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Everything posted by Tony149

  1. Tony149

    Booking for the 12/30 show

    The Saints in action Promos from Black T and Love Doctors
  2. Tony149

    Feedback for the 12/23 show

    Sly's departure was handled cleverly, not to mention a great job done by Zack. Ned-JINGUS was supposed to take place the HD before TSW, but when that show was cancelled I didn't want to waste the match so I had "clips" aired on TSW while saving the match the week before Climax to show how heated the NNMX-HH feud is, that's also why no commentary was done, it was done in a way that made it look like a house show. Well done segments from Bryte/Taylor/Ausstin/Watts and Axel-Crystal. Seeing the way Watts' character is written, I wonder how many people know who he actually is. Either way, everybody does a great job with his character. That's the way WWE GM's should act. I got a laugh out of the Chris Stevens' segment. The Austin cameo was great. I'll be honest, I don't know who Alix Spezia is besides being a member of Chicks Over Dicks, but I loved her promo. I've enjoyed all the COD promos, but what made this promo for me was making reference to the Red Rooster. Terry Taylor and Red Rooster jokes go together like peanut butter and jelly, potato and egg, pigs and bacon -- they're meant to be. IMO, The Love Doctors sit down interview did its job -- it added depth to their characters and motivation for their HI-YAH tag title match at Climax. I feel this, along with what I wrote for Black T later on, was some of my strongest work, IMO. Need I say more about Mr. Malibu? The man is a promo King. Another kick-ass promo from the former World Champion. You wanted it. You got it. Jivin' J.R. returned in full force last night. First in the Stevens segment, then in the skit with Black T. Black T were at the most arrogant here, making fun of the Docs interview earlier that night. I loved this line from Alix-Candie: Nice job on the match, too. I was surprised to see Josh defeat Zack, even with Rodez help. Looks like we have ourselves a feud in the making: Zack-Rodez. Angle? Hoff's exposing the business. Blackball him! In all seriousness, a well-written interview from the former -- that's right, former -- Champ. Only skimmed the ME, but it looked good. I like how the champ looked like he'd been in a war just days before a PPV title defense.
  3. Tony149

    "Ravishing" Rick Rude

    Rude's right up there with Flair as my favorite heel. I'll always remember Superbrawl II where the crowd's boos drowned out Rude's opening spiel for a minute or two, eventually leading to Rude having to speak over the loud boos. The only time I remember that ever happening.
  4. Tony149

    Booking for the 12/23 show

    Michael Cole conducts a sit down interview with the challangers to the HI-YAH International tag team championship, The Love Doctors Black T comment about their upcoming match versus the Docs (Hoff: Make sure BT's promo goes on AFTER The Love Doctors interview) "Narcissistic" Ned vs. JINGUS, a match that took place 3 weeks ago (this would of been on the HD before TSW but HD didn't happen that week)
  5. Tony149

    12/16 feedback

    It was Jesse Ventura, not Caboose. I probably should explain why Jesse keeps popping up during tag matches, but I just feel more comfortable writing commentary for "The Body" than Coach and Caboose. It should be easy since Caboose is a heel and Coach is The Coach, but I can hear Ventura's voice (probably because I think I do a good Ventura impression) when I write commentary, which is why he's used a lot for matches I write. I understand where you're coming from about the Docs. Much like writing for Coach and Caboose, I haven't felt as comfortable writing promos for The Love Doctors. When I read your comments, an idea popped into my head, and I've since begun writing a interview for the Docs that will hopefully develop their character quite a bit. Eskimo, if you see this, I hope you don't mind me writing an interview. I'll PM it to you if you'd like. Again, I understand where you're coming from about the lack of Jivin' J.R. When Zack wrote a segment involving Black T and himself days before TSW, he didn't use Jivin' J.R. TSW rolls around, again, no Jivin' J.R. I write the formation of T.O.E. that week and decide not to use Jivin' J.R. because I wasn't sure what was happening to his character, and instead of asking, I kept J.R. absent. When Eskimo, who I'm not sure even knew J.R. was AWOL for two weeks, wrote him back in, I also started using Mr. Jive once again. I have a feeling Jivin' J.R. will return in force next week. I'm completely caught off-guard by Hoff's comments, in a good sense. IMO, one of my flaws, besides suffering from a mild case of Mick Foley's disease (punctuation is the wrong places, particulary involving semi-colons, hence the S.C.M.'s rant about semi-colons during there debut promo) is that I'm not very descriptive when it comes to my match writing. By no means is it that bad, but after studying the works of great match writers as Zack, NY Untouchable and PFL, I noticed my matches were lacking in that arena. Over the last month I've really been working hard on developing those skills. As for the show... I thought it was very good. The promos were great, especially Zack and Drek's, the matches looked well-written (only skimmed 'em) and the pacing of the show was well done IMO. Hoff's promo kinda confused me because a lot of the stuff he said I didn't understand since I really didn't start paying full attention to the actual shows until the Summer of this year. Well-written, though. I do agree with NY about Watts being abused. So far we've done a great job keeping Watts in the tradition of a Jack Tunney -- there to keep the order, with the exception being that Watts isn't afraid of getting verbally abusive towards talent. Sorry for the lack of detailed feedback, as I've been working hard on keeping things flowing in the tag division (writing for the NNMX, Hell's Hitmen, The Saints and BT/T.O.E.).
  6. Tony149

    OAOAST Climax Booking Thread

    TSW was from Irving, Texas, so the show could be held from Vegas.
  7. Tony149

    Booking for the 12/16 show from Atlanta

    T-Bod vs. Dr. Max Anderson; guest color commentator Jesse "The Body" Ventura
  8. Tony149

    OAOAST Climax Booking Thread

    FIRST BLOOD MATCH New New Midnight Express vs. Hell's Hitmen, with special enforcer
  9. Tony149

    Booking for the 12/9 show

    Do not use the banned's name in vain. Was AS banned? Since being stripped of my TSM Mod powers many months ago, I haven't kept up with board happenings. Anyways, The Saints vs. Hell's Hitmen!
  10. Tony149

    Feedback for the 12/2 Show

    Vince Russo (pre-Jesus) would of loved this show. Lots of promos, but they were all great IMO. After Hoff, I said Drek was my choice for World champ, and he delivered tonight. Excellent promo from the new champ, and the war of words between Drek-Crystal and Crystal-Sly was well-done. The opening spoof of Hoff's short reign was great as well. The great promos continued with those from Calvin/Crunk Machines, Ragdoll (including the stuff at the end of the show), Alex Bryant and Chris Stevens. Although the Ragdoll promo mistakenly referred to Bloody, Battered and Beaten as our next PPV when its been changed to CLIMAX (courtesy of Zack Malibu). I'm very pleased with the Jim Cornette Enterprises promo I wrote. It was something I did in about 10-15 minutes last night, since I spent the earlier part of this week touching up The Original Elite interview that "aired" later on. For a while I thought I wouldn't have the time to get it done because I had no idea what I wanted to do with The Saints and NNMX for this week. They were originally going to conduct an interview on the stage with Cole, but when I decided to use the stage for The Body Shop, I nixed that in favor of what was used. Thank God for the SMW DVD I picked up months ago, where Cornette does an interview from his office, otherwise there wouldn't have been no promo from the NNMX and Saints after a big angle was done at TSW. MAIN EVENT PROMO! Little does anybody know how disatours it nearly turned out. Other than coming up with the introduction of The Original Elite name, I have no idea why I wrote the promo. But when I wrote more dialogue I decided to PM Zack and ask him I can write the promo. I waited for his reply -- which I never got until I saw his post today in the HD booking thread, lol -- so I stopped writing until he OK'd it, because I planned on advancing the stories for The Saints, NNMX and Hell's Hitmen, and I didn't want to continue writing T.O.E. promo if Zack was going to do it (he's a much better writer than me). In the end, everything turned out well. As did the show...even with no matches, lol.
  11. Tony149

    TSW Feedback

    The show is up. Click HERE to read it.
  12. Tony149

    Booking for December 2nd?

    Promos from the NNMX & Saints Interview with the new tag team champions (pending Zack's OK)
  13. You know the drill. Show is November 28th. Send everything to Tony149. The Love Doctors vs. Black T Hell's Hitmen vs. New New Midnight Express THE SET: Since the event is taking place at Texas Stadium, a football field, the ring is positioned in the center of the field. There will be TWO ENTRANCEWAYS: One for the faces, one for the heels. No ramp this month. The wrestlers will walk out of a sliding gold star outlined with strobe lights (this is where the tunnels would be on the football field). The faces will come out from the right side of the set, the heels from the left. It's a good walk from the set to the ring, so be sure to keep that in mind. THE RING: Silver ringposts, gold ropes and black turnbuckle pads. NOTE: Please be sure to save a copy of your work, just in case its mistakenly deleted.
  14. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars Booking

    I now have everything except Panther-Ausstin. Show will go up tonight.
  15. * DUN DUN DUN DUNNA, DUN DUN DUNNA * Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid shock and delight. THE OAOAST...WHAT THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD IS READING~! 6 Combatants. 5 Eliminations. One Championship.
  16. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    A OAOAST ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION GRAPHICS Papacita EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Zack Malibu Chuck Woolery Mystery Eskimo Patty O'Green EXECUTIVE IN CHARGE OF PPV PRODUCTION Tony149 Stephen Joseph WRITTEN BY NY Untouchable Pheonix Fury Legdrop King Cucaracha Zack Malibu Tony149 Papacita Phenom Patty O'Green OAOAST CREATED BY CobainWasMurdered Anglesault Tony149 DIRECTED BY Tony 149 Thanksgiving Star Wars Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved.
  17. Tony149

    HD/TSW Situation

    If I receive everything in time, then yes, the show will be posted tonight.
  18. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    The fans let out a loud cheer as Sly gets up slowly, holding onto his ribs in intense pain. He stares at a now-bloody Chris Stevens for a moment – but is brought down from behind by Crystal with a backslide pin! COLE Where the hell did she come from?! The referee drops down for the count! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! ******************************* SLY SOMMERS ENTERED: 4th ELIMINATED: 4th ELIMINATED BY: Crystal WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: Chris Stevens ******************************* COACH WHOA! COLE And now we are down to two superstars! Either Drek Stone or Crystal will be walking out of here tonight with the OAOAST Heavyweight Championship! Crystal quickly rises back to her feet and turns her attention away from Sly to get her focus back into the match. COACH My girl just continues to look stronger in this thing. She…..wait, what is Sly doing? Once Crystal walks into the ring, she hears Sly Sommers screaming loudly at her. She turns back to him and sees him sitting on the metal grating, a pure look of fury etched across his face. SLY How could you do this to me, Crystal?! How could you DO THIS TO ME?! COLE Uh-oh…. Crystal looks somewhat confused at Sly’s reaction, but continues to stare at him rather hesitantly. SLY This was my chance, tonight, Crystal. My shot to finally win the Heavyweight Title! And you don’t even try to win this thing like a real champion! YOU ROLL ME UP FROM BEHIND?! Crystal actually looks at him somewhat apologetically, and calmly tries to explain to him “Sly…..I just wanted to win the match.” This comment provides little consolation to Sly Sommers. SLY You wanted to win the match by rolling me up when I wasn’t expecting it?! You couldn’t dare to take me on face-to-face! You had to ATTACK ME FROM BEHIND! YOU KNEW YOU COULD NEVER BEAT ME IN A FAIR FIGHT! YOU WERE NEVER ABLE TO! You had to resort to this tonight – disgusting! At this point, a group of refeeres grab Sly by his shoulders and begin ushering him out the Chamber. Sly doesn’t try to fight them – he just simply turns his head and screams at Crystal once again on his way down the stairs. SLY I’m going to remember this, Crystal. I’m going to remember! You are NOT a true champion! A TRUE champion would have never done that to her so-called friend. The officials finally bolt the door shut again, but Crystal is powerless to take her eyes away from her irate friend. With compassion in her eyes, she tries reasoning with him as he walks down the aisleway, but he won’t have any of it. COACH I don’t understand this. Crystal was only doing what she felt she had to do to win! This is what professional wrestling is all about. Trying to get the win the best way you see fit. A rollup pin is certainly not something illegal! Come on, now! COLE Well, to be fair, Coach, it is pretty shady for Crystal to steal a win like she just did. Sly had just eliminated Chris Stevens, tried to catch his breath – and the one person in this match he thought he could trust suddenly rolled him up from behind. There is no reason she could have settled the issue with him face-to-face. I think his anger is actually quite justified here! COACH Well, I don’t! CABOOSE Personally, I hate both superstars, and I really couldn’t care any less. The one man left I DO care about is just about to blindside Crystal for taking her attention away from this title match! As Crystal stares at Sly continuing to be led back to the locker room, she doesn’t spot Drek Stone coming from behind. He lifts Crystal up for a HIGH back suplex – and plants her into the mat. He floats over for the cover! ONE!! TWO!! KICKOUT!! Knowing that the suplex wasn’t going to be enough to finish her off, Drek sits up with a wide smile on his face. He uses his hands to help himself get up to his feet, finally standing after a few seconds. He immediately focuses her attention onto Crystal’s legs. He picks them up off the mat – and crosses them against each other! COLE He can’t be going for what I think he is! CABOOSE Oh, you better believe he is! It is time to bring this baby home! And what better way to win the Heavyweight Title tonight than with Crystal’s own finishing move! Sure enough, Drek looks ready to lock Crystal into the Crystalling! He attempts to turn her body over to apply the pressure, but Crystal absolutely refuses to allow him to do so! She begins squirming and wriggling on the mat, trying to loosen Drek’s grip on her legs. He leans forward to get a better position – and Crystal wraps his body up into a small package! The referee drops down for the cover! ONE!!! TWO!!! KICKOUT!!! CABOOSE Look at that! Crystal was going to try to steal ANOTHER win tonight. Is there anything this hag won’t do to regain that title? Both competitors immediately struggle to rise after the rollup. Drek stands up first and, as Crystal finishes her rise, he bangs a right hand right off the top of her head. Crystal staggers back for a moment, but surges back with her own punch across Drek’s face! The fans explode as Crystal, looking quite weary at this point, dares Drek to punch back. Stone, not one to back down, steps back and plants another punch across the temple of Crystal! Crystal coils back after the fist, but it isn’t long until she connects with another punch across Drek’s cheekbone. Drek, wanting to end this fight before it gets out of hand, suddenly unleases a massive European Uppercut across Crystal’s jaw! Crystal staggers back noticeably, allowing Drek the time to turn and bounce off the ropes. As he comes back with an attempted clothesline, Crystal catches him, lifts him up – and drops him across her knee with a reverse atomic drop! Drek hops around for a second, until Crystal brings him down with a dropkick into the face! She immediately follows it up with a standing moonsault, landing on him for the pinfall! ONE!!! TWO!!! NO!!! KICKOUT!! COLE Crystal was one second away from becoming the OAOAST Heavyweight Champion for a second time! COACH What a beautiful standing moonsault Crystal has, Cole. Have I ever told you that, deep down, I actually have a slight infatuation for that girl? COLE I…..don’t think you’ve mentioned it. No. Crystal, not letting up on the assault, begins trying to stand up once again. This time, she grabs Drek by his hair, and brings him back up with her. She picks him off the mat with a vertical suplex – and drops him stomach first onto the top rope! Drek winces in pain at this sudden prone predicament, allowing Crystal the opportunity to hit him with a STIFF YAKUZA KICK TO THE HEAD!! The force of the move sends Drek falling onto the steel grating! *CLANG!* COACH What a kick! CABOOSE Drek’s teeth! His beautiful teeth! God help her if even one tooth in that mouth happens to chip! On the grating, Drek slowly rubs his forehead with his right hand. Feeling something sticky, Drek pulls his hand away to get a good look at it – and sure enough, his hand is practically covered with blood. CABOOSE Damn her! COLE Oh my god! That yakuza kick opened up a nasty gash on Drek Stone’s forehead! With a look of disgust, Drek watches the blood silently drip through the steel grating. After watching the effects of his wound for a few seconds, Drek finally uses the middle rope to try to pull himself back up to his feet. Meanwhile, Crystal begins her ascent onto the top turnbuckle, something clearly on her mind. Once she gets her feet planted on the top rope, she waits for Drek to stand up and turn his attention to her. Once he finally does, she finally jumps off the top turnbuckle – wraps her legs around his head – and brings him back onto the steel grating WITH A TOP-ROPE HURICARANA! Drek rolls along with the move at first, yet that rolling stops when he gets close enough to stop on his knees -- and his face smacks against one of the glass chambers! CABOOSE NO!!! COACH Oh, Boose, be thankful! That chamber is keeping him from falling face-first onto the steel! The camera actually catches an excellent view of Drek’s forehead leaning against the chamber. His blood-stained face slowly starts to smear down the glass panel as the fans in the arena explode with a chant for their Female Phenom. “CRYSTAL!” “CRYSTAL!” “CRYSTAL!” Crystal clutches her ribs after the move, showing that the high-risk manuever had an effect on her at well. Spotting Drek trying to pick himself up, but failing miserably, Crystal limps over to him and yanks him up by the waistline of his tights. With both hands holding onto that waistline, Crystal steps back and HURLS him into the chain walls of the Elimination Chamber! The fans explode as Drek bounces off this steel mesh, but Crystal isn’t done yet! She holds on, steps back – AND RAMS HIM INTO THE CHAIN ONCE AGAIN! Drek looks ready to collapse after the onslaught, so she dumps him over the top rope and into the ring. COLE Crystal certainly looking like the stronger competitor here! CABOOSE Give Drek a chance to catch up. He’s been in there much longer than she has. He… COACH He’s only been in there about ten minutes longer. CABOOSE NOW you choose to be competent?! NOW, of all times?! COLE Look at Crystal! She looks ready to end this thing! Drek uses the middle rope to try to pull himself up, but it’s easier said than done. As he struggles to get back to his feet, Crystal stands behind him, readying herself for a surprise move. The reaction in the arena starts to rise as Drek begins to slowly make it to a standing position, while Crystal continues to stalk him from behind. Finally, he gets up and turns around slowly. Crystal quickly unleashes with a spinning heel kick – but Drek ducks it! He then uses his right leg to sweep her feet out from underneath her! Crystal immediately falls to the mat on her back, while Drek manages to prop himself up on his left knee! CABOOSE Now do you see that intelligence, Coach? Do you see that, Cole? This is the type of man that DESERVES to be Heavyweight Champion! He predicted what Crystal was going for and knew the EXACT right time to take advantage of it! Come on, Drek! Crystal, more dazed than hurt after the move, rubs the back of her neck and begins her attempt to stand back up. However, once she gets to her right knee, Drek suddenly charges at her and drives his own knee into her head, sending her back down! The fans boo resoundingly as Drek wills himself back up. He slowly wipes the blood out of his eyes, smears it against his chest, and stares down angrily at Crystal. He then takes the side of his boot and, hanging onto the ring ropes, he begins choking the life out of her. The jeers in the building continue to rise as Drek releases the chokehold and passionately pounds his fist against his chest. COACH Why does he always do this? My god, it’s not like I want to see him win – but don’t waste time posing when you’re fighting for a Heavyweight Title with a superstar like Crystal! CABOOSE Shut up, Coach. It’s worked for him before, and let me tell you, it will work for him here tonight! Crystal tries using the middle rope to pull herself back up, but finds it difficult while loudly gasping for air. Once she’s able to stand, she turns around – and Drek picks her up in a powerslam position. He walks around for a moment, with Crystal trying to struggle out of the grip, but then drops her hip right across his knee. He stands back up once again and begins walking around once more. Yet, this time, he bodyslams her over the top rope and onto the steel! *CLANG!* COACH OW! COLE What a horrible fall! Drek just dropped her right onto the steel grating! As Crystal wriggles around the grating, Drek follows her by stepping through the ropes. Crystal tries using the steel mesh to pull herself up, but Drek grabs her by her hair and knocks a punch right against her forehead. Crystal, on instinct, shoots her fist up and connects with a punch across his jaw! He gives her another punch and again, seemingly on impact, Crystal returns the favor with her own shot! The fans explode as Drek staggers back, allowing Crystal the opportunity to make it to her feet! COACH Never count this girl out! Never! I’ve never met anyone as tough as her! Drek walks towards her with a scowl on his face, but she shocks him with a vicious uppercut to the mouth, sending him staggering back towards one of the glass chambers. Crystal immediately runs at him, looking ready to lunge – but at the last moment, Drek stops her with a well-placed kick to the stomach, doubling her over. He quickly grabs her in a reverse waistlock, cinches up on it – AND DRIVES HER THROUGH THE GLASS CHAMBER WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX!! CRYSTAL SHATTERS THROUGH THE GLASS AND CRUMPLES ONTO THE STEEL GRATING! COLE Oh my god!! CABOOSE That’s it! Count it! We have a NEW Heavyweight Champion! The fans explode with a “Holy Shit!” chant as Crystal lays lifelessly in the wreckage. Immediately after the move, Drek collapses beside her. “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” The fans burst with boos as Drek slowly starts to stir in this glass wreckage. He lifts his head slowly and turns it, spotting Crystal laying near him. With a deep breath, Drek plants his left hand on the grating and attempts to lift himself up. He finally finds the energy to get on his hands and knees. Drek gradually crawls towards her, braving the bloody glass shards just to get closer to the Female Phenom. Finally, he manages to get close enough to her. Drek slowly turns her over – and drapes an arm across her chest! The referee drops down! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! At the risk of getting pierced by these sharp glass pieces, Crystal uses her last burst of energy to kick out anyway! The arena begins to shake with a massive cheer arising from the sold-out crowd. “CRYSTAL!” “CRYSTAL!” “CRYSTAL!” CABOOSE HOW THE HELL DID SHE KICK OUT OF THAT?! COLE Will ANYTHING be able to defeat Crystal here tonight? She’s just SO determined! Drek, with a look of anger, sneers at Crystal with a pure expression of hatred. With a groan, Drek makes it back up to his feet. He violently yanks Crystal up by her hair, happily watching the pieces of glass fall from her curls onto the steel. He slowly props her body up against the ring ropes. He steps back – and gives her a vicious lariat over the ropes into the ring! Drek immediately walks in after her, moving towards a nearby corner. Crystal struggles mightily to stand up in the center of the ring as Drek continues to stalk her near the corner. The reaction in the building starts to reach a fever-pitch as Crystal begins shaking in her attempt to stand. CABOOSE This could be the end, Cole. It could be time to pop the champagne! COLE Caboose, you may be out of it! Crystal looks like she’s almost done! COACH It’s not over! Crystal has overcome more than this! Finally, Crystal gets up on her feet, clearly dizzy at the prospect of standing back up. Drek, with a sadistic smile, swoops in for the kill. He kicks her in the stomach and SETS HER UP FOR THE STONECUTTER! He gets ready to jump up – but Crystal GRABS HIS ARM AND ROTATES HER WAY OUT OF IT! He quickly pulls her back towards him and – STONECUTTER!! DREK STONE HITS CRYSTAL WITH THE STONECUTTER!! DREK DROPS DOWN FOR THE COVER!! CABOOSE THAT’S IT!! COACH NO!! KICK OUT, CRYSTAL!! KICK OUT!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! KICKOUT!! CRYSTAL KICKED OUT!! The crowd lets out a huge roar as Crystal manages to get a shoulder up! Drek sits up with an absolutely unbelieving look on his face! CABOOSE I don’t believe it! I DO NOT BELIEVE IT! NO ONE HAS EVER KICKED OUT OF THE STONECUTTER BEFORE!! COACH This is Crystal’s night! THIS IS HER NIGHT! Drek pounds the mat angrily with his fists as Crystal makes a solid attempt to turn herself over onto her side. CABOOSE Drek, get a hold of yourself! Calm down! This is still winnable! You own this! Once again, Drek wipes the blood out of his eyes, the rage clearly starting to build up in his throat. Seeing Crystal trying to turn over, Drek uses her body to hold his weight and help him get back up. Once standing, he stares down at Crystal with a blank expression on his face. He suddenly reaches down and gives her a hard slap across the face. COACH Oh, what an asshole! What an asshole he is! He pulls her back up off the mat by her hair. Drek grabs her arm and viciously irish-whips her into the ropes. He reaches out for a clothesline – but SHE DUCKS IT! On the rebound, she bounces back AND HITS DREK STONE WITH A SPINNING HEEL KICK! The fans explode as both wrestlers fall back down to the mat. “LET’S GO CRYSTAL!” *CLAP! CLAP! CLAP CLAP CLAP!* “LET’S GO CRYSTAL!” *CLAP! CLAP! CLAP CLAP CLAP!* Both superstars slowly start to stir on the mat. They seem to be getting up at the same pace, with Drek perhaps a little quicker than Crystal. After a few moments, Drek finally gets back up to his feet. Without hesitation, he charges at Crystal – and gets a SUPERKICK DELIVERED TO HIS JAW!! Drek crumbles down to the mat as Crystal gets back up standing. COLE Crystal with an AMAZING superkick! It almost took Drek right out of his boots! Crystal, seeing that this could be her opportunity to finally end it, limps over to the ring ropes. Wiping the blood off her forehead and into her hair, Crystal takes a deep breath. She hops on the middle rope – hopes on the top rope – then JUMPS TOWARDS DREK STONE WITH A MOONSAULT!! AND SHE CONNECTS!! COACH DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH!! DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH!! CABOOSE NO!!!! COLE CRYSTAL DROPS DOWN FOR THE COVER!! CABOOSE NO!!!! NO!!!!! The referee drops down! ONE!!!! TWO!!!! THREE!!!! NO!!!! KICKOUT!!! DREK STONE ACTUALLY KICKED OUT OF THE DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH!!! CABOOSE YES!! YES!! I KNEW IT!! COLE What will it take for this match to end?! The crowd lets out a collective sigh as Drek Stone puts his shoulder up at the absolute last moment. Crystal rolls off his body, sporting the same frustrated look he had only a few moments earlier. Taking a few deep breaths, Crystal struggles to make her way back up, while Drek turns over onto his stomach. He starts moving onto his hands and knees, while Crystal uses a burst of energy to prop herself up against the turnbuckles. With blood continuing to gush down her face, she slices her thumb against her throat. COLE Does she really think the end is near?! What else could she possibly throw at Drek Stone?! The crowd begins to loudly buzz as Drek crawls towards the opposite turnbuckle and, using the top rope, actually gets his way back up. Anticipation is at a fever pitch as Drek steadies himself against the turnbuckle, then slowly turns his way towards Crystal. COACH This is it!! Crystal runs towards Drek with determination in her eyes. Drek’s eyes grow wide as Crystal CHARGES at him with a powerful spear! SHE COLLIDES WITH DREK STONE – but he wraps his arm around her head!! He uses her momentum to jump up in the air…..spin around….AND DROP CRYSTAL TO THE MAT WITH THE STONECUTTER!! COLE STONECUTTER!! A SECOND STONECUTTER OUT OF NOWHERE!! CABOOSE Oh god! LET THIS BE IT! Drek drops down onto Crystal’s chest and lightly hooks one of her legs as the referee makes the count. ONE!!!! TWO!!!! THREE!!!! YES!!!! ******************************* CRYSTAL ENTERED: 5th ELIMINATED: 5th ELIMINATED BY: Drek Stone WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: Sly Sommers ******************************* *DING! DING! DING* ******************************* DREK STONE ENTERED: 3rd THE SOLE SURVIVOR WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: Axel, Crystal ******************************* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen…..the winner of the Elimination Chamber match…..AND NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION………DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREK STOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Woke Up This Morning” begins blasting over the loudspeakers as Drek Stone slowly sits up, all energy pretty much sapped out of his veins. CABOOSE …..I……I’m speechless. I’m absolutely speechless. COLE My god, what a historic night. Drek Stone has become the Heavyweight Champion AND Caboose has now actually become speechle… CABOOSE YEAH, DREK!!! YES!! YES!! I TOLD YOU!! I TOLD ALL OF YOU!! I TOLD ALL OF YOU FROM THE MOMENT DREK STONE JOINED THE OAOAST!! HE WAS DESTINED TO BECOME A STAR!! AND FOLKS, TONIGHT, HE FINALLY PROVED IT TO EVERY SINGLE DOUBTER!! While the referee tends to a bloody Crystal still laying in the ring, the Chamber bolt is opened and another referee walks in, holding the OAOAST Heavyweight Title in his hands. COACH Crystal may have lost this match, but I think she really proved something to everybody here tonight at all. She must be one of the toughest superstars we’ve ever had here in the OAOAST. She took everything Drek Stone threw at her. Everything Chris Stevens threw at her. Everything Sly Sommers had. And she continued on. She never gave up. But, on the same token, I will not take anything away from Drek Stone. CABOOSE You better not! You better not take ANYTHING away from this amazing night! A fair portion of the crowd lets out a surprising roar as the referee slowly hands Drek Stone the Heavyweight Championship. Drek, with dried blood on his forehead and tears in his eyes, stares down at the belt in his grasp. Despite the referee trying to lift him up, Drek falls to his knees, still holding onto the title belt intensely. COLE You can not take anything away from the superstars that competed tonight. Ragdoll. Axel. Chris Stevens. Sly Sommers. Crystal. They all gave you their all here tonight. They gave you every single bit of strength they had. But, in the end, there is only one man walking out of here as the Heavyweight Champion. And folks, like him or not – love him or hate him – Drek Stone absolutely deserved this title belt here tonight. In the ring, Drek continues to cradle the gold, obviously treasuring this special moment. Using the referee’s shoulder as support, Drek makes it up to his feet. With a deep breath, he holds the title up for the crowd, actually receiving a mixed reaction in return – some fans applauding his actions in the ring tonight, other fans resoundingly booing him for the terrible things they remember him for. Cannons set up along the field suddenly burst and confetti starts to rain in through the Chamber, coating the entire surface in a mixture of reds, whites, and blues. COACH A year ago, who could have ever seen this coming? Drek Stone only debuted SEVEN MONTHS AGO – and he is now the NEW Heavyweight Champion of the world! CABOOSE This is amazing. This is absolutely amazing. Folks, cherish this moment. I urge you. You may never see a moment as wonderful as this ever again. We have truly reached a new era in the OAOAST! Through the pouring confetti, Drek limps over to a nearby turnbuckle. Through the pain, Drek climbs up to the middle rope – and holds his title up to the crowd, receiving the same mixed reaction of loud applause and dominating boos. COLE Folks, for the OAOAST, I’m Michael Cole. Speaking for Caboose and Coach…. CABOOSE Don’t speak for me! Let me celebrate! THERE IS GOING TO BE SOME INSANE PARTYING GOING ON, TONIGHT!! CELEBRATE, DREK!! CELEBRATE!! COLE We wish you a good night, ladies and gentlemen! The camera slowly fades out upon Drek Stone still proudly holding the Heavyweight Title above his head, confetti swarming in from every side.
  19. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    COLE Ladies and gentlemen...THIS is it. It's time for one of the most dangerous matches of the OAOAST year...it's time to settle who exactly is the World Champion...it's time for the ELIMINATION CHAMBER! COACH The rules are simple: two men start off in the ring, with the other four locked in the glass chambers attached to the large dome of terror. In usual cases, we'd use even intervals for entry to the match. However, as we saw on HeldDOWN~!, Axel and Ragdoll, by losing first in the Triple Jeopardy bout, have become the #1 and #2 men in the match. Knowing how much hatred exists between those two, we're allowing them to have a six-minute period by themselves before letting #3 into the ring, where at that time, the intervals shrink to three minutes. COLE Also as we saw on HeldDOWN~!, Chris Stevens came out of nowhere and more than proved his worth, winning the bout and actually putting three of his opponents tonight out in a row, before winning the #6 and final entry slot in tonight's bout. COACH There are six different stories heading into this match tonight. Crystal wants to desperately regain back the gold she once held, and regain her spot she held only a month ago! Meanwhile, Sly Sommers is struggling to reach that spot for the first time! He’s come so close to the Championship so many different times – now is his time to finally win it! CABOOSE Meanwhile, Drek Stone wants to show everyone here tonight that he really is as great as he – and I – say he is. He said before it was his destiny to win the Heavyweight Championship in the OAOAST. Tonight, he can fulfill that! And Chris Stevens truly wants to build a name for himself in this federation. He came so close to beating Sly Sommers last month – but this month, he knows he could do so much more! COLE And Axel and Ragdoll…..well, they just want to kill each other. But they wouldn’t mind winning that title along the way! COACH DAYUM RIGHT~! COOLE Folks, the time has come. One of these stories will come TRUE tonight! One superstar will finally reach their destiny! IN AN ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH! FOR THE WORLD TITLE! Let’s get down to the ring for this historic match-up! *The lights in the stadium lower, and a spotlight flashes on the large Elimination Chamber, as it lowers from the ceiling....* BUFFER As we come to the end of our evening, it is now time for what has become a yearly OAOAST tradition to continue...it is now time for THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER!!!! *CROWD GOES NUTS* BUFFER As you heard from Jonathan Coachman via the big-screen and PA for that part of the broadcast only, slots #1, 2, and 6 have already been selected. Axel and Ragdoll will start the bout in the ring, and Chris Stevens, by way of his Triple Jeopardy victory on Thursday night, has earned the final entry slot. *Highly-dramatic music kicks in behind Buffer...* BUFFER This spectacle needs no further introduction! ARE YOU READY?!?!?!? *Crowd continues to cheer LOUDLY* BUFFER Screw the ending...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEET'S GET READY TO RRRRRRRRRRRUMMMBLLLLLLLE!!!!! Pyro comes off of four parts of the dome! The crowd is still LOUD! Drum-heavy, dramatic music starts up, as the spotlight goes from the Chamber to the entrance. That dramatic music is halted by the sound of “Gimme Back My Bullets” blasting over the loudspeakers. BUFFER Coming down to the ring first….from Chippawa, Michigan…..weighing in at 194 pounds……he is one of the most technically-proficient superstars the wrestling world has ever seen. He is a former X-Division Champion of the world! Please welcome SLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY SOMMMMMMMERRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS!!!! The crowd applauds and cheers loudly as Sly steps out into the aisleway. He quickly pulls off his blue-and-white Adidas windbreaker and runs to the cage, obviously excited about starting this match. Once he climbs in, he’s frisked for weapons, before being ushered towards one of the glass chambers. BUFFER Our SECOND competitor….hailing from Rochester, Minnesota….he weighs in at 221 pounds. Last Thursday, he earned the #6 spot in the Elimination Chamber, and tonight, he is looking to take full advantage of that spot! Here comes CHRRRRRRRRRIIIIISSSSSSS STEEEEEVEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNS!!!!!! “Bound to the Floor” plays over the PA system as Chris Stevens steps out through the curtains. The crowd drowns out the music with their boos, but Chris doesn’t seem to care. He rushes past all the fans and slides into the cage with a HYOOOGE grin on his face. He hops towards a free chamber, obviously eager to be here. BUFFER Next up…. Woke Up This Morning Got Yourself A Gun Mama Always Said You’d Be The Chosen One BUFFER Hailing from Brooklyn, New York……weighing in at 225 pounds. He is the self-proclaimed “World’s Greatest Athlete” and “The Best-Looking Man to Ever Step Into a Professional Wrestling Ring!” He is also a FORMER OAOAST Italian Champion of the World. Please welcome DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREK STOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Drek steps out onto the aisleway with a determined grin on his face. Much like Stevens before, Drek finds his music drowned out by the jeers of these fans. He slowly struts to the cage, avoiding any contact with the crowd along the way. Once he steps to the ring, the referee frisks him for weapons – and finds a pair of brass knuckles and a chain hidden in his tights. Drek argues with the referee for a moment about it, but then gives up the argument and walks towards a chamber. BUFFER Next, from... Coquitlam, British Columbia…..she is the undisputed Female Phenom of the OAOAST! You can also call her a former HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up please for CRRRRRRRRRYSTAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!! *“Set it Off” begins to loudly play in the building as the fans get out of their seats and start to wildly cheer. Crystal hops out through the curtains, receiving a WILD reaction in return. Fireworks set off near the stage as she walks down quickly to the ring. She enters the cage and stands on a nearby turnbuckle, receiving a LOUD positive reaction!* BUFFER And now…..introducing the FIRST COMPETITOR in the Elimination Chamber tonight! Hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada……he weighs in at 165 pounds. He is the HI-YAH HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!! Here comes RRRRRRRRRRAGGGGGGGGDOLLLLLLLLLLL!! Next up, “Nowhere” by the Stitches kicks up over the loudspeakers as Ragdoll steps out of the entranceway and walks to the ring. He doesn’t even bother to look at the fans screaming at him – it’s like they’re not even there. He just walks into the Elimination Chamber with a scowl on his face and allows the ring official to check him for weapons. BUFFER And finally, the man holding the #2 spot…….coming from Tasmania, Austrailia….and weighing in at 245 Pounds! He is a former HIYAH-Heavyweight Champion of the world, and known to many in the OAOAST as the DARK ONE! Folks, finally, please welcome AAAAAAAAAAXELLLLLLLLLL!!!!! *The pop is enormous as “Down to the Sickness” blasts over the PA System. Axel immediately runs through the curtains and to the ring, not even bothering to pose. He jets up the stairs, runs into the cage, and rushes right towards Ragdoll!* *DING DING DING!* “YEEEEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!” COLE And here we go! Rags and Axel immediately go into a battle of the bombs, as they go back-and-forth with big punches to each other's faces. Both men are relentless, as they won't let up with their strikes! At least twenty-to-twenty-five strikes are thrown between the two men before Axel's superior punch speed allows him to sneak in a series of ten punches in a row, the last few of which send Rags flying back to the ropes. Axel then grabs onto Ragdoll's arm and sends him off with an Irish whip. Rags comes off of the ropes and runs right into a hard clothesline that sends him down! Axel falls with him and goes into a straddle position, immediately going back to work with a series of punches to Ragdoll's face! The crowd is electric! COACH Axel's like a man possessed! COLE Who can blame him in this case? He wants to kill Ragdoll! Axel pulls Rags up after nine punches on the ground and lets loose with a LOUD chop to the chest! Axel shakes off his own hand before connecting with an even HARDER chop that sends Rags stumbling back to the ropes! Axel sends Ragdoll to the ropes again with another Irish whip and greets him on the way back with a big hiptoss! He pulls Ragdoll up by the hair and chops him stiffly yet again! Axel whips him to the ropes for a third time. Ragdoll bounces off and runs right into a HIGH back body drop! COLE GEEZ! Ragdoll stumbles up to his feet, holding his back in pain from the high fall. Axel connects with a stiff thrust kick to Ragdoll's stomach before giving him a fourth Irish whip. Axel bends down, telegraphing that he's going for another back body drop. Ragdoll obviously saw it coming, as he bends while running and sends Axel down with a BIG tackle! Ragdoll then straddles Axel and lets loose with a series of punches to the face! Rags pulls him up after about six, but he hasn't done nearly enough damage, as Axel punches Ragdoll in the mid-section as he's being pulled to his feet. Axel connects with another punch to Ragdoll's face, but Ragdoll fires back with one of his own! They start going back and forth with their punches yet again! COACH These two just won't let up! After about ten punches between the two, Axel ducks a punch from Ragdoll and again lets loose with a bevy of punches that send Rags backing up towards the ropes. Axel backs up before charging at Ragdoll...and Rags ducks under before coming up, sending Axel over the top rope and onto the steel mesh floor of the dome hard! Ragdoll sits down on the ring canvas to rest for a few seconds, as Axel rolls around, holding his back from the bad fall and screaming loudly. Rags then comes back up to his feet and goes to the outside. He immediately kicks Axel, who's down on all fours, in the face! COLE That's what type of man Ragdoll is: he kicked a man while he was down. Ragdoll then comes down hard with a double axe handle to Axel's back. Ragdoll then pulls Axel up by the hair and hooks him for a suplex. He goes to lift him, but Axel wraps his leg around Rags' to block. Axel then connects with three repeated punches to the gut. Axel re-hooks it so that he's not on the receiving end before lifting Rags for a suplex. Axel then drops Ragdoll gut-first across the top rope, leaving him draped over the rope. Axel takes a few steps backwards before charging forward and sending Ragdoll back into the ring hard with a charging back elbow! COACH That couldn't have felt good whatsoever! Axel climbs to the top rope. He's slow to climb, as they're slick from all the sweat and oil from other competitors during the event tonight. Ragdoll is able to take advantage of this, as he's allowed to take his time while stumbling up to his feet in obvious pain. Axel catches his balance and leaps off...right into a punch to the testicles from Ragdoll! The crowd boos as Ragdoll mockingly shakes off his fist. Ragdoll pulls Axel up and delivers a hard knee to his back as he stands there. He then lifts Axel and slams him to the ground before stomping him three times. Rags then runs and bounces off of the ropes. He charges forward...but Axel sits up and grabs Ragdoll's leg, tripping him in the process! COLE That wasn't smart, Ragdoll... Axel then climbs on top of Ragdoll and lets loose with a bevy of hard punches to the back of his skull! Axel then pulls Rags up and grabs ahold of his hair...before connecting with two stiff forearms to the face! Axel then shoves Rags into a corner, and connects with a thrust kick to the stomach! He then hits a stiffer thrust kick to the chest! Axel takes a step back to survey the damage...then delivers a third stiff kick, barely missing Ragdoll's ear! Axel is upset by the fact that he didn't kick Ragdoll in the ear, so he goes to work with some mudhole stomps, each one sending Ragdoll down further and further until he's seated in the corner! COACH The crowd's eating this up! Axel then grabs the top rope with both of his hands, pumps himself in the air, and flings back down with a dropkick to Ragdoll's face! Axel then grabs Ragdoll by the ankles. He yanks up and pulls out, causing Rags to fall about five feet onto his back! Axel hops on Ragdoll again and rips loose with some more punches to Ragdoll's face! COLE I think he's pissed... COACH Gee, ya think? Axel gives up on the punches after the eighth, where he looks like he hurt his knuckles. So, he pulls Rags up by the hair and again gives him an Irish whip. Ragdoll comes off of the rope and runs right into a jumping lariat from Axel! Axel pulls Ragdoll up and delivers a big bodyslam, sending him back down to the canvas. Axel gives Ragdoll a few seconds to stumble up to his feet. He does so, obviously dazed and with a hurt back. Axel then charges at his rival before leaping for a spinning wheel kick. But, Ragdoll dodges it and Axel crashes in the corner, with the middle rope clipping his neck on the way down! COLE He might be hurt pretty bad! Ragdoll shakes himself off before coming back to his feet. He pulls Axel up and snapmares him to a seated position. He then steps back and comes forward with a STIFF kick to the spine! Rags regains his balance before leaping and connecting with a dropkick to the back of Axel's skull! That causes Axel to go down flat. Ragdoll then goes up to the second rope before leaping off with a flying legdrop! Rags changes his positioning and starts choking him with his bare hand! The referee decides to use his own discretion and gives Ragdoll a five-count before yanking him off of Axel himself! Ragdoll pulls up the referee by the collar...and lets go calmly. COACH What was that about? COLE No clue. Rags then pulls Axel up to his feet. He hooks him and hits a vertical suplex. He then drags Axel by his left arm and leg closer to the ropes. He goes to the outside before slingshotting himself over the top rope and hitting a really nice-looking legdrop across Axel's throat! Ragdoll holds his tailbone for a second, as he looks to have landed weird on it. He then slowly pulls Axel up before standing him up on the ropes and yelling something inaudible at him. But, everyone in the building gets the message after Ragdoll hits him with a HARD slap to the face! COLE That's insulting! Rags then sends Axel off with an Irish whip. Axel comes off of the ropes, fired up and pissed off, and leapfrogs Ragdoll in the center of the ring. Axel stops himself behind Ragdoll, as Rags turns around. Axel then connects with a backwards-thrusting kick to the stomach! Axel turns around and hits an inverted dropkick, dropping down to his back as he kicks upward to Rags' jaw! Axel comes to his feet and grabs Ragdoll's legs. He looks around to the crowd and then to the referee...before connecting with a double stomp to the groin, followed by a double stomp to the chest before he leaps off of his opponent! COACH YO~! COLE DAMN! Axel pulls Ragdoll up and sends him off with an Irish whip. Ragdoll comes off of the ropes and runs right into a spinning wheel kick from Axel! Axel pulls Ragdoll up and sends him back into the ropes with a hard uppercut to the jaw! Axel dishes out another Irish whip, as Ragdoll comes off of the ropes and runs right into an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, being dropped right on his skull! COLE He might need some chiropractory after that one! Axel then plants his palms on the mat, making sure he can balance his weight as he starts delivering stiff knee strike after stiff knee strike to the top of Ragdoll's SKULL! The crowd starts chanting "AXEL!" as he rises to his feet after the sixth strike. He pulls Ragdoll up and chops him rather loudly in the chest region. Axel grabs Ragdoll's hand and goes for an Irish whip, but Ragdoll reverses it and sends Axel into a corner. Ragdoll then charges at Axel at half-speed, but runs into a boot to the face that sends him down! COACH Don't half-ass anything against a man on a mission! Axel pops his back before going up to the second rope, where he awaits Rags to come back to his feet. When Ragdoll does stumble to a standing position, Axel leaps off and hits a diving lariat! Axel then does the "thumb across throat" pose before pulling Ragdoll up. The crowd seems to know what he means, as they cheer him. Axel then lifts Ragdoll onto his shoulders, obviously going for the Axel Slam (Burning Hammer into Ace Crusher)! But, Ragdoll's senses kick in as he's being lifted, as he starts punching Axel's skull like it's going out of style! He escapes the hold and then starts repeatedly kicking Axel's knee before he goes down to one knee. Rags takes a few steps back, then charges forward and goes for the Devil Doll (Shining Wizard)! But, Axel grabs him and rises to his feet, keeping him over his shoulder and going for the Main Event Spinebuster! He charges towards the ropes, as he looks like he's going to toss him over the top rope with it... COLE This could put him on the shelf for good... ...but Ragdoll punches his way out of that move too! Ragdoll takes a second to turn around and take a breath before bouncing off of the ropes and charging at Axel...RIGHT INTO the Main Event Spinebuster! 10... 9... COLE It looks like the next participant's about ready to come in! 8... 7... Axel yells upward to let some adreneline out, as the crowd screams along... 6... 5... 4... Axel slowly pulls Ragdoll up... 3... 2... 1... *BUZZER* The lights go out, as the spotlight quickly shines on all of them in random order...before stopping on Drek Stone's glass chamber! BUFFER Entering the match, Drek Stone! Drek runs into the ring and immediately charges after Axel...but Axel ducks a quick clothesline attempt by Stone! Both competitors turn around, and Axel sends Drek down with a clothesline of his own! Axel then ignores Stone and goes right back to Rags, who he grabs and sends off to the ropes with an Irish whip. Rags comes off of the ropes and Axel lifts him for a tilt-a-whirl slam...but Drek comes from behind Axel and kicks him in the leg! Axel lets go of Ragdoll before Stone hits a nice side suplex on Axel! COLE It looks like the addition of a new competitor is hurting Axel way more than it is Ragdoll! As Drek starts stomping Axel repeatedly, Ragdoll gathers himself back together and comes up to his feet. Ragdoll then asks Drek to step aside for a moment. Ragdoll leaps up to the second rope and hits a moonsault on his prone enemy! Drek then pulls Axel up and gives him an Irish whip. Axel comes off of the ropes and runs into a double flapjack by both Drek and Ragdoll! Drek and Rags come to their feet and they go at it like rabid dogs, stomping Axel like he's a red-headed stepchild. Drek then comes off of the ropes as Ragdoll backs off into a corner. Drek hits a running, jumping fistdrop! Rags then comes out of the corner and hits a kneedrop right on Axel's forehead! COACH Nice teamwork by Drek Stone and Ragdoll...there's only one problem: this isn't a TAG TEAM MATCH. Stone then hooks Axel's legs as Ragdoll stands behind Drek. Stone falls backwards, catapulting Axel into a stiff clothesline from Rags! Ragdoll pulls Axel up and shoves him into a corner. Drek kips up, as Rags lets loose with three chops to Axel's chest! Drek then asks Rags to back off for a second, then connects with a LOUD chop of his own! Both Drek and Rags then hook one of Axel's arms...and send him mid-ring with a double Beale Toss (form a a hiptoss)! Rags runs to center-ring and quickly pulls Axel up, as Drek yells something at him. Ragdoll then lifts Axel up in spinebuster-like positioning and turns around, as Drek goes up to the second rope. COLE It looks like they're going for the old Hart Attack, a spinebuster/clothesline double-team move often used by Jim Neidhart and Bret Hart in their days as a tag team. But, that's not to be, as Axel starts repeatedly punching Ragdoll in the face to get out of it. He can't escape that way, so he BITES Rags' forehead to escape! Rags lets Axel down, and gets hooked and dropped on his skull with a DDT to take him out of the game! Axel comes to his feet as Drek launches at him to try and stop the defense...but he gets caught and dropped with a spinebuster! Axel pulls Ragdoll up and hits a series of repeated chops to the chest before sending him off to the ropes with a fast Irish whip. Rags bounces off and runs right into a tilt-a-whirl sit-down chestbuster! Axel goes for the cover... 1... 2... KICKOUT! Axel slowly pulls Ragdoll up, frustrated by the fact that he couldn't put him away. But, he took too long in pulling Rags up, as Ragdoll delivers a low blow to counter-act Axel's flurry. Ragdoll then comes off of the ropes and delivers a big clothesline to Axel's back, causing him to go flying through the ropes and to the outside, onto the steel mesh. Ragdoll gathers himself together again before heading to the outside. Rags then climbs to the second rope, climbing slowly to get some balance and setting up for a moonsault. But, what he doesn't see is Axel get up behind him. Axel heads to Ragdoll and starts forearming away on Ragdoll's back. When Rags loses his balance, Axel lifts him up on his shoulders! The crowd sees what's coming...AXEL SLAM! COLE HE HIT IT! Axel goes for the pin... 1... 2.... THREE BUFFER Ragdoll has been eliminated! ******************************* RAGDOLL ENTERED: 1st ELIMINATED: 1st ELIMINATED BY: Axel WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: None ******************************* The "AXEL!" chant starts up again, as Axel shakes off his arm, which came down hard on the mesh when he hits the Axel Slam. Axel then rolls back into the ring, where Drek Stone greets him with a knee to the gut. Drek pulls him up and sends him off with an Irish whip. Axel comes off of the ropes and ducks a clothesline! He then comes off of the ropes on the other end and connects with a Road Warrior-like diving shoulder tackle! Axel pulls Drek up and sends him off with an Irish whip. Drek comes off of the ropes and runs right into a spinning side slam! COLE Who knew that a Kevin Nash trademark could look so painful? Axel goes for the quick cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Axel then pulls Drek up and lifts him on his shoulders, looking to be going for another Axel Slam. But, Drek isn't nearly weakened enough and slips out before any damage could be done. He then drops to his knees and connects with a shot to the groin on Axel! The pain causes Axel to drop down to one knee in extreme pain...and OUT OF NOWHERE, a bloody Ragdoll comes flying into camera view and connects with the Devil Doll! Ragdoll immediately collapses, as he exerted all of the energy he had left to get his revenge! Drek immediately goes for the PIN... 1... 2... THREE! BUFFER Axel has been eliminated! ******************************* AXEL ENTERED: 2nd ELIMINATED: 2nd ELIMINATED BY: Drek Stone WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: Ragdoll ******************************* Drek sits up and rubs his hands through his hair as boos practically rain down from the rafters. The chamber door is open, as both Axel and Ragdoll are helped to the locker room area. 10... 9... 8... COACH It looks like #4's about ready to enter! 7... 6... 5... COLE Drek Stone's LYING DOWN in the ring! That's kind of disrespectful! COACH Towards who? 4... 3... 2... 1... The spotlight again quickly switches randomly throughout every chamber still full repeatedly, landing on... BUFFER Entering the match, SLY SOMMERS! Sly immediately climbs to the top rope as Drek kips up...and Sly hits a cross-bodypress! But, instead of going for the cover, he straddles him and gets in a few forearm shots to the face! Sommers pulls Drek up and sends him off with an Irish whip. Drek bounces off of the ropes and runs right into a high dropkick, as you can hear Sly's feet connect with Stone's jaw! Drek comes to his feet, albeit stumbling and holding his jaw, and runs right into a HIGH back body drop! Sly pulls Drek up and sends him off with another Irish whip. Stone comes off and as he comes to center-ring, Sly latches onto Drek horizontally...and hits a SNAPPING crucifix takeover... 1... 2... Kickout! Sly pulls Drek up quickly with a front facelock before forcing him back ino the ropes. Sommers goes for his third Irish whip in a row, making another mistake by immediately going center-ring and telegraphing a back body drop. Drek comes off of the ropes and goes to kick Sly in the face...but Sommers shows off his intelligence, as he grabs Drek's leg to block the kick! Sly then brings Drek over with a dragon screw legwhip! Sly keeps ahold of the leg as he comes to his feet, and then goes for a spinning toe hold. He steps over the leg, but Drek plants his foot on Sly's bottom and pushes him off, sending Sommers to the outside and onto the steel mesh! COLE That could have stopped Sly's momentum in a second! Drek heads to the outside slowly. He takes time to shake off his leg before grabbing Sly by the hair. He slowly pulls Sly up, but takes too long as Sly's able to get away with a forearm to the stomach. Sly comes to his feet and delivers a LOUD chop to Drek's bare chest. Sly then grabs Drek by the hair and brings him back-first into the dome's fencing! Sly keeps ahold of Drek and pulls him right into a knee to his stomach! Sly hooks Drek's armpit over his shoulder, gets a running start, and hiptosses him back into the ring! COACH This match definately shows off every bit of physical brutality that wrestling's all about! Sly goes back to the top rope, allowing time for Drek to stumble back up to his feet. Drek does so and Sly launches off...HIGH bodypress! Sly goes for the pin... 1... 2... KICKOUT! Sommers hits the mat with his fist in anger before coming back up to his feet. Drek slowly stumbles up, in which at that time he walks right into a front dropkick from Sly to his chest that sends him flying back into a corner! Sly kips up and charges at Drek, leaping at him at the end of the run to connect with a double-knee charge to Drek's chest! Sly holds onto the top rope so that he stays standing when he lands. Sly then connects with a right-armed forearm to the side of Drek's head! He follows up with a stiff chop before connecting with another forearm, staying with the right arm! Sommers repeats the right-handed forearm/chop pattern another eight times, lighting Drek up with some of the stiffest strikes this side of Jay-pan! COLE VIOLENCE PARTY~! After Sly finishes with the right-handed strikes, he pulls Drek out of the corner by the hair and holds him down in a bent position, going into a series of Kawada kicks (toe kicks to receiver's forehead and bridge of nose)! After five of those, he stands Drek up and sends him down HARD with a brutal standing lariat! He goes for the cover... 1... 2... Drek KICKS OUT! COACH DAY-UM! Sly pulls Drek up, hooks his head and arm, and brings him up and down with a corkscrew suplex (half-lift before twisting it around and dropping him back)! Sommers rolls over and comes back onto his feet, keeping ahold of Drek's head. He then swings his right leg back and forward, adding to the velocity of a big DDT! Sly rolls back for a lateral press... 1... 2... KICKOUT! Sly then drags Drek over near the ropes, having a difficult time due to Drek being dead weight. Sly then climbs to the second rope...but misses a big moonsault, as Drek somehow rolls away. Drek shakes himself off, taking time to even rub his own neck, before diving at Sly and applying a front facelock. He pulls Sly up with it before trying to lift him for the Stonecutter. But, Sly grabs Drek's left leg to block. 10... 9... COLE It looks like Crystal's coming in next.. Sommers punches Drek in the stomach twice, then escapes by hitting a big release Northern Lights suplex! Stone comes back to his feet while holding his back...and gets clotheslined over the top and onto the mesh! *BUZZER* Crystal's chamber opens and she enters the ring...as the crowd starts buzzing, realizing that the only two left in the ring are Sly & Crystal! COLE We saw a bit of a tease of this in the Triple Jeopardy match on Thursday... The chants start up, as Sly and Crystal stare at each other. They both walk to center-ring and slap hands out of an obvious respect towards each other. They then both take a couple of steps backwards before slowly locking hands, going into a Greco-Roman knucklelock. They get their hands together on one side, as they start putting their hands out for the other side...but Crystal fakes Sly out by diving for his leg and bringing him down with a single-leg takedown! COACH Oddly enough, this match has very quickly gone from a brutal brawl between guys who hate each other to a human chess game between two competitive friends with a rivalry to settle. She holds down the leg as she wraps her legs around his before rolling over, causing him to roll onto his stomach as well. She then leans forward, applying pressure to his knee as she tries to reach for an STF. But, Sly keeps himself as outstretches as possible as she crawls around. After about twenty seconds of this struggle, she gives up. She slaps his sides so he brings his arms in by instinct, and hooks them before letting go of his legs. She then rolls him over in a double chicken wing bridge... 1... 2... Kickout! Crystal immediately leaps at Sly and applies a headlock, which she uses to pull him up. Sly can't pull his head out, so he shoves her off, keeping ahold of the arm so that he can pull her back in and give her a big armdrag into a grounded armbar. Sly then pulls her up to her feet with it, as he converts it to a wristlock. Crystal screams in pain from the hold before rolling forward and bridging her entire body. She comes up to her feet and brings Sly over with an armdrag! Both competitors pop up, and the crowd applauds! COLE Excellent wrestling sequence from these two! Drek runs into the ring right at that point, but they both see him and take him down with a double drop toe hold! Sly and Crystal both grab an arm on their respective sides and pull him up by it before twisting around with a double side wristlock! They crank down on the hold for a few seconds before twisting it back around, hooking his entire arm, and bringing him over with a double Japanese armdrag! Both competitors roll backwards to their feet and pull him to his feet by the arms before sending him off with a double Irish whip. He gets leapfrogged by Crystal before running right into a tornado DDT by Sly! COACH As good of opponents as Sly and Crystal are to each other, they're just as good as partners! Crystal then hits a very nice standing moonsault before going for the pin... 1... 2... Kickout! She then pulls him up and goes for another Irish whip. But, the momentum causes him to be able to turn around and send her off with an Irish whip of his own! She then runs RIGHT into a hard turnaround clothesline from Sly, who couldn't see the reversal at all! Sly starts checking on her, obviously concerned over his mistake, and gets left open as Drek hooks him for a Russian legsweep! But, Sly connects with a duo of elbows to Drek's stomach! Sommers follows up by snapmaring Drek over to a seated position! He grabs Drek's head under his arm and pulls him up, obviously going for the One Hit Wonder! The crowd pops for it, but Drek is able to slide his head out and run to the outside! COLE A cowardly, but very smart move by Drek! Drek has his back turned to the ring, as he's missing Sly holding onto the top rope to prep himself for a move. Drek turns around and Sly slingshots himself over the top rope, hooking Drek's head with his legs and bringing him over with a flying headscissors! As Drek rolls forward, he sees a glass chamber and rolls back into the ring to avoid going through it before flopping on his face onto the canvas! Sommers climbs to the top rope as Drek rolls over onto his back. Sly launches off and hits a flying cannonball senton! He goes for the cover... 1... 2... KICKOUT! Sly pulls Drek up and yells "SLYLEDRIVER!" The crowd ERUPTS! He puts Drek's head between his legs and bends down to hook the arms...but all of a sudden, Crystal charges at him, leaps over him, and brings Sly over with a sunset flip... 1... 2... KICKOUT! COACH I'm guessing she didn't appreciate that clothesline! Both Sly and Crystal come up to their feet, and Sly connects with a kick to the stomach! He hooks her for a suplex, but Drek comes from behind and connects with a field goal kick RIGHT to the lower nutsack region! Drek then lifts Sly onto his shoulders for some reason, but Sly slips out... 10... COACH It's almost time! Sly turns around and whips Drek off to a corner... 7... Sly charges at Drek as soon as he hits the turnbuckles... 5... ...and Drek dips down, backdropping Sly over the top turnbuckle and RIGHT INTO THE CHAMBER! CROWD HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! COLE It didn't BREAK?!?!?!? Did you HEAR that thud? COACH Did you see Sly land on his head on the mesh steel? *BUZZER* BUFFER Finally, entering the chamber with the final spot, CHRIS STEVENS! The fans boo as Stevens eagerly hops out of the chamber and steps into the ring. He starts walking towards Crystal, but Drek immediately steps in front of him. The two stare at each other, clearly not forgetting the break down their partnership had on Thursday night. COLE We saw this friendship fall apart on Thursday! Are we going to see it all over again? Drek and Stevens continue to look at each other, not daring to shift eye contact. Crystal limps over to break up the staredown, but both men turn around and quickly give her a double punch, sending her to the mat. They then smile at each other for a moment before directing their attention back to Crystal. They begin stomping her together, leaving her squirming in vain on the mat for some kind of safety. CABOOSE You just won’t see two smarter guys than Drek Stone and Chris Stevens. Despite the differences they had on Thursday night, they realize their partnership here is just too valuable to throw away. You have to respect that! COACH No, you seriously don’t. After delivering a series of stomps to the head and chest region of Crystal, Drek and Chris move to opposite sides of her body. They pose to the crowd for a moment, then simultaneously drop onto Crystal with a pair of elbowdrops. They keep their arms on her chest for the count. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Crystal shoots her legs up in the air to get out of the pinning predicament. Drek and Chris both get up rather speedily, yanking Crystal by her hair along with them. Drek waves a hand to Stevens, telling him that he has this taken care of. He grabs Crystal by the back of the head and runs towards the ropes, ready to chuck her over the top. But while they’re running, Crystal REVERSES the move, now sending Drek Stone over the top rope and onto the steel! *CLANG!* COLE Crystal refusing to give into the odds here! Stevens runs over to Crystal and tries to punch her, but she swats his fist away with perfect timing. She then pushes him into a nearby corner, steps back, and… *CHOP!* “WOOOOOOOOOO!” …..lays a stinging chop across the chest of Chris Stevens. She steps back once again and…. *CHOP!* “WOOOOOOOOOO!” With Stevens dazed in the corner, Crystal steps back once more. This time, she moves to the ropes near him. She jumps onto the middle rope – then towards Stevens, hitting him with a huge dropkick! The impact of the kick sends Stevens completely over the corner post and onto the steel near Drek. COACH Crystal is really cleaning house here. This is impressive! CABOOSE Everybody’s bound to have a few bad seconds, Cole. Give these men some time! Crystal steps through the ropes to the side of the ring where Drek and Stevens lay. Standing on the ring apron, she waits for the two men to make their way back up. Once they do, albeit slowly, Crystal jumps and bounces off the first rope…..off the second rope….bounces off the top rope….AND TOWARDS DREK AND STEVENS WITH A MOONSAULT!! BUT THEY BOTH DIVE OUT OF THE WAY!! Crystal then unfortunately goes CRASHING into the mesh walls of the Elimination Chamber with a missed moonsault!! The fans let out a loud “oooooh!” as Crystal’s body bounces off the wall and onto the grating! COACH Oh no!! COLE Crystal, going for the Diamond in the Rough WAY too early. And now it looks like she might have to pay for it! CABOOSE As she should! Crystal rolls along the steel in pain as Drek and Stevens easily make it back to their feet. Without giving her much of a chance to breathe, they pick her up off the floor. Both men hook her up into a suplex position – lift her up – AND DROP HER ONTO THE STEEL GRATING WITH A DOUBLE SUPLEX! *CLANG!* COLE My god! This is too much! Look at the way Crystal is just writhing around on that steel in pain! Sure enough, Crystal looks noticeably sore as she rolls around the grating. Drek and Chris get back to their feet once more, looking at each other with a large smile. But here comes Sly! He CHARGES over there and brings Chris Stevens down with a HUGE CLOTHESLINE! The fans let out a huge cheer as Sly immediately sits on top of Chris’s chest and begins hitting him with hard punches to the head. Drek looks at Sly cautiously for a moment, moves a little closer to break up the action – but then turns his attention away and walks into the ring. The fans boo accordingly at Drek’s actions. COACH Wonderful. Once again, Drek resorts back to his natural cowardice! CABOOSE Cowardice?! It’s called intelligence! He may have a partnership with Stevens, but that doesn’t mean he should sacrifice his chance in the matchup just to help him! Why do you always misinterpret everything?! After a few more punches, Sly climbs off of Stevens’s body and walks into the ring to find Drek Stone. Seeing him on the opposite side of the ring, Sly charges towards him instantly. However, once Sly gets close enough, Drek swiftly back-body drops him over the top rope! But Sly lands on his feet on the ring apron! With Drek’s back to him, Sly flips over the top rope and pulls Drek’s head down with him in a neckbreaker variation! Sly quickly gets up after the move, but is immediately brought down by Crystal springing off the top rope and hitting him with a clothesline! The fans pop huge as Crystal stands back up triumphantly, but that crowd reaction is quickly silenced when Stevens brings her down with a reverse DDT! He hooks the leg right after! ONE! TWO! SHOULDER UP! COLE My god, in this kind of match environment, there is just no chance to breathe! Everyone is really trying to take out everyone else! CABOOSE Almost as if this was an elimination match……..strange, huh, Cole? Seeing that Stevens has the advantage once again, Drek walks over gingerly and extends his hand to Chris for a handshake. Stevens stares at this gesture for a moment – then slaps Drek in the face! The fans let out a loud cheer after the slap as Drek takes a second to really absorb what just happened to him. He then runs towards Stevens angrily – but Stevens, expecting this, gives him a hiptoss over the top rope and onto the steel grating! *CLANG!* The echo of flesh smacking with steel booms throughout the arena as Drek rolls along the floor in anguish. Stevens steps out through the ropes after him and begins peppering him with stomps to the head. Grabbing Drek by his hair, Stevens begins lifting him off the ground, but suddenly finds his legs swept out from underneath him. Drek stands back up, holding Stevens’s legs in a slingshot suplex position. He falls back – and slingshots Chris Stevens into the cage wall! Stevens hits his face into the steel chains hanging along the sides of the cage! He tries to grab onto the mesh to hang on, but he’s powerless to stop his fall as he slowly sinks down the wall and back onto the grating. COLE What a slingshot suplex! I think it’s safe to say that this partnership is over now. CABOOSE It WAS good while it lasted, but it really is every man for himself in this thing. Drek and Stevens were smart to realize that. COACH Boose, you flip-flop so much that you’re beginning to remind me of… CABOOSE Please, Coach. Spare us the reference. Drek begins to stomp Stevens in return for the kicks he received earlier, but he’s suddenly brought down by Sly jumping over the top rope with a plancha! Many sitting in the stadium loudly scream as Sly begins hitting Drek with punches to the head. “SLY SOM-MERS!” “SLY SOM-MERS!” Sly picks Drek up off the mat and gives him an uppercut across the jaw, sending him over the ropes and back into the ring. Drek quickly rolls back up and charges at Sly angrily. Sly interrupts this by grabbing Drek’s arm along the way – and trying to bring him down with the Cravate-face! The fans let out a loud cheer as Drek struggles on his knees to try to get out of the submission. Sly tries falling down to the mat further to add a little more pressure. He actually comes close to locking the submission in – but Drek grabs a full hold of Sly’s hair with his other hand and yanks him down to the mat, breaking Sly’s grip. COLE Drek, showing that not every reversal to a move has to be a complex one. On the outside of the ring, Chris Stevens starts to slowly stand up. Once he gets to a standing position, he lowers his head to step through the middle ropes – and Crystal comes out of nowhere to drop a legdrop across the back of his head! The impact sends Stevens’s head snapping forward, causing his entire body to fall back into the ring near the ropes. Crystal runs to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes, then charges forward and hits Stevens with a baseball slide! That sends him underneath the bottom rope and rolling into the mesh wall! Crystal gets up triumphantly and walks outside after him. COLE I can’t count how many times the momentum in this match has shifted. It’s just unbelievable. Who would have thought Crystal would be back in this thing after that double suplex onto the steel?! COACH I did! CABOOSE Unfortunately, we need an opinion that matters. In the ring, Drek and Sly both begin to rise slowly, with Drek ending up as the faster of the two. He plants a foot into the side of Sly’s head, sending him back down to one knee. Drek staggers over to a nearby turnbuckle and begins to climb, perhaps not even sure of what he’s doing right now. Once he gets to the top, Sly suddenly meets him with a jumping calf kick, causing him to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle! Sly steps outside onto the ring apron and begins scaling the turnbuckle. Once he gets to the top, Sly lifts Drek to get him to stand on the top turnbuckle as well. With a buzz beginning to build inside the stadium, Sly hooks Drek into a suplex position. He then takes a moment to brace himself, but finally – JUMPS OFF THE TOP ROPE, BRINGING DREK STONE DOWN ONTO THE STEEL GRATING WITH A SUPERPLEX!! The building ERUPTS in a fit of cheers as both men wriggle on the steel. “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” CABOOSE My god….that may have been one of the most reckless things I’ve ever seen! And that really is saying something! What the hell was Sly thinking?! Meanwhile, on the outside, Crystal slowly picks Stevens up off the ground and grabs him by his arm. She gives him an hard irish-whip into the ropes. On the rebound, Crystal leap-frogs over Stevens – sending him crashing face-first into the chains! On the opposite side of the Elimination Chamber, Sly begins to slowly crawl towards Drek, braving the overwhelming pain. Finally, Sly lifts his arm up…..and drapes it across Drek’s chest! The referee drops down for the cover! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! NO!! DREK JUST GETS A SHOULDER UP!! Boos arise from the crowd as Drek Stone just manages to get a shoulder up. Right after the kickout, Sly – his body racked in pain – slowly rolls back into the ring. Crystal, on the other side of the ring, drags Stevens back up. She goes to irish whip him again, but he manages to hold onto her arm this time. He then pulls her towards him, holds her in place, and chucks her over the top rope with a belly-to-belly suplex! Stevens falls to the grating after the move, and all four competitors lay down, completely spent. COLE This is just some incredible action we have seen here. These four superstars are doing anything they possibly can to have the chance to claim the Heavyweight Championship as their own! Finally, Sly begins to stir, raising his head off the mat. Shaking the cobwebs out of his head, Sly moves onto his side and starts to stand up once again. Meanwhile, Stevens tries to do the same. Once Sly manages to get up, he tries stumbling towards Chris to put him down again. However, Chris is ready and waiting. He punches Sly in the stomach quickly and hooks him into a suplex position. He lifts him up – and DROPS him onto the steel with a suplex! *CLANG!* Once again, both Sly and Chris lay groggily. COACH My god! Just how many dents are going to lay in this grating once the match is over? COLE IF it ever comes to an end! At this point, Crystal summons the energy to stand on her own feet. She focuses her attention on the two men laying outside on the grating, and a wide smile begins to cross her face. She moves towards the turnbuckle and begins scaling it slowly, fan applause climbing with each step. Once she gets to the top rope, Crystal looks above her, then at Sly and Stevens still laying down beneath her. COLE What is Crystal preparing to do? This question is answered when Crystal climbs her way up to one of the chamber tops! The buzz in the arena as Crystal braces herself for a huge jump! CABOOSE She can’t be……this bitch can’t POSSIBLY be that crazy! COACH Oh, she is. My baby will do ANYTHING to win this Heavyweight gold tonight! Crystal gets ready to jump – but she is suddenly grabbed by Drek! Drek somehow found the strength to stand on the top turnbuckle! He holds onto Crystal, placing one hand upon her chest and the other hand on her waist. The buzz rises up in the stadium once more as Drek holds the position for a moment. He then pulls her off the chamber – holds her up in the air – AND DROPS HER ONTO THE MAT WITH A GORILLA PRESS!!! The building breaks out into a RABID fit of cheers as Drek falls down to the mat beside Crystal. “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” COLE JUST HOW MANY TIMES ARE WE GOING TO HEAR THAT CHANT TONIGHT?! CABOOSE What were you saying about Crystal, Coach? Let me correct you! DREK STONE WILL DO ANYTHING TONIGHT TO WIN THIS MATCH! COLE That was…..that was just purely amazing! MY GOD! On the outside of the ring, Sly begins using the middle rope to pull himself up. Once he gets to a crouching position, Stevens lunges forward besides him and plants an uppercut into Sly’s groin, immediately sending him back down! CABOOSE That deserved its OWN “Holy Shit” chant! In the ring, Drek begins slowly crawling his way towards Crystal, dragging his body the entire way. He then lifts his arm slowly……slowly…….and DROPS IT ACROSS HER CHEST! THE COUNT!! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! NO!!!! CRYSTAL PUTS HER SHOULDER UP!!! The crowd roars as Drek drops his head back down to the mat in frustration! COACH I can’t believe she kicked out of that! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! CABOOSE ……neither can I. Outside the ring, Stevens finally gets back up to his feet. Stevens, with a scowl, grabs Sly’s hair and begins pulling him back up to a standing position. Once he gets Sommers up, Stevens puts his hand on the back of Sly’s head. Chris then begins RUNNING as the crowd screams for Sly to get out of the way! Stevens chucks Sly forward – but SLY REVERSES THE MOMENTUM! He shifts his body, grabs Stevens, runs forward – AND THROWS HIM RIGHT THROUGH THE GLASS CHAMBER! The fans erupt once again as they hear the glass shatter and Stevens slowly fall into the pieces! COLE Sly Sommers with a HUGE move! WOW! CABOOSE I THOUGHT THAT GLASS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BULLETPROOF! THIS IS TERRIBLE! Sly, not giving Stevens a chance to breathe, grabs Stevens by his hair and slowly picks him up off the grating. Stevens seems to be out on his feet, but Sly just does not care. With determination in his eyes, he crosses Stevens’s arms around him – lifts him up – AND DRIVES HIM WITH A SLYLEDRIVER INTO THE GLASS SHARDS!! The fans EXPLODE after the move, hearing Stevens’s head crash against a combination of glass and steel. Sly slowly hooks both his legs as the referee drops down for the count. ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! ******************************* CHRIS STEVENS ENTERED: 5th ELIMINATED: 3rd ELIMINATED BY: Sly Sommers WRESTLERS ELIMINATED: None *******************************
  20. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    We go to the interview stage, for the final time tonight, with Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura standby. SCHIAVONE It's been a heck of a night, Jess. "Silky Smooth" Leon Rodez sucessfully defend his X-Division championship, defeating The Mad Cappa. VENTURA Silky Smooth? Do you think his legs are smooth? SCHIAVONE I'm not going there, Jesse. Moving on. The Fan Boys were victorious in the first-ever Invitation To Anarchy match. Apparently The Saints have signed with Jim Cornette Enterprises, giving James E. quite a stable. But Hell's Hitmen have unfinished business with The Saints and the New New Midnight Express, who will face the new OAOAST tag team champions, Zack Malibu and T-Bod, at Climax. And you know what's next -- the Elimination Chamber. Let's talk about the athletes in-- VENTURA Wrestlers, Schiavone. Wrestlers. SCHIAVONE Aren't they athletes as well? VENTURA Of course. But they're wrestlers. What's next, calling 'em sports entertainers? SCHIAVONE Okay, then. Instead of ripping off our verbal exchange from Superbrawl III, let's talk about the wrestlers... VENTURA Very good, Tony. You're a fast learner. SCHIAVONE (CONT'D) ...involved in tonight's main event, and who you think will win. VENTURA Well, you got the former heavyweight champion of the World, Crystal, who Sly Sommers, another participant... SCHIAVONE Wrestler, Jesse. Wrestler. VENTURA Don't you dare antagonize me, little man. As I was sayin', you got Crystal in there with Sly Sommers, a guy who took her to the limit when she was the champion. Axel's a former HI-YAH heavyweight champion, and the man who defeated him for that title, Ragdoll, is in this match as well. Drek Stone, the former Puerto Rican/Italian champion, is one of the heavy favorites, and the man I was pickin' to win, but because of his victory in the Triple Jeopardy match, and the fact he'll come in last, which'll be a huge advantage in this match, I'm picking the former 24/7 champion, Chris Stevens, to win it all. I think his time as 24/7 champion, a title known for its craziness, gives him the edge over everybody else. Stevens is my pick to win, but don't count out Ragdoll, who I think is the darkhorse. Who you pickin', Schiavone? SCHIAVONE I'm going with the former OAOAST champion, Crystal. VENTURA Why is that? You're not lookin' to get a date with her, are you? She's never returned that black guy's calls, what makes ya think you'd have any better luck? SCHIAVONE I'm happily married, thank you very much. But I think her past experience in big matches, having won and defended the title on numerous occasions gives her the edge, in my opinion. VENTURA No, I think it's because you want a date. SCHIAVONE Oh brother, here we go. 10 years have gone by and I can see you're still the same. VENTURA I tell it like it is, Schiavone. SCHIAVONE Before we head back to the ring for our final match, a quick word about our next pay-per-view event. CLIMAX DECEMBER 26, 2004
  21. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    COLE This matchup is interesting on so many levels. To think, it all started with Josh Matthews. CABOOSE That's because that little dip thinks he has a nose for the news. All he managed to do was get under Zack's skin, and now it's going to cost his friends their World Tag Titles. COLE We'll see about that. *DING* *DING* *DING* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP! "Quiet" hits, and the sound of it draws boo's from the fans. The curtain swings open, and T-Bod comes strutting out from the back, flanked by his partner, Dan Black, who is hampered by a pair of crutches due to his knee injury. BUFFER Introducing first, the challengers. First, accompanied by "Ice Heart" Dan Black...hailing from Hollywood, California and weighing in tonight at 290 pounds, this is TEEEEEEEEEE-BODDDDDDD! Tony throws his arms up, then wipes his forehead, flicking beads of sweat at ringside fans. Black begins jawing with several members of the crowd as well, threatening to use his crutch for something other than what it was intended for. Tony rolls into the ring, standing by the ropes and warming up, as the lights dim upon the entrance of his partner. The wailing guitars of Papa Roach hit, as the crowd stands up, holding up anti-Zack signs throughout the arena. "Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness I need to calculate what creates my own madness..." "Getting Away With Murder" booms over the PA system, and through the curtain steps the lovely Candie, stepping off to the side and giving applause to her man, Zack Malibu as he enters the arena! CABOOSE What a dream team this is. COACH Zack and Candie? Hell, I'd be better off with her. CABOOSE I meant Zack and Tony, you goon. Malibu slowly walks the aisle, sneering at those who once cheered him. Candie makes it to ringside before her beau, and she takes up in the corner with Dan Black, as Zack rolls into the ring and climbs the ropes, raising his arms in a taunt of triumph, but gets nothing but catcalls in response. COLE GPX needs to be on their game tonight if they expect to win this handicapped match. CABOOSE Handicapped match? COLE Oh come on, Caboose. You have Dan Black and Candie at ringside, and your opponents are two of the dirtiest players in OAOAST history. Why shouldn't GPX expect anything less. CABOOSE You know, they could sue you for defamation of character. Hell, I might do it simply because you sit next to me. Malibu approaches Tony, staring down his partner. Body language tells the story that Malibu isn't out ot make friends with Black T, but rather an alliance of convienience. As the two men converse, Zack's music fades, and is replaced by a more upbeat sound. After the trademark intro, "Make Her Say" kicks in, and the crowd goes wild, cheering even more heavily as Johnny and Scotty burst out onto the entrance way, running across the stage and jumping around, working the crowd into a frenzy! BUFFER Their opponents, they are the reigning and defending OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...Johnny "Jam" Jackson...Scotty Static...the GLOBAL PARTY EXCHANGE~! COLE It was on December 1st, 2003 that the Global Party Exchange signed their OAOAST contracts. Here we are, one year later, and they're the World Tag Team Champions, taking on two of the most hated, yet respected men in company history. CABOOSE Hated? It's not hatred, it's jealousy. And as it pertains to the GPX, they've done a lot in a year, no doubt. Multiple tag title wins, amazing matches, and a fanbase meant for a boyband. However, I don't think that they're gonna show up to their anniversary party with the belts around their waists. The GPX bounce around the entrace way for a few minutes, unstrapping the belts from around their waist and raising them up in the air. Scotty and Johnny then start to walk to the ring, but suddenly drop the belts and rush down the aisleway, sliding into the ring and going right after their opponents! COLE Here we go! In the midst of the melee, referee Brian Hebner urgently calls for the bell, as the two teams brawl around the ring. Static has paired off with T-Bod, while Jackson and Malibu go at it several feet away from them. The GPX gain the upper hand, pummelling their foes and backing them into opposite corners before calling out to each other. Jackson and Static each take their opponents by the arm and whip them out of the corner, sending them right into each other...but Zack and Tony do a quick do-see-do, hooking each others arms and spinning around, charging their foes with lariats! GPX sees it coming, and both Jackson and Static duck, causing the two veterans to crash in their respective corners! Both Zack and Tony are stunned, and once again find themselves cornered...and Zack finds himself crushed, as Jackson sends Tony from the far corner crashing right into him! Tony stumbles backwards, and then finds himself clotheslined over the ropes, while Zack is dragged out of the corner and sent into the ropes, then gets four feet planted on his chin via the GPX's double dropkick! Malibu quickly rolls out of the ring, while the fans erupt, solidly behind the tag champs in this contest! COACH GPX doin' a little housecleanin' in the early part of this one. CABOOSE Early is the keyword, Coach. It's all part of Zack and Tony's plan. COACH To get their ass kicked? CABOOSE Watch and learn, you undersexed schmuck. Malibu pounds on the apron, infuriated at the advantage gained by the GPX in the early minutes of the match, and tries to charge into the ring again. Candie pulls him off the apron, trying to calm him down, but Malibu paces ringside, kicking the guardrail and scaring some fans by doing so! Black and Tony talk strategy over in the corner, but they're interrupted by a furious Malibu, who shoves Tony and questions "where were you just then", despite Tony having taken as much of a beating as Zack has! COLE Trouble in paradise...the champs have got to love this. CABOOSE The champs love the Backstreet Boys, I don't think you can really make judgements based on their opinions. Candie and Black do their best to quell the situation, and Malibu turns away, getting up on the apron and staring back at an all too happy Scotty Static and Johnny Jackson. Malibu remains at his perch, then looks down at Tony and says "get in there", sending his partner into the ring as the legal man! Tony looks at Black, who again reassures him that everything will be OK, and then T-Bod hops up on the apron, stepping into the ring and calling on one of the GPX members. Jackson agrees to start out for his team, and Tony waves him on, preparing himself as Jackson comes towards him, and grabbing the youngster in a collar and elbow tie up. The two men jockey for position, and Tony pushes forward, backing Jackson up to the ropes, where Hebner calls for a break. Tony backs off, raising his hands up to show he's not looking to make a cheap shot...then plants a boot in the bread basket of Johnny...NO! Johnny sees the dirty tactic coming, and grabs Tony's foot, swinging him around and then grabbing him in a headlock as he returns to face him! Tony struggles for a moment, as Jackson wrenches around his head...then Tony pushes him off into the ropes, ducking under Jackson's leapfrog...and Johnny stands behind Tony, grabbing a rear waistlock! Tony fights it off, throwing back elbows into the cheek of Johnny "Jam", then spinning around, applying his own rear waistlock, and attempting a back suplex...but Jackson floats over, landing on his feet! He spins Tony around, then staggers him with several European uppercuts before sending him into the ropes, and catching him on the rebound with a huracanrana! Tony gets sent across the mat, reaching the ropes and pulling himself up with their help, only to be pulled away by Jackson and sent into the ropes again...NO! Tony reverses the whip, pulling Jackson in towards him and driving a knee into his gut, then snapping him over with a quick suplex! Tony gets up, still trying to catch his breath...and he heads for his corner, making the tag to Zack Malibu! COLE Let's see how the former World Champ fairs against the best tag team in the world today! Malibu pries Johnny up off the canvas, standing him up and then cracking him with a WHOO!...CHOP!, followed by another WHOO!...CHOP! CABOOSE These fans are so predictable sometimes. Jackson reels, and tries to get away from Malibu, but Zack pulls him back, stunning him with an inverted atomic drop, and then putting him on the canvas after a quick clothesline! Malibu then charges the GPX corner, knocking Scotty Static down off the apron, and turns back towards Johnny, kicking him in the side of the head as he tries to get to his feet! Static gets up and tries rushing into the ring, but Brian Hebner hurries over to the GPX corner, holding Scotty back...so Malibu nods to Tony to get back in the ring! T-Bod enters illegally behind Hebner's back, and the two longtime members of the company send Jackson into the ropes, catching him in their arms on the rebound and dropping him across both their knees with a double team backbreaker! CABOOSE So Cole, what were you saying about how Zack and Tony were going to be able to co-exist? Malibu and Tony get up, and Zack starts putting the boots to Jackson, stomping and kicking away at him in enraged fury, until Hebner comes over and nudges him away. Hebner points to Tony and makes the "tag" gesture, and Malibu says there was one...so Hebner orders him out of the ring! Malibu gets in Hebner's face, stalking the ref and asking "Do you know who I am" in his best intimdating fashion...but is promptly thrown from the ring by Scotty Static, who surprises Zack by entering behind his back, spinning him around, and tossing him out over the top rope! The fans erupt as Zack hits the arena floor, and Static poses for the crowd, until Tony comes up behind him and dumps him over the top rope! CABOOSE Suddenly this became a Royal Rumble match. The fans boo, although Candie applauds and Black looks on happily as Static takes a spill...and that little stunt gave Jackson enough time to recuperate, as he charges Tony when he turns around, delivering a lariat that sends BOTH of them spilling out to the floor! COLE So if it's a Royal Rumble, who wins? Hebner? CABOOSE Just shut up, Cole. Static is the first one up, and he helps his partner in getting up, only to be cut off by a recovered Zack, who comes over and sends Static careening into the guardrail! Malibu then takes Johnny and applies a front waistlock, ramming his back into the ring apron several times before putting him up on the apron and rolling him in under the bottom rope. Malibu then climbs up onto the apron, making sure that Jackson is still prone to assault...and then slingshots himself over the ropes, dropping a leg across "Jam"'s throat! Hebner approaches Zack and asks him to get out of the ring, knowing that Tony is the legal man...but again Malibu plays into it, arguing with Hebner so that Tony can pull Jackson to the outside and ram his back into the apron again! T-Bod then rolls Johnny back into the ring, enjoying the fact that his young rival is squirming in pain as he follows suit. He picks Johnny up off the canvas, but Johnny breaks free from Tony's grip, and starts firing off punches rapidly, stunning Tony and sending the fans into a frenzy...but Tony cuts it off with a well placed knee, and then applies an abdominal stretch to keep Jackson grounded! CABOOSE Old school move from the master himself. COLE It's great thinking on his part. Black T knows how GPX likes to fly around that ring, and by keeping either Jackson or Static in one spot and wearing them out, it drastically reduces their chances. "LET'S GO JOHNNY" clap clap clapclapclap "LET'S GO JOHNNY" clap clap clapclapclap "LET'S GO JOHNNY" clap clap clapclapclap COLE Listen to this crowd get behind the GPX! CABOOSE Please, the only thing behind GPX are each other, after hours, if you know what I'm saying. T-Bod keeps Johnny locked, but Jackson struggles valiantly, trying to reach the ropes somehow, someway. Static adds to the rally from his spot on the apron, pounding on the top turnbuckle and stomping his feet, trying to energize his partner. Jackson struggles, not ready to give up in the slightest...but as soon as he starts reaching out for the ropes again, Tony pulls him backwards, more towards center ring...then segues from the abdominal stretch into a reverse DDT! T-Bod with the quick cover, and Hebner is ready for it... ONE! TW-KICKOUT! Tony gets up, and doesn't argue the count, probably knowing deep inside that it takes more than that to defeat the Global Party Exchange. Instead he continues on offense, picking Johnny up and dragging him over to his corner, putting him against the turnbuckles before he tags in Zack. The crowd jeers loudly as Malibu sets foot in the ring yet again, and he and Tony put the boots to Jackson in the corner, stomping the young man down. CABOOSE Isolation plays a key role in any tag match, and Tony and Zack are mastering the concept right now. Johnny Jackson is slowly breaking down, and you've got to love every minute of it. Hebner gets to the count of "five", then nudges Tony to get him out of the ring. T-Bod exits with a smile on his face, as Malibu brings Jackson up to his feet, grabbing him by the jaw and getting in his face. "Do you know who I am?" CHOP! (WHOO!) "Huh? Huh? Do you know who I am?" CHOP! (WHOO!) Jackson tries to get out of the corner, but Malibu pushes him right back into it, driving his shoulder into Johnny's ribs to drive the breath from his body. Jackson starts to slump down, but Zack pulls him up, then sets him up on the top rope before climbing up onto the middle rope himself. Malibu starts to climb up onto the top rope, but Jackson starts wailing on him, throwing wild punches in hopes of getting Zack off of him...which succeeds, as Malibu falls to the canvas! Irritated, Malibu gets back up and charges up the ropes again, but Jackson shoves him off back down to the canvas for a second time, then stands on the middle rope himself. When Zack gets to his feet, he looks up at Jackson...and watches as the popular co-champion leaps over his head, taking him over with a sunset flip from the middle rope! ONE! TW-NO! ZACK ROLLS THROUGH TO HIS FEET! He waits on Johnny...SCHOOL'S OUT...NO! JACKSON CATCHES THE FOOT, SPINNING ZACK AROUND...full nelson applied...DRAGON SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! COLE Unbelievable! This kid is resilient! CABOOSE This kid is STUPID! He'd better know when to give, or he's going to wind up a cripple. Zack rolls around on the mat, holding his neck, as Jackson, still tired, crawls for his corner. "JOHNNY!" "JOHNNY!" Static is standing on the ropes, bouncing up and down and extending his hand, waiting for the tag. Though he's still worn down, Jackson gets closer and closer to his corner, with Zack in no shape to stop him...BUT TONY COMES IN AND DRAGS JACKSON AWAY FROM HIS CORNER! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" COACH Who does he think he is? CABOOSE Someone who gets paid more than you. Hebner scolds Tony, who simply backs off laughing, having done what he intended to do...BUT BEHIND THE REF'S BACK, SCOTTY COMES IN AND PULLS JOHNNY CLOSER TO THE GPX CORNER! CABOOSE HEY! COLE What? Tony just did the same thing! CABOOSE He wasn't a sneak about it though! They're such cheats! The crowd roars, as Black, Candie, and Tony all protest. Their calls fall on deaf ears as Hebner turns around, checking on both Zack and Johnny...and watches as Jackson makes the tag to Scotty Static! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!" Scotty slingshots in, and charges Zack, who tries to cut him off with a lariat! Scotty ducks, charging to the ropes, and connects with a flying forearm that wipes Zack out on the rebound! Scotty kips up, waiting on Zack, and then dropkicks him into the ropes, then takes him down with a drop toehold as the ropes push him back towards Scotty! Static jumps up to his feet, charging the corner and knocking Tony down to the floor, keeping him out of the way as he wears Zack down! Malibu struggles to get to his feet, but gets help from Scotty, who stays on him and sends him into the ropes...NO! Malibu counters, sending Scotty in and prepearing to send him up with a back bodydrop...but Scotty slides through Zack's legs, popping up behind him and then cracking him in the back of the head with an enzugiri! Zack stumbles forward, hitting the ropes with so much force that they push him back to his feet, and he turns around dazed, walking right into Scotty's arms and gets planted with a Samoan Drop! Static stands up, looking out to the crowd and nodding his head to them before running the ropes and springing off the middle, nailing Zack with a quebrada! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! COLE Close call! Static, still adrenalized, pulls Zack up to his feet and staggers him with forearms, then pulls him into a standing headscissors...but Malibu backdrops him over, preventing Static from hitting whatever it was he had planned! Malibu heads for his corner, with Tony ready to make the tag...and he does! CABOOSE Fresh man in! COACH How do you know how he smells from here? CABOOSE I...wait, what? Coach, shut up. Tony comes behind Scotty, clubbing him in the back of the neck with an elbow, then turning him around and dropping him on the mat with a scoop slam. Tony then plants his foot under Scotty's chin, forcing his weight down and standing on Static's throat, choking him! Tony stands there nonchalantly, mockign Hebner's count of the illegal tactic before pulling away, then dropping his knee down into Scotty's temple! T-Bod hooks the leg, and Hebner counts the pin... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Not one to waste time, Tony pulls Static to his feet, hooking both of his arms and taking him over with a butterfly suplex. Tony then runs the ropes, coming off with a big elbow drop, about to plant it in Scotty's sternum...but Static rolls out of the way at the last second, and T-Bod hits canvas! Scotty pushes himself to his feet, keeping an eye on the recovering T-Bod, and charges him, grabbing him in a front facelock before jumping up and swinging around with a DD...NO! Tony shoves Scotty away, but Static lands on his feet, and takes over the charging veteran with a deep arm drag! T-Bod gets up in a hurry and charges again, but with the same result, as Scotty takes him over! T-Bod gets to his feet yet again, and this time finds himself whipped to the rop...NO! Tony reverses, sending Scotty in and tucking his head...but Scotty pulls him into a standing headscissors and calls out to Johnny before planting Tony with a powerbomb, then rolling him over into a Boston Crab...Jackson comes in, pulling Tony up by the arms and letting him swing before Scotty lets go, sending T-Bod crashing headfirst into the canvas upon the grand finale of the CHAIN LETTER~! CABOOSE That's blatant double teaming! Jackson ducks out of the ring, as Scotty quickly hooks a leg...but Malibu runs in and pulls Scotty off at the count of two! Zack pulls Scotty to his feet, and applies a sleeper...but quickly falls forward, bringing Scotty's head down into the canvas with the Trendsetter~! COLE Trendsetter by Zack, we haven't seen that move in ages! Malibu gets out of the ring, with Hebner scolding him for the run-in, but leaving T-Bod prone for Jackson to come in and get him up, setting him up for the BEAT DROP~!...but T-Bod falls behind Johnny's back, then spins him around and drills him with his trademark SPINEBUSTER~!, which just had to do wonders for Johnny's back! Jackson rolls out of the ring, as Tony turns his attention to Scotty, who kicks him in the stomach and then drills HIM into the canvas with a brainbuster! COLE There are bodies everywhere! Jackson on the floor. Tony down in the ring. Static sitting on the canvas, catching his breath. Malibu on the apron. Candie and Black at ringisde, and thousands of fans eagerly chanting for their heroes. "GPX!" "GPX!" Static gets up, and with Tony down, approaches the corner...and knocks Malibu off the apron! Hebner yells at Scotty, but Static doesn't look back, instead climbing the ropes and facing the crowd before leaping up and rotating 180 degrees, then bouncing off the ropes and flying down onto Tony with the STATIC SHOCK~! BUT ZACK PULLS TONY OUT OF THE WAY! Malibu rolls Tony out of the ring, and when Hebner questions this, Malibu shoves him aside. Static is sore, trying to get to his feet, and doesn't notice Malibu waiting on him... SCHOOL'S OUT TO SCOTTY STATIC~! MALIBU COVER! BUT HE'S NOT THE LEGAL MAN! Malibu shouts for Hebner to count, but Brian will have none of it, and orders Malibu up and out of the ring! Zack gets up, his eyes bugging out as he stalk the referee, telling him to count and recognize him as the legal man! Hebner starts to fear for his life, but when he sees Candie jump up on the apron, he rushes over to her, ordering her down! With Malibu's hottie distracting the ref, Zack yanks Scotty up off the canvas and holds him in a front facelock, reaching down to cradle his leg...FALLING STAR DRI...NO! STATIC ROLLS HIM UP WITH A SMALL PACKAGE...BUT HEBNER WON'T COUNT! COLE Let go of him Scotty, he's not the legal man! Hebner pats Scotty on the shoulder, telling him to break. Static does, and Hebner reminds him that Tony, not Zack, is the legal participant. Malibu gets up and lunges for Static, but Hebner starts to push him back towards his corner, which incenses Malibu...and leaves an opening for Tony to sneak into the ring with one of Dan Black's crutches! Static gets jabbed in the ribs with the end of the crutch, and then Tony raises it high up over his head before bringing it down across Scotty's back, shattering it and sending wooden pieces flying everywhere! T-Bod covers, and Malibu stops arguing with Hebner just in time! ONE! TWO! THRE...NO! JACKSON PULLS TONY OFF OF SCOTTY STATIC! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH" The crowd roars, as Johnny saved his partner, and their titles from that underhanded close call! Tony gets up, but rather than deal with Jackson, he picks Scotty up, and watches as Static's dead weight falls back to the canvas. T-Bod laughs, and makes the cutthroat motion to his partner and allies, reaching down for Scotty again...AND GETS ROLLED UP IN A SMALL PACKAGE! ONE! TWO! THR...KICKOUT! COLE So close! Come on, Scotty! Tony, in shock, gets to his feet, and watches as a struggling Static forces himself up...then moves in for the kill as he grabs him by the waist and spins around, driving his body down onto the mat with a SPINEBUSTER~! Tony covers, a smile etched on his exhausted face as he hears Hebner's hand hit the mat ONCE... TWICE... THR....NO! KICKOUT BY SCOTTY STATIC! CABOOSE SLOW COUNT! NO ONE SHOULD HAVE KICKED OUT OF THAT! COLE No one should have brought a crutch into the ring either, but it happened, didn't it? Malibu pounds on the turnbuckle in disgust, while Johnny throws his hands up in relief, thankful for one thing here at Thanksgiving Star Wars, and that's that T-Bod and Malibu haven't been able to put them down yet! T-Bod gets up, yanking Static up by his hair and leading him towards the rulebreakers corner...but Static hits a back suplex out of nowhere, taking Tony off his game and preventing the tag! Both men are down! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! Hebner goes on with the standard ten count, and if one (or both) of these men can't make it to their feet, the match is over. FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! Tony rolls over, still not up, but laying on his stomach. EIGHT! NINE! In the nick of time, Tony pushes himself to his feet. He turns to Zack, who waves him on and is waiting for the tag. T-Bod steps over Scotty's body, going for his corner...AND GETS ROLLED UP WITH A SCHOOLBOY! COACH He was fakin' it! CABOOSE Just like every woman you've been with. ONE! TWO! THRE...NO! KICKOUT! The fans are on the edge of their seats as Tony gets up, kicking Static in the ribs and then grabbing him by the head, executing the Rude Awak...NO! COUNTER INTO A BACKSLIDE! ONE! TWO! THR...KICKOUT AGAIN! Both men get to their feet and start exchanging punches in a game of one upsmanship, each one trying to get to their respective corners. They continue to exchange punches until Tony breaks it up with an eye rake, then again tries for the Rude Awakening...but winds up shoved into the GPX corner! He colldies chest first with the turnbuckles, then staggers backwards...right into a German Suplex, complete with bridge! ONE! TWO! THR...MALIBU COMES IN AND STOMPS SCOTTY TO BREAK THE COUNT! Hebner leaps up off the canvas, but Malibu is already halfway out of the ring. T-Bod and Scotty get to their feet, and although Tony is trying to pry him away, Scotty bursts free from Tony's grip, rocks him with an inverted atomic drop...AND MAKES THE HOT TAG TO JOHNNY JACKSON~! Jackson springboards off the top rope onto Tony's shoulders, sending him flying across the mat with a rana, but as Jackson gets up, Hebner orders him back out of the ring because he didn't see the tag made! COLE Come on Hebner, he made the tag! Jackson protests loudly, as he can't believe this is happening! Hebner ushers him out of the ring, and Static returns to get T-Bod...AND GETS A LOW BLOW FOR HIS TROUBLES! COACH Foul! Hebner turns around after the cheap shot, and sees both men down on their knees. With Static in pain, T-Bod crawls over to his corner, and is able to make the tag to Malibu, who comes in amidst a chorus of boos from the crowd. He hovers over Scotty, pounding on his forehead with several stiff shots before pulling him up by the arm, holding him at bay as he takes his free hand and connects with several more chops to the chest of Scotty Static, then pulls him to the canvas with a Russian Legsweep! Malibu gets up and goes onto the middle rope, raising his arms up and tilting his head back in braggadoccio fashion, drawing even more of a negative response from his detractors in the crowd. Malibu hops down, focusing on Scotty as he tries to get to his feet, and comes running with a YAKUZA KICK~!...BUT SCOTTY ROLLS UNDER IT AND OVER TO HIS CORNER...TAG TO JACKSON IS MADE! Jackson slingshots in, propelling himself towards Malibu, who begs off instantly. Instead, Malibu finds himself sent into the ropes, then sent high into the air with a back bodydrop! T-Bod rushes in, trying to cut off the GPX's momentum, but instead gets sent into the corner hard. Jackson retrieves Malibu, who is still begging off, and sends him into the same corner, causing the new tag team of T-Bod and Zack to have an impromptu meeting of the minds! Tony gets dropkicked out of the ring, falling to the floor through the middle ropes, while Malibu walks towards Jackson, right into a bearhug, until Jackson lifts Malibu off his feet and swings him outward into his Rock Bottom variant known as the Jam Session! Jackson gets up and tears off his button down shirt, hurling it into the crowd...but then takes note of Candie up on the apron, shouting at him! Never one to turn down a little lady, Jackson approaches her, and when he comes close she tries to slap him, but has her arm caught...then she gets a wet one planted on her by the young superstar! Candie pulls away in disgust, as Jackson does a little hip swivel to mock T-Bod's idol, Rick Rude, before turning his attention back to Zack. He pulls Malibu up, but Zack gouges the eyes, buying himself some time! He takes the blinded Jackson and ties him up in a facelock, then starts to lift him for the FALLING STAR DRIVER...but Jackson falls behind his back instead...BEAT DROP COMING UP! Jackson lifts Malibu, and as he does Black pokes Hebner's leg with his crutch, distracting him from seeing the finisher hit! Hebner turns to Black as Jackson pulls Zack up onto his shoulder...AND MALIBU FALLS BEHIND...SCHOOL'S OUT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD...INTO A T-BOD SPINEBUSTER~! COLE WHERE DID HE COME FROM! CABOOSE His mother's womb, I'd assume. T-Bod rolls out of the ring in a hurry, rushing over to Dan and Candie, as Malibu drapes an arm over the fallen Jackson. ONE! TWO! THREE! *DING* *DING* *DING* COLE NO! I can't believe it...the GPX have been unseated as World Tag Team Champions! CABOOSE By a real dream team if you ask me! The tag scene is kicking it old school now! "Getting Away With Murder" is cued up, as a spent Malibu gets up, helped to his feet by his partner. T-Bod and Zack stare each other down, until both Black and Candie enter the ring, each one holding a tag title for their respective ally. Zack takes his and looks at it for a moment, then back up at Tony, who already has it draped over his shoulder. Suddenly, a smile, both happy and evil at the same time, comes across Malibu's face, and he extends a hand to Tony, who accepts. CABOOSE Now that is good sportsmanship. COLE And bad news for the OAOAST, as these originals have come together to defeat arguably the most popular OAOAST tag team of all time. The foursome exit the ring, with Zack and T-Bod helping both Candie and the injured Dan down off the apron, as Static leans over Johnny, checking on him Static looks out to the aisle at his old rivals Black T and their new associates, silently vowing revenge in the near future. COLE We didn't know how it'd work out for them, but it seems most of us have to eat our words, as the duo of Zack Malibu and Tony The Body have captured the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles. CABOOSE It's a win-win situation, Cole. Zack has the gold he's coveted since he lost the World Title, and the tag belts are back in the Black T camp. We live in a perfect world. COACH If we did, I'd get laid more. CABOOSE The fact that no women touch you makes it that much more perfect for me.
  22. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    COLE Ladies and gentlemen, up next, it’s a grudge match here at Thanksgiving Star Wars, as Panther goes one-on-one with Kevin Yancy Taylor’s newest associate, the monstrous Brock Ausstin. Let’s take a brief look at the history between Panther and Brock Ausstin. Brief highlight package, showing Taylor’s vow for revenge on Panther for the injuries inflicted on Chris Bryte at Angleslam, Taylor shattering a light tube over Tina’s eye, putting her out of action indefinitely, and Panther going after Taylor for revenge later that night, only to be attacked and powerbombed off a stage by a returning BROCK AUSSTIN. We then get clips of Taylor’s interview with Ausstin, saying that he aligned with him due to the fact that Brock is the one man that Panther’s never been able to beat. We finish with Panther’s vow from later in the evening with Panther promising to pin Brock Ausstin one way or another. When the video package ends, we cut back to LIVE ACTION in Texas Stadium, where “Roc U” by the Young Gunz and Beanie Sigel starts up over the PA system. A black and red radar screen appears on the Angletron, at the center of which, a glowing red Panther’s head appears after each radar revolution. After the seventh revolution, the radar fades away, leaving just the glowing Panther’s head. All at once, the head zooms forward, and… BOOOOOOOOOOOOM~! …we’re taken back out to the darkened stadium, which is rocked by a HUUUUUUUUUUGE pyro blast. A thick cloud of smoke forms at the entrance, and a bright white spotlight emits from the locker room, highlighting the silhouette of a male figure. The light steadily gets brighter as the cymbals begin to clash in the background, each clash accompanied by a bright red spotlight, which highlights a portion of the TSW set. Finally, at approximately the 23 second mark, the white light disappears and the red spotlights converge on the entrance, where Panther steps through the smoke with a look of intensity in his eyes. The crowd gives him a standing ovation as he surveys the stadium, taking a good look into the crowd before raising his hands into the air. He holds the pose momentarily as a sole white spotlight highlights his left side, then snaps his arms down, cuing the spotlights to disperse about the arena. Panther grits his teeth and starts down the aisle with purpose. BUFFER The following contest is a Grudge Match and is scheduled for one fall. Currently coming down the aisle, hailing from Philadelphia, PA and weighing in tonight at 198 pounds, he is known to the world as the Champion of Champions: PAAAAAAAANTHERRRRRRRRRRR~! The crowd gives another pop as Panther continues down that long aisle, taking the opportunity to slap hands with a few ringside fans along the way. COLE Here he comes, fans! Panther entering the ring tonight hoping put an end to one of his biggest rivalries. He enters the ring tonight at less than 100%. He comes here tonight giving up a lot of size…a lot of strength, but Panther is as determined as ever! He is determined to step into this ring here tonight and score that ever-elusive victory over “The Current Big Thing” Brock Ausstin. Panther takes a vertical leap onto the apron and pauses momentarily. Flashbulbs lights up the crowd as Panther turns to the left side of the stadium, then the right before stepping through the ropes and walking out to the center of the ring, where he brushes Buffer and referee Earl Hebner off to the side before taking stance in front of the main camera. Suddenly, the ring goes black, and four white spotlights begin to roam the crowd, getting brighter…and brighter…and brighter before converging on the center of the ring, where Panther snaps his right fist into the air , signaling for more pyro to explode from the ringposts. The lights return to normal, and the crowd continues to cheer as Panther climbs the ropes and continues to rile them up. CABOOSE You know, Cole, it never ceases to amaze me just how stupid these fans can be. I mean, look at them…they’re going bonkers over this bloody Panther. Do they actually think that Panther has a chance of coming in here at less than 100%…with a concussion and beating Brock Ausstin?! COLE You heard what Panther had to say this past Thursday night on HeldDOWN: the man is determined to pin Brock Ausstin! For over a year, ‘Boose, Panther has wanted revenge on Brock for what he did to both he and Tina, and he has vowed chase Brock down until he gets the job done. He said that he won’t be finished with Brock until he defeats him 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring, and I’m inclined to believe him. CABOOSE Well if you ask me, this issue between these two was a done deal before it even got started, because you heard what Taylor said going into this thing: PANTHER CAN’T BEAT BROCK AUSSTIN! He couldn’t beat him when he was healthy, and he certainly won’t be able to beat him tonight. Brock’s got Panther’s number, Cole, and whether you, Panther or these idiot fans want to admit it or not, Panther will never be able to overcome The Current Big Thing. COACH I dunno, Boo-Boo. We’ve seen Panther pull off the unthinkable before. CABOOSE You two don’t get it. PANTHER CAN’T BEAT BROCK AUSSTIN! COLE We’ll see about that. Panther climbs unto the turnbuckles and looks back to the heel locker room, waving his hands in a “bring it” fashion as the music begins to die down. Then A cold, dark voice begins to speak the ungodly hymn over the loud speakers: "Come on God, Answer Me. For Years, I've Been Asking You Why? Why are the Innocent Dead and the Guilty Alive? Where is Justice? Where is Punishment? . . . . . . . . . . . Or Have You Already Answered? Have You Already Said to the World, Here is Justice. Here is Punishment. Here.... In Me." "Punishment" by BIOHAZARD starts up over the PA system, and a chorus of boos comes up from the crowd as Kevin Yancy Taylor appears through the smoke-covered entrance with a sinister smile on his face. He takes a step to the right side of the entrance and holds up his opened right hand as Brock Ausstin steps out from the locker room and begins doing his dreaded HAPPY HAPPY HOSS DANCE~! Taylor then looks in Panther’s direction and does a swift thumbs down motion, at which point, Brock lets loose a wild battle cry and starts down the aisle. BUFFER And his opponent…MAKING HIS RETURN TO OAOAST PPV!!!!! He is accompanied to the ring tonight by KEVIN YANCY TAYLOR and hails from Victoria, Minnesota! Standing Six feet, Four inches tall and weighing in at 320 pounds, he is one of the most destructive forces ever to enter an OAOAST ring. He is THE CURRENT BIG THING…BRRRROCK…AUUUSSSSTIIIIIIIIN~! Brock and Taylor continue their path to ringside as Panther paces anxiously in the ring, not once taking his eyes off the monstrous Ausstin. Once at ringside, Taylor climbs onto the ring stairs as Brock takes a huge leap onto the apron. Panther again motions for Brock to “bring it,” which brings a slight smile to his face. He flexes his shoulders and slaps his chest before stepping through the ropes…at which point, Panther rushes him… DING DING DING CABOOSE CHEATER!!!!!! COLE Panther not wasting any time! Panther’s going straight for Brock Ausstin! The crowd cheers wildly as Panther lays into Brock’s head and neck with right hand after right hand after right hand. Brock weathers Panther’s onslaught and shoves him straight to the mat, but Panther rolls right back to his feet and comes at him again, attempting to smother Brock with repeated rights and lefts. An uneasy look forms on Taylor’s face, but it’s quickly replaced by a smile as Brock catches Panther with a knee DEEP into his midsection, causing him to crumble to the canvas. Panther briefly clutches at his ribs, taking in a deep breath to regain his wind before attempting to push himself back to his feet, but as soon as he’s able to, Brock moves right in on him and nails him with another hard knee to the gut, sending him back down to a knee. Brock then lifts Panther up and scoops him over his shoulder, preparing for what looks to be a running powerslam. The crowd boos wildly as Brock parades the smaller wrestler around the ring, but before he’s able to complete the move, Panther wiggles out of his grasp and slips onto his back piggyback style, from which position he’s able to apply a Dragon Sleeper. The crowd erupts in the background. COLE TRUTH INFECTION!!!!!! PANTHER’S TRYING TO LOCK IT IN HERE IN THE EARLY GOING! CABOOSE FIGHT IT, BROCK! FIGHT IT! He does—furiously—as Taylor frantically bangs against the canvas from the outside. However, just as Brock’s knees begin to buckle, he charges backwards, sandwiching Panther up against the turnbuckles. The crowd deflates as the hold is broken and Panther slumps down in the corner, breathing heavily as he clutches at his ribs and the back of his head. He then uses the ropes to try and pull himself up, but Brock is right back on him with a charging knee to the left cheekbone. From there, Brock just mauls him, relentlessly pounding him with punches and kicks to the temple and side of the head until Panther finds himself beaten into a seated position, with the back of his head resting up against the bottom turnbuckle. Referee Hebner implores Brock to let Panther out of the corner, but he ignores him, and instead decides to deliver a NASTY bootscrape across the bridge of Panther’s nose. He delivers one more before planting the flat of his boot right up against Panther’s throat. REF. HEBNER 1…2…3…C’MON, BROCK! KNOCK IT OFF! THUD Brock sharply turns and shoves Hebner to the mat, drawing huge heat from the capacity crowd. He starts after him, sending him scurrying to the opposite corner, but decides to leave him alone when Taylor redirects his attention Panther, who once again is trying to pull himself back to his feet. Brock then begins to line Panther up, and after letting loose another wild battle cry, Brock charges across the ring and leaps at him for a flying knee, but Panther’s able to duck out of the way at the last second, and Brock gets nothing but turnbuckle. The crowd pops. COLE Oh! Brock missed! Brock Ausstin’s knee struck that top turnbuckle, and watch Panther! Can he capitalize?! Brock tries to shake his right knee loose as he backs away from the buckle. Suddenly… POP BROCK RAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! …Panther comes up from behind and nails him with a HARD kick to the back of the knee, causing Brock to scream in pain. One more sends the big man limping toward the ropes. Panther, smelling blood, moves in on him, looking to continue his attack on Brock’s knee, but Brock catches him by the throat coming. He turns Panther around and begins to choke him against the ropes. Hebner admonishes Brock once more… REF. HEBNER Break the choke, Brock…1…2…3… Brock breaks on three and takes two steps in reverse before rearing back and following through with a big right hand; however, Panther’s able to duck under and run to the ropes, and when Brock turns to intercept him… POP! BROCK RRRRRAAAAGGHHH!!!!!!! …Panther catches him with a running dropkick to the kneecap that sends Brock facefirst to the mat. Brock tries to recover quickly and immediately pushes himself back to his feet, but his knee buckles under him and he ends up going right back down to the canvas. Brock tries to pull himself up a second time, but this time, once he’s vertical, Panther rushes up from behind and drops him with a chop block to the back of the knee. The crowd cheers wildly as Brock rolls around on the mat clutching at his damaged right knee, at which point Panther pulls himself back to his feet and begins to stomp the knee repeatedly. The cheers grow louder and the fans begin to come to their feet. COLE Panther’s working that knee over! He may have just found that chink in Brock’s armor! That opening that’ll bring him his first victory over Brock Ausstin! Panther grabs Brock’s right ankle and begins to tug on it, dragging the monster across the mat. Brock scratches and claws at the canvas, reaching for anything he can to prevent Panther from pulling him, but it’s no use as Panther slides out to the floor and drags him over to the ringpost. Panther briefly looks into the crowd, causing them to clamor, and despite Brock’s best efforts to pull himself away, Panther still manages to take his knee and ram it HARD into the ringpost. The crowd goes wild, and chants of “PANTHER, PANTHER” echo throughout the arena as Brock crawls back out to the center of the ring, clutching his right knee close to his chest. CABOOSE DISQUALIFY HIM!!! COLE Panther’s bending the rules! He will do anything he can to get this victory over Brock Ausstin. Panther slides back into the ring, ignoring the admonishments of Referee Hebner. He walks toward the near corner and sets himself, patiently waiting for Brock to pull himself back to his feet. And after Brock gingerly pulls himself back to a vertical base, Panther charges in once again and drops him with another chop block to the back of the knee. Panther pops back to his feet and begins to go to work yet again, relentlessly stomping Brock’s right knee as the Current Big Thing lay cringing on the canvas. Then, Panther takes Brock’s right leg and applies a step-over toehold. Brock helplessly swats at Panther with his left hand, but is unable to fend him off as Panther drops down with a knee crusher, causing him to scream in pain. COACH Panther’s trying to take Brock’s knee apart! COLE And Kevin Yancy Taylor doesn’t like it one bit. Brock rolls over onto his stomach and tries crawling for the ropes, but Panther catches his right ankle to try and hold him in place. Brock’s able to kick him away with his left leg and begin crawling yet again, but again Panther catches his right leg and drags him out towards the center of the ring. Brock again kicks Panther away with his left leg and starts crawling for the ropes once more. This time, Panther catches Brock’s right leg and uses that to hold him in place. Brock tries to kick away with the right leg, but it’s been too injured, and Panther ends up turning into the left leg with a spinning toehold. The crowd begins to stand. CABOOSE Oh no, Brock! Get to the ropes! COLE You know what we’re gonna see here! COACH Panther’s fixing to take Brock to school! Loud “WHOOOO’s” can be heard from various parts of the arena as Panther transitions the spinning toehold into the dreaded figure four leglock. Brock begins screaming at the top of his lungs as Panther leans back, applying as much pressure to Brock’s injured knee as he possibly can. COACH Listen to Brock screaming! Have you ever seen Brock in a situation like this?! COLE Panther has The Current Big Thing at his mercy! Panther’s got Brock trapped in the figure four. We’ve seen Panther use this hold many a time in the past! We know how adept he is at using this maneuver! Could he do the unthinkable here and make Brock Ausstin tap out?! BROCK’S SHOULDERS ARE DOWN! CABOOSE GET UP, BROCK! 1… 2… NO! Brock sits up just before Hebner’s hand is able to strike the canvas for the third time. COACH Brock almost got caught napping there. COLE Panther’s got this hold expertly applied, putting so much pressure on Brock’s knee—AND HE’S DOWN AGAIN! BROCK’S DOWN AGAIN… 1… 2… NO!!!!! Brock again sits up before the ref can count three. Anger and intensity is written all over Brock’s face as he locks eyes with Panther. He begins huffing and puffing, his body trembling after each breath as rage begins to fill his body. Brocks fists clinch tightly, and you can almost see the fire burning in his eyes as he tosses his head back and lets loose a loud scream… BROCK AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SPLAT! …to which Panther responds by spitting his gum RIGHT IN HIS FACE! The look in Brock’s eye tells the story as a collective gasp comes up from the crowd as Panther flashes a cocky smile Brock’s way. COACH Did you see that?! COLE Panther with a blatant show of disrespect to Brock Ausstin! He just spit that gum right in Brock’s face… CABOOSE And he’ll pay for that! You’d damn sure better believe that Brock won’t let him get away with that. Brock reaches for Panther with both hands, but Panther leans back and increases the pressure on the figure four, causing Brock to scream and fall back to the canvas. Taylor continues to root Brock on as he swats at Panther’s leg, trying to damage his leg enough to cause the release, but having little result. Finally, Brock plants both hands against the mat and begins to pull himself across the canvas, trying to get in range to grab the bottom rope. Panther tries everything he can to keep Brock away from the ropes, but being outweighed by well over 100 pounds, he finds himself unable to do so. Slowly, Brock drags himself within arm’s reach of the bottom rope, at which point he extends his opened hand forward… …he’s reaching… …still reaching… …HE CAN’T REACH IT!!!! The crowd noise is at a fever pitch as Panther cinches up as much as he possibly can. Brock falls back to the canvas with a look of anguish on his face, at which point, referee Hebner gets down and begins to count… 1… 2… THR—NO! At the last second, Taylor runs around and shoves the bottom rope forward, allowing Brock to grab it with ease. The crowd boos loudly in the background as referee Hebner admonishes Taylor, then turns back to Panther and calls for the break. COLE What an ass! Panther…he may have had Brock there. Panther is furious as he breaks the hold and hops to the outside, where he sends Taylor scurrying to around the ringpost to another side of the ring. He then turns back to Brock (who’s still gripping the bottom rope tightly) and pops him with a hard right hand to the bridge of the nose. He then reaches into the ring and grabs Brock’s right leg, which he uses to try and pull Brock toward the ringpost once again. This time, Brock’s able to get his left leg up and plant the flat of his boot up against the side of the post, preventing Panther from dragging him any further. Panther tries in vain to get him to the post, though, and when that doesn’t work, he shoves the injured leg down, walks towards Brock’s head and blasts him with another hard right hand, this one right to the mouth. He then grabs Brock’s right leg once again and slams it down across the lip of the apron. Again! He tries once more to drag Brock toward the post and this time he succeeds. However, as he’s preparing to ram Brock’s knee into the post one more time, he’s approached by an angry Taylor. COLE What the…(sigh) what is this idiot doing now?! CABOOSE He’s no idiot, Cole. That man is one of the most intelligent men in this sport…second only to me! COLE Second to you? CABOOSE Did I stutter? COLE …right. Taylor’s right up in Panther’s face, jamming his index finger into Panther’s chest as he yells all types of insults at him. Panther just rolls his eyes, and with his left hand, he pie-faces Taylor and sends him tumbling back down onto the ringside mats to a loud pop from the crowd. Suddenly… CRASH! COACH Ouch! …Brock’s able to yank his leg away from Panther and boot him in the chest, causing him to fall back and hit the back of his head hard off the guardrail. The crowd boos as Panther slides to the ground while clutching at the back of his head. COLE Panther hit that guardrail…and he looks hurt badly. CABOOSE See! I told you! Kevin Yancy Taylor is a genius! COLE Panther hit that head hard, and remember: Panther’s coming into this thing with a concussion after being powerbombed from the stage by Brock a little more than a week ago…and watch Brock. Chants of “AUSSTIN SUCKS” are starting up in the crowd as Brock slides out to the floor favoring his right knee. Taylor barks out orders in the background as Brock gingerly steps over to where Panther lay on the outside, and slowly lifts him back to his feet. He has a look of intensity in his eyes as he clutches Panther’s head with both hands and— CRASH! Yanks Panther back down, sending the back of his head crashing against the guardrail once again. But Brock’s not done. He lifts Panther back to his feet a second time and… CRASH! SENDS HIM CRASHING BACK INTO THE GUARDRAIL AGAIN! CRASH! AGAIN! CRASH! AND AGAIN!!! CRASH! AND AGAIN!!!!! COLE Good God! Brock Ausstin has snapped! He’s completely lost it! CABOOSE Exactly, Cole! As much of a monster as this man was before, Panther may have just awaken something inside of Brock that he didn’t want to deal with! Referee Hebner slides to the floor to try and keep Brock from killing Panther, but backs away when Brock feigns a backhand in his direction. Brock then lifts Panther up and scoops him over his shoulder. COLE What is Brock getting set to do right now? COACH I dunno…powerslam. The crowd clamors in the background as Brock turns to the ringpost with sinister intentions. With Taylor rooting him on, Brock charges toward the post and darts Panther headfirst into the steel structure. The crowd boos wildly in the background as Panther falls to the floor clutching at his head. COLE Panther’s being decimated out there by Ausstin! CABOOSE As if there was any doubt that this would happen. Panther should’ve known better than to step into the ring with Brock tonight, especially with that concussion. COLE And fans…Panther appears to be busted open. Indeed. Blood is trickling down Panther’s face as Ausstin yanks him back to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Once there, Panther tries to pull himself back to his feet, but it unable to gain his equilibrium and staggers into the ropes, bouncing off and letting loose a wild swing at the air as he desperately tries to defend himself. The blood continues to flow as Brock reenters the ring and begins to move in on him. Panther sees him coming and lets loose another wild right hand, but Brock’s able to duck under, dip his shoulder into Panther’s abdomen and drive him back into the corner, where he begins driving shoulder after shoulder deep into the gut of the Champion of Champions. Brock then catches Panther by the head and shoulder and beales him across the ring. Panther winces as he hits hard off the mat, but Brock doesn’t let up as he lifts him up off the mat and beales him right back to the other side of the ring—tossing him with so much force that Panther ends up sliding ribfirst into the ringpost. COACH DAYUM!!!! Taylor is right there to taunt Panther as he lay beaten and bloodied against the ringpost. Meanwhile, Brock shakes loose his injured knee before walking to where Panther’s lying and lifting him back to his feet. Once Panther’s vertical, Brock grabs him by the throat with both hands and lifts him high into the air; flashbulbs light up the stadium as Brock shakes the smaller Panther like a doll. The ref warns Brock about the choke, so he tosses Panther up against the ropes, at which point, Panther rebounds and blasts Brock with another hard right to the jaw. This one has little effect on The Current Big Thing, and Brock comes right back with a Clothesline of Mass Destruction that turns Panther inside out! “Yes, Brock! Yes,” yells Taylor from the outside as Brock hovers above Panther, motioning for him to get up. Panther—ever scrappy—is quick to oblige Brock, but as soon as he’s able to find his feet, Brock wraps him in a front waistlock and sends him sailing over his head with HOSSLY GOODNESS~! (overhead belly to belly) Brock returns to his feet, the crowd booing him mercilessly as he lifts Panther back to his feet. Panther’s completely out of it as Brock grabs him for an Irish whip, but short-arms him back into another front waistlock. Taylor’s grinning from ear-to-ear on the outside as Brock whips Panther up over his head once more with HOSSLY GOODNESS~!, then springs back to his feet, seemingly feeding off the jeers from the capacity crowd. Panther rolls over onto his stomach, trying to regain his bearings as Brock walks to Panther’s head and waves him up yet again. “Get up, Panther,” yells Taylor, “take your beating like a man”! A slight smile begins to form on Brock’s face when, suddenly, Panther lunges forward and catches him with a weak chop block to the injured right knee. A second causes Brock to stagger, at which point Panther reaches forward and wraps Brock’s leg up with both arms. Brock furiously pounds against Panther’s head and back to break his grip, and once its broken, Brock pulls him into a standing headscissors, wraps his arms around his waist and drills him with a devastating sitout powerbomb!!!! COACH I’M GOING TO EAT YOUR SOUL!!!!!!! COLE BROCK WITH THAT DEVASTATING SITOUT POWERBOMB! COULD THIS BE IT HERE?! Hebner slides into position to count… 1… 2… 3—NO!!!!!! Just a TWOOOOOOOOOO~! TAYLOR THREE, REF! THREE!!!!! Taylor screams at Hebner from the outside, slapping the palm of his hand three times to indicate that he felt the count should’ve been faster. Hebner responds by flipping him the finger. Meanwhile, Brock lifts a groggy Panther back to his feet and whips him HARD into the buckle, causing Panther to hit with such force that he falls forward clutching at his lower back. Brock doesn’t let up, and lifts Panther up once again before sending Panther hitting hard off the buckle one more time with a HARD Irish whip! The ring ropes shake violently as Panther’s body bounces off and hits the mat. COLE Dear God! CABOOSE The ring had to move about a foot on that one! COLE Panther is just being brutalized by Brock Ausstin! Panther’s body falls parallel to the ropes, at which point Brock comes in and stands on his head, causing Panther to kick and flail his limbs wildly as Taylor gets right back up in his face and begins to taunt him from the floor. Then, Brock removes his foot from Panther’s head and pauses just long enough for Taylor to get in one last verbal blow before lifting Panther up into pumphandle position. With the crowd beginning to clamor, Brock whips Panther up onto his shoulder for what looks to be a powerslam…BUT PANTHER SLIPS OFF ONCE AGAIN!!!! He hands on his feet behind Brock and staggers him with a STIFF forearm shot to the back of the head before grabbing a rear waistlock and… COACH GERMAN!!!!! COLE Panther…he’s trying for the German! BUT HE CAN’T LIFT HIM! Brock’s way too heavy, and Panther ends up releasing his grip, favoring at his lower back as he draws away from Brock. Furious, Brock turns and runs Panther down with yet another Clothesline of Mass Destruction! Panther tries to recover quickly, but is unable to clear the cobwebs, and once he reaches his feet, Brock slips in from behind and dumps him right on the back of his head with a Half Nelson Suplex! COLE GOOD. NIGHT!!!!!! Panther lies motionless on the canvas as a grinning Ausstin towers above him. After a slight hesitation to see if Panther’s still conscious, Brock then gets down and covers Panther with a lateral press. Hebner slides into position to count… 1… 2… THRRR—NOOOO! Panther grabs the bottom rope with his left hand after the count of TWOOOOOO~! CABOOSE No way! How’d he kick out of that?! COLE Panther’s still got life left in him, ‘Boose! CABOOSE Well not for long. Get him, Brock. Brock drags Panther’s body out to the center of the ring, where he drops an elbow right into Panther’s sternum! A second! A third! Brock then rolls Panther onto his stomach and straddles his back, at which point he grabs Panther’s head with both hands begins to grind his bloodied face. The crowd boos once more as Brock places his hand under Panther’s chin and pulls his head back, allowing the world to get a good glimpse of his blood-soaked face. Then, Brock blasts Panther with a crossface forearm across the bridge of the nose! One more. Then, he grabs a rear waistlock and rolls over onto his back, placing Panther’s shoulders onto the mat for the count of 1…2…NO!!!!! Panther raises the right shoulder, at which point, Brock rolls him onto his side an cinches up on a modified bearhug. The camera zooms in close on Panther, who is almost limp Brock begins to put on the squeeze. CABOOSE Think Panther still knows deep down inside that he can beat Brock? COLE Of course. Panther…I don’t think he’d ever quit, ‘Boose! Not without a fight. CABOOSE Oh, I never said that Panther wasn’t a fighter. It’s just that he picked a fight here tonight that he just couldn’t win, because to reiterate: PANTHER CAN’T BEAT BROCK AUSSTIN! And Brock’s about to prove it right now! Squeeze, Brock! Squeeze! Taylor, echoing Caboose’s commentary, clutches his arms close to his chest, imploring Brock to increase the pressure as he squeezes the remnants of life out of Panther’s body. Once Brock feels as though Panther’s been weakened enough, he rolls him back over onto his shoulders, this time doing a German Suplex-style bridge as the ref slides in position to count 1…2…NO!!!!!! Panther kicks out! The momentum from the kickout nearly causes Brock to lose his grip, but he maneuvers himself back around Panther in order to regain it, reapplying the inverted bearhug with Panther now in a seated position on the mat. The ref is right there to check on Panther, who winces in pain as Brock cinches up on the hold, digging his locked hands right into Panther’s ribcage. A faint clapping can be heard in the crowd, picking up steam as Taylor begins to slap the ring apron in order to rally his charge. “PAN-THER! PAN-THER! PAN-THER!” The fans begin chanting to Taylor’s beat, serving to annoy him. He works to try and quiet the crowd, but has no luck as the clapping and chanting both get louder. Panther seems to be somewhat invigorated by the crowd support, as he right arm, which once laid limp on the canvas, shoots high into the air. Brock tightens his grip, attempting to halt Panther’s surge, but it’s no use, as Panther fires off a reverse elbow right to the side of Brock’s head. A second. A third catches him right below Brock’s eye, breaking the hold. But when Panther tries to rise, Brock comes right back with a clubbing forearm, knocking him right back into the seated position. Brock catches Panther with one more shot to the right kidney before hooking him in a seated abdominal stretch. The crowd boos wildly in the background while on the floor, Taylor just grins. CABOOSE So much for that flurry. Eh Cole? COLE Brock Ausstin just smothering Panther in there. Not giving Panther any room to breathe, and guys, I must say that I’m beginning to have my doubts. I’m beginning to think that Panther…that he can’t beat Brock Ausstin…at least not tonight. He’s just too injured! Too much has been taken out of him here tonight… CABOOSE And Brock is proving to be just too much for Panther! Admit it, Cole! COLE I thought I just did! CABOOSE Well then you need to make that clear. Say it with some conviction! Come on! COACH Well I don’t think we should count out my boy Panther yet. He’s still got something left in him. The ref checks Panther’s arm to see if he’s still conscious, but the arm doesn’t drop, inciting the fans to rally some more. Chants of “PANTHER, PANTHER” quickly spread around the arena as Brock cinches back on the hold, trying again to halt Panther’s surge. It doesn’t work, though, as Panther reaches up and nails Brock with two left hands right across the forehead before clawing right in his eye to force the break! COACH He did it! Panther broke the hold! Indeed, and the crowd cheers as Brock returns his feet and reels in the opposite direction, clutching at his right eye. Slowly, Panther begins to pull himself back to his feet, at which point Brock moves in with a right hand—NO! Panther catches Brock with a kick right to the weakened right knee! A second, followed by a right to the jaw to stagger the big man! The crowd comes to its feet once more. COLE Panther’s making a comeback! Panther’s got Brock on the run! With Brock staggered, Panther moves in and hooks him for a T-Bone Suplex-- CABOOSE Oh…you idiot! --but naturally, he’s unable to lift him, and ends up getting floored with a reverse elbow to the side of the head. Panther groggily pulls himself back up, at which point, Brock moves in on him and pulls him into a pumphandle. Panther fights to break free, but is unsuccessful as Brock whips him up onto his shoulder and SPIKES HIM HARD WITH A TOMBSTONE!!!!!! Brock takes a moment to extend his injured knee before returning to his feet, being greeted by begrudged chants of “Holy Shit” from the capacity crowd. COACH Ok, that’s it! That’s gotta be it. COLE Panther just got planted like a tree! CABOOSE I dunno about that, he’s definitely not getting up from that! I mean…how stupid is he to try and Suplex Brock Ausstin…TWICE?! COLE Panther…I think he’s just fighting on instinct here… CABOOSE He’s not fighting at all right now, and I think Brock’s ready to end this thing. Indeed. Taylor gives Panther his last rites on the outside as in the ring, Brock tries to lift Panther back to his feet; however, Panther’s just dead weight and ends up falling straight back to the canvas in a puddle of blood. Brock tries to lift him once again, this time catching him up under his armpits and dragging him back to a vertical base. Panther is completely out of it, though, and just ends up falling back against the ropes. As hurt as he is, though, Panther still has the spunk to throw up his hands and wave Brock on! COLE Amazing! CABOOSE This moron just doesn’t know when to give it up! Brock just laughs and pie-faces Panther, sending him back up against the ropes. Panther tries to rebound with a wild right hand, but Brock just takes a step back, allowing Panther’s momentum to take him straight back to the canvas. The crowd begins to boo. COLE Just pin him and get it over with, Brock! You’ve got the match won. CABOOSE Oh he’s not gonna do that! I think Uncle Kev wants him to inflict just a little bit more damage, then put him out of this sport for good! Brock takes Panther by the head and drags him back to his feet once more, catching him with an open hand slap to the face that sends him stumbling into the ropes once more. Brock moves in on Panther, stopping short to avoid a left hook to the head. Taylor can hardly contain his laughter from the floor as Brock sticks his chin out, daring him to swing again. Panther does, but Brock leans back once again, managing to avoid another left from the Champ of Champs. With a wide grin on his face, Brock leans forward yet again, daring Panther to hit him— BOOOOOOOM! --AND GETS ROCKED WITH WILD RIGHT HAND TO THE JAW!!!!!!!! Panther leans back into the ropes as Brock draws away to regain his footing. Then… …HE GOES DOWN TO A KNEE!!!!!!! CABOOSE WHAT?! COLE BROCK’S HURT!!!!! BROCK’S HURT!!!! The crowd begins to clamor as on the outside, Taylor furiously bangs against the canvas, begging Brock to “SHAKE IT OFF! SHAKE IT OFF!” Brock tries to, and pushes himself up onto spaghetti legs as Panther comes to the realization that he’s hurt the big man. Scattered “PANTHER” chants start up at various points of the stadium as the Champ of Champs tries to regain his bearings. He then eyes Brock Ausstin and, after summoning up every amount of strength left in his body… CABOOSE Look out, Brock! Look out! …Panther darts at Brock with a full head of steam and begins to rip into him with a barrage of right and left hands. The crowd goes berserk as Panther hammers away, only to be shoved back to the mat by Ausstin. Undaunted, Panther rolls right back to his feet and attacks once again. Brock starts to backpedal, and in doing so, plants his right foot the wrong, causing his injured right knee to give way. Brock goes tumbling back to the canvas, but as he’s falling, he catches Panther by the bottom of his jersey and pulls him forward, managing to yank him through the ropes and to the outside. COLE Brock with that leverage move sending Panther to the outside. I dunno whether or not he did that purposely…a desperation move nonetheless and guys, it appears as if Ausstin’s reaggravated that knee. Indeed, Brock rolls around the mat, trying to extend his injured knee as on the outside, Panther begins to pull himself back to his feet. Suddenly, Taylor rushes up from behind and shoves Panther forward, sending him crashing facefirst into the post. COLE Damn it!!!!!! That no good Taylor… CABOOSE …proving once again why he’s one of the greatest minds in this sport. He won’t allow Panther to take the advantage for anything! He’s great! COLE Panther’s head smacked that post again and he went down…and that can’t do his concussion any good. The referee was busy looking after Brock’s injury and missed Taylor’s interference. Brock seems to be ok and is now headed to the outside, where Taylor implores him to “FINISH HIM!” Still limping slightly, Brock lifts Panther back to his feet and scoops him up into gorilla position. The crowd begins to stir as Brock turns towards the ring post and eyes it sinisterly. COLE Oh no! Oh no! COACH This is what happened to Heyross on HeldDOWN~! The crowd holds its collective breath as Brock prepares to launch Panther into the steel post, but before he’s able to, Panther reaches down and thumbs him in the eye, causing Brock to drop him. Panther comes to his feet behind Brock, at which point, Brock turns and charges him with a Clothesline of Mass Destruction. Panther manages to duck under, though, and wrap Brock up in a rear waistlock before—SOMEHOW—managing to take him up and over with a German— THUD! COLE DEAR GOD!!!!!!!!! The crowd ERUPTS as Panther’s German sends the back of Brock’s head crashing into the steel post. HUGE chants of “HOLY SHIT” echo throughout the building as both men lay hurt on the arena floor. COACH Can you believe that move from Panther?! COLE Brock’s head just bounced off that post…Brock is hurt and hurt badly! COACH He just had his head split like a watermelon. Taylor watches from a safe distance as a glassy-eyed Brock sits up on the outside, clutching at the back of his head and neck as he tries to get his wits about him. There’s a camera positioned behind Brock that gives us a shot of blood pouring down his head, neck and back and into a big puddle of blood on the mats below. Then, Panther begins to pull himself back to his feet with fire in his eyes. He turns to Brock with a look of hate as he removes the glove from his right hand, then does the same with the left, then charges Brock, leaping at him with a modified Thesz press and pounding away upon him with bare right hands to the forehead. Brock desperately tries to cover up as Panther takes him by the throat and then begins pounding his head into the floor, much to the delight of the capacity crowd. Then, Panther lifts Brock off the floor and muscles him into the ring. CABOOSE I can’t believe what I’m seeing here! COLE The tide has just changed drastically in this one. Brock Ausstin may have just been concussed on the outside as in the ring, Panther looks to be in control! Panther slides into the ring just as Brock pulls himself back up, and this time it’s Brock who’s unable to find his footing. He staggers into the ropes, throwing wild rights and lefts in a desperate attempt to defend himself. The momentum from his final swing sends him staggering back out to the center of the ring, where Panther catches him on the button with a clean right hand! Another one has the big man rocked! A third has him rocking even more, and the crowd noise is off the page as Panther hits off the ropes and nails him with a running front elbow that sends him straight to the canvas. Brock quickly pulls himself up, but Panther hits the ropes one more time and drops him with another elbow. Brock again tries to pull himself, but is unable to, and ends up stumbling to a knee, at which point, Panther turns to the crowd with a smile. With the fans still behind him, Panther hits the ropes opposite Brock, and— CRACK! CATCHES HIM COMING OFF WITH THE FRONTLINE (running front dropkick straight to the face)! Brock falls flat on his back, at which point, Panther leaps into a cover! Referee Hebner slides right into position to count the… 1…. 2… 3!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! JUST TWO!!!!!!!! JUST TWO!!!!!! COACH Are you kidding me?! COLE Panther was so close! So close to getting that pinfall victory over Brock Ausstin! CABOOSE Damn it, Brock! Get your head on straight! YOU CANNOT LOSE TO PANTHER! YOU CANNOT LOSE!! Panther briefly argues with the ref about the count before mounting Brock and hammering down with rapid-fire rights to the forehead. Brock reverses, however, rolls Panther onto his back and catching him with three big forearms to the face before stumbling back to his feet. Panther rises shortly after Brock, but gets doubled over with a hard kneelift right to the gut. Brock follows up with a second that sends Panther down to a knee, then staggers back into the ropes, trying desperately to clear the cobwebs. With blood continuing to flow from the back of Brock’s head, Brock lines Panther up and charges forward with another kneelift…BUT PANTHER CATCHES IT! Brock’s eyes open wide with shock as Panther brings him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Then, Panther tucks Brock’s right ankle under his armpit and scissors up on the leg before falling back to the canvas with a kneebar. The crowd pops wildly as Brock begins to scream in pain. COLE Panther’s got Brock locked in another submission hold! The look of pain is etched on Brock’s face as Panther rips and tears at that injured knee. Can Brock escape?! Panther’s applying as much pressure as he can, but it’s not enough to keep Brock from pulling himself over to the bottom rope and grabbing it tightly with both hands. The referee calls for the break. REF. HEBNER 1…2…3…4…BREAK IT! Panther breaks on the count of four, at which point he returns to his feet and delivers another hard stomp to Brock’s knee. He delivers one more before grabbing his right ankle and trying to pull him out to the center of the ring. Brock, however, has got the bottom rope gripped tightly, and despite Panther’s best efforts to get him off, he refuses to let go. Instead, he places the flat of his left foot into Panther’s chest and boots him…right into the referee! COACH Uh oh! COLE The ref and Panther just cracked heads, and down went the ref! This isn’t good at all. Panther is slow to get to his feet after the collision. He clutches at his head as slowly, Brock pulls himself up in a nearby corner and begins to set himself. The crowd clamors as Panther finds his feet, at which point, Brock—sucking up as much of the pain as he can—charges in his direction for… CABOOSE HERE COMES THE PAIN~!~!~! BUUUUUUT…PANTHER SIDESTEPS THE SPEAR, and when Brock turns around, Panther blasts him with a HARD superkick that sends him flailing up against the turnbuckles. With Brock in the corner and the referee down, Panther looks into the crowd with a mischievous glare. CABOOSE He wouldn’t! Oh, he would. Realizing what’s about to happen, Taylor hops upon the apron in a vain attempt to try and talk Panther down. It doesn’t work, unfortunately, as Panther charges forward and blasts Brock with a swift kick to the groin…and another! And another! And another! GOOD GOD, ANOTHER!!!!!! COLE RAPID-FIRE LOW BLOWS!!! RAPID-FIRE LOW BLOWS FROM PANTHER TO BROCK AUSSTIN!!!!!! CABOOSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HEBNER, GET UP!!!!!! GET UP!!!!! The crowd goes crazy as Panther nails Brock with 10 kicks straight south, followed by a HARD uppercut to the groin. Taylor’s having a fit on the apron, but Panther puts an end to that by dropping him with a right hand to the jaw, much to the crowd’s delight! CABOOSE And now he abuses Taylor—a broadcast journalist! What kind of animal is this man?! COACH He’s a Panther… CABOOSE …oh, right. COACH Yeah. The ref is now beginning to pull himself back up, at which point, Panther turns to the crowd and flicks his thumb across his neck in a throat-slitting gesture. Then, he sets himself and waits for Brock to rise. COLE We could be moments away from the end of this match! Panther’s measuring Brock for what looks to be the Panther Cutter. The crowd claps and stomps in anticipation of the move as Panther begs and pleads for Brock to rise. And once he’s back on his feet, Panther moves in on him and grabs a ¾ headlock… COACH Here it is… BUT NO!!!!!! Brock counters out of it with a half nelson. Before Panther can react, Brock wraps his left arm around Panther’s throat and falls back to the canvas with a Kataha Jime (Tazzmission). The crowd is stunned!!! COLE Kataha Jime by Ausstin! Brock with this Judo choke locked in on Panther! This crowd can’t believe it! CABOOSE Yes! Didn’t I tell you, Cole?! Didn’t I tell you that Panther couldn’t beat Brock?! We’re about to have a chokeout on our hands! COLE Panther’s trying as hard as he can to escape this hold…but it appears to be no use. Panther’s free arm flails wildly as he desperately reaches for the ropes, but is unable to find them. His arm soon begins to slow and eventually starts drooping down to the canvas. CABOOSE It’s over now, Cole! He’s fading! He’s fading! COLE Brock’s got it cinched in tight! Nowhere for Panther to go! Could this be the end right here? The referee moves in and lifts Panther’s arm off the canvas. He raises it high into the air in order to see if Panther’s still conscious… …AND THE ARM DROPS!!!!! Hebner lifts the free arm off the canvas once more, and Brock tightens his grip as the arm…. …DROPS A SECOND TIME!!!!! CABOOSE That’s two! One more and it’s over! It’s over! COLE This crowd is trying as hard as they can to rally behind Panther! Is it too late? Claps and stomps reverberate throughout the building as Hebner goes to raise the hand one final time… …and the arm… it… it…. IT DRRRRRRR— IT DROPS!!!!!!!! CABOOSE IT’S OVER!!!!!!! BUT PANTHER PLACED HIS FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE AT THE LAST SECOND!!!!!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BREAK!!!!!! CABOOSE You’ve gotta be kidding me! COLE Panther is still alive!!!! This match isn’t over yet!!! Taylor’s right back on the apron to protest the referee’s call, vehemently arguing that Panther’s arm dropped a third time. Hebner approaches Taylor, at which point, the so-called broadcast journalist begins jamming his index right into the referee’s chest. Suddenly… TINA appears at ringside (wearing black strap-on shades due to her recent eye injury) and yanks Taylor down from the apron. Taylor’s eyes open wide with shock as Tina winds up and… CRASH! …SHATTERS a light tube right over Taylor’s head. The crowd goes wild, and we get another “Holy Shit” chant! COLE TINA!!! CABOOSE What the hell is she doing here?! She’s supposed to out due to the surgery!!!! COLE Tina just shattered that glass tube over the head of Kevin Yancy Taylor! Tina just got some payback from last week! COACH And it doesn’t look like she’s done yet! Tina begins to put the boots to a now bloody Taylor as he rolls around through shards of the shattered light tube. Officials rush out to ringside to restrain her, but she manages to fight them off before lifting Taylor up by the hair and tossing headfirst into the guardrail. She then tosses him over the railing and into the crowd, and the fans cheer wildly as she beats him out of the arena. COLE Taylor is getting the hell beat outta him by Tina! He’s been run off by the Superwoman, and now Brock Ausstin is all alone! No one to help him out! No one to stand in Panther’s way of finally achieving victory! CABOOSE It doesn’t matter, Cole, because remember: Taylor or no Taylor, PANTHER CAN’T BEAT BROCK!!!!! HE CAN’T!!!!!! HE CAN’T!!!!! Brock looks to prove Caboose right as he scoops Panther up onto his shoulders for a fireman’s carry, preparing to drop him down in the F-STUNNER-5! But he’s only able to keep Panther up for a moment, as he knee soon buckles on him, and both he and Panther end up falling to the canvas. Brock clutches at his knee momentarily before slowly pushes himself back to a vertical base, trying as hard as he can to avoid putting pressure on his injured knee. Suddenly…Panther springs to his feet, locks on a ¾ headlock and brings him right back down with a PANTHER CUTTER!!!! The crowd erupts once more! COLE HE GOT IT!!!!!!! HE GOT IT!!!!! THE PANTHER CUTTER!!!!! BROCK IS DOWN!!!!! HE’S DOWN!!!!! CABOOSE Oh my goodness, Cole! Calm down!!!!! COLE PANTHER HIT THE PANTHER CUTTER!!!!!! HE’S GONNA DO THIS, ‘BOOSE!!!! CABOOSE NO! HE CAN’T! The crowd’s cheers are at a fever pitch as Brock lay prone on the canvas, at which point, Panther heads out to the apron and begins to ascend the turnbuckle. The crowd begins to rise, and dozens of camera flashbulbs begin to go off as he stands upright on the top rope and begins to measure Brock. Then, after taking a deep breath, Panther wipes the blood from his eyes and leaps into the air, coming right down onto his foe with his signature Frog Splash!!!!! COLE FROG SPLASH CONNECTS!!!!!! COUNT IT, REF!!!!! Panther hooks the leg and the referee slides in position, and the fans count along as Hebner’s hand strikes the mat for… CROWD 1…2…3!!!!! HUH?!?! COLE WHAT THE HELL?!?! THAT WAS THREE!!!!!!!! COACH WHAT HAPPENED?! Panther pulls up from the pin, looking around only to find out that referee Hebner has been yanked to the outside and laid out on the arena floor. Panther then surveys the ringside area for the culprit, and his eyes open wide with shock once he finds him. COLE Oh my God! THAT’S CHRIS BRYTE!!!!!!!! CABOOSE CHRIS BRYTE IS BACK!!!! Yes! Panther looks ready to explode as he begins to walk toward the grinning Bryte, who’s got a huge smile on his face as he eyes Panther from the outside. With Panther’s attention diverted to Bryte, he doesn’t notice another huge figure entering the ring from the opposite side… COACH IT’S…THE HAND~! Yes! Wearing a black eye patch and carrying a crowbar in his hands, The Hand approaches Panther from behind and blasts him with a hard crowbar shot to the back of the head, knocking him to the mat. With Panther down, Bryte slides into the ring and begins to go to work, hammering down with rapid-fire right hands as the crowd boos him relentlessly. COLE Chris Bryte and The Hand are back and they’re assaulting Panther! Brock Ausstin hasn’t moved since getting the Panther Cutter…damn it, Bryte just robbed Panther of his win!!!!! Panther had the victory in the bag!!! Officials rush back out to the ring to try and get Bryte off of Panther, by The Hand sends them all scattering as he charges in with the crowbar. Then, Bryte lifts Panther up and pulls him into a double chicken wing, holding him in place for The Hand. The Hand then starts to go to work, moving in and nailing Panther with repeated crowbar shots to the ribs before taking the edge of the crowbar and driving it right into the open wound on Panther’s head. Panther screams at the top of his lungs as The Hand digs deep into his forehead. Then, Bryte kjdigs deep into his forehead. Then, Bryte throws Panther down and slides out to the floor, where he begins to look under the ring. COLE Panther is hurt in the ring, Chris Bryte has ruined this match, and now what?! What is Bryte looking for now. Things become clear as Bryte emerges from underneath the ring with a can of gasoline. The crowd gasps in the background. COLE Oh no! CABOOSE He’s going for payback for Angleslam! Officials try desperately to wrestle the can away from Bryte, but he manages to break free and slide back into the ring, where he cracks Panther right in the forehead with it. He does it once more before unscrewing the lid and dousing Panther’s body with gasoline. COLE C’mon now! Don’t do this! CABOOSE Do it! Panther and Tina didn’t have any second thoughts about scarring you for line at Angleslam, Bryte! The Hand catches Panther with a hard boot to the kidneys as Bryte reaches into his pocket to pull out a match. More officials rush the ring, trying to get in Bryte’s path to prevent him from setting Panther on fire. Both Bryte and The Hand try to fight them off, but soon find themselves overwhelmed as now security guards and police officers begin to enter the ring. The two soon decide to exit the ring, but not before The Hand delivers a VICIOUS punch right to Panther’s ribcage. “It’s Goin’ Down” starts up over the PA system as Bryte and The Hand high five one another before heading up the aisle and back to the locker room. In the ring, officials are tending to an unconscious Panther as well as Brock, who’s suffering the effects of a knee injury and what may be a concussion at the hands of Panther. COLE Both wrestlers are down, folks…not then end that we were looking for, and certainly not the end that Panther was looking for! Chris Bryte…he’s just stuck it to Panther again! Chris Bryte is back…I can’t believe it. Bryte and The Hand look on from the entrance, being pelted with trash and other objects by unruly fans before heading through the curtains and back to the locker room.
  23. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    As we return to Thanksgiving Star Wars... *canned laughter* ...twenty men surround the ring. Four Thanksgiving spreads have been laid out. And Coach is wearing a Pilgrim hat. Yes, it can only be the... INVITATION TO ANARCHY MATCH~!~!~! In the ring, Michael Buffer is standing by ready to do the introductions. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first ever Invitation To Anarchy Match. Here are the rules: BUFFER Introducing at this time, the teams. Team number one...weight, unknown. Height, unknown. Hometown, unknown. Wrestling ability, unknown. CHRIS AND JAMES! A surprisingly huge pop fills Texas Stadium as the camera focuses on Chris and James, currently fighting over a turkey leg. BUFFER Team two...from Mexico City, SKULL KID! And his replacement partner...from Parts Unknown. This is JAPANESE POOL BOY! COLE Currently working for Japanese promotion HI-YAH! BUFFER Team number three...from Queensland, Australia. 'THE LOOKS' SAXON AUSSIE and 'THE MOUTHPIECE' KEVIN JASON AUSSIE. They are F...B...A... FULL BLOODED AUSSIES!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOO!" The crowd boo the Aussies, who raises their hands in the air as they're announced. BUFFER Introducing team four...from Oklahoma! Frank and Frankie...THE FRANKENSTEINERS!!! Cheers for the Frankensteiners, who are tucking into some ALL AMERICAN~! cranberry sauce. BUFFER Team five...the hosts! NATHAN BLACK! JASPER ROMERO! GLORY... BY... ANARCHY!!! "YEEEEAAAAHHHHH!" The newcomers get some love from the fans. BUFFER And team six, hail from South Central L.A. This is VINCENT 'WHITEY' FORD and MARCELLUS 'ONE EYE' WALLACE... THE SOUTH CENTRAL MILITIA! The SCM get a mixed reaction but they don't care, too busy enjoying some sweet-ass pumpkin pie. BUFFER Team seven. From Belleview, Michgan...NATE and MIKEY. THE TETHERS BROTHERS! Cheers go up for the Tetherseseseses. BUFFER Team eight. From Chicago Illinois! Dr. MAX ANDERSON and Dr. STEVEN PIGLEY... THE LURRRRRVEEE DOCTORS!!! Doing double duty tonight, the Love Doctors are following the advice of any good doctor and steering clear of the Thanksgiving meals, keeping a balanced diet in the process. BUFFER Team nine are presented to you tonight by Kevin Yancy Taylor! "BOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER They are...THE ILLUMINATORS! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Illuminators light up and start dancing, Chris and James joining in from afar. BUFFER And finally, team number ten. Give it up for Marvin and Melvin Nerdly...THE FANBOYS!!! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" The crowd erupt for The Fanboys...Marvin wearing a Darth Maul mask, while Melvin is sporting the Princess Leah wig for tonight. No dress, thank god. And after those needlessly long intros, it's down to Michael Cole to pick out the first two numbers to start this match. Reaching into the bowl of DOOM~!, Cole picks out the two numbers and hands them to Buffer. BUFFER To start are teams...EIGHT AND SIX! *DING DING DING* In bundle The Love Doctors and The South Central Militia to kick this match off and quickly the SCM get the better of the Doctors. "Whitey" stomps away on Max, while "One Eye" is laying a beatdown on Steven. Eventually Max is hurting enough for "Whitey" to go and help out "One Eye", both of the SCM laying on a double stomping. Pigley is unable to block any of the stomps and eventually he finds himself tumbling out of the ring and right out at the feet of some of the other combatants. Meanwhile, Max is up and tries to attack the Militia from behind. But they quickly get the advantage back and whip Dr. Anderson across the ropes... ...but he ducks a double clothesline, just as Dr. Pigley rolls back in. Around turn the SCM, into stereo dropkicks from the Love Doctors! Both SCM members get right back up, but get stereo dropkicks again. But "Whitey" and "One Eye" are quickly back up again, so the Love Doctors look for another double dropkick. Only for this time, The SCM to shrug both dropkicks away in stereo and then stomp down across the back of the Love Doctors' heads in stereo! COACH Man, these Militia guys are tough guys huh? COLE That's what you get from growing up in the hood. CABOOSE ...they're from Los Angeles. Both of the Doctors could, ironically, benefit from some doctors right about now as Max is up. "Whitey" grabs him though, punching him square in the jaw! Meanwhile, Steven gets the same treatment from "One Eye"...before the Militia look at each other and nod in agreement. The Docs have got to go. Quickly they pull up a Love Doctor each and run across to opposite sides of the ring, hurling the Love Doctors over the top...but both hold on! Quickly "One Eye" starts to punch away on Pigley to try and force him out to the floor, while across the ring "Whitey" gets a shoulder to the gut from Anderson. Quickly Max re-enters the ring and with "Whitey" doubled over, he charges across the ring and clotheslines "One Eye" from behind... ...and eliminates him! "YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" COLE Well, there go the Militia. For now. Expect this one to be fast-paced and out of control. CABOOSE Not to mention damn near impossible to call. COACH Not that we're that good with singles match either... CABOOSE Speak for yourself. With the Militia gone, a lucky fan gets to draw the next number... "ONE!" "YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" COLE And this should be most interesting. Chris and James, still fighting over that turkey leg, stop and ask Nathan Black what their numbers is. Black confirms it. And Chris and James jump for joy! Quickly they both go to enter the ring, but suddenly Chris pulls James off the apron. Only for James to do the same. "I'M THE CAPTAIN!" yells James. "NUH UH!" Chris cries back. "YUH HUH!" "NUH UH!" "YUH HUH!" "NUH...UH!" Chris yells again, simultaneously pie-facing James. Literally. Like, with a pie and stuff. With James blinded, Chris slides into the ring and charges at Max... ...who sidesteps and sends Chris flying over the top and to the floor! COLE Oh boy. CABOOSE Quite an auspicious start, huh? As James wipes the cream from his eyes, he realises that Chris has already been eliminated and starts to 'cuss' out James. Meanwhile, it's drawing time again. "THREE!" "BOOOOOOOOOOO!" In slide the Full Blooded Aussies, one from either side of the ring. Quickly the Love Doctors meet them and again the battle has paired off...Max with Saxon, while Steven battles with Kevin Jason. Saxon stomps away on Max in the corner while Steven is firing back on Kevin Jason with some right hands. 'The Mouthpiece' is rocked, long enough for Steven to leap to the middle rope and crash down on KJ with a crossbody. Rolling off, Steven then runs over and grabs Saxon, whipping him around and across the ring. Saxon can't stop himself and crashes straight into KJ! COACH Oh...the FBA collide! COLE And if the Love Doctors can eliminate one of these Aussies now, they'll win this match already! COACH And nobody's touched my yams yet! The Aussies stagger around from hitting heads, as Steven irish whips Max across the ring towards them. But Saxon ducks a clothesline, allowing Kevin Jason to take Max's head off with a leg lariat! Steven runs in moments later, but gets caught by a Saxon standing dropkick! The Love Doctors are both down, trying to regroup. Meanwhile, The Aussies regroup too, lining up the Doctors. "U S A! U S A! U S A!" Hearing the chants of the crowd, the Aussies try to quiten down the crowd with little success. Meanwhile, over staggers Max. A double boot doubles him over, as the FBA set him up for a double suplex. Steven sees it though and quickly climbs to the top rope. The Aussies abandon Max and begin to walk towards Steven, just as he launches off the top and wipes them both out with a double missile dropkick! "YEEEEAAHHH!" COLE The flying Doctor, with the shot to both Aussies! Saxon is first to his feet and quickly Max spins him around, dropkicking him in the jaw and sending him flying across the ring. That leaves KJ isolated with the Love Doctors. Steven beckons him in, hitting an inverted atomic drop and holding him in place, while Max nails the dropkick! COACH Lovematic Grandpa! Over staggers Saxon again, as Steven looks to introduce him to the Lovematic Grandpa as well. But Saxon clubs Steven around the ears to block, charging at Max and clotheslining him down before going back after Steven. Steven sees him coming though, armdragging Saxon across the ring. Saxon stumbles up as Pigley gets a head of steam and charges... ...only for Saxon to sidestep him, causing Steven to run straight into Kevin Jason and a stungun across the top, GOLD~! rope. Steven's neck snaps off the ropes, leaving him dazed and wide-open for a double clothesline that sends him up and over the top, to the floor! COLE There goes Dr. Pigley! Meaning this match shall continue on! With his partner gone, Max dejectedly leaves the ring and goes to get some mashed potato...as meanwhile, another fan is getting the ball grabbing treatment. "Number...FIVE!" "YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The hosts, Glory By Anarchy, both leap to the apron and it's face-off time! The Aussies beckon them on and into the ring step the GBA...the FBA meeting them on the way in. Kevin Jason and Saxon both batter away on their opponents but it's soon apparant that they're somewhat out-matches in the strength department. 'Somewhat' meaning both Aussies get pushed halfway across the ring and roll the other half from the force. Both Aussies quickly get back up and charge, but so do Black and Romero. And it's the GBA that get the better of the charge, Black almost decapitating Kevin Jason with a Black Lariat, while Romero allows Saxon to run into a gorilla press! COLE Oh MY! Keeping Saxon pressed in the air, Romero waits for a moment as Kevin Jason groggily drags himself up, staggering around the ring in a daze. Eventually he falls against the ropes, as Romero tosses Saxon towards him. Kevin Jason catches Saxon, but the momentum topples him over... ...and BOTH Aussies are eliminated! "YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" COLE And what an impression made by Glory By Anarchy! As the Aussies end up piled on the floor, Nate Tethers picks up a bowl of cranberry sauce and dumps it onto the Australian duo. "FOUR!" ...meanwhile, The Frankensteiners' number is hollered out by the drawing fan and into the ring slide Frank and Frankie. And both instantly charge with Frankensteinerlines, which are ducked by the GBA. Back around turn the Frankensteiners, with Black looking for a Black Lariat while Romero hits an Axe Bomber. However, Black's Black Lariat is countered by Frank, into an Explodaaah~! Black lands on his head, while Romero pounces on Frank with clubbing forearms. Getting the advantage, Frank then hooks up Romero for a suplex...and hits it! Now both of the GBA are down, Frankie going after the downed Black while Frank pulls Romero up. Frank whips Romero across the ring, waiting for him to come back before setting for the tilt-a-whirl suplex... ...but Romero tilts and whirls out of the move, landing on his feet and clotheslining Frank down. Frankie sees it though, charging and nearly taking Romero's head off with a clothesline of his own! COLE FRANKENSTEINERLINE! COACH Try saying that after five Gin Rummies! Frankie turns back around as Black is getting to his feet, hooking him around the waist and executing the belly to belly suplex! It seems the Frankensteiners have things going their way as Romero staggers up, over towards Frankie. He goes for another Frankensteinerline, but it's ducked and as Frankie turns around... *SMACK!* ...he takes a superkick to the jaw. Frank is up too meanwhile, creeping up behind Romero and laying him out with a running forearm. Pulling up Romero, Frank now drags "Romeo" across the ring and tries to bundle him over the top. But Romero isn't going to go without a fight, hanging on for dear life. Frank turns his head, looking for help. But Frankie is still out cold. COLE I'm not sure Frank can get Romero out on his own... ...and he's not going to, as Black walks over and pulls Frank away from Romero. Turning around, Frank nails a right hand, but Black goes to the gut with a knee before calling Romero over. Romero quickly strides over and with either GBAer to each side, Frank is wide open for a spinkick to the jaw and a legsweep simultaneously! COACH TOTAL ANARCHY! CABOOSE You've got that right. Black and Romero have Frank down, but suddenly Frankie is up and charging, catching Black unawares and charging him into, up and over the ropes! Black tries to hold on but can't and just like that, Glory By Anarchy have been dumped out. COLE Woah! Right against the run of the match, there go Glory By Anarchy! "THREE!" "BOOOOOOOOO!" There's little let-up for the Frankensteiners though as out is called the number of the Full Blooded Aussies, bringing them into the match for the second time. Only this time, they have cranberry sauce on them~! Quickly Saxon and Kevin Jason manage to jump Frankie and pound away with whatever they can get...punches, forearms kicks...dropping Frankie to his knees. Frank is still down from Total Anarchy, leaving Frankie on his own. Up he's pulled, before getting whipped off the ropes. Frankie comes back with a double Frankensteinerline...Saxon taking the blow and getting flipped through the air, while KJ ducks. Frankie runs on and rebounds, into a dropkick to the jaw! "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!" hollers Kevin Jason. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" is the fans' responce. COLE Not many Australians in the audience tonight it seems. Quickly KJ pulls Frankie up and drags him by the hair towards the centre of the ring, while Saxon is slowly getting up. A kick is followed by a stunner, snapping Frankie upwards... ...and into a Saxon superkick! COLE A nice Stunner, Superkick combo by the Aussies... CABOOSE That's not a Stunner. That's the Wankersnapper! COLE Lovely. As Frankie hits the deck, Frank is up and using the ropes to help himself stay there. The FBA spot him though and charge over, each grabbing a leg and tipping Frank up. Desperately he clings on to the ropes, but the FBA fire in some knees and some kicks all the while forcing forwards... ...until Frank toppled to the floor! "BOOOOOOOOOO!" And now, with the Frankensteiners thrown out, The Aussies need two more consecutive eliminations to win. Into the centre of the ring they go to regroup, watching the other entrants eating away, as it's Coachman's turn to pick! "Yo~! It's number TEN playas~!" "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Which means, it's time to take it to Funkytown, with The Fanboys! Quickly 'Princess Melvin' rolls in and puts up teh dukes~!, but as The Aussies begin to move in, he asks them if he's really going to hit a woman. The FBA stop, looking totally confused with the idiotic situation. As meanwhile, 'Darth Marvin' sneaks in and starts to creep up on the FBA. Of course, being 'Darth Marvin', he's breathing heavily...so Saxon hears him coming, turns around and clotheslines him down. Which leaves KJ to stalk down 'Princess Melvin'. COLE Oh no. This isn't good for Big Mel... Fear strikes Melvin and he starts to scream out for 'Luke' to come and save him. The only assistance Marvin can offer, as he's wrapped in a camel clutch, is for Melvin to 'use the force'. Or...maybe not, as KJ charges and misses with a clothesline, while Melvin reaches into his pants and pull out two forks! KJ turns around, and takes a fork in the kneecap! "YEEEAAAAHHH!" Saxon is in shock and releases Marvin, running at Melvin...and he takes a fork in the shoulder! COACH Oh my god, he's forking them both! COLE No he's not. He's using the forks! Get it? CABOOSE Old Simpsons jokes? Are we really stooping that low now? Saxon drops to hands and knees, as does KJ. Quickly 'Darth Marvin' grabs them both in front facelocks, holding them steady as Melvin takes a fork in each hand... ...AND RAMS ONE IN EACH AUSSIE ASS!!! "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COACH He forked them both in the ass!!! COLE That can't feel good, to be forked in the ass like that. COACH You'd know! BA-ZING~! The Aussies are howling now, as Marvin and Melvin grab KJ up and hurl him over the top... ...AND TO THE FLOOR! "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The crowd are going NUTS as The Nerdlys start celebrating, while Saxon looks on angrily. Meanwhile, the next number is to be drawn. "SEVEN!" "YEEEAAAAAAAHHHH!" Quickly The Tethers Brothers roll in and look at The Fanboys, smiling widely at what they're seeing. Yes, they're nice guys. They don't want to attack The Fanboys, do they? We'll never know, as while they're approaching, Saxon Aussie creeps up behind them and nails them both with a lowblow! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE They're eliminated! They should be on the outside eating turkey! As both Tethers grab at their nether regions, into the ring rolls KJ Aussie...and together with Saxon, they dump the Tetherses over the top and to the floor! The crowd are incensed as the Aussies celebrate their 'victory', not knowing that they've pissed off the hosts. The GBA stride up behind The FBA and wait for them to turn around, which they do...and run, which they do. Out of the ring escape the Aussies... ...but Nate and Mikey are waiting... ...hitting each Aussie over the head in stereo with TURKEYS~!~?~! Down go the Aussies and, you know what that means. COACH FOOOOOOOOD FIIIIIIIGHT!!!!! "YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Sure enough everybody starts to get stuck in on the food, flinging pies and bowls, turkeys and potatoes...and the crowd love it! Some of the front row dwellers are even reaching over the barrier and throwing food too, risking getting their asses kicked by Ron Artest in the process. Chris has James in a headlock, The Aussies are brawling with the Tethers, while everyone else is getting involved for the sheer hell of it. COLE You just KNEW this would happen. "NUMBER TWO!" Breaking away from the food flinging, into the ring slide Skull Kid and Japanese Pool Boy! And they pounce on the Nerdlys, stomping and punching them down. Texas Stadium is chaos. And in amongst it, it's Skull Kid and Japanese Pool Boy who are taking control. They continue the beatdown, as all around them the food continues to fly. "KILLER NERDS! KILLER NERDS! KILLER NERDS!" CABOOSE Are they chanting "Killer Nerds" or "Kill The Nerds"? Skull Kid has both Nerdlys down and hurt, taking a moment to pose for the crowd. And over walks Japanese Pool Boy to join in, taking a 'hold' of his partner in a place he obviously wouldn't like to be held! COACH HE GRABBED HIS YAMS!!! Skull Kid is furious and pushes away Japanese Pool Boy, as 'Darth Marvin' is making a HOGANESQUE recovery. Reaching to his side, Marvin smiles as he pulls something from his belt...and surprise surprise, it's a lightsaber! Up stands Marvin, as Skull Kid turns away in disgust... *SMACK!* ...and gets nailed with the plastic lightsaber! And he sells it! Skull Kid staggers around the ring lost, as Japanese Pool Boy walks into a boot to the gut and a DDT from Marv. Meanwhile, Skull Kid slumps into the ropes. Melvin is up too and The Fanboys lock arms, charging at Skull Kid and double clotheslining him... ...TO THE FLOOR! CABOOSE Well, there goes the fruits. *DING DING DING!* CABOOSE ...wait, what? COLE FANBOYS WIN! FANBOYS WIN! FANBOYS WIN! CABOOSE Good god. BUFFER Your winners... THE FANBOYS!!! The crowd go wild as "Funkytown" hits and The Fanboys have won the Invitation To Anarchy, against ALL the odds. The foodfight continues on the floor, except for The Illuminators who have rolled into the ring behind The Fanboys! Marvin and Melvin don't see them, even as they illuminate themselves. But Glory By Anarchy have seen them and quickly slide into the ring. The Fanboys turn around and stop in shock, just as The Illuminators go to pounce... ...but get grabbed and spun around by the GBA. DOWN goes Illuminator 2 from a superkick! And DOWN goes Illuminator 1, courtesy of a Black Lariat! The Fanboys again celebrate as all is well in the land of the OAOAST. Until Black nails Marvin with a Black Lariat!!! COLE Woah, wait...what the hell!?! Melvin looks shocked, as Romero suddenly comes off the ropes and knocks him down with a Axe Bomber! The crowd are a little shocked, not knowing whever to cheer or boo...deciding on the former, as Black and Romero stand over The Fanboys. In comes the prize...the mint packaged Luke Skywalker figure. And it's presented to the unconscious Melvin by Romero, with a smile and a pat on the shoulder. "Congratulations kid." Still the foodfight is going on as "Wheels Of Steel" hits, leaving the Glory By Anarchy to leave the ring and walk up the aisle, getting a surprisingly positive reaction on the way. COLE Well, they set up the match to prove their dominance. And although the GBA didn't win, I think they sent a message here tonight. People got messy, people got hurt. People ended up looking like jobbers. But through it all, we had a great time! And The Fanboys WON~! CABOOSE ...I hate Thanksgiving.
  24. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    *GONG!* "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" "GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN!" Away slides the star and out emerges Leon Rodez, OAOAST X-Division Champion, as it's TIME to get personal! And it shows on Rodez's face as he stops to greet the many fans in Texas Stadium, having to force a smile as he raises his title from his shoulder and into the air. COLE So, obviously the X-Division Title is on the line next. And while Leon Rodez makes the long trip down to the ring, let's take you back and show you the events of HeldDOWN~! for those of you who missed it. COACH SHOOT~! COLE Uhm, yeah. Roll V.T. ***THURSDAY ON HELDDOWN~!*** Cappa is really gasping for breath now as he stumbles from the corner and into Rodez, who hits a short clothesline. Reeling, Cappa pulls himself to his feet once more and staggers in, leaving himself WIDE open for another short clothesline. Up comes Cappa again and Rodez grabs him, scooping Cappa effortlessly off the canvas and slamming him down with authority. COACH For once, Rodez has the weight advantage enough to slam someone... COLE Woah, woah...wait a minute Coach. Rodez is going up! Leaving the ring, Rodez is indeed climbing to the top rope and the crowd rise to their feet accordingly. Cappa isn't moving. It seems he's a sitting duck as Rodez reaches the top floor and stops, motioning to the crowd quickly before springing off the ropes. Still Cappa is down as Rodez rotates through the 450 degrees... ...and LANDS Because The Lady Loves! COLE He hit it! He hit it already! The ref is shocked, the fans are shocked...even Rodez looks wide-eyed with surprise as he hooks the leg up! ONE! TWO! THREEE! COLE It's over! I don't believe it! *DING DING DING* Looking up, the surprise still fills Rodez's face as the bell is rung and the X-Division title passed to him. He takes it in his arms and quickly steps over Cappa to get his hand raised in the air. BUFFER Your winner of the match, LEON RODEZ! Rodez raises the gold in the air to cheers from the crowd, as the referee checks to see if Cappa is okay. CABOOSE I told you. Cappa's head wasn't in the game and now, he's on the end of an embarrasing loss. COLE I...don't know what to say. Leaping to the middle rope, Rodez again raises the belt and the crowd continue to cheer away. Meanwhile, across the ring, the referee is continuing to check on Cappa...who suddenly sits up! Understandably Cappa looks pretty darn angry as he looks across the ring and sees Rodez flaunting his belt to the fans. Rodez leaps down, turning to salute the other side of the arena. And sees Cappa sat up and glaring at him. Apologetically Rodez shrugs, helping Cappa up. COLE At least Cappa is okay. Or maybe not, as Cappa pulls away from Rodez and spits to the floor. Rodez tries his best not to look too smug as Cappa looks incredulous. But all the same, Rodez tries to cheer Cappa up, leading the crowd behind the quite clearly sore loser. "CAPPA! CAPPA! CAPPA!" And they respond. The crowd are getting right behind Cappa now with chants that seem to be mellowing Cappa, enough for Rodez to offer a handshake. COLE Yeah...go ahead! CABOOSE Oh, yeah, he's really gonna shake your hand after what just happened Leon. COLE Why not? We're all friends here! "GO CAPPA! GO CAPPA! GO CAPPA!" On go the chants as Rodez re-iterates his offer, with Cappa seemingly trying to fight back a smile now. But eventually, he can't...his anger washed away now, as Rodez smiles back. And sure enough, Cappa accepts the handshake! "YEEEEEAAAA...." WAIT, NO! A KICK... BUST A CAP!!!! COLE WHAT THE HELL!?! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" CABOOSE I told you! Man, I am on a ROLL tonight. COLE NO! Cappa just...just... CABOOSE Just did what he had to do to make Watts sit up and take some damn notice! I don't believe I'm saying this, but Cappa did the right thing! The crowd are in shock, the chant now dead and buried, replaced by scathing boos as Cappa glares down at the fallen Rodez. A fire and fury fills his eyes, one that is rarely seen in the usual nice guy. One that the Cappa fans in attendance look stunned at. The footage ends and we return to Texas Stadium. By now Rodez has reached the ring and has watched the closing parts of the recap on the big screen. His mood is only deepened now, as he leans over the ropes and waits for his opposition. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is the No Disqualification Match for the OAOAST X-Division Championship! In the ring, the reigning and defending X-Division Champion. From Grand Rapids, Michigan. He weighs in at two hundred eight pounds...and tonight, he looks not only to defend his title, but with it his honour against a man he considered an ally. He is "SILKY SMOOOOOTH" LEEEEEOOON RRRRROOODDEEEZZZ!!!! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Texas Stadium erupts in cheers with Rodez hardly reacting to them, too busy staring towards the 'alternate' entrance and waiting for Cappa to make his way down. Chants of "RO - DEZ, RO - DEZ!" begin to start up as all the while, Rodez waits. Yet still, there's no sign of Cappa. Rodez is beginning to grow impatient and so may be the crowd, as the chants are beginning to die down...just in time to change to roars of warning, as suddenly Cappa is in the ring, having come through the crowd!!! COLE HEY! CAPPA FROM BEHIND! Rodez still isn't paying attention to the fans and as a result, gets jumped from behind by Cappa! Furiously Cappa wails away with clubbing lefts and rights to the back and head of Rodez who has been caught totally unawares, unable to get up any defence. *DING DING DING* The bell is quickly rung as the action continues, Cappa now stomping away on Rodez. The crowd furiously boo Cappa as the onslaught continues, until Rodez is finally kicked out of the ring by Cappa. Cappa then turns to argue with the referee for some reason. Meanwhile though, Rodez is rolling back into the ring and Cappa doesn't see Rodez coming. Cappa turns around, just in time to get clotheslined to the canvas! "YEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!" With Cappa down, Rodez now stomps away furiously, causing Cappa to bail from the ring and to the outside. COLE Look at Cappa, taking the opportunity to run away from Rodez. CABOOSE What do you expect, he got attacked from behind! COLE Oh, please! With Cappa regrouping on the outside, Rodez looks to follow outside but gets stopped by the referee and warned to keep the match in the ring. Of course, it's No Disqualifications though, so Rodez pushes him away and rolls to the floor. Cappa lunges though and again fires away with the lefts and rights. Only for Rodez to do the same, causing a scrappy fist-fight to break out on the floor! As the punches fly, it's Rodez who gets the better of the brawl. Only for Cappa to catch Rodez with a knee to the gut and irish whip him across ringside. Rodez hurtles towards the barricade, but gets a foot up to block. So in charges Cappa. But Rodez sees him coming, ducking his head and backdropping Cappa up and over into the front row!!! "RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ!" The crowd's chants re-start as Rodez reaches over the barrier, pulling Cappa up by the shirt and clubbing him with a forearm, causing The MC to fall back into the vacated front row seats behind him. Rodez quickly hurdles the barriers and into the crowd, thrusting a boot into the gut of Cappa...twice, before then nailing him in the jaw! COLE And this fight has spread quickly into the crowd! COACH They're crossing the forbidden line Mikey! Crossing the forbidden line! Cappa's seat nearly topples backwards but doesn't, leaving him open for another straight shot with the flat of Rodez's boot. Looking seriously groggy, Cappa slumps back into 'his' seat. Meanwhile Rodez sits back on the barricade, allowing him to nail Cappa with BOTH feet! CABOOSE So, how many games do they get banned if they hit a fan? COLE None, 'Boose. This isn't the NBA, this is professional wrestling...where we're encouraged to beat the crap out of obnoxious fans. COACH The OAOAST...This Ain't Basketball. I like it. CABOOSE Yeah, expect that to be February's PPV name. Grabbing Cappa, Rodez pulls him up from the seat and quickly grabs a beer from a nearby fan, smashing the beverage over Cappa's head and drenching him in the process. Cappa staggers and falls back over the barrier, Rodez following him. Back at ringside now, Rodez grabs Cappa and nails him with a right hand. Cappa tries to fire one back but misses, allowing Rodez to nail a knee and send him back into the ring. But Rodez makes the mistake of adjusting his elbow pads before climbing to the apron, allowing Cappa to dropkick him back to the floor! Rodez splatters on the floor, as Cappa shakes off some cobwebs...and some beer. "RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ!" Still the crowd are solidly behind Rodez as he pulls himself up to the apron, getting dragged into the ring by Cappa. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" A knifedge rocks Rodez momentarily, which is long enough for Cappa to hit a boot and a snap suplex. Rodez lands hard, as Cappa snaps back up, smiling widely...almost sneering. A legdrop follows, with Cappa going for a quick cover. ONE! T.. Kickout. But Cappa expects the kickout and doesn't seem worried, getting quickly back up. Rodez tries to pull himself back up too but gets caught with a boot from Cappa...and a second...a third, a fourth and suddenly Cappa is unloading with a series of stomps. COLE Well, this is an X-Division title match...but, we didn't expect much of the usual X-Division 'antics'. This is a very personal affair. Cappa pulls up Rodez now, suitably happy that Rodez is in bad condition... *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...and lashes him with a knifedge. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...and a second. Rodez clutches his chest, clearly in pain, as Cappa takes advantage of the no disqualification rules and blatantly rakes Rodez's eyes. Now Rodez is left clutching his eyes too, as Cappa runs off the ropes. But as he comes back, Rodez manages to spring off his feet in time to catch Cappa with a standing dropkick! The impact flips Cappa onto his front and the crowd show their appreciation with applause. COLE What a gorgeous standing dropkick! The best in the business! CABOOSE It's just bottomless hype with you, isn't it Cole? Both men are quickly back up, with Cappa catching Rodez in a side headlock. That doesn't last long as Rodez pushes Cappa off to arm's length before booting him in the kidneys. Down to his knees drops Cappa, as Rodez stands over him...and returns the favour from earlier by going to the eyes! "YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" Cappa pushes Rodez off and gets back to his feet, whirling around and looking for the IMPACT! But Rodez sees it coming, ducking the elbow and countering with an atomic drop. Cappa is left clutching his spine as Rodez runs across the ring and to the ropes, Cappa waiting for him to come back before hitting a standing dropkick of his own! CABOOSE How's that for a standing dropkick Mikey? Where does he stand in your unflappable standing dropkick world rankings? Again both men get back to their feet with Cappa attacking instantly by way of a right hand. Rodez throws one right back, getting one back from Cappa quickly. So, Rodez goes for another right hand of his own, but Cappa counters with a deep arm drag. Rodez rolls through, getting back to his feet and shooting an enziguri at Cappa. But Cappa ducks it, leaving Rodez to whiff the kick and land hard on the mat. Back up scrambles Rodez, but Cappa is waiting with a boot, and the BUST A CA... ...NO! Rodez counters, pulling Cappa down into an inverted front facelock before Cappa can get so much of a touch of Rodez's neck. Frantically Cappa starts to throw forearms upwards at Rodez's head area. But Rodez drives a fist down into the gut of Cappa to neutralise him, before picking Cappa up into the air. Cappa tries to kick free, but finds himself flipped over, and into "Street Smarts" Osaka Street Cutter... ...but this time, Cappa counters, pushing Rodez forward and into the ropes. Rodez rebounds as Cappa swings with a clothesline, but Rodez ducks and keeps on running. Cappa locks his hands and attempts to nail a back elbow, but Rodez ducks under that attempt as well. Back shoots Rodez yet again, flying through the air and connecting with a flying forearm! Cappa bounces off the canvas, only to get pressed down into a cover. ONE! TWO! Kickout. Rodez pulls Cappa quickly up, backing him into the corner...and RIPPING open Cappa's shirt, exposing some flesh. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" Cappa's eyes are open wide in a combination of shock and pain as finally Rodez's chopfest ends and he turns to fire up the crowd. He then turns back, pulling Cappa out of the corner. Cappa is weary and drops to his knees, as Rodez cups him under the jaw and offloads some right hands to the forehead... ...BUT CAPPA NAILS A LOWBLOW! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!" COLE Oh come on! CABOOSE No disqualification. Rodez asked for it and he's getting it. Groaning, Rodez doubles over and into a quick DDT from Cappa. But Cappa doesn't go for a pinfall, instead clambering up to his feet. A smile fills Cappa's face as he stops in the centre of the ring and reaches deep into his jeans pocket, fumbling about for a while... ...before pulling out a NIGHTSTICK! COACH Oh boy! CABOOSE Now things are going to get interesting... The crowd are booing like crazy as Cappa clutches the nightstick in his right hand, beckoning Rodez up with the left. Slowly Rodez does get back up and turns slowly around. Here comes Cappa, charging with a nightstick. But Rodez ducks and as Cappa bounces back off the ropes, Rodez charges and clotheslines Cappa up and over the top! Cappa goes flying and so does the nightstick, as Rodez rolls out of the ring after Cappa. The Mad One looks a little dazed as he starts to frantically search around for his nightstick, unable to find it before Rodez charges up behind and bundles Cappa forwards into the barrier again. COLE Cappa is weaponless again and it seems he's suddenly lost without that nightstick. CABOOSE Well, obviously his gameplan is screwed up. As Cappa slumps up against the barricade he again begins to route around in his jeans pockets, while Rodez moves in behind. Spinning around Cappa, Rodez gets set to take Cappa's head off with a right hand... ...but gets a faceful of powder to stop him! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COACH Woah! Cappa just threw his stash at Rodez! He must want the title bad! The mysterious white powder temporarily blinds Rodez and allows Cappa time to continue his search. And finally he finds the nightstick, quickly grabbing it and sliding the weapon into the ring before Rodez can regain his vision. Cappa then grabs Rodez and throws him into the ring. Hopping to the apron, Cappa then climbs up the buckles and to the top rope, waiting on Rodez to get back up. Slowly he does, as Cappa adjusts himself on the top before launching off and connecting with a missle dropkick to the chest of Rodez that sends him sprawling across the ring. Cappa winds up to his knees, mugging for the cameras and getting booed by the fans for his trouble. COLE Cappa has things going his way, which is hardly surprising considering he threw powder in Rodez's eyes. Cappa finally stops his posing, walking over to Rodez and irish whipping him across the ring. Rodez is feeling it now and can't find a counter as Cappa nails a back elbow, before quickly hitting the ropes and dropping a big knee into the face! Rodez howls in pain and grabs his face as Cappa again grins at the way the match is going, before making a cover. ONE! TWO! Kickout. Undettered, Cappa pulls Rodez up...noticing that Rodez's nose is trickling blood and taking advantage with a right hand. A second and a third connect and Rodez tries to cover up his face desperatly. Cappa gives up with the punches and snapmares Rodez over, locking on a front facelock...and CLAWING at Rodez's face with his free hand, trying to re-arrange the X-Division Champion's features! COLE And look at this from Cappa! What the HELL has gotten into him recently!?! CABOOSE The quest for gold. COLE So, you're saying you have to turn your back on your friends and your fans to be a champion 'Boose? CABOOSE Wait, you're asking ME that question? COLE ...good point. The referee can only watch on powerless as Cappa finally releases his hold on Rodez's face, standing back up and lining Rodez's spine up for a kick. He then fires in a second. But still Rodez is in a seated position, so Cappa fires off a dropkick, snapping Rodez's head forward violently. Down slumps Rodez, his nose seriously messed up now as Cappa hooks a leg. ONE! TWO! Kickout. Cappa rolls off of the cover and across the ring, right over to where the nightstick is laying. Picking up the weapon with a glint in his eye, Cappa can't help but smile as Rodez is struggling to his feet across the ring and checking his nose for blood...which of course there's a lot of. Cappa creeps up behind Rodez and takes his time in raising up Rodez to his knees by the hair, locking the nightstick under Rodez's jaw and attempting to choke the X-Division Champion out! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" CABOOSE Smart move. Caboose approves but the referee does not. Of course, it doesn't matter with no disqualifications in affect, so Cappa is free to choke the hell out of Rodez. And choke Rodez he does, so the referee has to check for a submission by Rodez. "RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ!" But Rodez is fighting it, getting himself up to one knee. And then to a standing position. Suddenly Cappa's advantage over Rodez isn't so insummountable and Rodez starts to push backwards, with Cappa unable to stop from going backwards. "RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ! RO - DEZ!" Rodez continues to back up, loosening the choke slightly in the process, as Cappa tries to dig his heels but can't. Eventually Cappa ends up backed in the corner and quickly takes the chance to tighten up his choke with the nightstick again, only for Rodez to drive an elbow into the gut. And a second. Before a third finally breaks Cappa's hold, allowing Rodez to turn into Cappa and drive in a series of shoulders to the gut. COLE Leon Rodez, fighting back! The shoulder land deep into Cappa's gut and leave him short of breath as Rodez pulls Cappa's head up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...connecting with three knifedge chops! Cappa is now even more short of breath as Rodez checks his nose once more, still bleeding quite freely. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" Another chop rocks Cappa back into the turnbuckles, the challenger on spaghetti legs seemingly. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...and a fifth chop lashes across Cappa's exposed chest. Cappa knows he's in trouble and lunges desperately at Rodez, who ducks and causes Cappa to go sprawling. Back around whips Cappa as Rodez charges for clothesline of his own... *SMACK!* "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!" ...BUT TAKES THE NIGHTSTICK TO THE HEAD!!! COACH What a SHAWT~! COLE And damn it, that's not right! Cappa's going to steal the title thanks to that nightstick! With Rodez down and seemingly out of it, Cappa casually tosses the nightstick aside and makes the cover. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!!! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" COLE NO! Rodez is still in this match! CABOOSE It's early yet. But Rodez can't take too many of those nightstick shots, believe me. Looking a little surprised at the resiliance shown by Rodez, Cappa grabs a handful of the X-Division Champion's hair and pulls him from the canvas. Weakly, Rodez pushes Cappa away. Cappa rolls through, landing on his feet. Rodez instantly charges forward and attempts a clothesline, but Cappa ducks and pushes Rodez on into the corner. Leon can't stop himself and crashing into the buckles sternum first! Hitting hard, Rodez suddenly goes limp and drops to his knees. Meanwhile, Cappa strides over and throws a dropkick "Silky Smooth"'s way. The kick connects...and sends Rodez crashing forward, face-first into the middle turnbuckle! Down slumps Rodez, into a pinfall from Kid... ONE! TWO! TWOCOUNT! "YEEEAAHHH!" Now Cappa looks a little unhappy and again, decides to resort to some less than moral tactics by picking up the nightstick. Rodez's nose is clearly giving him some problems and he seems pretty concerned with it. Turning around, Rodez looks easy pickings. But he sees Cappa charging and ducks a nightstick shot, catching Rodez on the way in and hitting a big-time spinebuster on the challenger! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" COLE Rodez from nowhere! This kid has such fantastic resiliance... Cappa is down and the nightstick lays just out of his reach. Before he can recover and grab it though, Rodez quickly dives and claims the nightstick for himself. And now, it's the champion who looks ready to use the weapon to his advantage. Up staggers Cappa moments later, as Rodez swings. But Cappa tumbles to the side and catches Rodez in a schoolboy! ONE! TWO! NO! Rodez and Cappa both roll to their feet, Cappa charging instantly but meeting a boot to the gut. The challenger doubles over, as Rodez quickly raises the nightstick in his hands... "RRRAAARGH~!" ...and CLUBS Cappa between the shoulder-blades with it!!! COLE Yeah, alright! CABOOSE How can you condone that!?! COLE Hey, Cappa brought the weapon into the ring! He used it first! That was just retaliation! CABOOSE Oh you're so full of bullshit Cole. Cappa hits the canvas face-first and bounces back up and over onto his back, not knowing which part of his body to attend to first. Meanwhile, Rodez throws the nightstick over his head and out of the ring with no further need for it apparantly, as he drags Cappa off the canvas by his ripped shirt. Hooking under the arm, Rodez flips Cappa over with a hiptoss, but catches him on the way down in cradled arms. A lift and drop follow, into the ridiculously named but very effective Shoop Shoop, Silky Scoop Loop backbreaker! Cappa groans as Rodez drops him from the knee and makes the pin. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! With two handfuls of shirt, Rodez again drags Cappa up and again looks to execute the Shoop Shoop... ...but Cappa manages to avoid the arms and land on his feet, connecting with a back elbow to Rodez's bloodied and possibly broken nose. With a howl, Rodez again grabs that nose, as Cappa winds up and SMASHES Rodez with the IMPACT! COLE Oh, god! CABOOSE If he nose wasn't broken, it is now! Wearily Cappa, holding his upper back, drops to the side of Rodez and makes a cover. ONE! TWO! NO! COLE Kickout by Rodez, but the damage has been done. With his opponent down and hurt but still stubbornly clinging on, Cappa again goes for the nightstick. But of course, it's on the floor. And Cappa doesn't know it, looking desperately around the ring and finding nothing...instead deciding to roll from the ring and to the floor. Looking around, Cappa still can't find his weapon of choice. So angrily he yells at Buffer to get up, before grabbing his vacated chair. In the ring Rodez is trying to pull himself back up as Cappa slides in with the chair folded, only to then open it up and place it into the centre of the ring. Cappa turns to Rodez and scrambles over to him, pulling Rodez up and drilling him with a knee. *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...and a knifedge. But Rodez still has enough to nail a jab back! A second jab! A third jab! A fourth! A fi... ...NO! Cappa stops the Mama Said Knock You Out series in it's tracks, smashing Rodez directly across the bridge of the nose with a front elbow shot. Rodez groans and moans, holding his face yet again and leaving himself open for a boot. Pulling Rodez into a front headscissors, Cappa then lifts up the X-Division Champion for what seems to be a Cappabomb... COLE COUNTER! ...DDT!!! "YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Rodez counters the Cappabomb into a DDT, rolling Cappa onto his back and making the cover! ONE! TWO! SHOULDERUP! "OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd seem disappointed but Rodez isn't too worried, quickly pulling himself back up and bringing Cappa up with him... ...only for Cappa to nail a SECOND lowblow of the match! COLE What the hell!?! That's something Cappa would never usually do! CABOOSE Yeah, because Cappa was always SUCH a nice guy, wasn't he Michael? I'm sure Drek and PRL would agree with that. As Rodez doubles over, Cappa quickly grabs Rodez and shoots him into the ropes. Coming back, Rodez sees drop-toe-hold attempt coming and leaps over Cappa's legs. Up snaps Cappa, but he gets snapped with a European uppercut that staggers him into the ropes. Back comes Cappa now, although hardly under his own power, getting flipped over hiptoss style into the arms again, for another Shoop Shoop, Silky Scoop Loop... ...but this time, Rodez brings Cappa down not onto the knee... *CRACK!* "YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" ...BUT ACROSS THE CHAIR!!! COLE Oh, MY! COACH Now that's innovation! The chair buckles under the impact of Cappa. Rodez meanwhile pulls Cappa off of the steel and to the mat, making the pin quickly! ONE! TWO! "THREEEEEE!" NO, SHOULDERUP!!! The crowd clearly thought the match was over, as did Rodez. But the referee rules that Cappa got the shoulder up just in time, much to Rodez's disagreement. "BOOOOOOOOOOOO!" And the fans'. COACH The crowd don't like the count there. CABOOSE It was a perfectly fair count. COLE Nobody's saying it wasn't, 'Boose... CABOOSE These fans obviously are! Rodez finally goes back to the business at hand and pulls Cappa slowly off the canvas... *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" *SLAP!* "WHOOOO!" ...and nailing him with three more stinging chops. Grabbing the arm, Rodez irish whips Cappa across the ring and into the ropes. Back comes Cappa, taken down with hooking clothesline by Rodez. Quickly Rodez stumbles away from the challenger and across the ring, out to the apron before climbing up to the top rope. The crowd rise to their feet, as Rodez is possibly looking to finish off the job. But as he reaches the top, Cappa has recovered somewhat and lunges for the corner, knocking his legs from out under him and crotching Rodez across the top rope!!! COACH Man, Anglesault would be proud of that one! COLE Why? COACH Dunno. Just figured we hadn't mentioned him for a while. With a look of anguish on his blood stained face, Rodez sits a-stradle the top. Cappa meanwhile climbs to the middle rope and peppers Rodez with some right hands across the face. Punch after punch rocks Leon, before Cappa makes the step up to the top. But Rodez blocks with a headbutt to the breadbasket! And a second! Cappa is wobbling now, as Rodez reaches up and pushes Cappa off the top, causing him to crash to the canvas! Quickly Rodez climbs back up to the top and steadies himself... ...and leaps off, rotating through the 450... ...but Cappa rolls out of the way of the Because The Lady Loves attempt! "OOOOOOOOHHHHH!" Rodez lands hard and bounces off the canvas and to his knees, while Cappa crawls on hands and knees towards the chair in the middle of the ring. Grabbing it, Cappa quickly folds up the bent and buckled chair as best possible before turning back around to Rodez, who is on his feet but holding his gut... *CRACK!* ...AND NAILS RODEZ OVER THE HEAD WITH THE CHAIR!!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!" CABOOSE He got him! And he got him good! The crowd are in shock and Cappa is in dream land, as Rodez crumbles to the mat, quickly getting cradled up as he does so! ONE! TWO! THREE... NO, RODEZ KICKS OUT!!! "YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cappa is incredulous, getting to his feet and shouting abuse at the referee...unable to believe that Rodez could kick out after the chair shot. But Cappa still has the chair with him and quickly picks it back up, screaming for Rodez to get back up. COLE How much more can the X-Division Champion take here? CABOOSE I'd say one more should do it. With blood now seeping from his forehead as well as from his nose, Rodez looks a complete and utter mess as he uses the ropes to pull himself up. Little does he know what awaits him. Cappa is now glaring a hole through the back of Rodez's head, dangerous intent in his eyes. Rodez slowly turns around and that's the cue for Cappa to swing... ...AND MISS! CABOOSE Woah! Cappa's momentum takes him around into a boot... ...some WHAM!... ...AND A BUST A CAP ON CAPPA!!! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! COLE BUST A CAP! BUST A CAP! CABOOSE What in the HELL!?! COLE RODEZ JUST BUSTED A CAP ON CAPPA! Rodez pounces and makes the pin, the crowd rising to their feet! ONE! TWO! NOOOOOO!!! Shocked, Rodez looks up and points three fingers at the ref, but gets only two back. So the X-Division Champion drags himself to his feet once more and stops, eyeing up the chair himself. But he thinks better of it as Cappa is getting up, deciding instead to grab the challenger. With a hold of the arm, Rodez is looking to take Cappa down for the Chick Magnet...but Cappa is blocking it, using the ropes to prevent himself getting dragged down. So Rodez releases Cappa and backs into the middle of the ring, re-assessing the situation. Cappa finally lets go of the ropes and staggers over, blocking a boot from Rodez and hitting a boot of his own... ...Rodez blocks the Bust A Cap though, tripping standing Cappa's leg out from under him! Cappa falls face-first and before he regain his bearings, Rodez steps over the leg, ducks in behind the arm and hooks on the cravate...locking Cappa in the Chick Magnet! "YEEAAAAHHH..." COLE And now he's got him in the Chick Magnet! COACH The hold that made Blurricane tap! The hold that made Scotty Static tap! The pain sets in the moment Cappa is fully locked in place, shock only compounding the predicament that he's in! The crowd in Texas Stadium have collectively risen to their feet, as Cappa is reaching for the ropes, only to find them just out of his clutches. "TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP!" With the fans willing him to tap out...the same fans that were Cappa's fans up until a few days ago of course...the noise in the Texas Stadium is deafening. Almost to the point that the moans and groans of Cappa cannot be heard. With desperation in his eyes, Cappa starts to crawl desperately towards the ropes which is alot easier said than done with 208 pounds on his back and with only one leg and one arm to use to do so. COLE Cappa is in BIG trouble here! The ropes are too far away for him to reach! CABOOSE This is crunch time for Cappa... Cappa is still crawling, still clawing...still looking desperately looking at the bottom rope lying a few feet away from him. Rodez is really wrenching in the hold meanwhile, pulling back with all he has. "TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP!" The crowd are still willing Cappa to give it up but he still has will enough to reach... ...reach... ...reaaach... *TAPTAPTAP!* *DING DING DING!* "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE CAPPA TAPS OUT!!! This one is OVER! Releasing the hold, Rodez punches the air as "Jungle Boogie" kicks in through Texas Stadium...bringing the delighted crowd to it's feet once more. BUFFER Your winner of the match and STILL the OAOAST X-Division Champion..."SILKY SMOOTH" LEEEON RRROOODDEEEZZZ!!! Despite the blood covering his face, Rodez manages to crack a smile as the X-Division belt is passed to him. But Rodez is more concerned with looking into the eyes of Cappa, who is clutching his neck in pain...hovering the belt over his face and pointing an accussing finger into his face. COLE And Rodez wins the match, hopefully setting this issue to rest. With his point made, Rodez rolls out of the ring...showing the effects of the battle all over his face, but with the belt still in his possession. Meanwhile, Cappa is just now pulling himself up with an angry snarl on his face, head in one hand and his neck being held by the other. The referee makes his way over to check on Cappa's condition as Rodez is beginning to make his way up the aisle, tagging hands with the fans. But suddenly his attention is taken back into the ring, as Cappa hits the Bust A Cap on the referee!!! COLE HEY! CABOOSE Oh boy! COLE What the hell is the meaning of that!?! Cappa just cost himself big bucks with that one, guaranteed...AND HERE COMES RODEZ! Seeing Cappa's actions, Rodez runs back from the aisle and slides into the ring. But as he does so, Rodes stumbles slightly, into a kick... ...AND A BUST A CAP! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Bust A Cap on Rodez! What a sore loser Cappa has turned out to be!!! CABOOSE Hey, it was Rodez who got back in the ring! COLE Because Cappa attacked the referee! This is ridiculous! With Rodez down, the crowd are inscensed...as is Cappa, as he reaches down and picks up the X-Division Championship belt. Cappa looks into the gold plate with firey eyes, snarling through gritted teeth as he does. But Cappa shakes his head, looking from the belt to Rodez and spitting down on the fallen champion, before throwing the belt down on his fallen body. Boos continue to ring through the Texas Stadium, as Cappa then holds his hands in the air, before leaving the ring and walking up the aisle. COLE I can't believe what has transpired here tonight. Something has gotten into The Mad Cappa. Something that quite frankly disgusts me! And after the poor shows of sportsmanship both on Thursday and tonight...you can bet that the board of directors will have something to say about this! COACH But the bottom line is, "Silky Smooth" is still the champ. COLE Damn right he is! Cappa got the last laugh, but he didn't get the belt!
  25. Tony149

    Thanksgiving Star Wars! 11/25/04

    We go to the Saints locker room where Holly-Wood and Synth a playing X-MEN LEGENDS on Gamecube. Synth is deep into the game, sweating bullets at a mile per hour. But Holly is just randomly pressing buttons. Her mind is traveling into space like a rocket ship. SYNTH C’mon, Holly! C’mon on! C’mon!!! HOLLY I don’t know what to do. SYNTH Press da B button! Hit Avalanche! Hit Avalanche! HOLLY I don’t know which character I am. SYNTH Yer Wolverine! HOLLY I don’t want to be Wolverine. I want to be Gambit. SYNTH Ah’m Gambit! HOLLY I don’t want to play any more. Get Logan to play. Now we got a shot of Logan. He’s reading a book and appears to be in an intellectual state He’s wearing reading glasses, despite having perfect vision. He has about eleven afro picks in his massive Hendrix like hair. LOGAN “Remove man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.” Animal Farm . Krista gave me this book...before our..unpleasant...parting. I hope to use it so that we may find a common ground..... Friends, George Orwell’s classic rings truer today then at any other time. Even as I speak forces that are beyond our comprehension are mov.... SYNTH Man shut da fuck up. Actin' like yer some got damn Michael Moore muthafucka. What ya be lookin' like is some Steve Urkel ass muthafucka readin' dem muthafuckin books like yer sum kinda muthafuckin' ass school bitch. Tryin ta get all smart like you some muthafuckin' Professor Stephen Hawking. HOLLY I like how you use the word “mother fucking” as a piece of punctuation. LOGAN Books are the window to the human soul. Krista told me that. SYNTH I’ma throw you through a muthafuckin' window if ya ain’t get over here and pick up dem sticks. Ya getta be Cyclops. LOGAN Fitting as I am the leader of this ragtag group of social outcasts. However, I’d prefer a turn as the smooth Cajun, Gambit.. SYNTH AH’M GAMBIT! All of a sudden there’s a knock on the door. All three of them being lazy slackers, the knock goes unanswered. The person knocks again. Still they don’t answer it. They look at each other, waiting to see who’s going to break down and open it. It turns out Logan’s the one who answers it. He’s a little shocked to see who’s standing on the other side. Shocked but not pleased. JIM CORNETTE Logan Mann, how are you? James E Cornette. LOGAN Hi. Nice to meet you Mister Cornette. CORNETTE Call me Jim. All my friends do. LOGAN Nice to me you...Mister Cornette. CORNETTE Hhahaahaha. Such a kidder. Cornette squeezes by Logan, who was trying to block his entry. He makes his way over to a much more receptive, Synth Esizer. CORNETTE Synth Esizer...it’s a pleasure to be in your presence. You are...greatness. SYNTH I ain’t goin argue wit ya! Jim and Synth exchange a firm handshake. The minute their flesh meets they feel a solid rapport between each other. CORNETTE (turning to Holly-wood) And you, miss. I’m sorry about what happened to your brother. If there’s anything Jim Cornette Enterprises can do for you and your family, just let me know. Cornette extends his hand to Holly HOLLY Come one step closer and I gut you like a fish. Nothing personal. I just don’t like people. No offense CORNETTE (bowing to Holly) None could ever by taken from a lass as beautiful as yourself. SYNTH Ferget her. Go back ta talkin’ bout how great the Synth-a-nator be. Hey, have a seat, Jimmay boy. Take a load off. Cornette obliges Synth’s request. Logan notices that Cornette has brought a bag full goodies into the room with him. LOGAN What’s in the bag? CORNETTE Information. And presents. HOLLY Presents? You mean like a gun? So I can shoot you. Nothing personal. You just smell bad. Holly points a “finger” gun at Cornette and shoots him. CORNETTE A regular Margret Cho, aren't ya? Can’t imagine why you’re still single! Presents last. First the information. Cornette reaches into the bag and pulls out four magazines. He spreads them out across the coffee table. Logan, who’s curiosity has been piqued, puts down Animal Farm, and comes closer to the table. LOGAN These are OAOAST magazines! I’d recognize the stench of shoddy journalism from a mile away! CORNETTE Crappy writing, yes. But great circulation. This is the most read wrestling magazine in all the world. These are the past four issues. November, October, September, and August. Take a look at the covers. November features Hoff. October has got the Global Party Xchange. September’s got Crystal. And August has the New New Midnight Express. SYNTH Ya want us ta read all dem magazines? Cause’ Synth ain’t down wit no PBS Mastapiece theatta shit. CORNETTE You don’t have to read anything. You just have to ask yourselves, why aren’t you on that cover? Why is Crystal on that cover? Or Zack Malibu or Hoff? What have they ever done that’s greater then anything you’ve done? Can you tell me why you aren’t front and center on the cover of OAOAST magazine? SYNTH Got damn injustice!!!! CORNETTE (giving Synth a soothing pat on the back) That’s right. Bless your heart, you’re right! There’s no good reason....none at all...(Cornette’s eyes feverishly skip from side to side.) None at all. (Cornette took a passionate pause. His face was twinkling like a night sky.) None at all. Cornette’s impassioned words connected with Synth’s delicate ego in a way no one had ever done. For his part, Logan simply rolled his eyes. HOLLY You said you had presents. Would one of them be cyanide? CORNETTE That’s no way for such a pretty lady to talk. Actually, my presents are of the sporting variety. Tennis rackets! Cornette reaches into what must be a bottom less bag and pulls out three tennis rackets. He passes them out generously. His face shines like he was Santa Calus handing out presents to a group of Make a Wish kids. HOLLY Tennis rackets? I can’t play Tennis. I’m allergic to the sun. CORNETTE Oh..I...I’m sorry. HOLLY That was a joke. Logan chuckled and even Holly cracked a barely noticeable smile. CORNETTE She’s good. She’s good. Each of your tennis rackets is autographed. Autographed by someone I managed. (Cornette paused to let the words sink in.) Miss Holly, your’s is signed by none other then the "Nature Boy" -- Whooooo! -- Buddy Landell. Logan, you’ll find that your’s has been John Hancoked by Jeff Jarrett himself. If that was an attempt to wow Logan, it failed miserably. CORNETTE And Synth Esizer...you’ve got a hold of my favorite racket. (Synth’s face lit up like a Christmas tree) This one is signed by Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose, the original (The word original hung in the air like a morning mist) Midnight Express. (Cornette saw that Synth was impressed and capitalized on it) The originals, Synth. The originals. I didn’t give this to Simon or to Ned. I wanted you to have it. Because...you...deserve it. More then anybody. You deserve it. SYNTH Ah agree. Thanks, man. Ah agree. Synth stares at the racket like it was made out of gold. Logan is a little less star struck and speaks his mind. LOGAN OAOAST magazines. Flattery. Autographed paraphernalia. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were making a presentation. But for what? CORNETTE Bobby Eaton, Al Snow, Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Stan Lane, Simon Singleton, Jeff Jarrett, these are just a few of the many, many people I’ve had the pleasure of managing. Every single person that has come under the umbrella of Jim Cornette Enterprises has won a championship. Think about that. LOGAN Not all have won belts under your watch. CORNETTE No. But you can’t argue that the teachings of Cornette had something to do with it. All these people.... More successful then the New York Yankees, more championships then the Montreal Canadiens and richer then Snoop Doggy Dog (that recaptures Synth’s limited attention). It’s not a coincidence. It’s Cornette. LOGAN And you want us to take you on as our manager? CORNETTE You get right to the point don’t you? Yes, that’s exactly what I want. And exactly what you need. If you want to make it to the top of the tag team division, then you’ll do it with Jim Cornette. All roads to the top go through Jim Cornette Enterprises. LOGAN (pacing back and forth, now reading from Animal Farm “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.” What do you get out of it? SYNTH Damn, why ya gotta be so rude? CORNETTE That’s not rude. That’s cautious. I respect that in a man. Like I said, I managed the Midnight Express, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, but I have never managed the greatest Rock 'N' Wrestling band of all time. This would be the ultimate feather in my cap. Like coaching Aerosmith in a celebrity basketball game. Heck, look around you. Those cameras filming us right now -- it isn't invisible, its the documentary crew I hired for you. "This is Spinal Tap" won't have anything on "This is The Saints." Synth is sold, but Logan isn’t. LOGAN Holly, what do you think we should do? HOLLY I don’t care. Arista says if your won loss record doesn’t improve, they’ll drop you for bringing embarrassment to the label and the brand. LOGAN What??!! When did they say that? HOLLY A couple of weeks ago. LOGAN Why didn’t you tell us sooner? HOLLY Why didn’t you ask sooner? Synth jumps up. He speaks with a strong note of finality. CORNETTE Maybe this might help you make up your minds. Thanks to our win over Hell's Hitmen, and as a thank you for watching our backs, when the New New Midnight Express capture the OAOAST tag team titles for a second time--and we will--at Climax, we'll give you the first title shot. Huh? SYNTH Yo, dat settles dat shit. The Saint’s can’t afford not to be throwin down wit Jim Cornette. CORNETTE My thoughts exactly. I take it I can welcome you to Jim Cornette Enterprises. SYNTH Ya can welcome us any damn place ya want, jes make us inta winners. Look, Ah want mah own D-Vay-D, and one of dem bobble heads.. Cornette puts his arm around Synth and the two walk out the door, a match made in heaven. LOGAN “All men are enemies.” George Orwell. Animal Farm COLE We never there had to be something to The Saints helping out the New New Midnight Express in their match against Hell's Hitmen, now we know why -- The Saints have joined Jim Cornette Enterprises. Well, the ring's up again, and we're ready for the next match. What a night its been so far.