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Everything posted by Tony149
Well, I just assumed Caboose wouldn't be available due to his match, and considering how slow we were in deciding whether to hold the show on the 27th or 3rd, I thought we should figure this out now. Then it's settled, Caboose will only be gone for his match.
Rematch: NNMX vs. Frankensteiners
Excellent opening promo from Hoff/Stone. I liked the whole "puppets in revolt" and puppermaster going down comments. I couldn't help but laugh when Drek referred to Hoff's body as "roid-infested". I guess the OAOAST is the only time Buff will ever seen the main events. Only have managed to skim VX-Panther and PR-JJ. Enjoyed the Joise/Axel/K-Money and Killings/Ausstin segments. I liked $ replacing the "S" in Scotty. Good promo, too. The Sk8ter Boiz got a W! Well, The Marv did...with an apparent illegal switch...but a win is a win for SB. Yes! The Dude will make it on the biggest show of the year. I didn't even suspect there was a OAOAST wrestler posing as the EB until Krista revealed herself -- and not to Jules Asner. Krista made Scotty her bitch. Some awesomeness from the Axel-Crystal feud. I liked how Axel regained his killer instinct. Abosolutely loved the ending. As a fan of Terry Funk, the branding iron is one of my favorite wrestling related weapons, and the way Caboose made the save was awesome. Now that Caboose will be wrestling at AM, who replaces him at the announce booth, if at all, for AM? Tazz?
Haven't had time to read the entire show yet, but here's a little bit of feedback. Because some is better than none. Zack continues to do a great job easing his character back into facedom. More often than not when a turn happens the person's character starts acting the opposite way almost immediately, like the heel who turns face becomes pussified, and the bad ass face who goes heel becomes chickenshit. Oh yeah, very good promo. $3 for packets of air? Pfft. I get that shit for free. PR's promo reminded me Popick is still Italian Champion. I had completely forgotten about that belt. "Hey, it's Brock Ausstin. And it looks like he has something to say. Does he?" That reminds me of Scratchy's line when Poochie appears before being killed as he returned to his planet. I liked how FM linked Brock's promo to Jackie running out with news of Calvin being down. It's also good to see us finally have a face for our security force. I didn't understand Winslow's role until I read his character specs. I think we used Jim Dotson as head of security for some time, but he faded away. I continue to enjoy the trailers for Prince Killings. I'm interested to see him in action at AM. Another strong promo from the champ, Drek Stone. Loved the hell out of the COD promo. Whoever did the Panther-PR AM promo (I think PR) did a great job. I'm a bit disappointed the Dude-Rodez match didn't take place, as their two of my favorite characters, but the Calvin-Dude stuff was good.
It took me nearly a week, but I finally got around to reading the main event. It was pretty damn good considering the conditions Hoff wrote it under. The ending with Hoff going nuts on Stevens then getting nailed from behind by the World Champion was nicely done, and like FM said, I'd liked how Stone got involved after the match instead of during.
Let's say the 27th with an option for a few days delay if someone needs more time to finish their match.
Something from the NNMX
I guess Zack was right about the opening having an impact if there were shots of other wrestlers watching in the back. That piece was a total last-minute job. Mystery Eskimo wrote it as the lead-in to the Black T promo, I took what he wrote and added the wrestlers looking on like Zack suggested the idea. Good little opening match. Liked the interaction between Crystal and the OAOAST Champion Drek Stone. I continue to become a big Dude fan with every show. Nice to see his feud with Calvin continuing. Loved seeing Black T act like dicks concerning last week's events. Eski did a great job with the promo (and for using the stuff I sent him; one of the few times I recall us ever doing something like that), and Zack did a equally great job touching up the return of CWM. We CWM says "we're in this together now," the Raw theme song popped into my head. But it's good to see one of the originals, and co-creator of the OAOAST, back. So far I'm enjoying the Prince Killings character. I didn't think it could be done, but Patty has done an awesome job with the Women's division. It sorta reminds me of when Eski and I took over the Tag division; make something out of nothing. At least we had a top face team (GPX) to feud with, Patty's mixing and matching. Very good development with Ned and Holly, as well. The Crystal/Axel/Stone/Hoff segment was great. You knew it was some sort of setup, but it was handled beautifully. I liked how Crystal toyed with his emotions, giving him a big one and then Drek attacks him from behind. The part where she gets mad at Stone for beating Axel with the chair because she wanted to get her licks in was awesome. Great stuff. Well-written promo by Cappa and Sonic. Another great C.O.D. promo, this time involving Krista and Johnny. But thanks to Patty for helping me write the 8 person tag. I had never co-wrote a match before, so I was a bit nervous on how things would go. I shouldn't have because Patty was very helpful throughout. I was so exhausted writing the match, the post-match activities wasn't as crisp as I would of liked it to have been, but I'm very pleased with the match. Which ranks up there with my C.O.D.-BT match as my favorite. Nice to see us bring back the AM Moment segment. It was something I wanted to do for a few weeks but never did, so props to whoever did that. Like the ad joked about, we really need to decided whether the show is on the 27th or 3rd. Zack?! AM is stacked. I think there's, like, 10-12 matches set with the addition of Axel-Crystal. Fine Love Doctors promo. I liked how Rodez made sure the camera got a shot of his Mountain Drew. Oh yeah, good promo. I'll read the ME tomorrow. Just wanted to get in a big chuck of the feedback done tonight. Good show.
Yes. Zack told me want he wanted and I wrote it. The powerbomb into hurricarana spot was originally for the 6 person tag at Zero Hour (Logan and Holly), but when I rewrote the match for the final time I cut it out, choosing to save it for the 8 person tag this week on HD. Speaking of the postmatch beat down. While I haven't read it all yet, it looked like Zack kept a majority of what I wrote a couple of months back. BT are still pissed they lost to the GPX at ZH, and to setup the 8 person tag for this week. I'm thinking BT-GPX will become, if it hasn't already, the OAOAST's version of the Midnight Express vs. Rock 'n' Roll Express. Just throw them out there and people will eat it up. Little note on the NNMX. You know how every tag team usually has that one guy who'd most likely become a star? Well, when I created the NNMX Sarcastic Simon was supposed to be that guy, but they hardly spoke during interviews. Narcissistic Ned was a name I threw together for no real reason. I think I was watching a re-run of the Simpsons and came across the word "narcissistic" online later that night and put two and two together. So NNB has Ned Flanders to thank for his first name.
So no carts then? That's cool. Like KC said, they're weren't used at WM IV or V. Maybe we'll bring them out at the GAB or AS this year. BTW, if you guys are going to write promos for AM, let me know so I can format the show without having to cram as many segments in one post. And let's decide whether the show will be on the 27th of April 3rd.
An excellent to-the-point opening segment. I was expecting Drek, Hoff and Axel to face each other somehow at AM, but it certainly wasn't the way it played out on the show. I guess that means we know the opening match at AM. Nice brawl backstage between Panther and PR. When I read KC's comments about why European Uppercuts were being thrown in a fight, I didn't really understand it until I read the thing for myself, and I gotta say, it was unintentional funny, IMO. Joise appears in 3 straight segments. Triple H would be proud. Fun, little Rodez match and interesting concept for AM. I like it. Make it 4 straight Joise appearances in a row! And the girl showed some tremendous speed by getting back to her dressing room after appearing in the arena. Didn't get the Carl Winslow deal. I mean, I know it's the dude from Family Matters, but I can't.... Oh, the hell with it. Prince Killings reminds me of something Vince Russo wanted to do in WCW. Remember when he wanted to hire actors and train them to become wrestlers? Good promo. I like Killings referring to Triple C as Mole, Carlton and Benny Hill. TPR showed a lot of fire in his promo w/Popick. Great segment w/Crystal and Axel. From Jingus drinking a bubbly red liqud, to The Sadist being spanked, I thought the Hell's Hitmen promo was great. A little tension between the Docs. I wonder where that's headed. Very good segment involving Axel, Stone and Hoff. I like how Axel was getting a bit testy with Hoff. I thought the Jim Cornette/NNMX promo was one of the best I've written yet. I watched old Cornette promos and read some of his shoot promos and interviews posted online to get a better feel for him, and when I read Patty's C.O.D. promo at ZH, the Arn Anderson comment stuck out at me and I remembered reading Cornette's rant on Raw concerning Flair and Anderson in General Wrestling and everything took off after that. Now that I think about it, I probably should of saved the Logan beat down until next week. I already told Patty his C.O.D./GPX promo was great, but I'll say it again: It's great. I liked Calvin's promo and the Dude screwing with his dressing room. The main event came off better than I thought. I got Zack's PM late so I didn't have as much time as I thought to add onto the match. Had I known the show wouldn't have been posted until the next morning, I probably would of taken my time finishing it up rather than writing a couple of paragraphs and signing off on it. Then again, I have no idea who James Blonde and Faqu are. Overall, pretty good show this week. It was promo heavy, but like Eski said, it's usually that way after a PPV. The early card for AM is looking pretty good.
Maybe you'd like the match where Rando won the X-Title from my first original character The Purist at SCHOOL'S OUT 2003. It's rather short though. As for HD... NNMX & Black T vs. COD & GPX
The main event is posted in GCF.
In retrospect, PR-Panther should of opened the show and then fill time by keep the K.U.R.T. skit where it's at and following it up with a couple of promos, etc. Now onto the match pitting the 2005 Angle Award-winning Best Writer Drek Stone and BW nominee Hoff. I thought the opening squence with Hoff continuing to knock Stone off his feet with right hands was a great way to jack the fans up. I know it got me into it. With the way this fued has been built, I could totally see fans eating it up in real life. Stone kicking Hoff while he was down and shouting obscenities reminded me of when Kurt Angle had The Rock in the Anklelock at NWO 2001 and went nuts trying to force Rocky to quit. The Abdominal Stretch? Now, there's a move you rarely see nowadays. I liked how it was set up by having Drek ram the ring steps into Hoff's ribs earlier in the bout. If only he had grind the forearm into the ribs or drove the fingers into the ribcage. Dusty Rhodes announce cameo! Fitting considering the Dusty finish that would come later. My only complainant is that I would have liked to of seen actual referees instead of generic Ref #1 & 2, you know? When Joise restarted the match, did it occur to perhaps bring in a new referee considering the controversy between the two ref's previously involved? With the DQ finish I could understand not wanting to have another referee involved in some controversy. Other than that, usual great effort from Stone and Hoff. I would of liked to have seen a clear winner, but there's so much riding on AM that it would be hard to pick one guy over another. I do wonder what this means for AM. Will Axel vs. Stone turn into a Triple Threat match? 3-Way Dance? Triangle match? Or stay one on one? It makes the main event at AngleMania a bit more unpredictable because if Hoff isn't put into the AM ME then he could await the winner, and if Axel wins his first major feud could be against Crystal. So many ways. We'll just have to wait and see. BTW, congrats to all the Angle Award winners.
Just finish reading Dude-Calvin. Really enjoyed it. Gary Michael Cappetta was used for the intros, even taking a few bumps. That's something I didn't notice Sunday, but I like it as I'm a mark for Cappetta. Truth be told, when I skimmed the match Sunday I thought the real finish was a DQ but as I kept skimming I saw that the match was restarted. Boring tidbit, I know. I thought talk the Dude's high flying ability during the match worked because it sends a message to all the other wrestlers showing the Dude can fly if he sees fit. His entrance would look good in real life too. As for the announce situation, if we ever did change it it'd probably become Cole and Caboose. The President is right, any changes would be made after AM IV. Although I don't think anybody would of gone for a change right now anyway.
I can see where you're coming from. Personally, I've always been a fan of the J.R./Ventura announce team used on IZ and all the PPVs after our October 2002 PPV up till Triple C took over after the IZ/HD merger. J.R. was a hybrid of his NWA and WWF/E shilling self and Jesse Ventura was Jesse Ventura. I also think it's a lot easier writing for 2 announcers instead of 3. My matches would show Cole and Caboose dominate the announcing while Coach is quiet most of the time. Since you mentioned it. If we ever changed the announce team, who would people like to see take over?
Just for the opening with Schiavone and Ventura because I'm a mark for that going back to when WCW was doing it in 1992. Believe me, I'm no perfectionist, I just didn't want to turn in a poor match. Like I said earlier, I like writing my matches days in advance and I didn't do it this month because I was lazy. The match would of been longer but I cut a lot out. Good thing I did because I think it would of bogged down everything.
Here's are some quick comments. It's already been said, but Papacita did a great job with the logo and the graphics. I didn't expect to see new pics used for Black T. We're wearing suits now! Maybe it was placement, but I didn't understand the K.U.R.T. segment. This sci-fi stuff isn't my cup of tea, but I do appreciate the content because it's somebody contributing, and that's all you can ask for in an e-fed. Another classic C.O.D. promo. Alix's ramlings continue to make for some funny reading. I liked the way Alix talked about Arn Anderson being a dude who hung around horse people and beat on Sting because maybe they were U2 fans or something. They have Motorhead, we have KISS! And it isn't even AM yet. I should of suspected KISS wouldn't come out of this in one peace, so I was surprised to see The Sadist chokeslam Gene Simmons. Like Cole said: "Squash-arrific." I know the Docs and the Hitmen have floated around since coming off feuds with Black T and the NNMX respectively, but hopefully this is the start of something big for both teams. Good little segment backstage w/The Original Elite. I do have to agree with FM about Josie seemingly having to share power on PPVs. While I think evil owner/GM has run its course (I know we used Watts, but he was supposed to be a throw back to Jack Tunney where he'd only appear for something important, instead he became a very focal point of the show) Josie, who's started to grow on me, has been pretty good. This may be a good time to tell everybody Watts is coming back at AM for the opening. OAOAST Entertainment was restructured after owner Donald Trump decided to venture the OAOAST into the movie business, opening up a OAOAST film division, OAOAST Joints or whatever name you'd want. Watts is now the Executive Vice President of Wrestling Operations. Josie is in complete control of HD. It shouldn't be a problem because we did this back when there were IZ and HD GMs and it worked fine. I'm rather proud of the 6 person tag match, not because I think it's the best match I've written (that's C.O.D.-Black T) but because I wrote and then rewrote the son-of-a-bitch 6 times in two days. That might not sound unusual to some of you, but to somebody who likes having a couple of weeks to write his PPV match, this was a helluva effort on my part to make sure I didn't turn in a piece of crap like I nearly did before sucking it up and doing my best to produce something respectable. So thanks to those who have commented positively on the match. And if anybody ever wants to write a promo or use Cornette, let me know. I know I suggested some things to Zack involving the NNMX and Rodez, who seems like a fellow Cornette mark. Very good GPX promo. Are they...? Hmm. Shocked by Crystal's turn. I didn't expect to her and Axel kiss and make up, but I didn't think she'd be the one to turn. Nice job to whoever did the Anglepalooza DVD spot. I'm one who believes the champions should come out last, so I liked how it was explained Hoff would be coming out first. Makes sense considering we're in his hometown. Enjoyed the Rodez promo. Laughed at "Star Whores: The Phantom Penis." While I only skimmed Panther-TPR, it did seem a bit too long. We finally played up on Tony's last name being "Brannigan" by having J.R. dressed up as Kif. Nice touch having Melvin Nerdly do the announce cameo. The men who make up Black T aren't too happy with their matches! But I thought the ACF was good. Some nice action, Coach chopping himself so he could prove the fans will "woo" after a chop no matter who's throwing it, to the timekeeper ringing the bell early after the OOB. I also noticed an unusual amount of F bombs used this time out. Then again, this is PPV, right? The Prince Killings teaser was great. Soild little Malibu-Josie match. I should of left the lariat Zack wrote for me in the end, but I changed it to an OOB on the floor. Disappointed to see the Dude lose, but I understand why Calvin won. I skimmed everything else, hope to read the rest soon, but the show looked great. 3 non-finishes? Is that the most we ever had on a show?
Aftermath of the 6 man tag match
I'm only doing the matches I don't know the finishes to. OAOAST World Title Drek Stone © vs. Hoff Winner: I'm going to go WWE here and say the returning hometown hero gets jobbed. Stone wins. Although I won't be the least bit surprised if Hoff wins it here. Axel vs. The Mad Cappa Winner: Axel The Puerto Rican vs. Panther Winner: TPR OAOAST X Division Title Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens Winner: Stevens Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude Winner: Dude
Really good opening match. I loved the way the removing of the kneebrace at the beginning played a factor in the match. Having recently watched matches involving Arn Anderson and the Midnight Express, I'm starting to appreciate the aspects of working over a body part. It's sometime I really never noticed until the last few days. I've been trying to incorporate that into Black T and the NNMX's offense, but I'm sure that'll go down the tubes when it comes time to write. Good use of referee Thomas Rodriguez. It was handled very well. The back-to-back promos involving The Saints and New New Midnight Express weren't written that way originally. I didn't know what to do to further their feud, and I didn't want to have them do the usual "fueding teams brawl" gimmick, so I went with the promos. But when I talked to Patty about an idea I had for Narcissistic Ned and Holly-Wood, I went ahead and decided to make the promos "pre-taped", giving the segment an old school-type of feel using the 5-4-3-2-1 gimmick from Papacita's Zero Hour logo, and run with the Ned-Holly segment this week instead of next. Fun interaction between Axel and Crystal. I'm usually one who doesn't enjoy "love" angles, but this one has been pretty good. Abosolutely loved Teddy Long's appearance. I said it when Hoff used the Macho Man, but reading the way guys who have their own unquie way of talking is much funnier than actually hearing them speak, if that makes sense. I didn't get a chance to read the Stevens/Cappa-Axel/Crystal tag match because the page stretched. Though I'm sure it was a fine effort. The Josie/Rodez segment did its job. God, that doesn't make much sense. But I'm typing this at 12:01 in the morning. And I'm leaving feedback, even if it's short and crappy. Over the last few months the "invisible camera" on wrestling programs (i.e. WWE and TNA) have been bothering more and more. You know, guys explaining their plans right in front of the camera, etc.? Now when I write promos that don't happen in the ring, on the interview stage or backstage position, I come up with a way to explain the camera. With the Ned/Holly segment it was clear Ned was the one who let the camera in, even going as far as saying the cameraman would be thrown out if guys got wild. Eskimo brought this up last week, and it's true, that the NNMX haven't really talked much since debuting. It's either been Cornette (who interview style I'm still trying to nail) or a quick line here or there. I'm pretty happy with the segment, which Patty helped out, even if it was just Holly sucking on the hot dog. My mind normally blanks when I sit down to type (I actually come up with better promos before I go to sleep, lol) but once I start feeling it (corny, I know) I'm feeling it. And I was feeling it. Thought there were some good lines. The Docs are a prime example of what can go wrong when you get too much too soon. Eskimo goes back-to-back this week! I added a few pieces of dialogue, and I must say this was by far my favorite: "Get that straight. Do it again and some heads are gonna roll. And I don't mean Roe vs. Wade. I mean off your heads." I can hear Arn saying that in my head. Chills, I tell ya. Chills. I honestly have no idea who Ryan Cabrera is, although I know I caught him on either Access Hollywood or E.T. once, so I have no idea how to react to that segment. Teenyboppers getting beat up is good...I guess. Enjoyed Hoff's promo. I've always been a fan for those types of interviews. It gives that match something special, you know. Liked this line from Joise talking with Cole: "...first-ever robotic sexual harassment" I'll read the rest of the show tomorrow. I wanted to get some feedback in tonight/this morning because I still need to write the NNMX/Holly vs. Saints/J.C. match and I'm not sure when I'd be able to read the show if I don't match the match first.
Saints promo, and probably something from the NNMX as well
I finally got the chance to read the "Race for the Gold" match in its entirity, and it was by far one of the funniest things I've ever read in the OAOAST. So many great moments. From the biker rider's revenge on Stone, to "Alix" flashing her breasts, to Gallagher that isn't named Peter getting work, to the priest's using wrestling jargon to spread his message, the Flair (WHOOO and WOOO, for those who think it's spelled the other way) announcer cameo, Stone stealing the tricycle from the 3-year-old, and all the other wild and crazy cameo apperances near the end. But I think my favorite moment was the elderly couple moving at a faster rate than Stone and his ride, even though they need the aid of a cane and walker! That and the Family Guy song at the end. Awesome job, NY. And everybody else who wrote something this week. Hopefully next week's show is just as hot as this past week's. A wrestler's face rubbed into a fat person's ass sweat? Only in the OAOAST!
I like the logo Papacita. I've really been digging those interactive designs you've been coming up with. I personally cannot wait to see what you have planned for AngleMania.
I loved Cole's "cancer sticks" comments during Josie's announcements for the night. Having no idea who she is, I've been wondering why our GM smokes so much. Really enjoyed Eski's BT-HH match. The thought of J.R. wearing a bikini is frightening and funny. Does Dan wear long tights now, or does he switch between long and short? Good Hoff promo. If he wasn't the spokesman for Dr. Pepper before, he is now. Zack's segment with Joise has definitely peaked my interests as to whom the tag team Joise is bringing in. The promo war with Axel, Hoff and the Champ was well done. Loved the Kurt Angle announcer cameo. I absolutely love the old school guys The 70s Dude faces. Maybe it's because I actually remember them or it's just my bias for his character, but I'm still digging the Dude. This just had me ROTF -- "Well I was hanging around outside the men’s restrooms today and I saw Marty come out. He had a major case of the sniffles..." Enjoyed The Saints-GPX match. From the whacky comments in the match writing (fan wearing long-sleeve shirt in 70 degree weather, Synth talkin' smack to his own partner, etc) to the match itself, Patty did a good job. For whatever reason, I got a big laugh out of the kick to a hip spot. Really digged the one man DDT/neckbreaker spot as well. The NNMX beat down at the end was well-written. The NNMX showed they still have a mean streak in them. Unless my mind is playing tricks on me, I think this was one of the few times I can remember reading a ref bump. I know I try to avoid ref bumps because I can't stand how often they're used on TV, and they seem to have more impact on our shows because every match doesn't have one, you know? Very good segment involving Axel and Crystal. I thought it did a good job of having the two "make up", so to speak, while leaving you wondering if this is just a quick-fix or not. I also liked the reasoning for Stevens and Jumbo going after Crystal. You just know WWE, or TNA for that matter, wouldn't bother with that. I'd like to point out the little ads used throughout the night. I know with our busy scheduleds it leaves many of us with little time for such things, but they really do add a lot to the show, especially for our transitions from commercials breaks, instead of just saying "goes to commerical" or whatever. Fun interaction between Alix and Josie. Like FM said, Alix's ramblings are hilarious. I've only managed to skim the other matches, but the ME looked hilarious. I'm definitely going to have time to read that sucker. The graphics used in it were hilarious, especially the one of Drek crashing. I liked the final image of Hoff spinebustering Stone in the ocen. All in all, a very good job, guys and gals!