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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Must See Matches

    Forget tracking down the last one. It wasn't up to the level of their other ones. Add: the 2 London/Knoble Velocity matches (3/6/04 and 6/19/04), and the Knoble/Rey Velocity match (5/1/04).
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    Upgrade Feedback & Errors

    FIXED - In the upper left section of the post, where it has the date, it'll say "today" or "yesterday" for posts made today or yesterday (duh). Can that be changed to display the actual dates instead?
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    ECW: Is it the future brand of pro wrestling?

    A legit cruiser division, some new guys on top (i.e. Booker T), some new guys in line for pushes (i.e. O'Haire, Helms), variety in how guys were allowed to perform.
  4. Spaceman Spiff


    On the seating chart, click on the magic numbers in order on the bottom of the seating chart. That'll play the promo.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    ECW: Is it the future brand of pro wrestling?

    Those people want the ECW of the 90's back. ECW under Vince would be stocked w/ WWE guys, and would most likely feature WWE "hardcore" matches. That's not what the people who chant "E-C-W", the people buying the DVD's, the people ordering the PPV want, and when they don't get it, they'll stop watching it. The only way to get it to work would be to totally divest WWE from it (save for financing), and let someone like Heyman be totally in control. Vince will never do that, not to mention that USA Network would never even allow a "real" ECW from going 100% hardcore. They'll be better off milking the nostalgia and selling DVD's than they would be by bringing back ECW.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Smackdown Thread for May 26, 2005

    For what purpose? It's 1 thing to have Bischoff choked out by Tazz, but having Angle do it would be ridiculous since he's still an active performer. I'm sure it'd get a big pop, but then you would have also had 1 of Raw's newest top guys (according to your scenario) being made to look bad by an announcer.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    Alfonso would have the recognition factor, and thus would be effective right away. Not to mention he'd already be comfortable performing in front of bigger crowds. He was a guilty pleasure. I enjoyed the guy.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    That's part of the character. Masters isn't getting over on his own, so maybe Alfonso blowing on the whistle would help (not that I care about Masters in the 1st place). Or give Conway a singles push, w/ Alfonso as his manager.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    They should keep Alfonso around. Either pair him back up w/ RVD, or have him manage someone else.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Smackdown Thread for May 26, 2005

    Why the hell was London eliminated 1st? Especially since Funaki survived going over the top rop shortly after London got tossed. With all the jobbers in there, London should have lasted for a little bit.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Good news everyone

    I dunno, I'm a big Futurama fan, but the last episode was a pretty good way to wrap up the series. And return it as movies? I'd probably buy them, but I wouldn't be upset if they never came to fruition.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    Some threads I will never open.

    Soooooo, how 'bout those Sneetches songs you were going to send?
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Because Han is supposed to shoot 1st, dammit. Dammit.
  14. Spaceman Spiff


    Here's a page that's keeping track of the number references: http://thenumbers.greatestjournal.com/
  15. Spaceman Spiff


    Claire named her baby "Aaron". "Aaron" means "shining light, high mountain, messenger". Hmm.
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    ROOMIES~! Returns!

    Written out after 1 episode? Dude, that's cold.
  17. Spaceman Spiff


    Fan. Tas. Tic. Sawyer calling Michael & Jin "Han & Chewie" was a big mark put moment.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I remember talk years ago (before the prequels were even planned) amongst SW fans that Obi-Wan might have been a clone (Owen = O1, Obi-Wan = OB1).
  19. Spaceman Spiff


    Checking the tracking onfo from Amazon, looks like it was delivered today. Just gotta swing by the PO box to grab it. Guess it helps that it got shipped from DE, and I live near Philly. CAN'T WAIT TO PICK IT UP~!
  20. Spaceman Spiff


    I'd be surprised if it is Jack or Kate. They can still get mileage out of the Jack/Sawyer/Kate "love" triangle, so it's be pretty dumb to knock off 1 of those sides this early in the show's run (relatively speaking).
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    RAW Rating Drops Big Time

    It'll be interesting to see what the overrun did.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    Rick Steiner punked out at SCW show

    Bob Holly vs. Rick Steiner! Book it now.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    This week in Baseball

    Arrrrrgh. Cormier has been crap for 2 years now. Madson should have started the 8th, and the Phillies likely would have gotten the win. Also ruined another outstanding performance by Brett Myers.
  24. Spaceman Spiff


    Ordered from Amazon.com, and should be here by the end of the week.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Neat. What else did they add in the new DVD set? Well, Jabba doesn't look like shit anymore and looks more like himself from Episode IV. Although I still wonder how his ass got around with no legs. They also replaced the original Emperor (a lady with a super imposed Chimp eye voice by Clive Revill) with Ian McDiarmid (the Emperor from I, II, III, and VI). That's incorrect. McDiarmid played Palpatine in 1983's Return of the Jedi as well, then came back to reprise that role in Phantom Menace. His filmography certainly states so. He's talking about ESB, in which McDiarmid didn't play the Emperor (until they reshot the footage for the box set).