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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Shouldnt that be: "Randy Savage is why i watchED wrestling?
  2. Chunk

    make me a banner

    That is serioulsy messed up. ChUnK!
  3. Thats not long. It often takes me an hour to get into uni every morning. Just think of the reward at the end of it ChUnK!
  4. Chunk

    GWF (uk) show cancelled!

    Its got to be a rare occurrence though. I just feel sorry for all those peole that travelled a long way to get to the show. That must have been infuriating. Glad I didnt make the trip ChUnK!
  5. Chunk

    Scott Kieth on the WWE

    I just found that quote at amazon, when searching for Scott Kieths new book. Honestly ... im not making it up ... honest! I've always liked reading his reviews, but I've read a whole load of negative stuff about him on this forum. It seems that anyone who think they are Smart, hates Scott Kieth. So what is the real deal with him? I read here, that in real lif he was an over weight electrical store manager, but that quote paints a very different picture. For those of you that have been 'Smart' and knowledgeable about the wrestling business, longer than myself: How did Scott Kieth get big in terms of reviewing wrestling and writting books? Also, what is his job, and how does he know a great deal about pro-wrestling. Finally, has anyone read his book? And is it worth picking up? ChUnK!
  6. Chunk

    Ahhhhhh Ranchoweb just pissed me off

    why spend $10 when I can get it for free? I already have $50,000 in school loans to pay off and $3,500 credit card balance to pay off. 50,000!!! Holy crap, thats a lot. My degree is costing me about £1,100 a year (that is if they dont put it up). I heard that education cost more on your side of the pond, but still. 50,000" I feel for you mate. ChUnK!
  7. Chunk

    Banners. I need 'em

    I read that as a compliment as well. But if you read it again, you can see how it could be read both ways. "Nah, my shit isnt good enough" As in, he thinks he is better than me, and what i make wouldnt be good enough for him. Or as in, i couldnt make something excellent enough for him to have in his sig. He should ask someone who is better at that sort of thing i am. See? ChUnK!
  8. Chunk

    More new tapes in

    it's an expensive hobby!!!!! you make enough money to buy more tapes to trade....it's a viscious circle.... corys the man.....trade with him if you get a chance!!!! I guess that makes it worth while then. That way, you can get to see as much wrestling as possible. ChUnK!
  9. So do I. I didnt find out about the last free UFC show, until after it had been on. If it is shown on Euro sport, someone should post the details here first. That way, fools like me wont miss it ChUnK!
  10. Chunk

    FWA and ROH

    No problem Andy That is of course, if Chris Daniels actually makes it over here before that show to defend the title. lol ChUnK!
  11. Chunk


    I think they are working on making tapes more readily available. So in the future, you should be able to check them out first hand. ChUnK!
  12. Chunk

    Banner Request

    Sounds like a sweet banner actually. Looking forward to seeing it. ChUnK!
  13. Chunk


    Check your PM's ive just sent it to you. ChUnK!
  14. Chunk

    FWA and ROH

    Music to my ears. Its about time the British scene got some recognition. ChUnK!
  15. Chunk


    Her name is Nikita, and she works for the UK's own FWA. Find the promotions web site here. You can find Niktas own homepage from a link on the FWA's site. Hope that helped. ChUnK!
  16. Chunk


    Nothing there. Havent I got to get a list of the tapes I would like to you? I think thats the stage we got to. I would send this to you by PM. But if you have Pm's me and I havent got it, then it might not be working?? ChUnK!
  17. Sounds like an awesome idea to me. And in wrestling, never say never ChUnK!
  18. Chunk


    Damn my crappy net connection! Are they going to be doing this all the time now then? I thought it was a one off. ChUnK!
  19. Is this the show that was advertised by a banner on 411? Or am I thinking of something else? ChUnK!
  20. Chunk

    Are you a junky? For junk food?

    Did you hear about the american (im not sure if they were male or female) that sued McDonalds for making them fat. I'm not sure how much truth is in that story, but it made me laugh. ChUnK!
  21. from the BBC: Wierd huh. I guess im not the only one that does a couple of lines of milkshake in the morning. lol ChUnK!
  22. Chunk


    Huh? Im talking about the Sausage Burgers you get in Big Breakfasts and Egg McMuffins. They dont come with ketchup or mustard, just cheese. Why is it wierd? You dont call it a Hampatty, or a Cheesepatty do you! ChUnK!
  23. Chunk

    FWA and ROH

    My money is on FWA/ROH. I hope the show can lead to a perminant deal between the promotions. ChUnK!
  24. Yeah, that show made Chris Daniels unavailable for FWA as well. I guess thats just the way it goes sometimes. ChUnK!
  25. Chunk

    Banner Request

    It must be my crappy net connection then. Thanks anyway. ChUnK!