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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    That happened at my game. There was a pop fly foul behind 1st that Thome couldn't catch up to, and the fans were on Abreu for not hustling to get it. There were a couple shots into the right field corner that they were on his case about, also.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    Might as well start one. Knoble/London was 1st. Match had a commercial break in the middle. With the break, it was about 7-8 minutes (estimate, didn't time it). London had more offense than the 1st meeting between the 2, but Knoble wins with the Tiger Driver (a nice version where he was able to get a bit of air, and hook his feet around London's shoulders while they were both in the air) after London misses the 450 splash. Match also featured Knoble's wicked belly-to-side back suplex. Not as good as the 1st meeting, IMO, but still a quality match. MOTW for the SD brand.
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    They must be disciples of Eskin
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    World's worst wrestling - Show #10

    You should hire Crowbar, and that would be his only role - to be used by someone else to bash someone/something.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    Last night, someone a few sections over from me yelled out to Byrd "there's your replacement" in reference to Beltran. My seats were in section 103 (right field), and there were a number of fans who were all over Abreu (he's lazy, didn't hustle in the field, "Bobby Baseball" in a smart ass fashion).
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    He did the same thing in the 1st match he had w/ London.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    Holly/Jindrak was OK. Nice to see Jindrak developing a personality. I liked Jindrak bailing twice to avoid the chops from Holly early in the match. Jindrak's finisher is nice, too.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    Tiger Bomb is right.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    Me, too. I'm a hige FBI mark. I would have loved a Stamboli/Palumbo tag title reign.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    6/19/04 Velocity Thread

    Agree. Very nice match, and FBI got a nice face reaction pre- and post-match. Pretty sweet finisher by the FBI. 2-for-2 with good matches on Velocity this week. I don't think match 3 is going to be anything special, though.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    What RAW superstar...

    I like Batista & all, but there's no way he could get even close to being a new Lesnar.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    SD SPOILER - Info on Mordecai

    Yeah, this "Book is retiring in a year, so WWE shouldn't push him" reasoning is absurd. Milk him for all he's worth, then use him to put over some new/younger guys on his way out. You make him a jobber now, and having someone new go over him before he retires doesn't mean anything.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    Better yet, play both Polanco AND Utley, and bench either Rollins or Bell. And as Pinjockey said, heaven forbid they cut Doug Glanville. You can't find a .500 OPS just anywhere. Does Utley have the arm to play 3rd? I don't see any reason to sit down or trade Bell at this point (at least not without getting a 3rd baseman in return). CF is the position they need to address. Byrd's been atrocious all season. Went to my first game at Citizen's Bank last night. Beautiful stadium.
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    The Simpsons

    Futurama's commentaries are better.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    Waste of a perfectly good 30 seconds you would

    OMG! I see Charles Manson!
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    Kane vs Benoit

    There's *plenty* of stuff that can be used to work the ankle. 1) Stomp on ankle 2) Pull opponent towards ring apron, then slam leg/ankle down on the apron 3) Pull opponent towards corner, slam leg/ankle against ring post 4) Take opponent to the outside, slam leg/ankle against ring steps 5) The "shinbreaker atomic drop" can be sold as an ankle move 6) Place opponent's leg on bottom rope, then jump on leg 7) Jumping knee drop to the ankle
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Lita vs. Trish

    That would produce some of the worst matches known to man.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Someone send me booze.

    Depends on the county. I've got aunt & cousins who moved down there, and they live in a dry county (not even a hick county - just up the interstate from Louisville). We were visiting 2 years ago, and we had to go to the next county to make a beer run.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Smackdown! thread for 6/17/04

    Anyone else get the impression that Classic's moonsault (and other offense) was a big "fuck you" to WWE management, after their "humorous ideas" for him? Also, Doug Basham showed some decent mic work. Overall, compared to past SDs post-redraft, this one wasn't that bad. Not a great show by any stretch, but better than it's been lately.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    SD SPOILER - Info on Mordecai

    Yeah, 'cause *that* will make it all worthwhile.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Hidden Gems Thread

    I've seen Time Bandits! Granted, it was like 20 years ago, so I don't remember much about it other than time-travelling midgets.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    Make me a CD

    That's right - burn me a CD. As many or few songs as you'd like. As many different artists as you'd like. Or all songs from 1 artist. Rap, rock, blues, death metal, punk, whatever. Doesn't matter. You make the call. In return, I'll do a quick review on each song on the CD. I'm not a musician, or music critic, so it'd be more along the lines of "good beat" or "catchy tune" or "didn't like that at all", with maybe a bit of explanation. Maybe even PayPal you the $0.37 (or whatever) postage is if I'm feeling generous. Of course, you're probably wondering why I don't just download shit. I'm on dial-up, so I'm not going that route. If anyone actually wants to do this, PM me. No big deal if nobody is interested, but I'll be curious to see what happens. Any takers?
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Make me a CD

    Nobody? You guys suck. Support my laziness!
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    CRUN-CH #62

    I registered on his board, just so I could read it. After a couple days, I got a message to the effect of "You gonna post anything?". I told him probably not, and that he could delete me if he wished, and that I wouldn't have a problem with that. Sure enough, I wasn't registered there anymore.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    The End of SD! Usefulness

    Problem is, Vince is said to be a huge fan of the Undertaker gimmick, and Taker himself, so I don't see him kicking Taker to the curb.