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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    Trish Stratus has been caught in the act...

    Yeah, I know that ppl at the GameFAQS board read the news before it was taken down, but if this is indeed her in the video, who knows what this will do to her.. But, for all the guys out there....LET'S FIND THE VIDEO!!
  2. Eclipse

    Wrestling hotlines...

    Usually, I see on sites that they advertise the fact they have their own hotlines. What are the purpose of their hotlines? Do you have to pay to call them?
  3. Eclipse

    Break it down!

    I think X-Pac was mad on the inside, and then decided to make things look good so he can avoid the embarassment...
  4. Eclipse

    Aqua Teen Volume II!!!!!!!!!!&

    I picked it up, and this DVD rules. I can't get enough of that Christmas Robot! I thought it ATHF was shit at first. But, I sat down and watched a couple of eps, and this was my kind of show. VOLUME 2 RULES!
  5. Eclipse

    Break it down!

    I just wanna see the tape to see if Chyna overpowers X-Pac. BUT, it will be interesting to see where X-Pac will go...RAW or SD.
  6. Eclipse

    Aqua Teen Volume II!!!!!!!!!!&

    The Christmas Robot Ep is in? SWEET.
  7. Eclipse

    Just got back from RAW in DC...

    Man, I felt sorry for the ppl who watched it live, because last night's RAW was damn boring. Nothing notable, and I LOVE the way the whole HHH/Eugene thing never continued. Well, they did bring in Regal, which was a good thing, but man, one of the most boring RAWs in a while. I don't about next RAW, with the iron man match kicking off at 9pm, they better be doing something new...
  8. Eclipse

    Butterfly Effect on DVD

    Well, I never got the chance to see this movie in theaters. so, I saw it on DVD. I thought the movie rocked! I didn't think Ashton could do that role as well as he did. THOUGHTS ON ENDINGS (SPOILERS) I liked both endings, but the one where he chokes himself while inside the womb, it was the better ending, but, it was weird, how he PERFECTLY manuvered his hand and choked himself so well....
  9. Well, I just got into the indies scene last year. I was mostly just a fan of the WWE, but then I got a taste of indy wrestling late last year. The wrestlers I like are mostly in the Northeast, not too sure if they have traveled... Jay Lethal What an amazing wrestler. He is a great lightweight wrestler, and he has a great build for such an age. This guys looks like he is in his mid 20's, and he is only 18 years old! A very well known lightweight wrestler in the NJ/NY area. Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz WOW. That's all I gotta say. They were JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling) Tag Team Champs, and have had multiple organizations titles at the same time! They finally came to our area, and worked the crowd! One hell of a heel tag team, and most hated. They have been in some great matches. The local indy fed I have been talking about is the AWA (American Wrestling Alliance). Man, that fed has gone way up. I remember the first couple of shows, the attendance was like 10-15 ppl. It showcased most of the students in the AWA. But, as time went on, more and more people showed up, the show was getting better, and because of that, more and more well known talent has appeared. They even got Chris Candido to show up with Sunny! Some guy that was with them said they are trying to get Ken Shamrock to appear in the show later this year, and I would love if that happened.
  10. Those ideas sound pretty sweet. I would totally like the channel way more if at least some of these ideas are implemented...
  11. Eclipse

    Lita's Raw Promo

    I was getting tired of the whole helpless Lita thing. Now, she has a "I don't give shit attitude." What should happen now? Lita, when she gets the chance, she should be interfering in Kane's big matches, like for a title. He wouldn't be able to touch her at all.
  12. Eclipse

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    The year 1991 has passed on the show, and they did show some of the best moments... The show I LOVE AND I HOPE TO GOD A DVD COLLECTION IS RELEASED: Family Matters. Man, Jaleel STILL LOOKS THE SAME...LOL Pee Wee jerks his pee pee....WHY! WHY! I remember being pissed off and wondering why the show was gone when I was 6......and then I found out and I laughed...LOL.
  13. Eclipse

    The OAO WWE: Day of Reckoning Thread

    The season mode better have some actual storylines, because if it is 50 matches....argh!!
  14. Eclipse

    Chance of a Lifetime!

    Rekishee... LOL What an auction...
  15. Eclipse

    Need advice...

    I still say the bat....
  16. Eclipse

    Need advice...

    Bring a bat, crack it over his face, walk away, DONE.
  17. I guess Ebert has no sense of humor. White Chicks was a pretty funny movie.
  18. Eclipse

    Oh the memories of WWE in 2000

    McMahon was the word that year, especially from late 1999 into 2000. In fall 1999, that's when the whole Test/HHH/Steph feud happened. I remember British Bulldog getting pissed off at Test, then throwing a garbage can at Test which hit Steph. She had temporary amnesia. Oh, and quite possibly the longest running HEEL run ever with HHH marrying a drunk Steph, and then a huge swerve with her ACTUALLY accepting it, by attacking Vince at Armageddon that year. That was ONE HELL OF A HEEL RUN. The McMahon/Helmsley era began, with Steph and HHH taking out Vince, then, the reforming of DX, and the constant cheating from HHH to keep retaining that title. AND FINALLY at Backlash, he loses, and that was one hell of a way to end the feud. BUT, McMahonomia was running wild. That's mostly what we saw in between.
  19. Actually, I am still enjoying the whole Eugene thing, but THANKS to HHH, it's true: The great Eugene we knew is slowly disappearing, and all we have is a tool for HHH to make himself look better. I love the fact he is still confused on what to do, and he felt bad hitting Benoit with the chair, but man, Eugene needs to get away from Evolution because it looks crappy with him in it...
  20. Eclipse

    Spybot and Adware 6.0

    Hmmm...the spyware does show up again within a couple of days. THAT better not be true....
  21. Eclipse

    Oh the memories of WWE in 2000

    Ah yes, the beauty known as Backlash 2000. That was one of the best WWF PPVS ever, and to THIS DAY, I haven't marked out as much when Austin returned and cost HHH the title, after UNSTOPPABLE CHEATING since 1999 from HHH.
  22. Eclipse

    Look at what you can bid on

    Alright, now, we can own just a minute amount of Vince's idiocy RIGHT NOW! YAY!
  23. Eclipse

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    Wow, what a waste of MANY people's time. After all that hype, I see this...LOL. How much more dumber can this get?
  24. When did they sell Crystal Pepsi in the U.S? And, what did it taste like? I always see that drink as a rare item? Also, I have seen someone trying to sell dinosaur poop....
  25. Eclipse

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    I finally saw it, and it was money well spent. -At some parts, it was disturbing. The images of war aren't for the weak hearted, since they did show dead and injured Iraqis. I don't know how Mike got his hands on images of the the Iraqis dragging dead and mangled American soldiers on the streets. I thought about it, whoever that was, the family never retrieved the body. -Gotta love how it is true: The fact that Bush would NEVER stop saying Iraq had something to do with this all (9/11). -It was hard seeing the mom that lost her son in the war show her feelings. I thought the best part of the movie was when she mentioned that now, she has a place where she could vent her hate and anger, and then the camera pans to the White House. This movie didn't sway my vote, because I already wanted Bush out of the White House, but this just makes me feel A WHOLE LOT BETTER that I didn't vote for that bumbling idiot.