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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Spaceman Spiff


    Some new names & "significance": Faraday - known for his work in the field of electromagnetism. What did Daniel Faraday observe on the island? A "man of science", probably not coincidentally being "held" in Jack's group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (CS) Lewis - Charlotte Staples Lewis. Originally atheist, CS Lewis embraced Christianity - a "man of faith". Probably not coincidentally being "held" in Locke's group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbadon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dorrit - Naomi's last name. Not really significant to Naomi, but you could stretch the bolded stuff to relate to the people on the island - the "reasons" the Losties are there (i.e. personal issues/flaws/whatever ["debts"] that need to be sorted out), as well as "class" separations (Losties/Others, Jack's & Locke's groups). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing of note (that I saw, anyway) for Straume (Miles) or Lapidus (Frank).
  2. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    What? No. After doing some quick checks, he's the same height (or w/in an inch) of: Cena, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, HBK, Kennedy, MVP. He's only 3 inches shorter than HHH or Edge.
  3. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    When has that ever been a prerequisite for getting a push?
  4. Spaceman Spiff

    The Writer's Strike

    Oh, man, I don't know how I ever survived without "Two and a Half Men"!
  5. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  6. Spaceman Spiff

    NHL February 2008

  7. Spaceman Spiff

    The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

    Cena had a quick match, then cut a pretty awesome promo. I don't see what the problem is here.
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

    Wanting Burchill to use the C4 is stupid. Aside from London or Kendrick, who on Raw is going (or is able) to take the move?
  9. Spaceman Spiff

    What songs should be banned?

    Corey, you better watch yourself. Me & Luke-o are gonna roll up on your hood & hand out some beatdowns.
  10. Spaceman Spiff

    NFL Offseason Thread

    All he does is catch touchdowns.
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    NHL February 2008

    Malarchuk got off on his own, too. His luck came in his being on the end where the Zamboni enters the ice, since he could get off the ice immediately without having to skate all the way over to the bench. I believe he's said that he thinks he would've died had he not been on that end of the ice.
  12. Spaceman Spiff

    Stephanie and HHH

    They should name the kid "Kawalimus".
  13. Spaceman Spiff


    If you read the recap over on TWOP, it was pointed out that the colors of Locke's eyes & Window's eye were different.
  14. Spaceman Spiff


    It's a planted fake.
  15. Spaceman Spiff


    Star Wars nerd Sawyer makes another appearance!
  16. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Permanently Cuts Ties with OVW

    Oh, the names of wreslting moves. That makes more sense.
  17. Spaceman Spiff

    WWE Permanently Cuts Ties with OVW

    Wrestling moves?
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Here's your 2008 Bonnaroo lineup:
  19. Spaceman Spiff

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    He had a "family emergency". Check HBK's phone for text messages!
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    This suggests that there is good news in this situation. I can't find it. All 4 guys get injured, and they have to switch to a Londrick vs. Cade/Murdoch feud?
  21. Spaceman Spiff

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    Why is that bad news? Because the heel team sucks, and the face team is super bland.
  22. Spaceman Spiff

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    The bad news is we have to have a match between these 2 teams.
  23. Spaceman Spiff

    Superbowl XLII

    Dug out of the DVDVR SB thread:
  24. Spaceman Spiff

    Superbowl XLII
