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Everything posted by kkktookmybabyaway

  1. kkktookmybabyaway

    Stupid voters strike again!

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Morons. Let's play what-if-we-add-both-vote-totals-per-row: Tom + Randall = 10,694 Cruz + Jerry = 16,181 Arnold + Ronald = 37,527 Wow, just looked at the ballot -- there's a lot of candidates. If Cruz would have been next to Gary Coleman or Larry Flynt he might have had a better chance at winning...
  2. kkktookmybabyaway

    I'm heading to Atlanta!

    I've seen your pic -- I'll take my chances. Parlez-vous francais?...
  3. kkktookmybabyaway

    I'm heading to Atlanta!

    I know, I know. The only reason I parle francais is because I took this stupid language for 2 years in high school (that’s where all the cute chicks went – too bad I had no shot with ANY of them) and spent good money to take a year of this garbage in college because I had to fulfill a foreign language requirement. That's the only way Academia can keep these profs that otherwise would be unemployed if they had to sell their wares in the Real World -- to force you to take stupid courses that you have no need of enrolling in. Although I’ve noticed if you do parle francais at the right place you might have a chance to hit it off with a chick that took/takes that class in school…
  4. kkktookmybabyaway

    I'm heading to Atlanta!

    Of course my question is whey didn't he just get tickets for the NLDS series? At least that way you are sure of seeing a postseason game. And going to MLB postseason play is great -- Games 3 and 4 of the '92 NLCS here. Should have gone to Game 5, but c'est la vie...
  5. kkktookmybabyaway

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    Damn, and I was hoping Ripper was going to win by one vote so I could post, "Wait, you mean Ripper's BLACK? Is it too late to change my vote?" Oh well, maybe next TSM Poster Tournament...
  6. kkktookmybabyaway

    I'm heading to Atlanta!

    Talk about coming out of left field...
  7. kkktookmybabyaway

    Fantasy Football Question

    Stallworth. Westbrook. Why? Because...
  8. kkktookmybabyaway

    Dr. Tom...

    Just you wait. Week 17, DrTom, Week 17. I'll have to dump my better half because I'll be making you my new b*tch. *Ah, who am I kidding? By that time I'll be 4-11 and battling Choken for last place...*
  9. kkktookmybabyaway

    Great Acts of Stupidity

    Only 9?...
  10. kkktookmybabyaway

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    I'm not talking about liberals -- I'm talking about pseudo-hippies. Pseudo-hippies are just one branch of the Liberal Tree. And yes, I treat pseudo-hippies like cartoons because that's what they are...
  11. kkktookmybabyaway

    BigFoot remains found

    This did take place in Russia -- it was probably a Russian woman that got lost on the way back to her village...
  12. kkktookmybabyaway

    Cops aren't very nice anymore

    I got pulled over a few weeks ago for an outdated license plate. PA used to have dark blue plates, and when they changed to a different color I was out of state. I got pulled over on the way to a job interview, and told the officer my situation. Showed him my registration, which I got right before going to my interview, my new plate, which I didn't have time to put on, my license and proof of insurance. I also had my hands on the steering wheel and only moved when I let him know what I wanted to do. After he told me that I may get pulled over by other officers and to get that plate on ASAP, I shook his hand and that was that. Cops seem fine to me...
  13. kkktookmybabyaway

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    Yep. OK. I never really read much of his stuff, so I can't comment on him. My best defense to these diseased pseudo-hippies is just to be happy and dance around at these marches/meetings while they are all angry and bitter at stuff they know nothing about. Laughing at them is effective, too. My only exception to this rule are Free Mumia people, which I have explained what I do to these folk on numerous occasions before...
  14. kkktookmybabyaway

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    Was Rob Stone that Pat Buchanan fan?...
  15. kkktookmybabyaway

    So who voted for Arnold?

    Some bitter, bald Dem consultant already said on TV that he's already started. Man will this tactic backfire, and backfire big. So I say go right ahead with the Recall Arnold Movement...
  16. kkktookmybabyaway


    I know bro, and I wasn't accusing you of it. It's just that I am someone that comments quite a bit on race relations and some alleged double standards regarding the issue, and I just wanted to give my position on the matter...
  17. kkktookmybabyaway

    Dr. Tom...

    I'm just wondering how that @sshole managed to get pictures of my better half...
  18. kkktookmybabyaway

    Current Game Projects

    What character are you? And are you playing with the expansion pack as well? I loved Diablo, but now my new addiction is Baldur's Gate II/TOB...
  19. kkktookmybabyaway

    Playmakers Analoges

    Wow, that was the last full SNL show I ever watched. Memories...
  20. kkktookmybabyaway

    3 million Chinese drink urine

    I have a better one: When I lived in Ohio, my better half and I always ordered from this Chinese delivery place. EVERY TIME I called to place an order and gave my address the lady always got it wrong. I lived on Clark Street. They would always respond "Cawk?" Even when I spelled it out they never got the address right, and there were several times where I would have to drive there and pick up the order because they didn't know where I lived. This is why I feel, even though I'm usually against government regulation, an English-speaking person should man the cashier of every Chinese restaurant out there. Their orange beef was the bomb though, and the owners seemed like nice people -- that's why I kept ordering. I hope I didn't set off the Xenophobe Alarm with these stories...
  21. kkktookmybabyaway

    So who voted for Arnold?

    I'll believe it when I see it. I gave up on government cutting spending years ago. However, if Arnold gets bogged down with this bureaucratic sh*t, I think he would be able to root out these obstacles if he presents to the voters all the wasteful spending and who is letting it go on, and then the voters will clean house come the next election, giving Arnold a better chance to reign in the budget...
  22. kkktookmybabyaway

    Headsup: Yet another debate tonight

    I said "probably," and it looks like Lieberman is dead in the water. I don't mind Edwards, for a lawyer, and I used to like Kerry until he actually became a candidate. I'm still up in the air about Clark -- I won't bother with him until he becomes a bigger player. No sense in wasting precious video game time to vote for someone that's in a primary I'm not allowed to vote in. Too bad Zell Miller, John Breaux and Evan Bayh aren't running. There will be other debates -- there's only one ALCS Game 2...
  23. kkktookmybabyaway

    Arafat has Stomach Cancer

    Hopefully the person that finds it will be Jewish and Arafat will refuse to get treatment because he'll think it's some sort of poison...
  24. kkktookmybabyaway

    So who voted for Arnold?

    I swear Tony Snow on "That News Channel" was getting a woody when showing how much better Arnold did than most Republican candidates in attracting minority votes in California. The real fun is going to come when Arnold has to cut spending and special interests from every side of the aisle start howling in protest. This isn't going to be pretty...
  25. kkktookmybabyaway

    Arafat has Stomach Cancer

    Oooook. Still want him to get cancer. Perhaps a Kosher diet would have prevented this most unfortunate alleged aliment from the former Nobel Peace Prize winner...