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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Edge Webcast

    Good luck to him in his new relationship. You homewrecker. We all know it's you.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    The Hurricane

    Which is why he would cheat/get outside interference, like all good little heels.
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    Triple H - A man in the crosshairs

    Replace Kane with Batista and it sounds good. Kane has claim to get a shot, while Batista only beat Jericho but it would be kind of cool if it started with HHH vs. Orton or Batista vs Orton. How does Kane have a claim? He lost both title matches to Benoit, lost to Edge, and just lost to Hardy.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Superstar out a year

    Nobody's taking personal shots at him. You obviously weren't around when Kevin Nash had his injury...
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Superstar out a year

    Pairing him with Stacy got him the most heat he's had in years. Of course, it was all due to Stacy, and the heat disappeared when Stacy wasn't around, but it wasn't all bad for him. Anyway, you don't want to see anyone get hurt, but losing Test for a year isn't a big deal.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Prince Iaukea and my WWE-CW fed

    Wrestling mime.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    "Grunge" wasn't huge until 92/93, so I don't get why they stuck it in 91.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    I'd *so* stick it in Rachael Harris.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    Sell me your soul

    Would you be able to freeze the post count at this particular number?
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Sunday Night Heat quote

    I was more offended by the Venis/Tomko match. Tomko is horrendously atrocious. They need to send that guy back to OVW.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    One more warped idea

    I don't think it would work in today's WWE. 1) These "extreme" gimmicks don't work in today's wrestling world (at least in the WWE, don't know about the indy's). Fans would most likely treat it as a joke, and once that happens, the gimmick is cooked. 2) Big, talentless lugs don't get over either. Or, at least ones that are new to the fed. Fans are smarter today, and can pick up on when a guy is crap (see Heidenreich, Suzuki, Tomko, Nathan Jones).
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    happy birthday, matdotcom

    Celebrate with some Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor. Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor - DAAAMN!
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

  14. Spaceman Spiff

    Best comedy segment ever?

    I'll agree that it was pretty mean-spirited, but I also found it damn funny. The DX parodies just come off as rip-offs.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em Contest

    Why the hell not? Gimme University of Miami (FL)
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    3 or 4 *** matches? I can see Benoit/HHH hitting that easy, and maybe Jericho/Batista if they're both on their game. I assume you're lumping Edge/Orton in there too, but neither guy is a great leader in the ring, so they've got their work cut out for themselves to hit ***. What other match do you have slotted in for ***? The tag match? 2 or 3 is more reasonable.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Best comedy segment ever?

    "DX makes fun of the Nation" is so the poor man's "nWo makes fun of the Horsemen". The (current) 9-2 margin between the 2 is so wrong.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Best comedy segment ever?

    From that list, I'd go with the nWo/Horsemen skit. Off-list, I'd go with any of the Austin/Angle/Vince stuff.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    New Mattitude Commentary-- Be positive, guys.

    I'm pretty sure Bradshaw was hated well before he came out against 'net fans.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    When the Undertaker retires...

    I don't see the reasoning behind Taker putting over Kane. Kane's already established, and really isn't going to get any more over than he has already gotten, so Taker jobbing to him on his way out doesn't do anything for anyone. Sure, maybe history-wise, it'd make sense, but it really wouldn't help anyone. Taker would have to put over a guy on the cusp of superstardom.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    TSM Chat Moments

  22. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    Most enjoyable show in a long time. -Jindrak/RVD was OK. Jindrak has really improved. He's no Benoit, but he's developed a personality, and hasn't blown anything in the ring. Didn't like RVD totally ignoring all the back work when it was time for him to go on offense. I could live with a Jindrak lower/mid card push. -tag title match was good. Hopefully the Dudz don't go back face, as they've seemed to rediscover an "edge" to their work as heels that they lacked as faces. And hopefully they let London/Kidman have a run with the belts, rather than job them out to Gunn/Holly next week. -JBL/El Grand LuchaMoore was decent enough. Liked Lucha's "celebration" taunt -cruiser 6-man was OK, but too short. I would have liked to have seen at least 5 more minutes for that match, as it broke down to a bunch of spots way too early. Knoble = god, but I don't buy Spike & Scotty hanging with the other 4 guys in that match. -ending aside, I was digging Book/Cena. Probably Book's best match in a while. He really looked motivated, and hit his stuff pretty crisply. -I flipped away from the Heyman/UT stuff, as well as Suzuki's backstage segment. Overall, best show since the redraft.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week In Baseball

    Wonder how Eskin will spin that. He's been harping on Abreu not having any HR's/hits to win games in the 9th.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    Need advice...

    Kick him in the nuts, then when he's down, get in your shots.