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Everything posted by kkktookmybabyaway

  1. kkktookmybabyaway

    Yes, another RIAA discussion

    RIAA wants something (sales from songs downloaded via the Internet) without having to pay for it. Downloaders want something (music) without having to pay for it. At least the RIAA has something in common with its "customers"...
  2. kkktookmybabyaway


    God, this whole thing was compared to Vietnam before the first soldier even set foot in Iraq...
  3. kkktookmybabyaway

    Is Germany Bizzaro World? Liberals want tax cuts

    We also refuse to use the Metric system...
  4. kkktookmybabyaway

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    Yes, but blasters are clumsy, or whatever Obi called them. Real warriors use light sabers...
  5. kkktookmybabyaway

    Mexico beats US Olympic baseball team

    Well, with Canada fading from the NHL scene over the years, it only makes sense America won't play its national pastime in the '04 Olympics...
  6. kkktookmybabyaway

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    What I don't get is Han wasn't a cold-blooded killer. If I had a bounty hunter approach me I sure as heck wouldn't want to negotiate. Surprised Lucas didn't make Han kill Greedo with a walkie talkie...
  7. kkktookmybabyaway

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    South Park had a great joke regarding this in their "Indy Jones" episode. They had a mock preview of "Saving Private Ryan" where all the guns got replaced with walkie talkies. Good stuff...
  8. kkktookmybabyaway

    For Detroit Tigers fans

    You can seriously pursue anyone. Doesn't mean you'll get 'em...
  9. kkktookmybabyaway

    Fires started in theaters

    When I first saw this thread's title I thought it was about angry patrons having just watched the Matrix's ending. The projectionists at the place where I used to work had the life: Make sure the reels were now screwed up while the movie was on. Watch TV. Watch more TV. Rewind the reels. Yell at our idiot manager without fear of getting fired due to the union. Watch TV...
  10. kkktookmybabyaway

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    I hope I get this right: In the first Star Wars, in the scene where Han Solo met with Luke and Obi, after they agreed Solo was going to fly them to that planet Alduran (sp), Solo was met by this bounty hunter named Greedo looking for him. When Han and Greedo were talking, Han pulled out his gun under the table they were sitting at and shot Greedo -- the new version has Han shooting Greedo after Greedo fired on him first. I put this in the same category as ET's walkie talkie incident...
  11. kkktookmybabyaway

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    "Welcome to McAmerica, can we take your order?" Yes, I would like a #1 Outsource Value Meal super-sized and an order of Chinese Illegals without the pickles. To go. And I WILL be checking my order before I go because last time instead of Chinese you gave Mexicans. Instead of CLEANING my hotel beds, they were SLEEPING on them...
  12. kkktookmybabyaway

    The Crying Game

    Is it? I guess so. I also love the name -- BILLIE JO...
  13. kkktookmybabyaway

    The Crying Game

    It's Kentucky -- After looking at "its" picture, I can understand the mix-up...
  14. kkktookmybabyaway

    Britney Bares It Again?

    I heard the same thing on Jim Rome's show. Oh, I heard on the radio that she's dating John Cusack -- anybody else hear that?...
  15. kkktookmybabyaway

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    Come on, Mike, you should know by now I don't give a crap about what anybody says here. I could reply to his posts, but they're too freaking long and I have better things to do...
  16. kkktookmybabyaway

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    I love hearing from people that cry about their college debt -- Jesse Ventura said it best "If you're smart enough to get in school, you're smart enough to pay for it..."
  17. kkktookmybabyaway

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    Oh they better come out with the old versions of Star Wars. Everyone complains about Greedo shooting first, but I cringe every time I see that added scene in ROTJ when those things are singing and dancing right before that chick gets eaten by Jabba's "pet" monster...
  18. kkktookmybabyaway

    New Orioles Manager

    He seems like a good guy -- glad he got this chance...
  19. kkktookmybabyaway

    Bavasi replacing Gillick as Seattle GM

    Do does this means the M's will be competitive after the All-Star break?...
  20. kkktookmybabyaway

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    Move to Cuba -- they have free health care. And the government will set ya up nice -- as long as you broadcast fluff pieces on the Top Dog there. Oh, and I'm a print man myself...
  21. kkktookmybabyaway

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    Of course, these days a reduction in the increase of a budget is considered a "cut" and anything even mentioning your political opponent is a VICIOUS PARTISAN ATTACK. Only makes sense that "Isolationist" would get an alteration in its definition. Oh, Chris, err, Mr. Terror, that guy didn't happen to be that wacko we worked with who was with the Green Party...
  22. kkktookmybabyaway

    Sex aid causes bomb scare

    The over/under on this staying in CE is Saturday. A vibrator in South Africa, or at least its residue, is pretty much the equivalent to a bomb -- considering its user probably had AIDS...
  23. kkktookmybabyaway

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    Well I'M OFFENDED by his witless conspiracy theories. If only America would have taken a page out of my Xenophobic book and turn its back toward Israel, we might have been spared 9/11...
  24. kkktookmybabyaway

    Matrix Wednesday numbers...

    Oh, Mole, I don't have my sig feature turned on, so I just saw yours for the first time in order to look at the "wrestling" t-shirt. Greatest costume ever...
  25. kkktookmybabyaway

    Hockey: Game Over? Can Canadian Teams Survive?

    And yet with such parity every year nobody suggests that the Cardinals will make the playoffs (would include Bengals, too, but this will change soon)...