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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    The Battle of The Songs

    Rainbow. I disapprove of all the hipster cachet Clarkson gained because of that crappy song. There are at least five Britney singles better than "Since U Been Gone" and she was never lavished with praise from P.Fork.
  2. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    This is the only way you can justify liking a 'fantastic band'? It's enough for me to like The Stooges and The MC5... What makes Jet any different? They suck We obviously have differing opinions on rock and roll. I hardly think that The Stooges or The MC5 suck. WOOSH
  3. BUTT

    Guys, I think Marney is dead.

    Czech moved them to a separate thread. He does that a lot. He'll probably prune this one again to organize all the Hoff posts into one Hoff mega-thread. And then he'll cull posts from that into "Bob Barron comments on Hoff's death."
  4. BUTT

    WWF Saturday Night's Main Event (25)

    Jesse looks like a complete geek here. He reminds me of Mr. Ernst. I've seen him clean-shaven and bare-headed, but never both at the same time! And that's a bad combo. "The Slash of the World Wrestling Federation." So timely.
  5. BUTT

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Bob Barnett probably is legitimately the oldest person registered here, but he's not THAT old.
  6. Is it just me or does Matt Young make the same "ain't I the shit" facial expression in nearly every photo? No, it's not just me. I've procured photographic evidence that shows that Mr. Young feels there's never a wrong time for a smug face. For instance, here he is in the audience for Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. In a period during which the nation was torn by war, while the Great Emancipator was giving what is regarded as possibly the greatest speech of all time, Matt Young couldn't help but mug for the camera. Then there was the time he was cast on the hit 80's sitcom The Hogan Family. You won't see him in any episodes because he was fired before the show premiered. Matt lost his chance to act alongside Valerie Harper and Jason Bateman because when a female producer asked him to stop looking so smug, he called her a disgusting slutty cunt and promised he would defile her phone book listing. (Matt was replaced with the much more courteous and respectful Jeremy Licht.) And even on Matt's recent trip to China, he couldn't stop looking smug when visiting a sweatshop! I've seen some narcissistic TSM posters before, but I think Matt Young really takes the proverbial cake of egotism. If anyone has any more photos of Matt Young looking smug in an inappropriate public setting, I think you should show them here. Maybe the only way for Matt to see how we see him is for him to see himself.
  7. BUTT

    GameCrazy New Year's Sale

    I'm so sorry.
  8. Mattdotcom is great. You'll be missing out.
  9. BUTT

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    This doesn't really anger me, and it may not be the case with you, Leo, but it astounds me how so many people don't know their parents' birthdays or even their ages. I mean... how do you not know? But as far as things that anger me, I have a rant about DirecTV coming when I have more time. My mom has always refused to reveal her age. She's so insecure about it (apparently when she turned 23 someone jokingly said "you're getting old" and she took it EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY) that she only admits her year of birth on a need-to-know basis, and I guess her kids don't need to know. Of course, I do know, thanks to some detective work done when I was 9, but I don't think my brother does, and he's several years older than me. It's all so strange.
  10. BUTT

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    Not quite
  11. BUTT


    That's not the worst language to be found in an AC game.
  12. BUTT


    That's not even close to the best Banders post.
  13. Factor 5, makers of the Rogue Squadron series, Lair, and my personal favorite, Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures, has gone belly-up: http://boards.ign.com/nintendo_wii_general...175069162/p1/?1 Free Radical, makers of TimeSplitters and Haze, also gone: I think this really shows how risky next-gen development can be. These weren't exactly small-time studios. They were pretty big deals at one time who were each killed by just one big failure. If they were making Kid Icarus, and Matt from IGN seems pretty sure they were, then maybe Nintendo should buy them out. I know that's antithetical to their business model, but there's no reason to let all the work that's presumable been done on the game go to waste. As for Free Radical, they were kind of a one-trick pony. They made a name on their Rare ties and TimeSplitters 2 was good, but that was six years ago and they haven't done much of note since.
  14. BUTT

    How am I trolling?

    I've been a backer of Agnes for a long time. (Not because of his use of the n-bomb of course!)
  15. BUTT

    How am I trolling?

  16. BUTT

    How am I trolling?

    I can handle Nelly because he has that one song that samples the NBA on NBC theme. Ja grunting BAAABYGUUUUURLLLL in his "taking a dump voice" is less palatable.
  17. BUTT

    How am I trolling?

    Axl never sang the hook on a Ja Rule song.
  18. BUTT

    How am I trolling?

    I'm fat? That's news to me... Avatar Association Syndrome