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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    PWG All Star Weekend, April 1-2

    Heeeeey. Nice.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    Lucas to Release Star Wars 3-D films in 2007

    Do the Indiana Jones movies count? American Graffitti
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    ? about sig pics

    They may be too big to fit side-by-side.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    Create the Worst. Videogame. E-EHH-EHHHVAR!!

    Don't make me smack you again, Beavis.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    Shannon Moore in a car wreck.

    http://www.pwbts.com/messages/335.htm Not sure how credible ^^^ is, but here's some more info:
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    HHH's Raw Promo

    You really into SNL now? -=Mike C'mon, Mike, I made that joke on page 1.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    Real Pro Wrestling?

    There was a 1-page article in last week's Sports Illustrated about this. I believe I read that point differential in individual matches goes to the team score, which should make it more aggressive (i.e. you beat your opponent 5-1, your team gets 4 points).
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    Taxi Driver WM Promo.

    Any way to save these to your hard drive?
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    Taxi Driver WM Promo.

    Watching it again, I liked the Bashams "are you talking to us?". I also got a chuckle out of: Director (to diva): "Anything else you want to show us?" Diva: (does a little dance) Director: "Can we see you after the show?"
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Shelton Benjamin

    BUMPED for that SWEET dive in the 6-man tag match.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    HHH's Raw Promo

    Bob Barron?
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    Didn't want to start a new thread for this, but I got the latest issue of "Star Wars Insider". They've got a big spread on the action figures for "Revenge of the Sith", and 3 of them caught my eye. Looks like we'll be seeing Tarkin, Mon Mothma, and Captain Antilles (i.e. 3PO's and R2's last master, according to 3PO). pop up in "Sith".
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...728_memo20.html That's probably not what you're looking for, though
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    Albert has arrived!

    What did he do? I can't make it out in the pic. I like Chuck & Stamboli, and was bummed to see the WWE let them go. At least they've found work in Japan. Good for them.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    Lame finisher names

    ^^^ "7 Year Itch"
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    Hey, at least you're not last in the TSM pool...
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Albert has arrived!

    Is that Chuck w/ the bat and Johnny Stamboli w/ the chair?
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Jannetty Gets a Contract

    first of all; maybe you should learn who the champs are. They aren't Le Rez believe it or not. He never said they were.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    Jannetty Gets a Contract

    Vis is on a pay-per-apperance deal.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    A run-down of what Palpatine has done in the prequels so far: Pushed the Trade Federation (posing as Sidious) to blockade Naboo, knowing it would lead to hostilities. He also knows the Senate would be paralyzed by bureaucracy, so he is able to force a vote of "no confidence" in the current Chancellor, knowing he'd get the sympathy vote because he is from Naboo. So, now he's gone from ordinary senator to Chancellor of the Senate. In Ep. 2, he cons Jar-Jar into convincing the Senate to grant Palpatine "emergency powers", which includes the use of clone army. Palpatine also delivers this awesome quote: What a dick! You know he's lying through his teeth. Meanwhile, he has Dooku doing his dirty work to sign up various systems for war against the Republic. He even has the schematics in place for the construction of the 1st Death Star. By the end of Ep. 2, he's started the wheels in motion for galactic war in order to solidify his power. And he did it right under the noses of the Jedi Council, who are completely unaware of what is going on. The guy is pulling everybody's strings (as both Palpatine and Sidious) in order to rise to power. And that's not even taking into account what he'll do in Ep. 3 (which includes showing off his Force powers).
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    I couldn't move my arms!!

    I did that once (had both arms fall asleep). Only problem was, the alarm went off, and all I could do was knock the alarm to the floor until I could move 1 of my arms to turn it off. The alarm was buzzing for a good 30 seconds.
  22. From TVShowsOnDVD.com: Box art Back of box art This and Episode 3 within a week of each other. Awesome.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Tyson Tomko gets stitched up

    Christian: "How many stitches is he going to need?" Doctor: "About 5 or 6." Christian: "I've got an extra bootlace in my bag."
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    I'm going to Smackdown.

    "This Sign Can't Work Main Event Style" "This Sign Is Too Small To Be Pushed" But only hold them up during the Velocity tapings. Or how about: "Watch The Match, Jackass"
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    Lucas to Release Star Wars 3-D films in 2007

    I'll pass.