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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Cycling: The Sport of the FUTURE

    Curling: The Next Big Thing
  2. "I'm not very good, so they're having me squash the cruisers to make me look better than I am. I'm all packaging, no substance. Sorry."
  3. It was called "Today's Special", actually. The mannequin would "freeze up" when his hat fell off. I think there was also a puppet mouse character. My little brother watched it all the time.
  4. I liked that Alex (?) kid -- when he started he was short then grew like a weed... Alastair? I don't see any Alex's listed: http://www.ycdtotv.com/cast/index.html
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    Told you so

    Batista is too old to be considered the future, and Orton still has a ways to go. Edge has a head start since he's been there for a while already. I'd buy Edge as a ME'er over Orton.
  6. Oh, shit! MEMORIES~! I may actually try to catch YCDTOTV today. Hopefully it's an earlier show (i.e. with Moose, Lisa, Kevin, etc.) and not a later show.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    TV shows that lost their "place in history"

    NewsRadio - quirky little show that really fell off after Hartman's death. And, as a side note, they did an homage to the St. Elsewhere ending in one of their episodes.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    Smackdown spoilers from Toronto

    They just decided to stay with Dupree hailing from France, while changing Le Res to hailing from Quebec. I don't recall any reason, it just happened.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Root for the Lakers, or root for Larry Brown? That's lose/lose for me. I guess I'll pull for the Pistons by default, but if it was any other team out of the west, I'd be pulling fir them.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Smackdown spoilers from Toronto

    Rey over Dupree so Jindrak can look strong by beating Rey at the PPV. Wow, bad show, but I'll still be watching/taping. Jamie Knoble = ratings. Great job w/ Book on SD. They could have built him up to have a run w/ Eddie through the summer, where Book would be a credible challenger ( ::gasp:: ). Instead they opt to massage Taker's ego, leaving Book dead in the water for a lame feud w/ Cena.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    MLB All-Star Balloting Begins

    I believe Burrell is tied for 4th in the NL in RBI. As for more runs, Abreu has Thome & Burrell hitting behind him, while Burrell is usually batting 5th, leaving the bottom part of the lineup behind him. Of course Bobby is going to score more runs than Pat, especially w/ Lieberthal doing nothing behind him.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    If someone wanted to dispose of a body,

    I've heard the "pigs will eat everything" story, too. Pull the teeth, smash them up real good w/ a hammer & flush them, feed everything else to the pigs.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    Do we really need spoiler tags for matches that are 9 years old?
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    This Week in Baseball

    I would have preferred to let Glanville hit, then pinch hit Abreu for Michaels if needed.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    MLB All-Star Balloting Begins

    I'm still picking Burrell over Abreu. Pat's been better defensively than Abreau, IMO (just watched Pat make 2 great diving catches to save potential runs tonight). I'm just not feeling Abreu this year.
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    JP Losman as a Buffalo Bill

    One can only hope.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    DeepDiscountDVD.com has it for $16.17
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Agreed. They were fine until that then the match went to hell. Plus Orton was going back to the rest hold crap and the finish was like..."huh?" That's not too good, considering that was very early in the match.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    News on the WWE Title Match at SummerSlam

    Didn't UPN just renew SD? And doesn't it pull the highest ratings for the network? Unless ratings fell to sub-2.0, I don't think they're in any danger of cancelling SD.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE News from the 5/31 Observer

    Bruce Prichard can eat a dick. SD is having problems, ratings are down, match qualities are down, having problems filling out TV shows & PPV's, and they have these young, athletic guys who could get the crowd going, so obviously the answer is to make them comedy jobbers.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    Adult Kickball Leagues

    Getting back to kickball, back in 3rd grade, we used to play every recess. I was in Catholic school, and the grade was divided into 2 classes (i.e. 1 teacher had ~15-20 kids, another teacher had the other ~15-20), so we'd play 1 class against the other. Whenever my team won, we'd do the Redskins "fun bunch" group high five. Being the tallest, I wouldn't jump, though. Man, those were some fun times.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Why did Kane get DQ'd? For bringing the chair into the ring?
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    I think I'd rather watch paint drying on growing grass than watch Kane wrestle.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    Rosie's new attire

    And that's different than what they do w/ Hurricane...how?