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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    CPU Usage at 100%....computer SLOWDOWN!

    I have Spybot. I will run that soon, and tell you the results when I get a chance.
  2. Eclipse

    Kurt Angle's neck worse than originally thought

    This is insane! Everytime Kurt gets an injury, it is a MAJOR one! Ever since that neck surgery he got this year, I had some bad feelings of Angle hurting himself again. I go with the majority and say, "Kurt, it isn't worth hurting yourself over the horrible wrestling product over at SD. RETIRE!"
  3. Eclipse

    Help Me Build A Computer!

    It's not always cheap to go out and build a PC. You may need a great motherboard, and a good video card that uses AGP., which will add to the price.
  4. Eclipse

    A banner request....

    Sweet. Take your time, no rush.
  5. Eclipse

    Hate to say I told you so...

    One of the best PPVs in a while by the WWE. It kept me entertained the whole time. I still don't get ALL THE HYPE FOR Holly, and he is taken out like 3 seconds into the match. That Shane /Kane match was brutal. I cringed when Kane fell on his head....and then got laced with the door. RAW SS match...BEST OF THE NIGHT! Wow....Evolution put themselves WAY over with that Batista interference. HBK put on an awesome performance. The SD SS match was ok. The letdown was that it ended too quickly. UBER mark out moment when Cena lifted Show for the FU. And surprisingly enough, HHH lost again.
  6. Eclipse

    A banner request....

    .......And the dust accumulates...
  7. Eclipse

    Best Of The Monday Night Wars

    There ya go. The WWE is getting it now, at least in the DVD dept. A definite mustbuy for me.
  8. Eclipse

    AIM problem...

    Well, on my s/n, all I did was enter a chatroom, and then all of a sudden, some s/n "Henry owns you" and "Screwyoubot" just keep IMing me into infinity. I close the windows, and then they IM me again and warn me. I can't block because there are so many instances of the names. Is there a way I can get rid of them? Or is it a dumb trick they do?
  9. Eclipse

    How many people here

    I always wanted the WCW Championship or the WWE Championship, but I don't have the money...
  10. Eclipse

    AIM problem...

    My warning is already over 100%. I had to log under my other s/n because it won't let me go to my other s/n due to "rate limiting." What is that?
  11. Eclipse

    Columbia House DVD

  12. Eclipse

    Columbia House DVD

    Well, my friend was telling me about it. It seems alright. However, he told me he got away with getting 14 DVDs instead of the 7. Just tell them you never received the initial shipment, just the bill. Is it worth getting into the club?
  13. It has to be Stevie Ray....that popped into my head right away as soon as I saw the note..
  14. Eclipse

    Angle re-injures neck

    Well, here comes the pain! I had a feeling since he returned that he was going to have injuries there again....
  15. Eclipse

    The Simpsons

    Yesterday's ep was ok. It was crazy though....how Momma Simpson escaped....
  16. Eclipse

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Sweet....thanks Malibu.
  17. Well, I am trying to have a comp tape done...of some of the best matches on PPVs and on WWE TV during 1999-2003. I was wondering if anyone here could list some, since I am blanking out....
  18. Eclipse

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    I like the way my name never changed to "Eclipse"
  19. Eclipse

    Crash Holly passes away

    Wow....possibly one of the best hardcore champs ever. I remember the 24/7 rule...rest in peace man.
  20. Eclipse

    Survivor Series will be great!

    For once....since WM XIX, I am hyped for a WWE PPV. I am looking forward to both the Survivor Series matches going on.
  21. Eclipse

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Hey, I would like my named changed to Eclipse.
  22. Well, possibly next year, I will be getting a new PC. My friend tells me he got a sweet deal from the Dell website. Many other people are telling me the same thing, go with Dell. I go to the site, and the prices are mad cheap, 499....500 bucks. I noticed right away that it only has the towers, no keyboard, no mouse, no monitor, no printer. Now, what I was thinking is this. Ok, you buy just the tower. I take the Compaq monitor I have, which should be Plug and Play, take the keyboards and mice, and the printer, and form the new PC like that. Can you do that? I have NO MONEY to build a PC for myself. I just started taking A+ Certification classes yesterday, but I won't be learning how to build a PC for a while.
  23. Eclipse

    A request....

    Hopefully, people out there have some good wrestling collections out there of WWE TV between 1999-2001. What I wanted was a "Greatest of RAW and SD" kind of tape. I remember some of the great DX matches, Dudley Boyz matches, Rock and Sock Connection matches, Too Cool, etc, etc. If anyone has anything good, post it here...
  24. Eclipse

    Ever been a part...

    Damn, I always wanted to be part of a MAD TV audience...but....I live too far to ever be part of one...
  25. Eclipse

    A request....

    I guess not...