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mister foozel

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Everything posted by mister foozel

  1. mister foozel


    comes out on tuesday, definitely picking it up, ive heard blackmail th universe, kick the chair, and die dead enough and theyre all really good songs, especially blackmail the universe revolver gave it 4 out of 4 stars, along with other revies ive read so it should be a stellar album, it'll be nice for some good music to hit the stores for a change
  2. mister foozel

    Jackson offered abuse boy a new House

    all this case is really about is some very good liars trying to get a few million out of jackson a person would think that putting jackson in jail would be the ultimate goal for the parents of these abused kids, but when jackson offers them a few million more dollars, theyre gonna take it and drop the charges so what really important: getting a supposed child molester put behind bars and protecting these kids, or the money? id put my bet on the latter
  3. mister foozel

    steretypical scottish guy commercials

    every once in a while, a new commercial like one of these pops up the mini guy on the kellogg's mini bites commercial, the skydiving towel, the alexander keith's guy (in canada, the least annoying of them but still stupid) it's just so unfunny and unoriginal it was great in austin powers(fat bastard) or with willy from the simpsons, but enough is enough thoughts?
  4. mister foozel

    Mr. Clean no dry car wash

    a YEAR???!?? what about THE RUST! WHAT ABOUT THE RUST!!
  5. mister foozel

    Paris beaten by Nick Carter?

    fuckin agree i never found a couple of spoiled rich brats acting like morons on tv the LEAST bit entertaining fuck i feel dumber if i even flick by that god awful "television show" as for the austin thing, NICE.
  6. mister foozel

    50 Cent Does Song With Bart Simpson

    50 must really...REALLY want that MTV Award.
  7. mister foozel

    The Undertaker: 5 months later

    That's about right... agreed
  8. mister foozel

    Big Hutch aka Cold187 from Above the Law Indicted

    hey everyone knows that most drug trafficking is done by the feds anyways just need people to take the hit for it (and no i dont support this guy, havent heard his music, and never heard of him until this thread)
  9. mister foozel

    If there were a Woodstock 04, who would you book?

    looks like a good lineup so i take it zach de la rocha is doing a solo bit now? i didnt know that
  10. mister foozel

    Once again....Ian Robinbson....

    Let's see: My 'Cliff Lives' post contained: -Cliff leaving in 89/90. -Telling Lars to fuck off and murdering Kirk Hammett (and briefly wondering if Kerry King would play on his new Anesthesia album). -Making a killer new album that finished second to SITA in metal album of the year. -And we all live happily ever after (so to speak....) So is it that hard to understand? Why is peoples' lack of comprehension MY fault? it still doesnt make much sense and why would he murder kirk hammett?
  11. mister foozel

    Recent Purchases

    megadeth:youthanasia alice in chains:greatest hits nirvana black
  12. mister foozel

    Once again....Ian Robinbson....

    Before you read this, I just want to warn you that it may spoil some parts of the movie for you, so continue if you want i just came from actually SEEING the movie and i have to disagree with some of the things Ian Robinson said first of all, regarding lars. yes, he does come off as a dick sometimes, but is also clearly behind james in rehab and in helping making the band on the same page, letting egos go i agree with robinson about how lars doesnt spend enough time playing drums and more time jawing, buts lars never complained that a drum part was too hard and that he didnt want to play it anymore, that just didnt happen and regarding what lars said about cliff, lars meant that with how things are with the band right now, he doesnt knw if cliff would fit with the band right now, not that cliff didnt have enough skill to play and also, when they were choosing a bass player, they chose rob because he fit the best, he seemed like the most comfortable in the band (after all, they didnt want their new bass player to be another jason newsted, a scapeoat for their problems and someone they couldnt get along with) ,and lars even commented that rob's finger picking style reminded him a lot of the way cliff played lars did complain about how much time james was spending with his family and consequently with the band, but anyone would when james was in rehab for a year and an album is being put on hold, other than that lars isn't that bad as for the performance coach, newsted makes a good point that with all they have been through, they need a performance coach to get over their problems, and it it IS really lame and all three(kirk,james,lars) think so at some parts of the movie and were starting to get sick of him, but they can't disagree that the guy was helping them out, even if it sucks to admit it (after all, they are human beings) newsted makes a good point that with all they have been through, they need a performance coach to get over their problems all in all, i came from the movie wanting to hear the next Metallica album, not feeling like Metallica was over i used to hate st.anger, but after seeing the movie, it makes me understand the album a lot more it just seems really thrown together, and now i think that its really not that bad considering the circumstances behind it, and bob rock on bass i think anyone who wants to form an honest opinion of the band right now should go see the movie and not rely on Robinson to make an opinion for them i thought the same things most of you did about what Robinson said before i saw the movie, and now i very much disagree with it
  13. mister foozel

    Once again....Ian Robinbson....

    i am probably going to see this tomorrow you think its worth it? or does their whining ruin it EDIT: (for those who have seen it)
  14. mister foozel

    TNA on TSN?!?

    man if that's true thats awesome im gonna go to their website right now
  15. mister foozel

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    And what is their culture --- Moose, round bacon, beer?... hey i dont even like beer! that much.. EDIT: bacon is disgusting, and ive never shot a moose but they get hit by cars quite often
  16. mister foozel

    Michael Moore Hates America

    what i want to know is why americans are so adamant about criticizing what moore is doing he is exposing the truth and americans do not want to accept it, probably because americans stood behind bush's idiotic idea to go into iraq michael moore doesnt hate america but what politicians such as bush are doing why is this so hard to see? BTW, from those previews it really doesn't look like the guy making it is at all disproving michael moore
  17. mister foozel

    Need advice...

    dont fight him then or if you do, KICK HIS ASS! just because he "wants to fight you" doesnt me an YOu haver to fight him
  18. mister foozel

    DMX arrested in New York

    Even if you don't know anything aboot DMX, you should pick up on the Chappelle Show reference contained within this post. im rick james, BITCH
  19. mister foozel

    Get 2 Free Legit MP3's

    BURNT like ice cream
  20. mister foozel

    Huey Lewis & The News

    pretty much all the songs on "sports" walkin on a thin line, i want a new drug probably my favorites
  21. mister foozel

    Flex your metal muscle with a game of

  22. mister foozel

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    Maybe it if it was just the movie, but appearantly I got a BONUS ROUND of entertainment for going to see Fatty Fatterson's movie on Independence Day, which appearantly is the exclusive property of the right wing because only they love America or something. A whole bunch of righties were constantly shouting at the screen about what they thought was false or misleading, and finally someone else shouted that if they knew the movie was a pack of lies, why did they come and see it anyway? Finally, someone threw what I swear to God looked like a pile of shit (probably that novelty store variety) at the screen and at that point the activists started being asked to leave. That was well worth the price of admission. As for the movie itself, the coalition part made me laugh but a lot of it seemed too shaky to me. Yeah, the government's clearly showing favoritism to Halliburton and the Veep probably has a load of responsiblity for that one, but picking on Hamid Karzai as a bigwig for the 76 gas stations? Excuse me? If there was solid evidence behind that, why has it not been mentioned until now? If there was a moderately believable connection there, surely I would have heard Paul Begala on Crossfire complain about hiring an oil industry wonk to lead Afghanistan, followed by Novak grumbling that Begala is going crazy and we need to trust the administration. Surely I would have heard someone try and bring it up to Bill O'Reilly and get crushed down under O'Reilly's shouting. I haven't heard any of the sort about that, or that pipeline for that matter. On the upside, the talk about the Saudis was great until he started getting into this weird conspiracy that almost hinted that 9/11 intentionally happened so that the US could start up it's war machine and Saudis would make money from the investment groups. Of course, in my mind, the Saudis are a huge problem and we're going to have to eventually stand up and decalre that their government is not the sort of thing we approve of in the middle east if Bush wants to be serious about "exporting democracy" (although, personally, I think one of our greatest follies is thinking the rest of the world wants a govenrment like ours, too, no matter how great it is.) So in that regard, I am biased. The ending was pretty darn creepy. You can argue about archival news footage being taken out of context as much as you want, but that woman who lost her son in the Black Hawk crash was some pretty powerful stuff. If only he didn't immediately follow it with harassing Congressmen. So, I give it a 6.5 out of 10. Do I trust it completely? No. Does it worry me that some will? A tiny bit. Does it bother me in the long run? Nope, because in a sense everything that's bad for Bush is good for me, and that's just the way it is. of course you didnt hear about all that stuff, you werent supposed to that's a major basis of the movie after seeing the movie, it makes me feel even more proud to be canadian paul martin is a moron and all, but he's no bush, and i didnt vote for him
  23. mister foozel

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    95. appeal for the homosexual cowboy demographic, or because he's in "the best shape of his life"
  24. mister foozel

    NHL 2004

    ill admit i was letting off some steam before, the game can get really frustrating but it isnt like conventional hockey games, and startegy is really important in this game, so it gets annoying when i cant just go down the ice and score without a play, but it makes sense why so i wont complain ill try taking youre advice and slowing it down, oh and im playing on medium with the canadiens, so maybe thats part of it too later
  25. mister foozel

    NHL 2004

    i dont know but what I DO know is that the cpu in this game drives me nuts! so fuckin frustrating so fuckin impossible to beat