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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE sure knows how to run a business

    Still, it's a major roster shake up. Common business sense would have been to notify the wrestlers before making the announcement.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    Brock Lesnar Speaks !!

    Oh, for the love of... HE WASN'T HAPPY. He's young, and he wants to chase 1 of his dreams. Would you rather they force him to stay, and he just mails in all his matches and does nothing but bitch in the lockerroom?
  3. Split up the Bashams. Doug is better than he's been able to show as part of the team.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE sure knows how to run a business

    They're probably upset because they weren't told about it before it was made public. They should have been told over the weekend. Say you're at work (for example), and a co-worker comes up to you and says "Hey, I heard you're being transferred to Wyoming next week." If that was the 1st you heard about it, I'm sure you'd be a little ticked off.
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    The official off season NFL thread

    That's because Boston's a head case, and I believe he's 1 substance-abuse foul away from getting suspended. If he can stay clean, and not flake out, this could be an absolute steal for the Dolphins. Imagine, Boston on 1 side, and Chambers on the other. Mmmm.....
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    Bill Simmons Wrestlemania Diary

    Yeah, his views on Eddy & Brock are off, but he makes up for it by shitting all over Taker & Kane (and their match), and finds fault w/ a cripple (Austin) beating up the stars for tomorrow. So, it all balances out in the end.
  7. Really going out on a limb there, are'ntcha?
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    Notes From A Mania Observer

    Speak for yourself.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    A Smart MSG Crowd turns on Lesnar & Goldy

    And make a ton of money, and be a huge draw.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    A Smart MSG Crowd turns on Lesnar & Goldy

    I'm with you. And when/if he returns, I'll welcome him w/ open arms.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Should Molly quit the company?

    From the Observer: This gives her time to get her neck checked out, plus heal up.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    Velocidential Thread

    ORLANDO JORDAN LOSES TO A BUY-OUT GUY!!!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! London/Moore was a nice little match. Not as good as London/Knoble, but nice nonetheless.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Kellen Winslow v. Brett Favre

    You take that back
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    News On Next America's Cup, Kazarian Bringing In A

    Will Kanyon's 90-day "no compete" be up by then?
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    RAW Wrestlers Getting Frustrated With Creative

    The correct spelling is "Gewirtz". As for Jericho & Trish writing their storyline, they were initially, but I believe the WWE writers are primarily doing the writing on it now.
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    I just thought of something

    Even if Brock *did* want to work TNA, I'm sure Vince would prohibit him from doing so as a condition of releasing him from his contract.
  17. Spaceman Spiff


    Yeah, in the sense that the main character is not very likeable and has this "better than you" attitude. How is George not likeable? And I don't get an "I'm better than you" attitude from her. She's got more of a "whatever" attitude.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    This weeks WWE Caption

    Jericho: "Yo, what's wrong w/ Randy?" HHH: "Aw, he's just tuckered out from a long day of playing. Me & Naitch are gonna find him some place to lie down to take a nap."
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    Raw ain't doing so hot, either. CW > Women's, if only for the fact that the cruisers usually get 1 decent match on Velocity every week (witness Knoble/London last week). Even the best women's match isn't really that good by men's standards. It looks like they're giving the CW more focus now that Chavo's champ. The tag divisions are close, but SD gets the nod on the strength of TWGTT. Even though I hate APA & 2Cool, at least they're over. I like the Bashams, and FBI make a good team (who should get a push in the division). On Raw, the Dudz are over (but I don't like them), Book/RVD are only together because there's nothing else for them to do. I like Les Res, but C/J are just there. SD main event > Raw main event. I don't think we need to elaborate. Heyman > Austin. The midcards are a push, with maybe a slight edge to Raw. Jericho/Trish/Christian are the only real story on Raw (well, there's also "Randy Orton, Super-Push!" - do we count that as a positive?), while Cena/Show is the only real one on SD. Rico, Stevie, Helms/Rosey? There doing nothing. Test, Venis, Storm? Nothing, so don't make it look like the Raw midcard is blowing away SD's.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    Who should take Lesnar's spot?

    It's Chuck Palumbo's time to shine.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    And the winner of the Edge sweepstakes is....

  22. Spaceman Spiff

    Backlash Main Event Possibly Altered

    1-on-1 match Jesus Christ...
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    And the winner of the Edge sweepstakes is....

    "Feed me."
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    Is STING "Nwa Tna bound" ??

    I'm with Suplex. Does the average non-WCW-watching WWE fan know or care who Sting is? Besides that, it's just another old guy at the top of the card who won't work house shows (or very little) while making big bucks.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    Possible reasoning: pretty much everyone knows Goldy is on his way out. MSG is usually a pretty smarky crowd, so to prevent Brock from getting a huge face reaction (which might gather steam, forcing a face turn when they really don't need him to be a face), they come up with this company-wide work. The dirt sheets report it, which they hope turns the smarks against him ("he's a baby", "he's selling out", "good riddance"). Mainstream press picks up on it, hopefully turning the marks against him. Meanwhile, Brock can lay low, heal up any nagging injuries, and freshen up, plus the WWE can delay using up his potential feuds prematurely. He shows up later this year, while the fanbase (marks & smarks) takes a collective shit. If they plan on doing a live Smackdown sometime this year, then you know something's up. Of course, the above scenario has almost no basis in fact, but it's be pretty cool if they could pull it off.