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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

    Lashley didn't take that Drop very pretty either, whether that is because of something Umaga did or because Lashley didn't get enough height on his jump (which is what I thought), it just didn't look good. He did take everything else like a champ though.
  2. The Amazing Rando

    Impact Spoilers through LockDown

    That's a creepy photo... not trying to be racist or anything, but it looks like someone combined Savage and and an extra from Planet of the Apes.
  3. The Amazing Rando

    From the Fire Word Count ThreadHow much ya got?

    I'm pretty much done at 6700 or so... but it's not like we had any build whatsoever (and i wasn't about to go trolling back three years to try and force a story).
  4. The Amazing Rando

    PROMO - Not About The Mask

    The screen – black. Slowly, two eyes – blue – fade from out of the darkness. They are alone, for the moment. A voice is heard. “It’s not about what is behind the mask.” The mask – silver. It fades in around the eyes, which begin to change color. Brown. Green. Blue. Brown. Green. Blue. “It’s not about what is behind the mask.” Mirror Max. Fade.
  5. The Amazing Rando

    From the Fire Word Count ThreadHow much ya got?

    But Chris Raynor would never ride around on an Octopus.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

    No one unauthorized will run in, or they lose their jobs. According to the announcers, all those guys were authorized. Also, at this point, would you WANT to piss off Vince? Cause that's what it would do.
  7. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

    I WANT LANCE RUSSELL!! Son of a bitch...
  8. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

    Someone should go grab the briefcase right now.
  9. The Amazing Rando

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    I wrote my Iron Man while on vacation... it was a combination of me hating the beach and dragging my laptop along with me, along with not realizing that the week of the PPV was the same week as my family's vacation. I averaged around 4K a day, I think, with about 3K wrote before we actually left.
  10. The Amazing Rando

    Pictures I Like

    No, it's a dust storm.
  11. The Amazing Rando

    Skull Radio~!

    Archive Is UP, in case you haven't checked yet.
  12. The Amazing Rando

    Skull Radio~!

    Skull Radio shall be LIVE in just under an hour now, and will feature talk about this week's Storm and, as Johnny puts it, the Ultimo Phantasmo Theory's greatest test yet -- FROM THE FIRE 2007~ I can only hope we can get more listeners this week than last week (about a third less overall). Shame Shame Shame. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theswf
  13. The Amazing Rando

    Vault Red Blitz.

    Red Blitz tastes like liquid red Skittles (Fruity Fruity Skittles). Not too bad though.
  14. The Amazing Rando

    School bans Myspace in school AND in home.

    "If you use Myspace, you'll go blind!"
  15. The Amazing Rando

    SWF From The Fire Card

    Zyon and IL, you will probably want to get with me and Johnny, as the Iron Man is apparently ending whenever either myself or Johnny scores the pinfall (meaning that...potentially...helping or hurting either of us would help you succeed or fail).
  16. The Amazing Rando

    PROMO: Saving Megan Skye

    Hey, at least we discussed it and debated over it. I'm very interested to see where it goes.
  17. The Amazing Rando

    Going to Washington D.C

    I went to the National Zoo today, since I haven't been since elementary school. Traffic was a pain in the ass on Connecticut but the zoo was nice. I took some decent pictures.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    oAo WWE Raw 3/19/2007 (13 days until WM23)

    Doing Cena vs. Batista is either A) a way to bury Batista or B) the Foregone Conclusion of Total Interference. HBK vs. UT would be pretty much the same, including somehow burying Batista. Cena vs. UT would be fun though, but again, it'd have to be a screwy sportz entertainment finish at this point.
  19. The Amazing Rando

    Team EMF Debut

    I don't think carrying around the belt of (or supporting) another wrestling federation would get any cheers at all, or make a wrestler a face. Even when the SWF had a sister federation, the SJL, when wrestlers from there would come here they would get booed damn near out of the building, regardless of their face or heel status in the SJL. Even now, we have wrestlers from the OAOAST, one of them being a HUGE FACE there, being booed mercilessly here. And -- may I ask -- since when is a TV champion a "main even[t]er" in any federation, ever?
  20. The Amazing Rando

    Top WWE wrestlers named in SI steroid investigation.

    They'll all agree that those people MUST be on TNA PAYROLL.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    oAo WWE Raw 3/19/2007 (13 days until WM23)

    because Ron is a face.
  22. The Amazing Rando

    oAo WWE Raw 3/19/2007 (13 days until WM23)

    He doesnt wrestle in towns that steal other cities football teams? And so he brings out a former football player, Marcus Cor Von?
  23. The Amazing Rando

    91/3 rof setoN revresbO gniltserW

    I wasn't agreeing with the idea to have them feud over that, I was just making a point. Even though RVD is not exactly straight-edge, I don't think they should bring that stuff into the wrestling ring. We already have Austin glorifying alcoholism, which is at least legal. Why not just have Punk beat everyone else, and have them make a point to say that the only person he hasn't beaten (besides the champ) is RVD?
  24. The Amazing Rando

    91/3 rof setoN revresbO gniltserW

    At this point, attacking RVD makes you a heel. And who cares if Punk is right in what he says? Heels get booed all the time for honesty (Think JBL/Eddy strap match that JBL won legit and the fans booed the crap out of the RIGHT decision because it was against Eddy)
  25. The Amazing Rando

    Skull Radio~!

    Archive is up, just a hair under 2 hours. Thankfully.