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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Best "Old School" Action Cartoon

    GI Joe, in a squeaker over Transformers. "I am the Viper. I come to vipe your vindows."
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    And Man Of 1004 Modes just earned about a million respect points, I didnt think it possible but I hate Brock even more now too, and compared to how much I hated him before, well thats a whole lot of hate. Serioulsy though if Brock hated it so much he should of never joined the WWE, he was just wasting his time and everyone elses time for watching him on TV. Did you not read: ...And... But, of course Brock is EVIL~
  3. Spaceman Spiff


    Maura Tierney won last Thursday's "Celebrity Poker Showdown", looking pretty hot while doing so. Dave Foley hosts the show, so it was nice seeing the two of them side-by-side again.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    TSM Poster Tournament III WINNAR~!

    Both of you are beautiful people.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    Overall Top 10 Posters

    Says the guy editing Star Wars scripts to fit TSM personalities.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Overall Top 10 Posters

    EDIT: yep, what Kotz said
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    Beastie Boys CD Installs Virus

    We like America, Jr. ::pats Canada on the head:: Now, run off & play.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    the One and Only Smackdown thread 6/24

    Angle did, in fact, bust out his MAD RAPPIN' SKILLZ, YO~
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    the One and Only Smackdown thread 6/24

    Don't worry, I got it back when he debuted them on Velocity ~1 month ago.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Board Wars

    Isn't Dames too short to play Yoda?
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Best Graphic or text adventure game?

    Shadowgate and Deja Vu were pretty good.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    What are your plans for the summer?

    7/26 - 8/1 - baseball roadtrip w/ a couple buddies. Fly from Philly (6 AM flight!) to Orlando, drive to Miami, catch at least 1 Phillies/Marlins game in Miami (prob. spend a couple days in Miami), drive to Tampa to catch a Devil Rays game, hit Disneyworld for a day, drive to Atlanta to catch a Braves game, then back to Orlando to fly back to Philly. I'm pushing to hit the Kennedy Space Center visitor's center when we're there (not far from Orlando), but I don't know if it'll be feasible.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Board Wars

    Oh, well. Thought it would work well with his "I Drink" name.
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    Board Wars

    IDRM = Sarlacc Pit?
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    The Mini-camp/Preseason NFL Thread

    Did some checking on Ogunleye. From ESPN.com: I'm not sure what the Dolphins' issue is. It seems like primarily a money issue. 24.5 sacks over the last 2 seasons, plus add in 2003 team MVP.
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    The Mini-camp/Preseason NFL Thread

    As a Dolphins fan, I'm very much against this. Losing Ogunleye would mean Jason Taylor would get more attention by opposing offenses. As for his contract, I believe he was a restricted FA, so I don't think he's making big bucks. Who would the SKins be sending to Miami, according to the rumors?
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Board Wars

    I'd call Palpatine the "main enemy" throughout the prequel trilogy. He's the guy pulling all the strings behind the scenes, and he's the guy Maul & Dooku are working for. I'd call Dooku more of a main villain than Maul, but they still take a backseat to Palpatine. Through the original trilogy, Vader is the main badguy, mostly because we only see Palpatine in Jedi (save for a brief glimpse in ESB). I'd hardly call Jabba a main badguy, since he's only there relatively briefly, plus he jobs out to a chick.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    One thing you like...

    Creed *AND* Nickleback? I don't know if anybody can top that.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    Star Wars DVD's

    @ ESB cover
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    TSM Poster Tournament III FINALS

  21. Spaceman Spiff

    14,000 Things I Hate About Myself

    And a whopping 596.00% of total forum posts.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    I hope the Proceeds go to The Big Dig

    Hey, these 2 aren't bad either:
  23. I actually haven't seen any of London's indy stuff (I don't even watch any indy stuff, save for a CZW TV show every now & then, and TNA Impact). London's non-squash WWE stuff impressed me.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    6/24 Smackdown Spoilers

    Spike Dudley
  25. He had 1 very good match and 1 solid match w/ Knoble on Velocity. He had good matches tagging w/ Spanky, a teaming which garnered some good face pops. All his other matches involved him getting squashed. Can't speak to his mic skills, but (as I said above) his non-squash matches have been pretty enjoyable/good. They shouldn't be relied on to sell tickets & shows - that's not their job. It's the job of the guys on top to do that. They can, however, be used to help the midcard, as opposed to being fed to Hossy-Come-Lately who the fans won't care about. People aren't calling for London (or any other cruisers) to be ME'ers, but there's no reason they can't be used effectvely in the mid-to-lower card.