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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    American Dad

    I watched American Dad expecting something very funny, but what we got was basically a near FG ripoff with VERY LITTLE funny moments. The whole thing bored me, with the exception of the Middle Eastern couple joke, which was HILARIOUS.
  2. Eclipse

    MVP Baseball 2005 $24.95 preorder w/ free shipping

    Nice, I am liking the price on it. Should be able to pick it up as soon as it comes out.
  3. Source: Wrestling-Observer Newsletter Survivor contestant and TNA talent Jonny Fairplay reportedly contacted WWE with an offer about a debut. He suggested an angle whereby he would replace Theodore Long as SmackDown! GM. If that could not happen, he also pushed to serve as a manager for Mike Mizanin, should he eventually debut on WWE TV. WWE, up to this point, has shown no interest in Fairplay, and it is almost definite nothing will immediately result from the aforementioned offer. Meh......don't know what to say...
  4. Eclipse

    Forget DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray..

    WOW, that is gonna be the DREAM TOOL for piracy. 1TB of storage is INSANE.
  5. Eclipse

    "Big Name" throws offer at WWE....

    We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Undertaker". Correction: We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Danny Basham." Corrected Correction: We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Joy Giovanni." Correction^3: We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Fifi." Correctionx4: We're sorry the correct answer is "Job me to Katie Vick." Correction: Played out reply...yeah...
  6. Eclipse

    North American PSP Launch Details Revealed

    I already bought the Nintendo DS, because I wanted to get my hands on the new Mario 64 games, and the great price. DS at 150 is a great deal, but PSP at nearly 250 bucks? The casual gamer WILL NOT buy the PSP. Plus, if this is indeed true, I heard the PSP games will be close to 50 bucks each. Umm, I would never charge that much for a HANDHELD's games. The price for DS games retail between 29.99 and 39.99. So far, I'd say that the PSP is not gonna sell as much as I thought it would. The price is unattractive.
  7. Eclipse

    Making money from home..mailing out stuff...

    Weird pictures? Which ones?
  8. Well, around my area, they have these booths with this newspaper like thing that has employment opportunities. Of course, the ones I always manage to see are the Postal Jobs, which always say that you need to call. I am looking at it right now, and the wages are between $16.20/hr to $59/hr. Another ad I always see is this mailing stuff from home. It says that you could earn up to 750 dollar weekly from mailing their stuff from home. I might just do that on the side or something. Is that mailing thing a scam or legit?
  9. Eclipse

    Hassan vs Slaughter

    Slaughter bumped like a madman in that match, and hell, he even lost considerable weight! But, too predictable of a match though.
  10. Eclipse

    Amazon selling exclusive "Best of the WWE 2003"

    What a downer.....
  11. Eclipse

    Ashlee Simpson......

    Didn't she explain the events that led up to her mess up on the new episodes of her show? That should be enough to quiet the Ashlee haters...
  12. Eclipse

    Maven's Finisher

    I have seen that finisher used by random wrestlers in indy shows that I go to. I was surprised to see Maven use it, and he should keep it. Adds somewhat of a personality to his move set.
  13. Eclipse

    What will Orton do at WM?

    I liked Downhome's idea, about the amnesia with Orton suddenly thinking that he is in Evolution. Seriously, Orton was OUT OF HIS mind during that match, good selling on Orton's part.
  14. Eclipse

    WWE news from WO.com

    I bet the higher ups in WWE won't frown upon HHH, because of that backstage stroke. If it was ANY other person, there would have been an uproar from management.
  15. Eclipse

    Worst voicemail messages?

    I have a couple of friends who love to put this one their cell. I call them, and they voicemail answers: ACTUAL CONVO WITH VOICEMAIL "Hello?" Me: What's up man? "Not alot" Me: Cool, cool "Dude, do me a favor and leave a message..." It was timed with PERFECT precision. He has fooled so many people.
  16. Eclipse

    Match with Most Crowd Heat EVER

    My god, I nearly forgot about that match. That was one of my favorite tag matches in a LONG TIME. I remember getting hyped for that match, enjoying it along with the crowd. I don't know if this has been mentioned on the thread, even though this match was short. Let's remember the McMahon/Helmsley era, where Linda McMahon was useless, Earl Hebner was rebelling, etc. etc. Y2J challenged HHH to a title match on RAW. The match went on, with HHH still disrespecting Hebner. Y2J hits his lionsault, and Hebner counted the quick 3, and that CROWD EXPLODED. I think that ranks up there with some of the best crowd heat ever. I also agree with others with the heat showed at Backlash 2000, when Austin returned! I was one with the crowd! I was jumping all over the place when that glass broke, and to THIS DAY, nothing has came close.
  17. I haven't stopped watching at all, but I was quite a wrestling fan before the Invasion. I watched EVERY program they had availiable. I NEVER missed RAW or Smackdown. I scheduled my day around that. The time wrestling went downhill was a couple of months after the Invasion, which was actually in 2002. HHH getting the belt handed to him, and his reign following that really put a bad taste in my mouth. I watched RAW, just to see the pushes Jericho and Benoit had, since they were much more entertaining than HHH's title reign. I was interesting in programming again, after the nWo came to the WWE. I was marking out to the whole Rock/Hogan feud. After that, wrestling was slowly become what is was today. I realized how much of a wrestling fan I am today. I watch RAW all the time, and it is becoming a HASSLE watching Smackdown. Hell, I am actually liking what's happening on Smackdown, but I STILL didn't wanna see it. I missed Smackdown yesterday. If this was 4 years ago, missing Smackdown was unheard of. I still watch WWE. Most of my friends that were hardcore WWE fans, MUCH longer than I am, have stopped watching WWE altogether.
  18. Eclipse

    Arizona Cardinals to unveil new uniforms

    That fan made logo...the cardinal looks like a REALLY pissed of Pidgey from Pokemon, and, the text...heh, it's the style of font used for the GameCube.
  19. Eclipse

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    Not good. Seems to me the WWE needs to find ANOTHER place and fast. But, will they keep both on cable networks, or will they put SD on another broadcast channel?
  20. Eclipse

    Student sues over homework

    Summer homework is useless. If I had, I probably wouldn't end up doing it. NEVER. Though when I was in grammar school and high school, I NEVER got summer homework. My sister ended up getting it, since some of the older teachers left, and new ones replaced them, who LOVED summer homework.
  21. Eclipse

    Raw G.M. Eric Bishoff

    Lately, we have been seeing less and less of Bischoff on TV, he only appears only on crucial points of the show. Hell, Teddy Long is on TV more, and actually does business just like a GM should.
  22. Eclipse

    Verizon 56K Online better?

    Well, not sure what it is, but here's the story. I still got the dreaded dial up internet. Usually, I only get connected at 44.6K, or 46.6K. I logged on today, and I have been connecting at the max speed, which is 53K. I have been getting that speed all day so far, no lower than that. What could it be?
  23. Eclipse

    Big Overseas Tour in April

    Wow, they have abandoned the U.S for a VERY LONG STRETCH. Understandable, since business here is WAY down. There will be HUGE sellouts in that entire stretch. But, because of the time difference, that means there will be spoilers aplenty, and that won't do good for the ratings here.
  24. Eclipse

    New Year's Revolution Buyrate...

    Yep, it's true. People will buy the card based on the main event storylines and match type. So far, this Batista/HHH tension has proven to be a PPV seller. I have enjoyed it so far. Royal Rumble will be the PEAK of that tension.
  25. Eclipse

    The Apprentice 3

    It's not a coincidence.... It's a TRUMPcidence.... The most luxurious and most awesome coincidence that money can buy.