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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff

    Has there ever been a less-convincing title threat

    Hey, I'll be in attendance. I wouldn't mind Lesnar squashing Holly. I'd consider it money well spent.
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    More fun loving Eagle fan stories.

    Please. Philly is far from a "hell hole". One of the most historical cities in the entire country, as well as having a weatlh of stuff to do/see, ranging form all 4 major sports (as well as minor ones like lacrosse & indoor soccer) to cultural points of interest (Art Museum, Franklin Institute, etc.) to a thriving nightlife scene. Like any major city, there's parts of the city you don't want to get caught in after dark, but to call Philly a "hell hole" is rather misinformed.
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    So what's the story behind your loggin name?

    No story, just love Calvin & Hobbes
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards

  5. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE catchphrases and sayings that need to die

    Everything that comes out of the Rock's mouth.
  6. Spaceman Spiff

    More fun loving Eagle fan stories.

    I remember reading about Islanders (or possibly Rangers) fans chanting "Buy a Porsche" to Ron Hextall early in his career (referencing Pelle Lindbergh's accident). If anything, Philly fans are over-rated when it comes to stuff like this. National media like to play it up when it's something in Philly, and (by & large) downplay or ignore when stuff happens in other sports cities (unless it's something big). That being said, there's no excuse for idiots like in the story. Getting drunk & acting like morons, way to go.
  7. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    I don't know about the Angle Slam (never looked for it). Certain moves are unlocked when hidden wrestlers are unlocked. Get all the guys, and you should have all the moves.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    Yeah, Baba is a bitch, too. I put it on the mid-level difficulty when I was unlocking everything, then bumped it up to the hardest once everything was unlocked. I had a kick-ass tag match during one of my "seasons". CAW/Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Misawa/Ogawa. Back & forth, finishers were kicked out of, bunch of near-falls, before finally picking up the win in about 25+ minutes.
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    Three confirmed No Way Out matches

    So, they're going to have Chavo feud w/ Eddy, then drop him down to feuding for the Cruiser title? That doesn't make sense.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    411: Meltzer confirms Benoit/Raw rumor

    Y'know, I'm not so sure about that. How many people in the current WWE audience really watched WCW? Especially the "common fans"? I'd be willing to bet not many. A lot of the WCW fanbase (the ones who *would* remember/recognize) never transitioned over when Vince bought out WCW. I think most people only see it as a WWE belt, and only a very small fraction see it as a WCW belt. That being said, I'd rather Benoit stay on SD, win the RR, then go on to face Lesnar at WM.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Why do you come to TSM?

    THREEEEE! Mainly the forums, but I'll read the shoots, Spree's DVD news, and uaually the Raw & SD reports off the main page.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    Have you played against Misawa yet on the hardest level? I fired the game up a week or 2 ago, and did my CAW againt Misawa, and basically got squashed a few times before getting a win. He's harder than Goldberg in Revenge.
  13. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    Do 3 exhibition matches w/ Ultimo. The 1st link I posted tells you how to get all the hidden gear.
  14. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE not high on OVW talent.

    He's been like that for a while now. He was pretty "buff" when they 1st brought him on the roster, but ever since his post-CW Champ de-push, he's been around the same size he is now.
  15. Spaceman Spiff

    Concert/Music DVDs

    Pearl Jam - "Touring Band 2000", and "Live At The Garden"
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    Bad news - I don't have the files. 2nd special - get "specialed" up, then do another taunt (must let the taunt finish). Your power meter will now flash yellow (normally white/red when powered up). Then do a special move like normal. Couple things - you have less time when in the "2nd special" state than you would in the normal special state, and you can only get into the "2nd special" state once per match. Also, not everyone can do this. I'm not sure who can/can't do a 2nd special, so it's kind of trial & error to find out. Misawa can, and I'm pretty sure his 2nd is the Emerald Frosion (regular is the Tiger Driver). Female CAW's - never tried, so I don't know.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    The Real World: San Diego

    http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertain...ion/7713032.htm Looks like the next Real World will be from Philly.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    True or False

    Raw's new GM: And, on Smackdown, Rikishi & Scotty have been fired, and replaced with:
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    I like him, but Dalembert is only averaging 6.7 pts/game and 5.5 reb/game. He's getting a lot of minutes because Coleman has been hurt, so I'd expect his minutes to go down once Coleman comes back (don't know when that will be). Last night was by far his best game of his career, so I wouldn't expect those types of games out of him every night.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    What are your predictions for 2004?

    "I'm gonna start what I finished."? He's laying the seeds for RRR's "Funaki - Scientist From the Future" storyline. His name isn't actually Orton, it's O-Tron, a wrestling cyborg created by Funaki & sent to the past.
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    I've been searching via Google for wrestler edits (yeah, fun day at work), but so far no luck. I'll post something if I find it, otherwise I'll shoot you off a PM sometime tonight if I've got stuff saved on my computer.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    Hmmm, let me check when I get home. I may have some stuff saved on my computer that could help you. I changed all the guys to look like their real-life counterparts, so it's just a matter of if I saved the files. From GameFaqs: Wrestler list, hidden stuff (moves, clothing) Translation guide Hidden wrestlers Tells what all the faces, clothing, gear are You've probably already been to GameFaqs, but the above links are the ones I would say are the most helpful. I'll look around for the non-NJPW wrestler edits...
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Biggest Bust in Canada...ever

    Damn, they found CWM's stash.
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    Funny Smackdown story...

    I happened to like Benoit/O'Haire more than Benoit/Jones. I'm just saying you can't use the "bad matches = no TV time" justification since guys who have as bad (or worse) matches than O'Haire get TV time (i.e. Mark Henry, Morgan [even Velocity time is more than O'Haire gets]).