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mister foozel

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Everything posted by mister foozel

  1. mister foozel

    Halo 2 "Expansion" is Real

    fuckin wicked discussed.
  2. mister foozel

    Can you drive a stick?

    totally agree with you there it's especially bad where I live, because no one seems to have any common sense while behind the wheel my car is a stick shift, I personally think everyone should drive one because it makes a person think a lot more while driving (except on some vehicles, as I've heard it can be a real pain on trucks)
  3. mister foozel

    Xbox 2 specs

    When I think about the next Xbox I think: Why the hell don't I just upgrade my PC instead? It's gonna be the same damn thing sooner or later
  4. mister foozel

    Console Sales Numbers..

    I have a PS2 which I quite enjoy. I use it for DVDs regularly and have left it on overnight (unintentionally of course) several times and don't get any problems I also enjoy my wide selection of games I bought my PS2 used as well If I were to get an XboX, it would be for the online play (Im assuming it would be better on an XboX, but I don't use mine on PS2 anyways), the hard drive (a couple of used memory cards aren't really that expensive though), and the ability to play with 4 people without having to upgrade to a Mult-Tap (this isnt a big deal for me either because most of the really good games are single player anyways, besides some sports games, and Dynasty Warriors) I've been happy overall with my PS2, but I do have to agree that Sony makes some shitty electronics (TVs, car audio) I am thinking of buying a Sony mini system but Im having second thoughts because of their reputation
  5. mister foozel

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    If only. U RAPPIN AWFUL. Still, Feminem sucks, too, so let the both of them snipe at each other. After Ali, Smith had nowhere else to go but down. irobot was actually pretty good
  6. mister foozel

    Cliches In Videos

    I hate being a famous celebrity because I never get any privacy videos "I just wanna live" by good charlotte I know Lindsay Lohan also had a video like this, and Ludacris it was all on the same shitty muchmusic special, but the videos are pretty recent
  7. mister foozel

    Italian journalist shot

    God knows, but that is her story. If it was even MANY shots, she'd have been killed. The soldiers don't kid around with cars that don't stop at checkpoints. I actually did write that out. My feelings? The Italian gov't was suckered by a propagandist and now she is trying to turn the Italians against the mission. -=Mike so what is the real point of this story? either the US f'd up like sek said, or she is lying through her teeth does it really matter? Italy is against the war anyways!
  8. mister foozel

    Italian journalist shot

    how does she know how many shots were fired? if she was hit, maybe it seemed like that many? i think i'd personally be just a little disoriented if i was shot i assume that you didn't write that out Mike, so what is your take on this?
  9. mister foozel

    Morgan Freeman: I'm joining the

    fuck the media
  10. mister foozel


    whats the check gonna be, 20 bucks? but anyways, yeah, he's dickin you around on purpose you quit on him, and now he is trying to to hold out on your check as long as he legally can without being considered completely unreasonable
  11. mister foozel

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    I've heard of more police officers getting gunned down in one month during the gang heyday in LA in the 90's than this. Canada is ridiculously unaccustomed to tragedy and violence, it seems. Not like that's a bad thing, but there has been so much worse that 4 officers getting gunned down in an ambush doesn't shock me as much as it seems to for Canada. Well, seeing as there are 10 times the amount of people in The US, and especially with California (your most popular state, i'm sure you know that) and the whole media sensationalism of violence here, and the "war on drugs", it's easy to see why this is a big deal in Canada, and maybe not such a big deal to you Fuck the media, but that isn't what this is about, it's about four policeman who were killed in the line of duty and should be shown respect
  12. mister foozel

    This afternoon, in front of my patio, I found this

    i think you're in denial, dude
  13. mister foozel

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    i was reading Death of wCw during RAW (pretty much until the final segment with Batista), and HHH was reminding me more and more of Hogan as I continued to watch the show lets hope that is not the case and that WWE doesn't f this up
  14. mister foozel

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    someone ban this fucknut, cuz they are full of shit i totally agree with Loss about people buying a CD for the one hit, I know people like that nad they have no real music taste or else don't really listen to music
  15. mister foozel

    Rapper Houston gouges eye out

    Aha that's awesome, especially if you've heard that annoying , repetitive dribble that Houston calls music.
  16. mister foozel

    The Summers Controversy

    Women lack decision-making skills?
  17. mister foozel

    Top Three Most Played Albums in Recent Weeks

    Megadeth-Peace Sells...But Who's Buying? (Remastered) A Perfect Circle-Mer De Noms
  18. mister foozel

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    People who listen to certain music for fear of ridicule if they don't, like a buddy of mine who listens to something new every week (mostly whatever his girlfriend wants to hear/burns on a CD for him), so basically when he's around me, he'll listen to my music, but if his g/f's is around, my music sucks I also have had the problem with people changing my CDs in the car (albeit not when I'm in the car, like if I've stopped for gas or something), I have gotten pretty mad over this before, but usually the person puts in something I like anyway (I have a habit of keeping crappy music out of my car, if the CD is changed by someone else, the CD they choose will be from my CD case anyways) And if they put in something shitty I'll just change it This whole argument reminds me a lot of the "wrestling is fake " argument that my bro's g/f would start every time I was watching wrestling She'd say "It's fake" I'd say "Yeah I fucking know that" This would happen over and over, with no real point people suck Edit: people who only lsiten to the "hits" of a band annoy me too, without even giving the band's other songs a real chance (I'm not saying they are required too though, it just takes away the whole point of listening to music in my opinion)
  19. mister foozel

    Lennox Lewis Coming Out Of Retirement...

    Lewis is gonna get owned.
  20. mister foozel

    Drinking listerine in your car isn't a good idea

    Don't forget Lysol, and probably any other household cleaner they can get their hands on.
  21. mister foozel

    Top 100 Drummers

    Agreed. I also think that Lars Ulrich should be nowhere near a BEST drummers list, but I guess he is in METALLICA, so he HAS to be on it.
  22. mister foozel

    Best Album Closers

    I liked F.O.D. and Prosthetic Head from Green Day's Dookie and Nimrod, and also Hollow off of Pantera's Vulgar Display Of Power
  23. mister foozel

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    what ISN'T fanatstic stoner food? (that is actually food)
  24. mister foozel

    Which Hit Song of 2004 are You?

    100 years This is stupid but im a sucker for dumb crap!
  25. mister foozel

    TV Shows on DVD

    i have family guy season 3 and chappeles show, got both for christmas id buy more, but im too much of a cheapass to shell out the cash