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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    Batista Interview

    Interesting interview there. A mix of kayfabe and real answers. I agree with Batista. There is a noticeable lack of passion there. But, in my opinion, SD has been picking up. I am enjoying the Angle/Show/JBL feud, and I liked the little twist they did last night, with Angle and JBL planning the WHOLE thing along, just to bait the Big Show. I was expecting a cliche all out war, but that took me by surprise....
  2. Eclipse

    The Apprentice 3

    This is the first time I bothered to watch Apprentice, and I found this episode entertaining. Heh, I am pulling for Street Smarts because around here, The Book Smart people always walk around with their noses in the air, and I can't stand it. THE FUNNIEST THING in that entire episode was the BUM LIKE behavior of Danny, and his rinky dink promotion! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT. Seriously, it reminded me of when I used to go to preschool and play games similar to that! And to make things worse, Danny was out there, strumming on his guitar, hoping someone would go in. Of course, I totally believe not getting rid of Danny was ratings driven. He TOTALLY deserved to be thrown out, but they had a point. Their project leader couldn't lead correctly..
  3. Eclipse

    Contracts with the WWE

    Yeah, I always wondered the same thing about contracts. I knew merchandise sales and stuff like that mattered. If that "Austin made 6 million in 1998" is true....WOW.
  4. Eclipse

    US to be Aussie nuclear dumping site

    LOL!! You think Americans care about the environment?!? Well, I kinda do, and most will care if somehow that crap seeps into the water systems or something like that. I ain't drinking radiation infested water....
  5. Eclipse

    Kevin Matthews to get WWE tryout

    heh heh heh... Just like HBK screwing Bret, I guess that will never be dropped either...
  6. Eclipse

    Kevin Matthews to get WWE tryout

    He didn't cut any promos when I saw him, but he has a way with words. He was working the crowd big time, and generated some big time heel heat when he was around. He has been controversial with some of the things he has done. I remember reading something about he was badly booked in a promotion, and he was champ at that promotion. He got so mad, he decided to piss on the title...
  7. Eclipse

    US to be Aussie nuclear dumping site

    Ah, more and more nuclear material to bury underground. Hopefully, the environment doesn't suffer because of this....
  8. Eclipse

    Kevin Matthews to get WWE tryout

    I have seen his work. There is this local indy fed only a couple of blocks away from my house that I go to. For a man his size, he can really wrestle in that ring. He fits the big man fetish that Vince likes. If he does make it, I just hope he doesn't become a random hoss.....
  9. Eclipse

    Jamster Commercials

    Crazy frog is one annoying ringtone. That fucking thing doesn't even sound like a damn frog...
  10. Eclipse

    Simon Cowell blasts Beyonce...

    Ok, I enjoy him ripping apart BAD singers on American Idol, but when he starts to rip up an already established great singer, who does have a great body and all, then something has gone terribly wrong in his career...
  11. Eclipse

    RAW rating

    Surprisingly, NO ONE has mentioned Celebrity Wrestling... Depending if the celebs amount to something, this show is either gonna suck or gonna be good. But most likely...it's gonna suck.
  12. Eclipse

    PS2 Questions

    Most of my friends who have had launch day PS2s haven't had problems. I bought my PS2 July 2004, and so far, no problems. Though, now that I remember, my friend did lend me MGS3, and during the Codec sequences, the game LOVES to skip like crazy. Not sure why. The game itself doesn't even have scratches on it.
  13. Eclipse


    So true....so true...
  14. Eclipse

    American Idol Season 4

    A lot of the people who advanced were women. I guess the men in DC really SUCKED this time around. I felt sorry for that guy who came in trying to sing Josh Grobin's song, and realized he couldn't do it, and left crying. BUT EVERYONE ELSE, especially the guy who held that syllable for close to an eternity, THEY DESERVED THE SIMONIZING....
  15. I think the way people view the 90's differs. I was born in 1985, so the ONLY thing that I remember from the 80's is 1987, when I finally got my hands on Nintendo. After that, the stuff on TV, the hype of toys and new systems, EVERYTHING that happened in the 90's was awesome...well...to me...of course. Around my neighborhood, this was the stuff in the 90's we cared about ALOT: -The appearance of Nintendo, and then the Nintendo systems following NES -TV shows like The Simpsons, Family Matters, etc. -ALL THE KIDS in my school were FULLY immersed into the Power Rangers hype in general. -The fun we had overall... I loved the 90's, but hey, I still got a couple of more decades to go, maybe it will get better than that.
  16. Eclipse

    The Monday Night RAW Thread (January 17th 2005)

    Last night's RAW was ok, but with the exception of the useless main event. I loved HHH's promo against Orton. Truly brought out the asshole in him.
  17. Eclipse

    Major News regarding Steve Austin

    Wow, ummm.....they are making a damn press conference to announce a movie? WHOEVER was excited for a return of SCSA.....WWE just shot the hype down.
  18. Eclipse

    Jamster Commercials

    Jamster is turning into the BIGGEST pop up ad on TV. I just saw a new one today, called Ringtone Idol, with some stupid baby chick or something singing HORRIBLY.
  19. Eclipse

    Surreal Life 4

    I don't like Surreal Life 4 as much as did last season's SL, and the season with Vanilla Ice. Though, SL4 has started off with a bang after seeing Verne PISS DRUNK. My god, I was dying of laughter when I saw him on the scooter NAKED, and the orgasmic moans he was doing....
  20. Eclipse

    Jamster Commercials

    Heh, it's not just on Comedy Central, it's slowly taking up time on most stations! Seriously, it's a great way to sucker in STUPID teens. They don't notice that this eventually is gonna become a subscription service! You can't just keep downloading them for free. Plus, I ain't sure if Sir Mix-a-Lot is dead, but if he is, he should be rolling in his grave. Also, those stupid wallpapers with ying yang signs, and that P.I.M.P one! ARGH!
  21. Eclipse

    Meltzer on JBL's Wrestlemania opponent

    If the WWE does the usual Rock comeback, they should NOT HAVE THE ROCK fighting for a title! It's worthless build up, and EVERYONE is gonna know who will win. With Rock doing a zillion movies, and most likely LEAVING again, JBL will retain.
  22. Eclipse

    "Be Cool"

    I am loving the cast in this movie. I saw the trailer, and I am looking forward to it.
  23. I love the Ali G show, and I find his Ali G character hilarious, but Borat is WAY funnier. My god, that episode BETTER air here. I need to see it.
  24. Eclipse

    So, I got a DS....

    I remember right after launch of DS, it was a WILD GOOSE chase to find a DS in my area. We had some in the Toys R Us R-Zone, like about 200 of them, and BAM, they all sold out. It was over a month later that they received that new shipment, on December 21st. It was a madhouse there. So far, I am enjoying Nintendo DS, with the fact I got one of my favorite games to take along with me, Mario 64 DS. I would have never pictured a game I played in 1996 on a TV screen would be brought to a handheld. Technology has advanced...BIG TIME. Hopefully, the DS gets online, because I have read in other sites that the PSP is getting some software. I heard something about a PSP Internet Browser and stuff like that.
  25. Well, if there will be any cross promotional stuff, we will see them materialize at the Royal Rumble. I hope the draft happens again this year. It always good to see new matchups by then.