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Everything posted by kkktookmybabyaway

  1. kkktookmybabyaway

    Buffet Mania!

    That's why I didn't mention Chinese buffets -- they all look alike to me. Oh and when it came to Golden Corral, I always had my system of eating. Trip 1: Salad. Trip 2: Soups (chicken noodle and clam chowder) and chili. Trip 3: Fried and roasted chicken, potroast, shrimp. Trip 4: Steak, mashed potatoes, corn. Trip 5: Banana pudding and maybe another item. Trip 6: My bathroom when I got home...
  2. kkktookmybabyaway

    Isiah Thomas fired as coach of Pacers

    Well that's what Thomas gets for saying those mean things about Bird all those years back...
  3. kkktookmybabyaway

    what sport is the true american pastime?

    I'll say football -- combine the pros, college and high-school programs all in one...
  4. kkktookmybabyaway

    Egypt to Sue the Jews

    A stadium venue perhaps?...
  5. kkktookmybabyaway

    17 year old doesn't get free doughnut, thows a fit

    What I think is funny is how when someone is under the influence of drugs/booze and is causing a scene, their buddies try to get them out of trouble by saying something like, "he's only doing this because he's drunk." What kind of excuse is that?! At this one place I worked at years ago, some little college-sh*t was kicking (and I mean KICKING) a video game machine at the place I was working at. When I asked him to stop and leave the store he pretty much told me to go "f" myself. So then I called the cops and got him arrested. His one buddy used the excuse I mentioned above, and then I laughed at his face as his friend went into the back of a po-po car -- turns out he was underage and had some drugs on him as well...
  6. kkktookmybabyaway

    Egypt to Sue the Jews

    Yeah, this is almost as funny as reparations for slavery. Err, wait a minute...
  7. kkktookmybabyaway

    if you seen bushwick bill

    Bastard, I was going to say that. As for me, hell no I wouldn't approach him...
  8. kkktookmybabyaway

    Buffet Mania!

    The only thing I'm going to miss about Ohio is Golden Corral buffet...
  9. kkktookmybabyaway

    Raiders awarded $34.2 million

    Only $34 million? Poor Al Davis...
  10. kkktookmybabyaway

    17 year old doesn't get free doughnut, thows a fit

    Gee, I'm shocked that this story came out of Erie, Pa. Sounds funny to a bystander, but if I was working there I would have wanted to kill the brat...
  11. kkktookmybabyaway

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    On a related topic, I love it when a customer buys something at 10% off, which usually only covers the tax plus an additional 1-2%, and when their purchase is rung up they are shocked to find out that they're pretty much paying the retail cost of that item. This makes me wonder what kind of savings they were expecting -- 50%?...
  12. kkktookmybabyaway

    Tutoring Advice

    Well if he owes your family lots and lots of money, I wouldn't expect any payment for teaching him how to write his name...
  13. kkktookmybabyaway

    Two Towers DVD

    You are more pussy whipped than I thought. Tell her you'll give her the sequel to your right fist if she doesn't shut the hell up. Unless you are the bitch? Pussywhipped? I take so much abuse that if I were a chick I'd have my own Lifetime movie of the week...
  14. kkktookmybabyaway

    The one-and-only football contest thingy thread

    The regular season starts on 9/4. This upcoming Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the final preseason games...
  15. kkktookmybabyaway

    The SmartMarks Favorite Sugar Cereal Tournament

    Ain't nothing says tooth decay like Frosted Flakes...
  16. kkktookmybabyaway

    More Proof the world is going to shit

    Nice to see America is finally exporting something for once...
  17. kkktookmybabyaway

    Heel Turn~! On his own team!

    If it was, then I have two words for ya. Hate Crime. Nice to see old Bill is mellowing out during his golden years...
  18. kkktookmybabyaway

    Why is it that...

    Hmmm, maybe perhaps to get all the freaks that follow a specific movie/band/video game out of the way during the workweek so they don't scare off the normal customers come the weekend...
  19. kkktookmybabyaway

    Funniest Sports Headline EVER

  20. kkktookmybabyaway

    The one-and-only football contest thingy thread

    Hardyz1's Ghost: Colts = 31 points New England Buffalo Philadelphia Minnesota Atlanta Tampa Bay Kansas City Miami N.Y. Giants Oakland Green Bay Washington Indianapolis Carolina Seattle San Francisco
  21. kkktookmybabyaway

    AIM screen names, what is yours!?

    fww76 (works both on AIM and MSN)...
  22. kkktookmybabyaway

    Just got some new DVDs...

    Not sure how many versions of KKFOS there are out there, but did you get the one with the audio commentary? Funny stuff...
  23. kkktookmybabyaway

    Funniest Sports Headline EVER

    What was it before the revision?...
  24. kkktookmybabyaway

    NFL Pick 'em contests announcement...

    Updated standings, since I can't change the previous one due to the "great crash" Chuck Woolery, did you used to be VanSiclen 31?... Buffalo Bills (Eagan469) Miami Dolphins (two tuff toddy) New England Patriots (nl5xsk1) New York Jets (Gert T) Baltimore Ravens (Dr.Tom) Cincinnati Bengals (Choken One) Cleveland Browns (Chuck Woolery) Pittsburgh Steelers (kkktookmybabyaway) Houston Texans (Bored) Indianapolis Colts (Hardyz1's Ghost) Jacksonville Jaguars (AlwaysPissedOff) Tennessee Titans (Space Cowboy) Denver Broncos (Canadian Chris) Kansas City Chiefs (cartman) Oakland Raiders (LaParkaMarka) San Diego Chargers (Agent Bond34) Dallas Cowboys (Just John) New York Giants (bob_barron) Philadelphia Eagles (MD2020) Washington Redskins (Human Fly) Chicago Bears (Swift Terror) Detroit Lions (Will Scarlet) Green Bay Packers (Spaceman Spiff) Minnesota Vikings (razazteca) Atlanta Falcons (Lightning Flik) Carolina Panthers (fazzle) New Orleans Saints (Flyboy) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (MarvinisaLunatic) Arizona Cardinals (Vern Gagne) St. Louis Rams (Prime Time Andrew Doyle) San Francisco 49ers (Bravesfan) Seattle Seahawks (DawnBTVS)
  25. kkktookmybabyaway

    The one-and-only football contest thingy thread

    Steelers = 17 points New England Buffalo Philadelphia Minnesota Cleveland Tampa Bay St. Louis New Orleans Baltimore Dallas Green Bay Jacksonville Indianapolis Carolina Denver San Diego