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Everything posted by Agent_Bond34

  1. Agent_Bond34

    The 2001 WWF PPV Collection

    That is being very generous.
  2. Agent_Bond34

    Marks and their sites....

    I guess this guy must work for the WWE/WWF...
  3. Agent_Bond34

    Wade Keller = Nerd?

    Sleazy? He looks more like he's wasted.
  4. Agent_Bond34

    The Clippers are SO SCREWED

    Who owns that fewest wins record? I bet the Clips can either tie it, or fall one short of it.
  5. Agent_Bond34

    What game have you played last?

    X-Men: Mutant Apocalpyse (SNES) I just beat the game, too.
  6. Agent_Bond34

    Your Avatar...

    Mine is Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons. Fans of the show, should know who he is.
  7. Agent_Bond34

    The Great GameFAQs Character Battle

    You should see it now. As of right now, 6:05 PM California time, Sonic has a 69 - 35 lead on him (and that's in percentage) Total votes Sonic - 66005 Ken - 29168 ditto
  8. Agent_Bond34

    Fantasy Football

    Fuck that noise. I'll be damned if you DO get him. Not if I don't get him, before he does.
  9. Agent_Bond34

    Rush Limbaugh joins ESPN's NFL Countdown

    Ditto I don't know much about Rush Limbaugh, so I'll wait until I see him on the show.
  10. Agent_Bond34

    The Great GameFAQs Character Battle

    I have Sephiroth going over Link in the finals. And I'm not even a fan of Final Fantasy, either.
  11. Agent_Bond34

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    X-Men 2: Clone Wars - Sega Genesis
  12. Agent_Bond34

    WWF Wrestling Buddies

    I used to have one of those, IIRC it was Ultimate Warrior. Those things kicked ass.
  13. Agent_Bond34

    What game have you played last?

    X-Men: Mutant Apocalpyse (SNES)
  14. Agent_Bond34

    Fantasy Football

    If you want McAllister or Alexander, you better make it a package with another RB, probably Dillon. I do not see you getting McAllister or Alexander for Trent Green straight up. There is just no way, unless the person you're dealing with, is a complete moron. The way I see it is, your RBs are fine, you really don't need to get anyone else. Tomlinson/Dillon is a good combo, IMO.
  15. Agent_Bond34

    free Fantasy Football sites

    NFL.com CHARGES to play Fantasy Football? *scratches NFL.com off the list of places to play Fantasy Football* Why did they start doing that, anyway?
  16. No, no, no... It's "I choppy choppy my pee pee!" Oh and as for this bit of news... HE CUT HIS OWN FUCKING DICK OFF! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I bet a leprechaun tells him to burn things. And yes, someone did this with his own toes, but he was sniffing butane gas.
  17. Agent_Bond34

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    That was indeed funny. Hearing those 'screams' were just flat out hilarious.
  18. Agent_Bond34

    Fantasy Football

    What would you be getting for him?
  19. Agent_Bond34

    Fantasy Football

    Since we're posting autodraft teams, here is mine. I too, got LT in the first round, and I was #1 overall. QB - Jeff Garcia RB - LaDainian Tomlinson, Jamal Lewis WR - Amani Toomer, Darrell Jackson, Isaac Bruce TE - Jerramy Stevens K - Jason Elam DEF - Pittsburgh Bench: QB - Drew Bledsoe WR - Chris Chambers WR - Charles Rogers TE - Kyle Brady RB - Stacey Mack K - Ryan Longwell
  20. Agent_Bond34

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Who the hell dressed these guys?
  21. Agent_Bond34

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Zach Gowen vs Vince McMahon? This is a joke, right?
  22. Agent_Bond34

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Nash's intro sucks.
  23. Agent_Bond34

    EA's NFL Street

    Punts, extra points, and field goals all removed? Interesting. So, I take it this game is the successor of NFL Blitz, as far as arcade-style football goes?