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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    OH GOD OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT Czech's head is going to explode when he sees people praising this.
  2. BUTT

    I taught somebody a lesson

    They're both equally bad.
  3. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Yeah, I know it's not as good as some of the other games in the series. But I've played this more over the last two years than any other game during that time. I do like it quite a bit.
  4. The announcement is Lorenzo Fertitta is leaving his casino boss job or whatever he does to work full-time with UFC.
  5. BUTT

    Favorite Beatles song?

    Nah, it's "The Long and Winding Road." The version with all the strings and choir, not the "naked" version. You can't go bigger than Spector.
  6. BUTT

    Favorite Beatles song?

    Me next.
  7. I got terribly sick a couple of years ago, likely due to some sort of food poisoning. I was just lying a bed about to go to sleep, and then I started to feel a little sick, then it was like "FUCK I'M GONNA PUKE" and then BLAHHHHHHHHHH. Vomit all over my bedroom floor. I spent the next few days doing nothing but sleeping, puking and shitting. It was non-stop diarrhea, the kind where your stomach doesn't really feel the urge to shit but you sit on that toilet and just let it go and you don't stop, just keep on releasing that disgusting putrid liquid feces as long as you can and you never reach the point of feeling satisfied. I could have released the entire contents of my intestines that weekend. It was undoubtedly the worst I had ever felt. But by the end of the week, I was 12 pounds lighter. Go Kreese!
  8. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    In 1991, this game ruled it all. Whip enemies in all directions, swinging with the whip, the room is spinning! And the soundtrack. Oh lord the soundtrack! Yeah, I love Castlevania IV.
  9. BUTT

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Hahaha. Now ALL of Tecmo's employees are suing the company: http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/06/17/te...g-obliteration/
  10. BUTT

    Andrew WK

    He's making fun of us for listening to dumb hair metal.
  11. BUTT

    Andrew WK

    Maybe "hit and miss" wasn't the right description. I like most of the songs on it, I just don't like them as much as my favorite songs on the first two albums. I like "I Came For You," "The Moving Room," "You Will Remember Tonight," "Into the Clear", "One Brother" and "Pushing Drugs" a lot. "Mark My Grace" and "Don't Call Me Andy" are OK. But there's nothing on it that's as good as "Ready to Die" or "Got To Do It" or "I Get Wet" or "Totally Stupid" or "The End of Our Lives," in my opinion.
  12. BUTT

    Andrew WK

    There's only one other full-length, it's called Close Calls with Brick Walls. You can listen to his entire recorded catalog at andrewwk.com.
  13. BUTT

    Andrew WK

    I love all his albums, although Close Calls is a lot more hit & miss than his first two. I saw him in '03 and it was awesome. He was in the midst of opening for Hoobastank playing the mid-level venues of the northeast and he still came down to Allentown to play a 40-minute set in a shitty club opening for "Ill Nino", of whom I know nothing except that they have a song on the Freddy vs Jason soundtrack. Also, I e-mailed him once and he replied. What a good dude.
  14. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Maybe this has been surpassed by other FPS games. I don't care. It's still my favorite shooter. I never had as much fun playing any game in multiplayer as I did playing Goldeneye with my brother, and I really enjoy the single-player mode too.
  15. BUTT

    Ad Campaigns - Past, Present, and Future

    This is the absolute worst:
  16. BUTT

    Global Warming: the Thread

    The girl who played Randy's girlfriend was really hot on Boston Public.
  17. I sure hope he isn't fighting for the next five years. Dude will be like 50!
  18. BUTT

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I'm not a huge fan of these drafts...but I'm in.
  19. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    Snuffbox is still upset over LBJ robbing his boy Barry G. of the presidency in '64, it's only natural that some of his rage should be directed at the then-VP.
  20. BUTT

    Boston Public

    I've just started watching the first season, and I love it. Its so freakin' ridiculous but it's great. I really should have watched this more when it was on. Chi McBride is so great. I wish I had a principal like him. And man, Rashida Jones was hot on this show. I never thought of her as really attractive before but well, she is here. Anyone else like this show? Best thing I've seen so far: Sam from Are You Afraid of the Dark as a girl running for class president who sucks her opponent's dick in the stairwell to get him to drop out of the race. Her parents come in for a conference with the principal and her dad is the dad from Clarissa Explains it All! Oh shit, it's Ashley Tisdale! This show just keeps getting better.
  21. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

  22. BUTT

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    What is Juggalo? Let me think for a second Hmm well, he gets BUTT naked Then he walks down the street winking at freaks With a 2-liter stuck in his BUTT cheeks! What is a juggalo? A dead body Well he's not really dead But he's not like anybody you've ever met before He'll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four! What is a juggalo? He's a graduate! He graduated from *cricket chirps* WELL At least he's got a job He's not a dumb putz He works for himself scratching his nuts! What is a juggalo? A Hulkamaniac! He powerbombs motherfuckers into thumbtacks People like him 'til they find out he's unstable He Sabu'd your mama through a coffee table!
  23. BUTT

    The Compendium of Bad

    From the same soundtrack:
  24. BUTT

    Where Amazing Happens

    Where Benoit threads happen, Bix happens
  25. BUTT

    Campaign 2008

    The only good president is a black president!