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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Randy Orton definitely had heat tonight.

    It's about time. Tune in next week to see if it sticks.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    REAL polls on gay mairrage

    The treatment of African Americans in the South was atrocious up to the 20th century, so to say that was "standards of the time determined by the Founders" is wrong. That was the implicit will of the people. Women's right to vote wasn't until the 20th century, either. You've got to balance "what everyone wants" against "what is right". Theoretically, you could pass an Amendment banning gay marriage, then in 2 years the majority could be in favor of marriage, then in another 2 years the opinion could change again. You can't be passing Amendments (or laws) and then repealing them and then passing again on the whim of public opinion.
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    So who DOESN'T care about Foley/Orton

    Hey, at least it would get him his 1st serious heel reaction.
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    REAL polls on gay mairrage

    Damn straight (no pun intended). Slavery, treatment of blacks in the South, women not able to vote - all examples of the "will of the people".
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    Satan interupts Passion of TC screening

    Well, *I* thought it was funny.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    So who DOESN'T care about Foley/Orton

    I'll take Cena's watered-down face promos over Rock's supposed "comedy" 8 days a week. As for Cena/Foley - no interest, even if Rock is added.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    REAL polls on gay mairrage

    And, as other people pointed out, the will of the people isn't always what is right.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    State of Wrestler "X" Address:

    Speaking of, Billy Gunn hit Brock w/ a Diamond Cutter on this past SD. I'm surprised they let him use it, considering it was just another move in the match, while Golden Boy Orton uses it as his finisher.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    State of Wrestler "X" Address:

    He could have grabbed him a little. What's Jericho supposed to do, sell the move after Orton went flying by him, Gayda style? That's the problem w/ his version of the move - he's only using 1 arm to hit the move, so, coupled w/ his jumping application, it's easy to mess up the move, esp. if the person taking the move doesn't see him coming. He really should work at getting it more DDP-like.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    or even to those who wish to lower the marriage age ("I was born attracted to children!"). Children aren't consenting adults, so that argument doesn't hold up.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Well, by that argument, the precedent has been set by hetero marriage to allow gay marriage. Both are 2 individuals. Polygamy is more than 2, so it's not on the same ground. The attraction wouldn't be denied. They'd have to choose one over the other.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Marriage is between a man and woman. You're changing it to 2 people to accomodate a group. What would stop a group of threesomes from comaplaining that THEIR equal rights are being violated in a similar way. They've got legal rights - engage in a 1-on-1 relationship. People aren't born polygamists.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Cruiser Battle Royale

    They can't do that, they "only" have 5 hours. There's no time to give cruisers more than 1 match. Silly Trivia247...
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    What's your birth number

    You can't end up w/ 0. The lowest 2-digit number is 10, and 1+0=1, so ending up w/ a 0 is impossible.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    What d Hell is happening

    Cracka-ass cracka...
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    Stupid Ass Avatars - Why I Hate Posters

    I don't think I've ever changed my sig.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Heat thread

    Nope. I think that was the original plan for the gimmick, but rumors are that Steph put the kibosh on it. As for Heat: --both Hardy and Storm got very nice face pops --the Cade/Jindrak vs. Helms/Rosey was a decent match
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    State of Wrestler "X" Address:

    Forget the match for a minute. What did he get for his entrance? Modest reaction. Pretty much the same reaction for his entrance as he got after the match. Some booing, but not a whole lot.
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    MLB - Philadelphia Phillies NBA - Philadelphia 76ers NHL - Philadelphia Flyers (although, I pay *way* more attention during the playoffs than the reg. season) NFL - Miami Dolphins NCAA - Penn State, U. of Miami (FL)
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    What's your birth number

    #6 - some stuff fits, but others don't. I'm more of a cross between 4 and 6, IMO.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    Feb 28 Raw house show reports

    Should they really be jobbing Benoit to HHH in all these house shows? Once he wins the title, it might hurt him in the fans eyes after seeing him lose night after night all over the country.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    State of Wrestler "X" Address:

    He got a modest reaction. Not complete silence, but not even close to a deafening reaction. I saw people booing, and doing the "thumbs down" gesture, but they were definitely in the minority. Nowhere close to the reaction he should be getting.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Notes from the 3/1 Observer

    It'll be like "Office Space". JR: "Yeaaaahhhhh, hi Hurricane. We're going to need you to stop doing the Shining Wizard, so if you could do that, that'd be great." Hurricane: "But, but, I, I did...the...move..." JR: "Yeaaaahhhh, great, thanks." "Hurricane: "I...I...I...believe you have...my stapler..."
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    Kareem played until '89.
  25. Spaceman Spiff

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    Hey, it's the new guy!