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Everything posted by kkktookmybabyaway

  1. kkktookmybabyaway

    School Suspends Female Students for Kiss

    Woah, that's her? Ummmm, there's hetrophobia running loose in my neighborhood. Let's put an end to it now, Steph...
  2. kkktookmybabyaway

    Least favorite thing about Sportscenter

    Oh, come on...you know you'd hit it. I'd hit it with a Louisville Slugger over and over again "Casino" style Damnit, I was going to say that. Ok, I'll get the shovel...
  3. kkktookmybabyaway

    Jay-Z looking to buy Nets...

    Jay-Z buying the Nets. Puff Daddy buying the Knicks. Who next? I say Ice Cube buy the Clips...
  4. kkktookmybabyaway

    School Suspends Female Students for Kiss

    If she's a REAL freedom fighter she'd take the punishment and become a martyr. Pussy. And I wonder what she would have done to protest the Clinton Impeachment?...
  5. kkktookmybabyaway

    Worst Free Agent Signings EVER

    It's the Pirates -- who cares?...
  6. kkktookmybabyaway


    What happened? EDIT: Nevermind...
  7. kkktookmybabyaway

    Another heartwarming tale...

    Knight Ridder is a news service, much like the AP. Not as big...
  8. kkktookmybabyaway

    Another heartwarming tale...

    Boy will Arafat be pissed. Just one less suicide bomber for him to have...
  9. kkktookmybabyaway

    Jonathan Brandis dead

    Oh well. Kill yourself and get no sympathy from me...
  10. kkktookmybabyaway

    Least favorite thing about Sportscenter

    This isn't SportCenter but rather ESPN: Linda Cohn. Uncle Tom Jackson. Chris Company Man Berman...
  11. kkktookmybabyaway

    Bag of Weed Chokes Guy to Death

    And somewhere a lawyer is brewing up a "wrongful death" lawsuit...
  12. kkktookmybabyaway

    Rolling Stone magazine's newest list

    At least "It takes a Nation of Millions" is the highest-ranked rap album and not Ja Rule or someone recent. Thought "Ready to Die" was over-rated (OMG Racist!), but whatever -- it's a goofy list. At least the Tribe and EPMD represent. I'm waiting for the list rating EVERY song/album/whatever of ALL-TIME, and it keeps growing whenever new material comes out...
  13. kkktookmybabyaway

    Huge ammounts of police swarming "Neverland"...

    Bobcat said it best years ago. "No more sleep-overs at Mike's house..."
  14. kkktookmybabyaway

    Wesley Clark vs Fox News Channel Anchorguy

    I don't think what he said was exactly the same as "let's go ask Newsweek where Osama is" but hey, it's up to your interpretation. Yes, Clark does shoot himself in the foot a lot, but I thought it was fun that he exposed the usual Fox game. I was setting up my Alter/Anna line with that quote. Sounds like Wesley's doing some recruitin’ to me. Sounds to me like Wes was the ass, but like Jobber said, it's up to your interpretation...
  15. kkktookmybabyaway

    One and Only South Park thread

  16. kkktookmybabyaway

    Kid Rock Attacks a Paparazzo

    If I were a celeb, I'd hire a bunch of teens/college students, armed with cameras, to take pics of the paparazzi when they're swarming on me...
  17. kkktookmybabyaway

    LOTR: The Two Towers Special Extended DVD

    NICE Oh, I loved the Boromir scenes as well. The scene with all the baddies running into the woods could have been a lot better, and it seemed to be poorly edited because it went from a bunch of moving trees to everybody hugging. Enjoyed the Ents, too. One of my favorite lines was when Treebeard said (paraphrasing) "we just said good morning to each other" Merry: "But now it's nighttime!" Liked all the little extra touches of violence, although I wish they would have shown some kids getting sliced at Helm's Deep...
  18. kkktookmybabyaway


    You can have all the Jive Turkey shirts you want, but this was my fav. of the lot: But for $24!?!?! And what's up with all the Jesus shirts?...
  19. kkktookmybabyaway


    OMG -- there's a racist here that's using my user name?!?! Actually, anyone that recently bought this game has to wait until around 12/10 in order for it to be delivered to them. That should answer your question...
  20. kkktookmybabyaway

    Now I know how Jericho feels...

    I'll give you some lessons if you want...
  21. kkktookmybabyaway

    The Bengals

    Even if the Bengals don't go to the playoffs this year, and as of right now I think they will, Cincy is going to be one of the better teams in the near future. What really impressed me with Lewis was when the Steelers burned them on a fake FG. After CBS showed the replay of his reaction he just had this look like "yeah, you got us this time" but didn't get worked up over it. Don't know why, but this image stuck with me...
  22. kkktookmybabyaway

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Because Bush is like ... HITLER!...
  23. kkktookmybabyaway


    Yeah, especially when Big Media drudges up the Dems' current escapades years later. If you think that's going to happen I got some swampland to sell you. If anything, Jennings and pals will probably talk about how the Republicans "shut down" the government in '95...
  24. kkktookmybabyaway

    Wesley Clark vs Fox News Channel Anchorguy

    LOL -- the folks at Special Report had a field day with this. This is why I don't read fiction -- the real world is much more entertaining. Let's have Newsweek join the War on Terror -- GOLD. If only Jonathan Alter and Anna Quindlen would embark on suicide missions to rid the world of bin Laden and Saddam, the world would be rid of two terrorists. Not to mention Osama and Hussein...
  25. kkktookmybabyaway

    The Bus Driver Was Right

    OMG we need seatbelts for the CHILDREN now. Damn, I NEVER had a school bus driver that drove at decapitating speeds. At least not on the ride home, unless I was unsuccessfully macking on some chick...