' hot Mackenzie DeCenzo, her smooth legs crossed in the most feminine matter. MACKENZIE Every media outlet wanted this exclusive, but only SMN Productions can bring it to you. Here with "The Billion Dollar Heir" Thedore Moneymaker. Thedore... * PUFF * * PUFF * * PUFF * * EXHALES * THEODORE (lowers smoking pipe) Please, call me Teddy. All my friends do. All my high powered friends. Heh heh heh ha. MACKENZIE Teddy, I must thank you for granting SMN Productions your first one on one interview since announcing to the world your signing with the OAOAST a few weeks ago. THEODORE Oh, it's my pleasure, Mackenzie. I know a good investment when I it, and SMN Productions is the fastest growing company in the world. Perhaps we can get together later in the evening and discuss my buying a stake in the company. MACKENZIE I'm sure something can be arrange THEODORE Of course I'd have to go over your figures thoroughly. MACKENZIE Whew, is it just me or is it getting hot in here? THEODORE It's gonna get even hotter in a few minutes. Trust me. MACKENZIE (clears throat) Anyway, let's talk about your debut next week on HeldDOWN~! THEODORE That's right, Mackie. After talking about it for weeks I'm finally going to put my money where my mouth is when I step inside the ring and show the world I'm not just some billionaire looking for a good time, but to become the greatest superstar in OAOAST history. I have the pedigree. I definitely have all the money. And I won't be afraid to use all the resouces at my disposal to become the greatest the sport has ever seen. The limo pulls up in a driveway and parks. THEODORE Ah, we're here. Better put these on. Theodore hands Mackenzie, Simon and an unknown third man HARD HATS. The DRIVER opens the door for Theodore, who escorts Mackenzie outside. Because Teddy and Mackie are the first out the door, leaving Simon and his Siclopys behind, we're treated to a [color=#FF99FF]PANTY SHOT[/color]~! The unknown soon becomes the known, as NED BLANCHARD, in the trademark Beverly Hills Blonds silver vest, marvels over the sight of... [img=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y39/Portfree/krisfront.jpg] [b][color=#009900]MONEY MANOR[/color][/b]? THEODORE Welcome to Guacamole, Mexico! NED (marking out) Holy shit! That's a dead ringer for my ex's pad. THEODORE It's a dead ringer all right -- a dead ringer for Money Manor. MACKENZIE I don't understand. How? THEODORE Lupita, Augusto, venga aquí, por favor. SIMON (Off-Screen) Isn't that legal in Vegas? A Mexican couple, early 30s, exit the mansion and warmly greet Theodore and company. AUGUSTO Señor Theodore, bienvenida. Welcome. Mi casa es su casa. THEODORE (chuckles) Ain't that the truth. Lupita, how are you? LUPITA Muy bueno, senor. THEODORE Good. Good. Are you excited about my in-ring return next week? AUGUSTO (broken English) Oh, yes. Very much. It's been the talk of the town. Theodore Moneymaker all the way! THEODORE All the way? AUGUSTO All the way! NED (to Theodore) Jesus Christ, son, you bring us all the way... AUGUSTO & LUPITA All the way! NED (glares at couple) ...to Mexico just to ask Speedy Gonzalez and his old lady if they're excited about your return to the ring? I could be in the 90210 conquering some hottie, man. Instead we're out here burning in the hot sun. THEODORE Calm down. Or as your people say, chill. The show is about to begin. Lupita and Augusto are old friends. Contrary to popular belief, I don't crush dreams...I make them. I loaned them the money to build this place. And I've come to collect. AUGUSTO (nervous laughter) No, señor, you gave us the money under the condition the house was built to your liking. THEODORE Now you're catching on, amigo. LUPITA B-But it is our home. THEODORE So you have the money? AUGUSTO Señor, Teddy, we're friends. Let's be reasonable. THEODORE It's Theodore to you, little man. So do you or don't you have the money? Mackenzie and Ned struggle to hide their laughter, amused by what they're seeing. LUPITA Please, I beg of you. Have your way with me, just let us be. THEODORE Heavens, no! You're 33 but you look 60. I wouldn't touch you for all the money in the world. Well, maybe for all the money, but that isn't on the table. NED (to Mackie) My old man told me two things growing up: Never mess with another man's woman and never drink the water in Mexico. I've messed with another man's woman, but I kept my word on not drinking the water in Mexico. Hahaha. AUGUSTO But you gave it to us. THEODORE It's like I've always said, little man, "Money talks, bullshit walks." Now say hello to Money Manor Mexico. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Theodore's security team evict the family, dragging their kicking and screaming kids from the mansion to his delight. * STYLISH CLIP * The sun setting in the background, Theodore and the Beverly Hills Blonds lounge in the backyard, smoking CIGARS while Mackenzie swims in the pool. THEODORE I told you life is good if you're "The Billion Dollar Heir". See you next week in the ring. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [i]You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Moneytalks Moneytalks B.S. Walks Moneytalks[/i]
  3. Tony149

    Feedback for 8/17

    Pretty good show this week. In his first promo in the OAOAST, Landon Maddix earned the Line of the Night. All the good names were taken, damnit! You can feel the intensity in Zack's words. UVX's promo caught me by surprise. That was damn good. If not for the battle royal, O'Hara-Bryant would've been MOTN. Fun as hell. Popick's promo. Bruce vs. UVX is ON. Talk about short and sweet. Pete meant business. Wonder what Miami Mayhem is all about. Nice job by PK with the placement of "The Incident" and Black T promo. I don't know why I didn't think of that. At least I wrote something! UVX looked good for a while, but Bruce still kicked his ass. Insult to injury at the end. The start of the battle royal was kinda weird because the tag match had yet to be edited in at the time of feedback, though I assume PR's banged up from just having a match ealier on and not from an attack like Brannigan, who was a warrior. He may have been the first to go, but damn if he didn't put up a fight. Anyway, awesome match. The highlight had to be Mr. Warrior's arrival and elimination. Priceless. The last 6 wrestlers remaining were an interesting bunch. Only PK had legit main event experience. Everybody else is looking to move up the card. That said, the right guy won. PR has flirted with moving on up many times, maybe this is his time. Match of the Night: LUDICROUS SPEED~! Lethal Rumble Line of the Night: "We're not a 'Thread', we're 'Wrestling!" -- Landon Maddix, referring to the difference between the SWF and OAOAST.
  4. Edgar Winter's "Frankenstein" blasts over the loud speakers for the first time in months, the theme song of the tag team combination known as the Sooner Bruisers, who return to the ring following a lengthy suspension sporting the OAOAST tag team title belts they stole at the wedding of Logan Mann and Holly-Wood. Big Frank pauses to flex, French kissing the peak on his right bicep while baby brother circles around him, HOWLING~ to the sky. * DING DING DING * BUFFER The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at a total combine weight of 525 pounds...Big Frank and Uber Bruiser, the SOONER BRUUUUUUISERRRRRRRSSSSSS! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COACH It doesn't appear the 3 month lay off had any effect on the Sooner Bruisers, Mikey; they look great. COLE You can tell they never missed a work out. And it'll be anything but a work out when they face arguably the greatest tag team in OAOAST history, Black T. COACH Speaking of Black T, my sources tell me Dan Black wanted no part of this match but Tony Brannigan demanded it, going behind Dan's back and signing a contract for tonight. COLE Everybody saw what the Sooners did to Tony last week. Of course he'd want a shot at them. COACH But they're 3 days away from a World Tag Team Title match at Angleslam. If either one of them is injured going into Sunday night, they can kiss their 4th tag title reign good-bye because they won't beat the Heavenly Rockers at less then 100%. I bet that's what Dan is worried about. Too bad Brannigan is such a glory hog, such a prima donna that he can't wait until after Angleslam to fight the Sooner Bruisers. COLE You have to wonder if there will even be any tag title to hand Black T if they do won. The Sooner Bruisers stole them from the Heavenly Rockers tour bus at Lolly's wedding. CUE: "Quiet" by the Smashing Pumpkins Much to the dismay of Coach, there are no signs of tension between Dan Black and Tony Brannigan. Black T confidently marching to the ring amist a mixed reaction, burning holes through the Sooner Bruisers. Big Frank and Uber are ready to go right now, but Dan and Tony first request that referee Nick Patrick dispatch the Sooners to a neutral corner so that they can enter peacefully. TRICKERY! Black T blind Frank and Uber with their robe and trenchcoat respectively, tossing them in the faces of The Sooner Bruisers! * DING DING DING * Tony Brannigan clotheslines both Sooners as the bell sounds, knocking Uber out on the apron. He instantly pounces on Big Frank, wildly swinging at the head of "The Man of Tomorrow" while the crowd reacts to every blow. Brannigan follows Frank into the ropes and drives the knee into the midsection, flipping Frank over. The Man of Tomorrow crawls to the ropes in hopes of catching a break but Tony doesn't let up, using his own robe to CHOKE Big Frank! Nick Patrick scolds Brannigan for blatantly violating the rules, his words falling on deaf ears. Tony attempts to open up a cut similar to the one he sustained last week by hammering Big Frank above the eye. So intent on busting Bruiser open, Tony is unaware of Uber and is popped in the face by a vicious Soonerline! COLE Tag made by the Sooner Bruisers. After a rough start they are now in the driver's seat. Unfortunately for Tony Brannigan, there are no seat belts in the back. He's flung in the air courtesy of a T-bone suplex! The good news is, he lands near his corner and tags Dan! No hesitation whatsoever on the part of Dan Black... * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" ...who bursts a vessel or two in the chest of Uber. The Psycho Gremlin stands tall, snarling as he massages his left pec. Uber and Dan exchange fire, forearm smashes to the chest and knife-edge chops respectively. COACH I believe that's what you call a slobberknocker. COLE Or smash mouth wrestling. Their chests beginning to resemble an item you'd find in the meat section in your local supermarket, Dan and Uber are like, screw this and lock up. But Dan's leg suddenly buckles. He shoves Uber away and hobbles to his corner holding his hamstring. Nick Patrick buys Black T sometime by ordering Uber to a neutral corner. COACH I'm not the type of guy to say I told you so...but I told you so! COLE It appears Dan Black may have tweaked that already sore hamstring. COACH Tell it like it is, Mikey. He got hurt in a meaningless match, a match he didn't want to wrestle in the first place. What a friend Tony Brannigan is. Kiss the tag belts good-bye, fellas. There's always next year. Uber slingshots an unsuspecting and concerned Tony Brannigan inside the squared circle. Tony fights back from his knees, punching Uber in the gut to no effect. Brannigan rakes the eyes to bring the Psycho Gremlin's offensive assault to a halt, then rakes the face across the laces of his boot. With his opponent doubled over, Tony rams the knee upside the head and goes for the RUDE AWAKENING...but Uber fires him off to the ropes. Brannigan puts on the brakes when Uber sets for a backdrop, tucking the Psycho Gremlin's head between his thighs. COLE Attitude Adjustment piledriver! He's going for it. "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COACH Too early in the match. Ha. Indeed it was. Uber tossing Tony over his shoulders and crashing to the mat. Uber hits the ropes to pick up speed as Tony rises to his feet. Brannigan telegraphs it and leaps up...only to get caught in midair and POWERSLAMMED! ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Black shouts words of encouragement from Black T's corner. It does little to cushion the blow Tony's face receives when its smashed into the top turnbuckle! Exchange made by The Sooner Bruisers. Big Frank steps back in, his eye swollen from Tony's punches earlier in the match, and thrusts the shoulder into the midsection of Tony Brannigan. * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Big Frank slaps Tony around, calling him all sorts of bad names. Brannigan doesn't get mad...he gets ANGRY~! He hurls the Man of Tomorrow into the corner and wails away! Uber comes to his brother's defense and is decked by a big right hand! Bad news lies ahead for Tony as he turns around and faces Big Frank... ...OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX INTO THE TURNBUCKLES!! COACH DAYUM~! COLE :o The Man of Tomorrow drags Tony out to the center of the ring, flexes his bicep and drops the big elbow. Rather than make the cover Big Frank chooses to do 10 push-ups -- 5 regular and 5 one-handed. BIG FRANK One freakozoid, two freakozoids, three freakozoids, four... COACH Heh. You think Big Frank does that when he's about to, you know, blast off into nirvana? COLE Any lady who finds that man desirable is no lady. The slightest of movements from Tony Brannigan draws the ire of Big Frank, who drills the forearm viciously into Tony's face. Brannigan tries to crawl away, Big Frank slapping and kicking him upside the head. Frank traps Tony in the corner and works him over with a barrage of clubbing blows to the back and kneelifts. He brings him out of the corner and off to the ropes, leveling Brannigan with a patented Soonerline. Again Frank decides to pose rather than go for the cover, this time it comes back to haunt him. Tony avoids an incoming elbow, rolling aside and scooping the Man of Tomorrow up for a slam that sends shockwaves throughout the arena. Brannigan stays on the offensive, following up by dropping a series of power forearms. Frank blocks Tony's attemped suplex and lifts him up for the 69 DRIVER, but Tony floats over and shoves Big Frank into the ropes, catching him on the rebound with... ...THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE SPINBUSTER!!! Dan pumps his fist as Tony covers. ONE... TWO... THREE! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" NO!! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE Saved made by Uber. Oh, I thought it was over. COACH Listen to this crowd, Cole. They've gotten completely behind Black T. I can't believe it. COLE Neither can I, but they are. It's a sign of respect. That's what separates a team like Black T and The Sooner Bruisers. Black T have the respect of the fans. Big Frank hits a LOW BLOW while Nick Patrick escorts Uber back to the corner. Following a tag Uber positions Tony on the top rope. BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPERPLEX! ONE... TWO... THR-- A body comes flying into view and onto Uber. DAN BLACK WITH THE SAVE! Black limps back to his corner, hammered from behind by a shot to the neck from Uber. The Sooner Bruisers finally have enough of the heroics and begin pummeling the shit out of Tony Brannigan right in front of the referee, basically daring Nick Patrick to disqualify them. They bring Tony up to his feet and hit opposite sides of the ring to Soonerline Brannigan from the front and back...but Tony feels it and bails to his corner, making the HOT TAG as the brothers from Oklahoma SOONERLINE EACH OTHER! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" COLE The Sooner Bruisers ran into a dead end there. Here comes "The Ice Heart" and what an ovation he receives. With one tag Dan Black has put to rest all the questions raised about him. He is loyal to the OAOAST and Tony Brannigan. Hampered by the sore hamstring there isn't much Dan can do, so he makes sure to make the most of it, striking hard and fast. Double forearm thrusts levels Uber. Big Frank is mailed to the ropes only to be marked return to sender, that being Dan Black who delivers a stiff lariat to the jaw! Black snaps Uber over in a suplex and covers. ONE... TWO... THR-- NO! Big Frank's save backfires when Dan rolls off Uber, causing him to drop an elbow on his own brother! Tony Brannigan clotheslines Frank into the ropes, sending the two tumbling over the top and to the floor. Black makes a rare miscue, whipping Uber into the corner when he can't charge in. Uber knows that and shoots out of the corner, decking Dan with a Soonerline. Tony and Big Frank brawl outside, nearly spilling the action into the crowd. Inside the ring, Uber signals for the Oklahoma Stampede. Dan has different plans, however, slipping over the top when Uber scoopes him up and takes him down in THE HEART OF ICE CROSSFACE!! COLE He's got it locked on! COACH A normal man would have submitted by now, but look at the size of Uber's arm and neck. Dan's gonna have to break his arm to make him quit. That or interference from big brother. Frank catching Tony again with a low blow, then RAMS him into the RINGPOST, opening up Brannigan's wound from last week. Big Frank reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a NIGHTSTICK. COLE Where'd he get that? Somebody must've planted that earlier in the day. Or confirmation the Sooner Bruisers were the riot cops who attacked weeks ago! Uber's eyes look like they're gonna pop right out of their sockets. Luckily for him, his brother steps in and jabs the nightstick into the right temple of Dan Black, causing an immediate disqualification. Frank swats Nick Patrick away like a fly, then continues on the beatdown of Dan Black along with little brother Uber. * DING DING DING * COLE Damnit! Black T had the match won. Dan Black had Uber in the Heart of Ice. He was gonna make him tap, I tell you. COACH We don't know that. COLE Of course we don't because Frank nailed Dan with a damn nightstick! Frank and Uber are about to hit their electric chair/top rope bulldog double-team combo when... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: ...the decimals go through the roof as THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS storm the ring, causing the Sooners to head for the exits. OAOAST officals and agents surround ringside, ordering Frank and Uber backstage but they want the belts first. The Sooners become violent when officials refuse to hand them the belts because they belong to The Heavenly Rockers. BIG FRANK Who do I gotta bitchslap around here to get those belts? Synth and Logan have enough when Frank and Uber make a play for the belts, wiping them out with a pair of SUICIDE DIVES! Officials scramble to separate both sides. The situation escalates when a [b][color=#FF0000]bloody[/color][/b] Tony Brannigan sucker punches Synth, triggering another round of explosions. COLE All hell is breaking loose. Officials finally restore order. The Sooner Bruisers are escorted up the entranceway while other officials keep Black T stationed at ringside. Only the Heavenly Rockers remain in the ring. Logan asks for a mic, forcing Michael Buffer to maneuver around the sea of mass to hand it to him. LOGAN Sooner Bruisers, now that we've grabbed your attention after the Synthmeister and I put you in a different dimension I want you to listen up real carefully because I'm gonna spit things beyond your comprehension and put your brain on suspension so you can feel the tension! You better listen up too, Black T, because there won't be any discussions on these repercussions. What I'm about to hit you with you can't cure with Robitussin. I wanna make a proposal for Angleslam. Instead of the scheduled tag team title match between The Heavenly Rockers and Black T, I say let's make it a threesome! COACH Whaaaat? LOGAN Oh, yeah. Yeah! LOGAN (CONT'D) Triple Threat match: Black T vs. The Sooner Bruisers vs. The Heavenly Rockers for the One & Only Anglesault Thread World Tag Team Championship. Kill four bastards with two bad asses, The Heavenly Rockers! We're gonna beat you bad and leave you four with mass concussions sayeth Logan Mann! Angleslam 2006. Be there! SYNTH Now y'all muthafuckers deal wit dat! To say Black T are upset over the Heavenly Rockers announcement is an understatement. They're irate. Dan Black and Tony Brannigan going ballistic out on the floor, aruging with OAOAST agent and part-time reporter Terry Tayler, claiming the champs don't have the power to renegotiate a match contract. The Sooner Bruisers, meanwhile, are perfectly fine with the announcement, grinning wrly at their Angleslam opponents. COLE Oh, my. Oh, my! It's now gonna be a Triple Threat match for the World Tag Team Title at Angleslam, Coach. Black T vs. The Sooner Bruisers vs. The Heavenly Rockers! Wow! COACH Big deal. Well it is a big deal, but it's nothing more than an act. A desperate attempt by Logan Mann to regain his manhood after being emasculated in front of his wife, at their own wedding noless. Prior to becoming the manager of the Heavenly Rockers, Holly-Wood was their publicst. Let's not forget that. She knows how to game the PR game, and I don't mean "The Corporate Champ" himself. COLE Whatever the case may be, we're gonna have ourselves a Triple Threat match for the OAOAST World Tag Team Championship at the hottest event of the summer...Angleslam!
  5. Tony149

    Booking for 8/24

    The Sooner Bruisers vs. Black T
  6. Tony149

    HD: Black T promo

    Make sure this goes on sometime after the Lolly wedding incident segment. Once again atop the interview stage, Hall of Famer "Mean" Gene Okerlund. GENE Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the challengers in the upcoming World Tag Team Title bout at Angleslam...Dan Black and Tony Brannigan, the Trans-Atlantic Wrecking Crew...BLACK TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! CUE: "Quiet" by the Smashing Pumpkins The best dressed superstars in the OAOAST emerge from the back, decked out in Armani suits and shades in the case of Dan Black. Rather than climb up the same steps as Tony Brannigan Dan walks to the other end of the interview stage and up the side used by Okerlund, giving those who wish to stir shit up ammunition. GENE Gentlemen, a number of issues to touch on. TONY Listen, old man, I have a pretty good idea what topic you want to start with, so let's get it out of the way right off the bat. The rumors you hear about Mr. Black are just that -- rumors. GENE Referring to the comments made last week by Logan Mann? TONY Exactly. Nothing more than a feeble attempt by the Heavenly Rockers to cause friction between the greatest tag team in OAOAST history, the team that will beat them in 10 days for our 4th tag team title reign at Angleslam. Judging from the video shown earlier in the night, the Heavenly Rockers won't be as mentally prepared as us. GENE I'd venture to say that's a safe bet. While on the subject, your reaction to that gut-wrenching piece of footage? DAN & TONY ... GENE We are live, gentlemen. DAN Our silence indicates we possibly couldn't care any less than we already do. Let's discuss tonight's battle royal, shall we? Mr. Brannigan and myself have both entered for a chance to compete for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title, the one championship that has alluded me throughout my career. What's particularly interesting about the battle royal is, it's every man for himself. In all likelihood, considering our God given ability, it will come down to myself and Mr. Brannigan. Therefore, I'd like to publically state for the record...may the best man win. Mr. Brannigan. TONY Mr. Black. Black T shake hands. GENE Planting the seeds for the double-cross, eh, Dan? DAN (astounded) I beg your pardon? GENE I've seen it all in my 30-plus years in the sport. Deep down you must be jealous Tony Brannigan has worn the World Heavyweight Title. You've been nothing more than his sidekick the past year, hence your inactively in the ring. DAN Because I've been nursing a sore hamstring for weeks, you stupid twit. And unlike your American football players, no hamstring injury keeps me from my sparring sessions, or practice for you simpletons at home and in the arena. GENE Fair enough. Let me raise another concern leveled by Logan Mann, that being... TONY Concern? More like allegation. GENE (CONT'D) ...you're on the payroll of President Axel. DAN If I wasn't the gentleman that I am I would slap the liver spots off your head. GENE Hey, given all your pent up frustrations, I wouldn't blame you for joining the likes of Axel, Drek Stone and Hoff. DAN Who are you, Gene Okerlund or Barbara Walters? Why must you keep pressing the issue? Didn't you hear what Mr. Brannigan said? They are rumors. Just rumors, Mr. Okerlund. Rubbish. Absolute rubbish! GENE So you're saying you aren't on the take? DAN (gasps) I won't even dignify that with a response. Black storms off the stage in a fit of rage, aruging with fans on the way backstage. TONY Oh-ho. I think you pissed him off, Gene, and you've awaken the fire inside Dan Black, Logan. You thought you had it bad at your wedding...heh...at least you got to keep your old lady, pal. Because when we get done with you at Angleslam we're takin' the belts home with us. Right after we get a court order demanding the Sooner Bruisers return the titles to their new owners, of course. GENE Your partner briefly touched on the battle royal later tonight, which you happen to be apart of. Your thoughts heading into that match? TONY Everybody who's anybody in this sport wanted in, but only a select few will have the opportunity. An opportunity I've been looking forward to for over a year. I never got my rematch for the World Heayweight Title, and considering who's in charge of the show now tonight may be my last good shot. Friend or foe, it doesn't matter. Tonight I'm leaving with a shot at the title in my han--OOF! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" The SOONER BRUISERS strike again, blasting Tony Brannigan from behind with the World tag team title belts they stole at Lolly's wedding! Frankie picks Tony up for big brother. BELTSHOT to the face courtesy of the Man of Tomorrow knocks Brannigan off the stage to the arena floor. "DAN!" "DAN!" "DAN!" Calls for Dan Black go unheard. Tony is [b][color=#FF0000]BUSTED OPEN[/color][/b] after being sent face-first into the guardrail, a pool of blood quickly forming around his head. "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The Sooners back up when Dan Black returns weilding a STEEL CHAIR. His arrivial is soon followed by OAOAST officials, who stand between Black and the Sooners to keep the situation from escalating. Gene walks over to the Sooners, mic in hand like a good reporter. GENE Frank and Frankie Frankensteiner, what is the meaning of this? FRANK Who you callin' Frankensteiners, "Mean" Gene? Those names belong in the grave with the men we're name after. GENE (shocked) How dare you say that about your father and grandfather! FRANK I so dare. You ain't mean. Hell, you ain't even lean. At your age and with all that sagging skin, they oughta call you Norma Gene. What you're looking at now, live and in living color, is an upgraded Sooner Bruisers team. "The Man of Tomorrow," Big Frank Bruiser, and his brother "The Pyscho Gremlin" Uber. GENE Uber Bruiser? BIG FRANK Yeah. Wanna make somethin' out of it? Because my brother will make something out of you -- mince meat! GENE Your actions here tonight and at Lolly's wedding is deplorable. How could you do such a thing? What have they done to you? BIG FRANK It's deja vu all over again. Years ago, a corba was given as a wedding gift to another first couple in professional wrestling. In 2006, another snake finds itself involved at the wedding of a famous wrestling couple -- the 25" anacondas of the Man of Tomorrow. UBER We're better than both of the teams me and my brother laid out. They're a disgrace to the sport of professional wrestling. They think they gotta wear fancy robes or have a laser light show to be successful. Why? Because the fat asses in the boardroom think that sells. Now that we got a real man in charge, President Axel, we're gonna see things down the right way. Fancy intros will be replaced by ass-kickin' men! Uber, the Pyscho Gremlin, HOWLS~! Meanwhile, Tony Brannigan is carried off backstage by Dan Black and EMTs. BIG FRANK You see, the balance of power in the tag team division has shifted. No longer will punk-ass bitches like the Heavenly Rockers or Black T rule. I saw Logan Mann bitching on TV a couple weeks ago, saying the guys playing dress up were the Sooner Bruisers. Bitch, please. There wouldn't be nothin' left of you if that were the case. We'd have beaten you so bad you the coroner couldn't idenifiy you. The Sooner Bruisers exit. GENE A wild night it's been in Norfolk. The Sooner Bruisers are back, apparently their suspension lifted by new OAOAST President Adam "Axel" Webster, having done quite the number on Tony Brannigan. I don't know if he'll be able to go in the battle royal. It'll be nothing short of a miracle if he does. Wow. I don't know what to say. Let's go to commerical or the ring. I have no clue what's going on out here.
  7. Tony149

    After AngleSlam.

    Just a reminder: Syndicated is a one hour show that's shown across the country and around the world. It wasn't until recently that I learned most War Games were around 20-25 minutes long. I always thought 30-45 minutes, but the action is so fast that time flies by. On a completely unrelated note, I'm concerned about the Brian Pillman DVD due out in the fall. Why? If any of his Hollywood Blonds work is on there like it should, that's probably means no Jesse Ventura, and as KC found out that drives me mad.
  8. Tony149

    After AngleSlam.

    I guess that answers my PM to Zack -- November Reign. Oddly enough, I had thought about doing another edition of Syndicated in late September (probably before WWE), but holding it off until October is better. War Games could take up the whole show if you wanted, or maybe along with 2 squashes or something.
  9. COLE A little over a week away from the hottest event of the summer returning to pay-per-view, Angleslam. COACH (giddy) Tell 'em, Mikey. Tell 'em. COLE Calm down, Coach. I'm getting to it. Just confirmed during our last segment, in addition to the World Heavyweight Title being on the line so will the World Tag Team Title, as Black T look to become the first 4-time tag team champions in OAOAST history as they challenge the Heavenly Rockers! I'm sure that's raising a few eyebrows around the wrestling world. COACH How so? COLE Questions have been raised about Dan Black's loyalty to the OAOAST. Need I remind you about the comments made by Logan Mann last week? His comments have opened up a lot of eyes. We'll be hearing from Black T later on in the program. COACH (chuckles) This is gonna be easier than Axel thought. The OAOAST loses the biggest match in company history and the guys are starting to turn on each other. Beautiful. COLE Speaking of turn, there's a long-running soap opera by the name of "As the World Turns." And many would say that's the best way to describe the relationship of Logan Mann and Holly-Wood -- a soap opera. By now you have heard or read about the incident... COACH ...dubbed "The Incident". COLE (CONT'D) ...that took place at the wedding of Lolly. Here with more on the situation, the man who broke the story..."Mean" Gene Okerlund. The camera pans from Sofa Central to the INTERVIEW STAGE~! There, Gene in his Sunday best. GENE Thank you very much, Michael. Big night of action scheduled for Angleslam, and a big night it was supposed to be on August 5th for Logan Mann and Holly-Wood. Their dream wedding turned into a night of hell thanks to the Sooner Bruisers. As I reported last week, footage of the incident was captured on home video by the camera crew on hand to film the event for an upcoming television special on celebrity weddings. Due to the magnitude of the situation, OAOAST officials and producers came to terms over the weekend to allow a portion of "The Incident" to be shown tonight. At the conclusion of the video I will speak live via phone to one-half of the World tag team champions, Heavenly Rockers band member Synth for an update. Right now, let's view the footage. "VIVA, LAS VEGAS! VIVA, LAS VEGAS!" An ELVIS IMPERSONATOR presides over the ceremony held inside a cramp Las Vegas chapel in front of close family and friends. (Hey, it's their wedding. Not all of them are fairy tales, you know.) Synth serving as best man. Logan's leather tuxedo about to become the rage after the airing of this segment. Synth rocks out to the heavy metal version of "Here Comes The Bride" that accompanies Holly down the aisle, headbanging and playing air guitar. We already know this is an untraditional wedding, so it's no surprise Holly's dressed in a white tank top and blue jeans! The only traditional part of her attire is the vail. Logan can't contain himself any longer, tears trickling down his face at the sight of his lovely bride. Stylish clip to the Elvis impersonator gyrating as he performs his duty. Lolly emotional as they exchange vows -- which we never hear (wait for the TV special on Lifetime or whatever network it'll air) -- and rings, including OAOAST tag title belts! ELVIS IMPERSONATOR By the power vested in me by the State of Las Vegas by way of becomeaministeronline.com, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride and leave her all shook up. Unh! Logan lifts Holly's vail and gives her the wildest, wettiest kiss to a standing ovation. Showered with rice are the newly married couple as they exit to the Heavenly Rockers theme music, hopping inside the Saints & Sinners tour bus to be driven off to the wedding reception. "JUST MARRIED...AND CONSUMMATING THE MARRIAGE RIGHT NOW IN THE BACK!" [b]Later that evening...[/b] Lolly celebrate their wedding...in a NIGHTCLUB?! Omen, perhaps? DJ Ladies and gents, make some noise for Mr. and Mrs. Logan Usher Mann! "Heart-Shaped Box" cues up for the second time. The newlyweds enter the room to another rousing ovation, thanking people on their way to the DJ booth. * STYLISH CLIP * LOGAN On behalf of the Mann family... HOLLY Which [i]I[/i] wear the pants in. Overwhelming support from the ladies on that one. LOGAN You may wear the pants in the family, but I bring home the bacon, if you catch my dick-- I mean drift. Likewise for the men, hooting and hollering over that line. Lolly snuggle together and kiss. LOGAN We wanna thank you for coming out to share this special night with us, truly the greatest in our lives. Gotta send some love to my boy, Synth. That crazy mother has been there through thick and thin, even if he was stoned for most of it. But most importantly, I gotta thank my beautiful bride...Holly. We've been through a lot together -- and I stress [i]together[/i]. Without you I don't know if the Heavenly Rockers would've made it as far as we did, all the way to the top. I thank you and love you, my earth angel. :wub: :wub: LOGAN Now let's trash the place! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Synth heads straight for the booze! Lolly and their guests, however, prefer the dance floor. Fast-forward to the good stuff. "The Incident" that spawned from... A WATERMELON EATING CONTEST!! Kids (the guests had to bring the youngin's) vs. Adults. 5 on 5. Logan, Holly and a liqored up Synth 3 of the 5 on the adult side. Synth barely able to stand as his and all the other contestants hands are tied behind their backs. 3... 2... 1... * CRRRRRRACK! * Having infiltrated the reception, the SOONER BRUISERS strike. "The Man of Tomorrow" Frank Frankensteiner shatters a WOODEN CHAIR across the back of Logan Mann, while "The Pyscho Gremlin" takes care of Synth on the other side. Frank stuffs Logan's face insultingly into the watermelon, putting the badmouth on him. The attack occured so fast it left those in the room too stunned to do a thing, leaving the Heavenly Rockers at the mercy of the Sooner Bruisers since their hands are tied behind their backs. One brave soul steps forward, the wife of Logan Mann -- Holly-Wood. Holly jumps on the massive back of the Man of Tomorrow, only to be thrown off like a cowboy on a bucking bronco. FRANK Here's your man now. (kisses Holly; shoves her down) Congratulations, bitch! By the way, Heavenly Rockers, didn't anybody tell you never to leave your keys in the car? Somebody just might break in and steal something...like your World tag team titles. The Sooner Bruisers remove their shirts to show the tag belts wrapped around their waists. Flustered, Holly stands by her Mann, cradling his neck. * TAPE ENDS * GENE Mm. Sickening. As promised, we have Synth on the line. Synth, are you there? SYNTH What's hippy-hoppin' Norfolk? "YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" SYNTH The Synthmeister speakin'. Ready to bring the funk via the magic of telephone, Genie. GENE The fans in the arena and at home have just seen what you experienced live as it unfolded. Share with us if you would your thoughts about the incident at Lolly's wedding. SYNTH Well, Genie, you summed it up best when you said their dream wedding turned into a night of hell. It was a night they had been lookin' forward to. You know, Ah just got off the phone with my main Mann and he's one pissed off brother. The Sooner Bruisers might've put a damper on their perfect night, but not their spirit. Currently, Logan and the missus are performing a spring symphony on their honeymoon, if ya know what Ah mean. They'll be back in time for our title defense at the 'Slam against Black T. The Synthmeister feels sorry for them fellas, because the Heavenly Rockers are gonna take their frustrations out of them. After we be done doing what we's gonna be doin' at Angleslam, the farmer's sons are next. And with that, Ah am O-U-T. You cheap bastards are footing me with the bill over here. Cold, man. Cold. * CLICK * GENE Comments straight from one-half of the World tag team champions. Synth, we thank you very much. He says the Heavenly Rockers will be ready for Angleslam, then they'll turn their attention to the Sooner Bruisers. I can't wait for that one. More HeldDOWN~! still to come live on TSM. Don't you dare go away.
  10. Tony149

    HD: Teddy vignette #3

    [i]MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY...[b][color=#009900]MONEYMAKER[/color][/b]![/i] The segment opens with a close-up of a sign hung on a wire fence: "POOL PARTY AHEAD. FOR THE RICH AND FAMOUS ONLY!" On a scorching hot summer day, the coolest place to be is at billionaire Theodore Moneymaker's pool party. Some of the biggest names in business and entertainment on hand to enjoy the festivities. Paris. Nicole. The Donald. Gates. Hef. But the biggest name of them all... ...[b][color=#996633]THEODORE MONEYMAKER[/color][/b]. Surrounded by bikini-clad beauties, Theodore floats on a custom made raft designed in the shape of a $ sign while wearing his trademark white silk smoking jacket and pants, reading the Wall Street Journal through rose-colored sunglasses! With the snap of his fingers, a WAITER brings Theodore his SMOKING PIPE and a COCKTAIL. * SIP * THEODORE Ah. Refreshing. Thank you, little man. Got a light? Theodore sets his drink on one of the raft's many cupholders. 6 in total. 3 on each side. Ever the tipper, Theodore reaches into the inner breast pocket of his jacket and breaks out da money, placing a $100 bill on the waiter's tray! WAITER :) The waiter flicks on the LIGHTER. Just as he's about to pick up his tip, Theodore snags the $100 bill and...LIGHTS IT UP FOR HIS PIPE! WAITER :o * PUFF * * PUFF * * PUFF * * WHEW * THEODORE (to waiter) What, you didn't think that was for you? Your one day's work here has already made you more money than you'll earn in a year serving the rest of the little people at Denny's. In fact, just by looking at ya, I'd say your paycheck today could end up being your retirement fund. You'll never see a payday like this again. (manically laugh) Now scram. I'm neglecting my guests. WAITER :( THEODORE (to camera) Heh Heh Heh Heh. Nothing like a beautiful day at the pool to beat the heat. Welcome to my party. Theodore Moneymaker back again to share more of his infinite wisdom. Didn't I tell you life is wonderful if you're the "Billion Dollar Heir"? Look at it. Fine food, fine wine, fine women. Who else could get the Donald in swim trunks, or bring Hef out of the mansion? Only the Billion Dollar Heir, baby. That's the power of money. And in due time every so-called OAOAST superstar will learn what everybody in business already knows -- Theodore Moneymaker always closes the deal. Whether it's in the boardroom or the bedroom. Hahahahahaha! MAN (Off-screen) Hey, moneybags. THEODORE :huh: MAN (CONT'D) CANNONBALL! * SPLASH * Theodore's raft overturns. Cries for help and laughter in the distance can be heard. A head pops out of the water. The WAITER who was humiliated. WAITER (laughing; gesturing) You can't see me! THEODORE Neither can you. Theodore clubs the waiter from behind and shoves his head underwater to teach him a lesson. Theodore pulls the gagging waiter up and deposits him in the BANK VAULT (cobra clutch sleeper)! Out like a light, Theodore tosses the man onto the the raft and climbs onto the diving board, soaking wet, turning his back to the pool before delivering a perfectly executed BACK ELBOW DROP! * SPLASH * Theodore drags the waiter to the front gate and throws him out in front of hundreds of people. It turns out Theodore somehow managed to commandeer a public pool for a day, leaving women and children to blister under the hot sun. THEODORE You can forgot about your paycheck being your retirement fund. In the words of a personal friend of mind...You're fired! Go join the rest of the little people at the unemployment line tomorrow morning. (to camera) I'm sorry for that. You're my invited guests. But I had to take care of business. And I do believe I took care of business. Just like I will when I step inside the ring. Because money talks, bullshit walks. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [i]You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Moneytalks Moneytalks B.S. Walks Moneytalks[/i]
  11. Tony149

    Booking for 8/17

    More from Theodore and Black T promo
  12. Tony149

    Feedback for 8/10

    After all the calls and letters I received over my feedback last week, I was determined not to let my fans down again. Here is the feedback you've come to expect from me. I built up my own feedback. One of our best shows EVER, IMO. Leon's cold opening set the tone for Zack's promo, which will go down as one of his best, if not the best and one of the best in OAOAST history. Real cool moment seeing guys Malibu feuded with put their differences aside and join him in the ring. It wasn't about money or gold -- it was about family. That's something everybody can relate to, friend or foe alike. Anglesault's shocking appearance was a feel-good moment. Besides, given the way Zack was about to leave it would have taken something big to explain why and how he returned. The cage match between Blank and Gibraltar was a work of beauty. The chain-wrapped clothesline to start the match worked on so many levels. Gibraltar had been pushed as a monster, so it wouldn't have made sense to see him squashed, etc. Not only was the match entertaining, it also advanced the feud between Gibraltar and Colombian Heat. The Hot Newz~! break-in will go down as one of my all-time favorite moments, along with the 10-man I co-wrote with Patty and the 8-man tag I wrote a while back. KC went all Patty on me and repackaged the movesets on most of the second-tier tag teams, so the HI-YAH tag title match came off better than it would have a month or two ago. Priceless commentary from the GPX throughout, even if they did steal the run-in line from E&C. The GPX may have gone babyface for Zack, but they didn't show D*LUX any love after the match. Axel's first appearance in like 3 weeks! Let Pete and PK fight. Heh. Pete and Pete. When it's late I ramble. Ghost Machine's intro was gold, but he's a MAN and not a machine! The OAOAST now has a Little SWF within. Rick Moranis?! The Rick Moranis? Somehow HD keeps finding ways to get better and better! There's something you don't see often. A respectful challenge. No authority figure either. The Alf/TK-Stone/Hoff match made me miss Hoff and NYU. "Etched in Stone" is blowing up in my face. And I've already made 15,000 t-shirts. Hey, more angle development. Cool. The sequel was better than the original. Torneo Cibernetica II ruled. Disappointed to see a writer the caliber of PFL go, but he went out on a high-note. Match of the Night: Torneo Cibernetica II Line of the Night: "Hey Johnny, you wanna pull a run-in?" -- Scotty Static
  13. Tony149

    HD: HR promo

    [color=#FF0000][b]OAOAST BACKTRACKER[/b][/color] [quote]Brannigan is slammed mid-ring. Mann ascending to the top, raising both arms in the air before diving off, dropping both knees down onto the chest of Tony Brannigan! ONE... TWO... THREE-- NO! * DING DING DING * "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Inexplicably, the riot cops pounce on Logan. While one jabs the baton into the ribs of Mann, the other kicks him in the gut. John Eastwood, the young official just called up from the OAOVW, is no match for the protectively padded enforcers who physically manhandle the youngster, suplexing him overhead to the floor! COLE Damn you! There's no reason for this. It's uncalled for, damnit! Tony Brannigan picks his fights all right. And what a fight he picks, attacking both riot cops, kicking off one of their helmets to reveal a black ski mask underneath. A struggle ensues as Tony tries to unmask the cop. His attention solely on removing the mask Tony doesn't see the other cop come up from behind and drill the point of the baton into the ribs! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The cavalry arrives. SYNTH and DAN BLACK making their presence felt. The Synthmeister is served a double clothesline straight from hell as he springboards off the top, causing Dan to have second thoughts about entering. No second thoughts about it. Dan stays put on the floor. He only reaches into the ring to pull his partner, Tony Brannigan, to saftey in the corner. COLE (pleading) Dan, please. Put your differences aside and help the Heavenly Rockers. Please! Black watching with the rest of the viewing audience as the riot cops give a whole new meaning to the term "excessive force," suplexing the Heavenly Rockers all over the place. Every suplex imaginable used. And just like that the two men exit. The masked man retrives his helmet, shooting Dan Black a look afterwards. COLE That's gotta be--That's gotta be a message straight from Axel. A taste of what's to come if Black T and the others don't confirm. COACH Defiance won't be tolerated, that's for sure. Dan enters the ring and starts putting the boots to Synth and Logan! Black legdrops the right arm of Synth's, before applying the "HEART OF ICE" CROSSFACE! COLE Damnit, Dan! The company needs to band together not destroy each other. No wonder why they call you the "Ice Heart." You a souless son of a bitch! And here comes security. About damn time. Too damn bad they couldn't put the donuts down soon enough and help when those two riot cops went against everything law enforcement stands for and went Rodney King on the Heavenly Rockers' asses. Black drapes the tag titles over the waists over Synth and Logan, then helps Tony backstage as we go to break.[/quote] [color=#FF0000]"THIS HAS BEEN OAOAST BACKTRACKER"[/color] Michael Cole provides the voice-over as we pan around the arena. Completely sold out, as usual. COLE Along with conspiracy theories, there are plenty of unanswered questions stemming from last week's altercation between the Heavenly Rockers, Black T, and riot cops. Our Hot Newz staff have been working 'round the clock on this story, and all they've uncovered is that the men under the riot gear were not from the local police force. It should be noted, repeated attempts to reach Black T for comment have gone unsuccessful. Likewise for the Heavenly Rockers, who, as has been reported on OAOAST.com and countless other media outlets, were in Las Vegas this past weekend for the wedding of Logan Mann and Holly-Wood. On behalf of everyone in the OAOAST, we send out our congratulations to the newlyweds. But before the Heavenly Rockers bolted for Vegas, my broadcast colleague Josh Matthews caught up with them in the locker room after Logan's match with Tony Brannigan last week. Let's view that right now. [b]RECORDED LAST WEEK...[/b] Pacing like a madman and cussing worse than a sailor, Logan is throwing anything that isn't nailed down -- chairs, luggage, etc. Ace reporter Josh Matthews cautiously enters the room, doing his best to avoid being plunked by a flying object. Logan spots Josh and balls up his fist, the expression on his face suggesting he's ready to knock Matthews into next week. LOGAN Whaddya want?! JOSH (timid) Lo-Logan, I'd like your thoughts on what happened in-in your match with Tony Brannigan? LOGAN You do, huh? You want a comment? Why don't you take a look at the footage! A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Right?! JOSH (stammering) I-I-I-I guess so. Yes. LOGAN The biggest night in my personal life is coming up and my professional life is in shambles. My partner is being examined by medical personnel, while the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with is at home crying her beautiful eyes out because not only did she see me get beat up again, but she's gonna have a giant bruise on her face thanks to a certain a-hole who's getting a World Title shot at Angleslam. Bruise? Did I say bruise? If I did, that's because it ties into what I'm about to say next. And that is...I know who those riot cops were. JOSH You do? Who, Logan? Who is it? Tell us. I think I speak for everyone when I say, we want to know. LOGAN THE SOONER BRUISERS! JOSH But they've been suspended since their conduct at Living Angleously. Are you sure it's them? LOGAN Proof positive. Or I'll go on national television and apologize to their face. There ain't nobody else in the world who dish out suplexes like they do. They've kept a low profile, waiting for the right time to strike. So I'm calling for the Sooner Bruisers to be reinstated. You hear that Axel, "Mr. President"? I want YOU to REINSTATE their asses! It's time to end this once and for all. Anytime, anyplace. Reinstate the Sooner Bruisers sayeth Logan Mann! JOSH Thank-- LOGAN (pulling the mic up to his face) I'm not done yet! I got something to say to Dan Black. I wanna know where you're coming from, bro. We weren't the only ones getting beat down, so was Tony Brannigan. Didn't you see that? Because I'm starting to wonder whose side are you on, brother. That's right! I'm saying you're a double agent, something right out of a Bond film, Black! You go weeks without talking or wrestling, leaving Brannigan to carry all the workload. Until you prove otherwise...you're one of them in my eyes! * ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT * [b][color=#FF0000]HOT! HOT! HOT[/color]... [color=#CC0000]HOT NEWZ[/color]~![/b] [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9f/171.jpg/180px-171.jpg] "MEAN" GENE OKERLUND We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you breaking Hot Newz~! The OAOAST has just confirmed that an incident occured this past weekend at the wedding of Logan Mann and Holly-Wood involving the Sooner Bruisers! As we just heard, Logan Mann suspected the men dressed last week as riot cops last week were indeed the Sooner Bruisers. Details are still sketchy, but it seems his assumption was correct. OAOAST officials are currently in the process of obtaining home video shot at the wedding, which we hope to have for you next week. From the OAOAST Hot Newz~! room, I'm Gene Okerlund.
  14. Completely different from what I originally wrote. Next week's vignette should be better. I hope. LOL! The night sky illuminated by the moon, a LIMO pulls up in front of a trendy nightspot. Mouths drop as none other than newest OAOAST superstar THEODORE MONEYMAKER exits the limo with a bevy of BEAUTIES in toll. Two sets of twins to be exact. Blonde and brunette. They walk up to the front door, laughing in the faces of those who have to wait in line to get in. BOUNCER Yo, Teddy! Baring an striking resemblance to former pro wrestler and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ron Simmons, the bouncer warmly greets Theodore and company. Suddenly, a hand waving a $5 bill appears between the bouncer and Theodore. The bouncer swats it away. BOUNCER Take yo' Monopoly money elsewhere, fool. Serious inquiries only. THEODORE Still trying to short-change you, huh, Christopher? You know what the funny thing is? 5 bucks is worth a helluva lot to that guy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: CHRISTOPHER THE BOUNCER Chump change to a man like yourself. Go on in and enjoy yourselves, ladies and gentleman. Your room is ready. THEODORE Excellent. (pulls out a wad of $100 bills) One, two, three, four, five. Here you go, Chris. I could use a good man like you to watch my back when I step inside the squared circle. Make sure nobody touches the ride. Come on, ladies. CHRISTOPHER THE BOUNCER (to everyone outside) Anybody here who touches that limo is gonna have my hand touch their heart when I punch a whole through their damn chest, ya hear?! * STYLISH CLIP * To those unaccustomed to the party atmosphere associated with clubbing, the loud techno music and flashing lasers would have you running out the front door in a split-second, but not Theodore. The booze (and drugs?) flowing freely, Theodore and the beauties are escorted to their private V.I.P. room. It's anything but private once they enter the room. A 20-something young couple are smooching on the leather loveseat. BLONDE TWIN #1 (gasp) There's.... BLONDE TWIN #2 ...someone... BRUNETTE TWIN #1 ...already... BRUNETTE TWIN #2 ...here. The couple quickly fix themselves up. Buttoning their t-shirt, blouse, etc. Nearby are carts with leftover lobster and chilled champagne. THEODORE Yes, ladies. They're my special guests. Quadruple your pleasure, quadruple your headache. BLONDE & BRUNETTE TWINS Aw, I thought we were your special guests, Teddy? THEODORE You are, my bevy of beauties. But tonight is a very special night for these two lovebirds, John and Jane Mark. It's their first wedding anniversary. The couple go up to Theodore and graciously shake his hand. JOHN Mr. Moneymaker, sir... THEODORE Please, call me Theodore. JOHN Theodore, I sure like to thank you for allowing us to celebrate our anniversary in your V.I.P. room. I'm not sure if you know this or not, but we met in this club two years ago. THEODORE Oh, is that right? Icing on the cake then. JANE I'd like to second what my husband said, Theodore. You've been so wonderful to us. It's ashame the media paints you as a money-hungry, womanizing, party animal. THEODORE Well, you know how the media is. But thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it. Say, why don't you go and have some fun out on the dance floor? What's your song? JANE (laughs; blushing) Don't say it, John. It's embarrassing. JOHN But it's our song, honey. Britney Spears' "I'm A Slave For You." THEODORE I sorta digged her myself before she got all fat. The girl is poppin' babies out like hotcakes. I tell you what. You go tell the DJ Theodore Moneymaker said to play your song. Now go have yourselves some fun! JOHN & JANE Thank you, Theodore. The couple exit, giggling. Theodore breaks out his super slick cellphone to make a call. * BEEP * BEEP * BEEP * BEEP * BEEP * BEEP * BEEP * THEODORE Theodore. They're on their way to the dance floor now. Charge them for the dinner and the use of my V.I.P. room. After much thought, they just couldn't accept the charity. Yep, that's right. Fifteen hundred dollars. :D Call ends. BLONDE TWIN #1 That.... BLONDE TWIN #2 ...is... BRUNETTE TWIN #1 ...so... BRUNETTE TWIN #2 ...mean. BLONDE TWIN #1 And.... BLONDE TWIN #2 ...such... BRUNETTE TWIN #1 ...a... BRUNETTE TWIN #2 ...turn-on. The ladies thrown Theodore down on the loveseat and begin to kiss him all over the face, neck and chest. By the time the segment ends Theodore is shirtless. THEODORE Isn't life wonderful? (ponders) Only if you're the Billion Dollar Heir. And you're not! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [i]You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Moneytalks Moneytalks B.S. Walks Moneytalks[/i]
  15. Tony149

    AngleSlam booking thread

    If it's okay with Adam, I'd like to post AS. I don't think I'll be around to post Dirty Deeds October 1st, so I'll handle AS if he agrees.
  16. Tony149

    8/10 Booking Thread

    More hype for Theodore Moneymaker (because wrestling needs more men named Theodore) and pre-recorded comments from the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, the Heavenly Rockers
  17. Tony149

    The OAOAST PPV Schedule Situation.

    If we're gonna push the PPV back a week, might as well use the World Without End name for a final time. Unless DD fits better with the main event of the show.
  18. Tony149

    Feedback for 8/3

    The inclusion of the Syndicated matches really added to the show. If my wrestling history is correct, it was kinda like the old WWF Prime Time Wrestling program where they'd re-air selected matches from Superstars and/or Wrestling Challenge in addition to first run bouts. Excellent show all around. Lots of action and great storytelling, especially from those writing the Wildcards-Zack Malibu feud. Super intense way to end the show. Only negative: the match I wrote (Tony Brannigan vs. Logan Mann) was missing! PK has it out for me.
  19. Tony149

    Booking for 8/3

    You should do the same thing as PK and Pete, KC. Put a little blurb in front of the HI-YAH tag title match saying "courtesy of Syndicated" or something like that. It can lead right into the segment you wrote this week.
  20. BUFFER The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and under the executive order passed by OAOAST President Axel, both Dan Black and Synth have been barred from ringside. "He's simply ravishing...OWWWWWW!" BUFFER Introducing first, representing Black T...from Hollywood, U.S.A. and weighing 262 pounds...a former Heavyweight and 3-time Tag Team Champion of the woooooorld...TONY BRANNIGAN! His theme song blaring over the loud speakers, Tony Brannigan swaggers to the ring, hands on hips, ready to rebound from the crushing defeat he and his team sustain at Syndicated. Then an ERUPTION. A veteran of the mat wars, Brannigan is unfazed by the spike in crowd noise. As he rounds the corner to climb the steps onto the apron, LOGAN MANN maneuvers his way through the crowd and knees Tony in the back, sending him crashing into the ringpost similar to how Brannigan did to him one week ago! COLE Logan isn't waiting for the bell to ring, Coach, he's taking it right to Tony Brannigan. COACH The man who let millions of OAOAST fans around the world down when his team lost to Axel, Drek Stone, Hoff, Gunner Sharps and my baby girl at Syndicated. He's even lucky to still have a job. Axel could've fired his ass, but the boss ain't one to hold grudges or abuse power. COLE (scoffs) Yeah, right. Why do you think he booked Tony and Logan in a match and barred Dan Black and Synth from ringside? To ensure competitive balance? COACH Yes. COLE No, because they dare stood up to him and his cornies. Now he's hoping they end each other's careers. Logan whips Tony to the guardrail and clotheslines him into the crowd, suplexing him back over the rail and into the ring. Brannigan stomps Mann on the head and upper back as he slides under the bottom rope, scraping him off the mat and unloading a series of rights to the jaw. Tony is in the process of removing his dazzling robe when he's caught in the abdomen by a sharpe left jab. BUT THE WASHBOARD ABS FEEL NO PAIN, BABY! Tony shakes it off and rakes the eyes. He doubles Mann over, driving the knee into the gut and again rakes the eyes, using the lace of the boot. Brannigan successfully removes his robe, tossing it out on the apron. He only wishes his next move was as successful, as Logan reverses his Irish whip and sends him up and over courtesy of a backdrop. Mann picks up some steam, repeatedly decking Tony with back elbows. Brannigan rolls onto his knees and begs for mercy, his pleas ignored as Logan kicks him hard in the sternum. He corners Tony and unleashes a barrage of right and left jabs to the jaw and midsection, rattling the OAOAST lifer. Tony taken on a trip across the ring, his face smashed into the turnbuckle. Sent hard into the corner Tony puts the boot up as Logan follows in, knocking the rock star-turned-wrestler back a step. COLE Brannigan up to the top. A rarity. COACH Tony pulling out all the stops tonight, Mikey. He wants to wash the taste of defeat outta his mouth. Tony soars through the air, landing on his feet as he clotheslines Logan from behind. In typical Tony Brannigan fashion, he swivels the hips over a fallen Mann to a chorus of boos. Feeding off the hostility from the crowd, Tony delivers a round of power forearms to the back of the neck. After a beautifully executed vertical suplex, Tony hooks the leg and covers Mann for the first pin attempt of the bout. ONE... TWO-- KICKOUT! Brannigan wrings Logan's neck, snapmaring him over and making sure he's seated upright before leaning him forward, spiking the point of the elbow into the spine of the back. Logan is in a helpless state flat on his back. Tony knows that as well, so he drops an elbow...but Logan moves. Second verse same as the first. Brannigan misses again. About ready to blow a gasket Tony Brannigan outsmarts himself, faking an elbow only to drop the knee instead...but Logan is one step ahead and Tony smacks the knee into the mat! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: COLE He sucked him in again. Brannigan missing 3 straight elbows. Figure 4 coming up! Logan moonwalks prior to the spinning toehold, giving Tony enough time to think of an escape. He places his foot on Mann's BUTT and kick him forward, Logan's momentum taking him out to the floor and crashing into the guardrail. Tony joins Logan outside, favoring the right knee a bit. And he puts it to test right off the bat, picking Logan up and hotshotting him on the guardrail. Pleased with the outcome Tony drags Logan around the ring and... * THUD * ...smashes his face into the 10,000 pound steel steps. Scoope and a slam on the arena floor, the pretty mats outside doing little to cushion the blow. In fact, the mats aren't long for this match as Tony lifts a piece up to expose the concrete floor. Brannigan signals for a piledriver, drawing a collective gasp from everyone in the arena. COLE No, no, no, no. He's gonna break Logan's neck! Tony is about ready to elevate Logan in the air when two RIOT COPS show up, threatening to use force if the action doesn't return to the ring! Mentally and physically battered from the match at Syndicated Tony obeys the order. He knows when to pick his fights. Rookie referee John Eastwood unsure how to handle the situation. COLE Who the hell are they? COACH Riot cops. COLE I know that. But what are they doing out here? It's Thursday not Tuesday. I bet this is why Axel barred Dan Black and Synth from ringside. Something smells fishy, damnit! COLE Have you been masturbating under the table again? Don't think I haven't noticed. COLE :huh: Brannigan tosses Mann inside the ring and climbs up to the top, delivering a two-handed judo thrust to the throat! ONE... TWO... THR-- NO! Logan is placed in a submission dead in the center of the ring. The knee being grinded into the spine of the back while in a reverse chinlock. Tony keeping a close eye on the riot cops, both now facing the entranceway. Having received a decent breather from the hold applied on Mann, Brannigan brings him up to his feet and rams him into the top turnbuckle. Big right hands and shoulder thrusts rock Logan in the corner. Irish whip to the buckle, Logan swinging over the top as Tony charges in and collides with the turnbuckles. Logan knows exactly what to do next. Top rope double-axehandle smash! ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Logan falls on top of Tony following a shoulder tackle that would make Ricky Steamboat proud. ONE... TWO... NO! Spinning back elbow puts Brannigan back on his bum. ONE... TWO... TH-- KICKOUT! Tony sent off to the ropes. Dropkick...NO. Brannigan swats Mann down like a fly and quickly pulls him up, driving the knee into the gut before giving him a RUDE AWAKENING! COLE Oh, a tremendous rally from Logan Mann. But that's gonna do it right there. He won't kickout of the Rude Awakening ONE... TWO... THREE! NO!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: COLE He did! He did! He did kickout! Brannigan can't believe it, complaining of a slow count. He gets up in the rookie referee's face unware that Logan is sneaking up behind him. Mann grabs a handful of tights and rolls Tony up in a school boy, relinquishing the tights once Brannigan's shoulders are flat on the mat because he's no longer a rulebreaker! ONE... TWO... THR-- KICKOUT! Logan rolls Tony through, bringing him up and then firing him into the ropes. This time Logan connects with his dropkick, knocking Brannigan off his feet. He fires Tony into the ropes again. Brannigan putting on the brakes when he sees Logan set low, enabling him to scissor the head for the Attitude Adjustment Piledriver. Unfortunately, Mann is ready for it and counters with a backdrop. Tony rushes to his feet only to get caught in a front facelock. TWIRLING FINGER OF DEATH~! PERCUSSION DDT...NO! Tony drives Logan into the corner, throwing rights and ramming the shoulder into the midsection. Mann is brought out of the corner and shot off to the ropes. Logan floats over the attempted Out of Body Experience spinebuster, spins Tony around... * KAPOW *... ...WICKED LEFT HOOK~! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Brannigan is slammed mid-ring. Mann ascending to the top, raising both arms in the air before diving off, dropping both knees down onto the chest of Tony Brannigan! ONE... TWO... THREE-- NO! * DING DING DING * "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Inexplicably, the riot cops pounce on Logan. While one jabs the baton into the ribs of Mann, the other kicks him in the gut. John Eastwood, the young official just called up from the OAOVW, is no match for the protectively padded enforcers who physically manhandle the youngster, suplexing him overhead to the floor! COLE Damn you! There's no reason for this. It's uncalled for, damnit! Go join your peers in that embarrassment of a promotion. Tony Brannigan picks his fights all right. And what a fight he picks, attacking both riot cops, kicking off one of their helmets to reveal a black ski mask underneath. A struggle ensues as Tony tries to unmask the cop. His attention solely on removing the mask Tony doesn't see the other cop come up from behind and drill the point of the baton into the ribs! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The cavalry arrives. SYNTH and DAN BLACK making their presence felt. The Synthmeister is served a double clothesline straight from hell as he springboards off the top, causing Dan to have second thoughts about entering. No second thoughts about it. Dan stays put on the floor. He only reaches into the ring to pull his partner, Tony Brannigan, to saftey in the corner. COLE (pleading) Dan, please. Put your differences aside and help the Heavenly Rockers. Please! Black watching with the rest of the viewing audience as the riot cops give a whole new meaning to the term "excessive force," suplexing the Heavenly Rockers all over the place. Every suplex imaginable used. And just like that the two men exit. The masked man retrives his helmet, shooting Dan Black a look afterwards. COLE That's gotta be--That's gotta be a message straight from Axel. A taste of what's to come if Black T and the others don't confirm. COACH Defiance won't be tolerated, that's for sure. Dan enters the ring and starts putting the boots to Synth and Logan! Black legdrops the right arm of Synth's, before applying the "HEART OF ICE" CROSSFACE! COLE Damnit, Dan! The company needs to band together not destroy each other. No wonder why they call you the "Ice Heart." You a souless son of a bitch! And here comes security. About damn time. Too damn bad they couldn't put the donuts down soon enough and help when those two riot cops went against everything law enforcement stands for and went Rodney King on the Heavenly Rockers' asses. Black drapes the tag titles over the waists over Synth and Logan, then helps Tony backstage as we go to break.
  21. Tony149

    State Of The OAOAST Address.

    Zack may have hit on something. Maybe 2 marquee match-ups with 4 squashes and scattered promos? Writing a squash should be easier than a competitive match, and with the talent here I'm sure we could make it work. Eski, I've changed plans (yet again!) to give Black T a better sendoff. Think of it as a Black T retirement tour.
  22. Tony149

    Booking for 8/3

    KC's back! Anyway... Hype for the newest OAOAST superstar Logan Mann vs. Tony Brannigan
  23. Tony149

    OAOAST Syndicated

    The main event still being written, I guess. Hey Adam, if you don't have the time to get it done you should just post the finish or something, then use it as a clip of HD to explain who won, etc. I think the guys would understand.
  24. Finally got around to writing it. [img=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y39/Portfree/krisfront.jpg] MONEY MANOR, the compound that houses playboy billionaire THEODORE MONEYMAKER, a ruggedly handsome heir known for his signature white smoking jacket and partying ways. Inside the grand and spacious mansion, which include indoor and outdoor pools, tennis and basketball courts, Theodore lounges near the living room fireplace on his recliner... * PUFF * * PUFF * * PUFF * * WHEW * ...enjoying a PIPE and the lastest edition of the WALL STREET JOURNAL. [img=http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/Bios/dibiase.jpg] [b][color=#009900]THEODORE MONEYMAKER[/color] [color=#996633]Adventurer/Entrepreneur[/color][/b] THEODORE (removes pipe) Oh, hello. Allow me to introduce myself. I am money. Theodore Moneymaker, to be percise. The Billion Dollar Heir. I, at the ripe old age of 23, have more money than you ever will in your lifetime or children and grandchildren's lifetime combined. As the second largest shareholder in TSM, I didn't request this time to tell you something you already know. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I've cut deals with some of the biggest names in business -- Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, to name just a few -- but it's the lastest deal that is my biggest yet. If you follow any of the entertainment news programs that bombard the television airwaves, you've probably heard the rumors. And yes, they are true. I have officially signed with the One & Only Anglesault Thread. You may recall I made a brief trip to the ring last year to join my cousin Tony Brannigan and Dan Black in a bid to land the World 6-Man Tag Team Championship. Unfortunately, as is the risk in any business transaction, plans fell through because my partners weren't quite as committed to the project like I had been led to believe. As the old saying goes, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." And so I will when I make my triumphant return to the ring in due time. I've spent the last few months traveling the world and the seven seas training diligently, going over files on various OAOAST superstars. In terms of goals, all you need to know is...no matter the price, no matter who I have to go through...Money talks. Bullshit walks. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [i]You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Moneytalks Moneytalks B.S. Walks Moneytalks[/i]
  25. Tony149

    7/27 Feedback

    The show was longer than I expected When I saw it only had 2 posts I thought it would turn out to be one of the shortest shows in OAOAST history. So Candie did give birth. Imagine that. Was it legit? By that I mean was it a full 9 months or did the storyline jump ahead like a soap opera? Hurray for Team Canada. The best part of the WC tournament has been the choice of entrance musics. TJ wants Vitamin X? Wow. Maybe I missed something (and I haven't read the stuff edited in last week's show, so I could've), but that kinda came out of left field. Another SWFer joins the ranks of the OAOAST. Don't know much about this Sydney Sky, but an interesting choice for a partner. Can't go wrong with PK's selection. The Tag Team World Cup Update was pretty cool with the sponsers and Roddy Piper. I guess you can take the Jay out of the Mickey but you can't take the Mickey out of the Jay. Or however that goes. Mickey Jay stays true to himself in the OAOAST. PR's inference backfires on X. HOME INVASION~! Forget the Match of the Night, this was it. Highlight of the show. Intense. It took the Blank-Malibu feud to a whole other level. We're talking Feud of the Year here. I get a modern day Ricky Steamboat vibe from the use of Zack's family. A family man who deep down is a pissed off prep looking for revenge.