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Everything posted by kkktookmybabyaway

  1. kkktookmybabyaway

    Merchandise on the way to getting in line.....

    Fry's is evil and I will never do business with them ever again (One of the many stores, which includes places like Compaq/HP and Dillman's, I am boycotting). But that's just me...
  2. kkktookmybabyaway

    Pam Anderson

    Bah. It's probably a ploy to get more money from any contract she's under that's set to expire. You can't fool me...
  3. kkktookmybabyaway

    Parents and Husband battle for woman's life over

    Woah, I never noticed that before. Art does imitate life. Let's pray this guy doesn't turn into HHH once this woman dies...
  4. kkktookmybabyaway

    U.N. Passes Resolution To Support U.S. in Iraq

    Just wondering, JP, how did you come to hear about TSM? I'm always curious to know where new blood arrives from...
  5. kkktookmybabyaway

    Mad Hatter strikes again

    Ahhh, but did he say Jews are over-rated? And I don't take any news organization with the name "Scotsman" in it -- was waiting for a "LOL2003" or "Downs Syndrome" remark...
  6. kkktookmybabyaway

    Parents and Husband battle for woman's life over

    She's probably a Republican -- need every vote you can get in the Sunshine State. And, yes, I'm waiting for some lib on this board to throw down the "She must be a Republican -- she's braindead" line I have set them up so perfectly for...
  7. kkktookmybabyaway

    Have You Ever Had A Crush On Someone

    Didn't know this thread existed. There's too many chicks to name for me...
  8. kkktookmybabyaway

    10 Retarded Lawsuits

    I think that's what the argument was, but in all actuality I don't really care – don’t want to come across like I'm going OMG-conservative-guy-being-persecuted-by-the-Liberal-Media...
  9. kkktookmybabyaway

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    That shouldn't be so hard -- just pour water on the flamer, put out the fire, and he'll be yours...
  10. kkktookmybabyaway

    Please read everyone

    Damnit. I still can't get on this next big thing on the Internet to appear on my screen...
  11. kkktookmybabyaway

    Sporting fan triumphs

    The first thing that came to mind was the second Stanley Cup that the Pens were in. After trailing by several goals I went to bed. The next day I was talking to a kid at our bus stop and made a crack about how bad the Pens looked last night -- he told me they won. I went "huh?" Three games later the Pens had their second straight Cup...
  12. kkktookmybabyaway

    Even more reason why I love Halloween

    I saw these boxes being pimped at the grocery story Sunday, but I'm not paying $5 for two 12 oz. boxes of cereal...
  13. kkktookmybabyaway

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    F*ck you. My wedding date will be on the eight-year anniversary of our first meeting...
  14. kkktookmybabyaway

    10 Retarded Lawsuits

    Regarding Bennett -- wasn't his beef that the casino didn't keep his privacy intact?...
  15. kkktookmybabyaway


    A year or so ago I did just that. Just about anything up to, and including, Power Windows is fine with me...
  16. kkktookmybabyaway

    Babe Ruth's jersey cut into pieces

    I have a Baseball and Football card price book thingy from about 5 years ago when I cataloged them all. Someday I may go back and do an update. Of course when I first did it, my cat (who was then a kitten) knocked down just every stack of cards I did. Now I have three cats -- I'll have to lock the door to the room my cards would be in. It was funny back then because I pulled cards out of my “common card” boxes with the likes of Randy Johnson and Pedro Martinez. Funny who was common back in the day. My personal favorite designs were the 1984 Baseball Fleer set and the 1991(?) Pro Set Football set (the one with borderless cards). I also liked that wooden layout of the 1987 Topps, too...
  17. kkktookmybabyaway

    College Student "tests" airline security

    My take on the whole losing-our-civil-liberties issue is that if someone/Big Brother wants to find something out about me, they are going to find out anyway. I got better things to bitch about, like having the supermarket cashier remove the Great Divider between my order and the customer's in front of me and start scanning my stuff onto the other person's order, and then give me attitude when I let her know of her mistake. I then make my sarcastic remark, say a few rude things that she would not expect and go on home to watch football. You know, important stuff like that...
  18. kkktookmybabyaway

    Babe Ruth's jersey cut into pieces

    I still have all my cards -- baseball, football, basketball, hockey, wrestling (and other special-interest brands like ones for movies) in several Rubbermaids. One day when I buy a house I might make some display, but for now I don't regret refusing to sell any of them. These cards, my old video games, my miniature X-Wing Fighter and and TIE Fighter, and my Inhumanoids Tendril figure are all that's left of my childhood...
  19. kkktookmybabyaway

    Asians go under the knife

    What exactly is a Montana accent?...
  20. kkktookmybabyaway

    De Niro develops Cancer

    I heard about this earlier. Why can't cancer get into the balls of people that, you know, actually DESERVE it?...
  21. kkktookmybabyaway

    Islamic nations cite US threat

    Well, we gotta have someone around to produce rap albums. Yo yo yo...
  22. kkktookmybabyaway

    Islamic nations cite US threat

    And what a wonderful world it would be. Can we include Africa in this group, too? Pretty please? kkk -- your friendly neighborhood xenophobe...
  23. kkktookmybabyaway

    Babe Ruth's jersey cut into pieces

    You know, I was never a fan of the gum. First of all it tasted like crap. Second of all it always stained the card it was on...
  24. kkktookmybabyaway

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    Well I for one wear my asshat backwards because that's how us thugs in the street do it. (It's a black thing -- you wouldn't understand. Well, OK, maybe Ripper would.) Now this is the part of the post where I would make a joke about how big a Mikey Moore asshat would be, and how the sheer weight of it would crush anyone unlucky enough to wear one, but I got some scores to screw up, err I mean calculate, in my NFL contest and don't have time to make a OMG MOORE *fill in the blank* LOL 2003! remark. Chiefs, blow this lead and I will be pissed...
  25. kkktookmybabyaway

    Babe Ruth's jersey cut into pieces

    And you got a hard piece of gum....and the cards smelled like gum. 50 cents? Why I remember when they were a QUARTER! I don't think they make these anymore, but I have a plethora of stickers, too. Among some of them, a Tommy Kramer All-Pro sticker. I stopped getting cards back in the early '90s. It just wasn't fun for me anymore. Among some of my prizes... Rookie Jerry Rice (topps), LT (topps), Barry Sanders (score) and Mike Singletary (topps) cards. A complete 1987 Fleer baseball card set. And my personal fav. -- Bill Laimbeer's rookie card...