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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Live Raw report from Scott Keith

    Let's see: 1) Fat joke? Check! 2) Ugly joke? Check! 3) Hair joke? Quick, someone needs to make a hair joke to complete the triumvirate of SK jokes required in every thread about him. Y'know, for people who claim to not care for SK, they seem eager to post something about him in every thread that mentions him.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    If you died today, what song....

    Pearl Jam - "Long Road"
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    Underrated comedic actors

    Maura Tierney. I don't watch ER, and I doubt she gets much chance to show it there, but she was fantastic on NewsRadio.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE News & Notes

    John Heidenreich Tommy Dreamer (great guy, but what good is he doing on the roster?) Jacqueline There's 3 "superstars" that should get released, but won't. Good thing they re-hired Grand Master Sexay!
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    True or False

    The other point of the "younger guys need to earn TV time" is that creative never has anything for the younger guys to do, and even if the young guys come up w/ something, it likely gets "taken under consideration" If they can't get on TV, they can't get over, and thus can't "earn their shot". Unless, of course, you are Vince Approved .
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Names of Old Shows on HBO....

    Neither of those were NNTN. I think "Hardcore TV" is correct for the "This Old Whorehouse" show, though.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Raw Reaction/Analysis Thread

  8. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Raw Reaction/Analysis Thread

    Next week - Bisch overturns the tag title win on the grounds that Edge used the cast.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    -iB- vs. DeathFromAbove vs. Kingofthe909

    Write-in vote: BBCW
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    Choken Ones count to 20,000 posts!

    Oooooh, burn.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Choken Ones count to 20,000 posts!

    Is this where we proffer our ideas for Choken?
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    "self immolation"
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Favorite TV Show openings

    -Cheers -MASH - moreso for the song, IMO
  14. Probably not *the* FMW, I'm guessing. I just googled the site up, so it's the 1st (and most likely last) time I'll visit it.
  15. If this site is to be believed, Cade was born in 1980.
  16. Because Gunn & Holly have teamed up a few times already on Velocity.
  17. A quick check reveals Kanyon turned 34 in Jan.
  18. SD has teams already, they're just not used. SD (cruiser-intensive - might as well use them in some capacity): -Akio/Sakoda - already a team, just use them -Rey/Kidman - rumors are creative has nothing for Rey, so go back to tried & true -Nunzio/Stamboli - already a team, just use them -Rikishi/S2H - I don't like them, but the crowd does, so use them to get heel teams over -Holly/Gunn - eh, why not? Keeps them out of singles action. -Knoble/London - gives London exposure, plus Knoble isn't doing anything -Bashams - use them for a bit, then look to break them up to move Doug into singles action. Don't care much for Danny, so move him to Raw, I guess. Kanyon/O'Haire would have made a good team, but it's too late for that.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    So where does RAW go from here?

    He is not "main event talent" yet. He still: 1) is pedestrian on the mic, which would be passable if he wasn't... 2) white bread in the ring - he can't carry lesser workers (ignoring the fact that he is a lesser worker himself) to a good match, or make others look better than they are, which is what "main event talent" is/will be expected to do. 3) hasn't proven he can carry a feud. Foley made the feud w/ Orton, and I don't see the same ability in Orton. Let's see what he can do when Foley isn't around to cover up Orton's weaknesses before we annoint him a ME'er. That's something else a ME-er wil be expected to do, and as of yet, he hasn't shown he can do it. Also, I'm not buying the RKO as a ME-level finisher. The leaping in the air style just doesn't look good, plus it leaves him open for making it look sloppy. He really should work on making it look more DDP-like. Did he impress people? Sure, he showed he's got heart and is willing to take a beating, but let's not go overboard with the praise. Landing on thumbtacks and falling off the stage does not a ME'er make. He's got work to do before he'll be able to be taken seriously as a "main event talent".
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    So where does RAW go from here?

    yea well it happens when Foley commits suicide to get someone over they go right to the top. alla HHH Your point? Orton busted his sorry ass tonight and proved to me that he's serious about what he's in there doing. He can only get better from here. And since when has Foley *not* been killing himself? UYI 1) Orton isn't ready to be a ME'er yet. Willing to take a beating does not = ME'er. 2) Unless you're having Orton go over (which would be a mistake), you're just going to cut off any momentum Orton gained from the Foley feud. 3) He's still IC champ (as already mentioned). You're going to have him go another couple months without defending the belt?
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    What do you miss in wrestling

    Choking w/ the tag ropes
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    TSM Mat Madness II

    Northeast Region 1 Eddy Guerrero 3 Rey Misterio Jr. Northwest Region 1 AJ Styles 2 Kurt Angle Southeast Region 4 American Dragon 2 Brock Lesnar Southwest Region 1 Chris Jericho 2 Christopher Daniels
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    My take on that: Tony regarded her as the mother he never had. She treated his dad like a king, and gave him (Tony's dad) the love and attention he didn't get at home. As a result, Tony was drawn to her. But when he found out she still smoked even after his dad had emphysema, the image was shattered, and he no longer saw her in the same light.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    OAO Fuck Scooter Thread

    Yeah, fuck Phil Rizzuto! **whisper whisper** Oh, my bad.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Byte This Report: Triple H, Orton, Regal

    That's what I was getting at. Before becoming a ME'er, he had no pull whatsoever. Once he got "his spot", forget about it, which is where I saw the hypocrisy of that quote.