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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Re-signing Matt Hardy and feuding him and Edge

    He didn't mention being fired.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    Once they get healthy, do they go back to the Polanco/Utley platoon at 2nd? I'd hate to see Utley go back to playing every other game (or so), but we can't have Polanco upset over his playing time, can we
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    Isn't This the Truth?

    ^^^ Did Diana have a title? EDIT: Oh, I forgot Diana wasn't *the* leader. Further research reveals the actual leader's title is "Leader", shockingly. Diana was merely the commanding officer/lead scientist of the Visitor fleet on earth.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    Hehehe. Hey Al - think the Phillies are going anywhere this year? 'Cause right now, finishing .500 might be seen as an accomplishment.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    "Luke" = short for "Lucas" (i.e. George). That's how I always figured it.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Poor Simpson episodes

    "Soon, they will make a board with a nail so big, it will destroy them all!"
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    The RAW Thread for 05-02-05: Show Comments

    Earl Hebner is a horrible ref. He couldn't telegraph a 2-count any more if his name was Samuel Morse. Remember when Earl was the evil twin? How did they resolve that? Or did they just replace Dave w/ Earl and never bother to explain it?
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    TV Guide mentions Anakin/Mace
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    Robot Chicken

    Senator Trap-Jaw!
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The dedication to "milky" got a chuckle out of me.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week In Baseball

    No Sportscenter love for me. However, check out Comcast's highlights if you're in the Philly area, as I know they showed the HR last night on Sportsnight.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week In Baseball

    Hey, (possibly) catch me on Sportscenter. I went to the Phillies game Friday night, and you can see me in the crowd shot when Utley's HR ball lands. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which person I am. Also, that ball SMACKED a little girl in the head when it entered the crowd, and ended up about 10-15 seats away. Last I saw, the parents grabbed her and were escorted to the 1st aid station. Not sure if she's OK or not. Pretty scary, as you could hear it carom off her head.
  13. Spaceman Spiff


    Don't airlines typically let handicap people board 1st? It'd be entirely possible Locke was already seated before everyone else, and nobody thought anything of it.
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    Hulk Hogan just called me

    Someone's got himself a stalker!
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    So my Phillies' Prize Pack Came In

    They should have given away Mike Lieberthal, but what you got was more valuable.
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    Brian Gewirtz to Take Leave of Absence from WWE

    I'll take my chances.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    What a freak!
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    > joo
  19. Spaceman Spiff


    Maybe check out CRZ's board? He does a pretty good job of weeding out the idiots, and generally runs a pretty tight ship. The CE forum doesn't degrade to name-calling like it does here (don't know if CE is your bag, though). Pretty smart board overall, IMO. Maybe because the ages of the posters tends to skew older?
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    Knife & fork, baby. Join me.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    Berlin? He was the QB at Miami. So he's not far from home but seriously he was no good at Miami. Except maybe that game against Louisville. Who knows though.......has anyone just been absolutely AWFUL in college and just sucked hard and then become an NFL star? I'm not talking about mediocre I'm talking about a huge nobody that sucked. I wouldn't say Berlin sucked. He was merely OK. Some games he'd look great, and in others he'd look pretty bad. He's undersized for a QB (6'1"). I don't think he's got any shot of making the team, as I'd think Feeley gets the starter spot (I'm willing to give him the shot as the #1 guy), with Frerotte as the backup, and Rosenfels as the #3.
  22. Spaceman Spiff


    Cylon's *ARE* the robots from Battlestar Galactica.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    If eating corn on the cob, I'll cut the corn off the cob. Dates back to when I had braces, and I just continued the practice when I got them off, since I hated picking the corn out from between my teeth.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    You've got horrible taste in women.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    Christian is OVER

    FYI: Christian's shirt is the #1 seller in the Shopzone.