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Posts posted by BUTT

  1. You don't get to celebrate awfulness

    You won once, didn't you?



    Shit, I suppose you're right... now if only we could get together and hold the "Banky Memorial Pick a Fucking Login Name and Stick With it" Tournament, the "Had to Borrow Other Posters Personalities to Establish Themselves" Tournament and the "Wasted Far Too Much Time on a Bad Video to Make Fun of Bob Barron" Tournament, then maybe you could finally pick up your own board hardware

    Slayer can't take a joke. :(


    Are you STILL on that Inc thing?

  2. What was the whole situation with Dames accidently deleting a bunch of stuff that one time? Was it just some accounts that went or what?

    Dames was trying to delete the posters with zero posts or who hadn't posted in a year. He ended up deleting everybody.


    Early this year, VX tried to do the same thing. He, too, ended up deleting everybody.
