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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Anyone know the record attendance for an Indy show? ChUnK!
  2. Chunk

    Banner Request

    Right I see, thanks for the heads up. ChUnK!
  3. Chunk

    Banner Request

    What is that creature in your sig? Is it something you own/found etc Or is it something on tv in america? He/She looks like a weetabix with legs ChUnK!
  4. Chunk

    Christina Banner~!11!~

    I never noticed that before. Ahh, thats freaking me out now ChUnK!
  5. Chunk

    Ever made you own drink?

    The thought of milk and alcohol still scares me. That cant be good for you lol ChUnK! Are you familiar with the Paralyzer? Vodka, Kahlua, milk AND Coke. Several of my friends swear by them, but it really doesn't strike me as anything I'd want to drink. A Black Russian is a classic drink as it is - why crap it up with non-alcohol ingredients? No I have never heard of that before. I would have to be pretty desperate to try it though That I could go for though ... sounds nice! ChUnK!
  6. Chunk

    The first ever ROH top 5 rankings

    I agree. I think its a good way to distinguish main event guys from the mid card guys. At least in theory. ChUnK!
  7. Seems a bit weak to go with a 3 way tie, but the choices seem fair enough, based on what I heard about the last show. How has Steve Corino been preforming in ROH? Ive only seen early stuff where he does commentry (pretty well IMO). ChUnK!
  8. Wierd. Just looking at that post, makes me realise how many places in america are named after places in England. Sorry for off topic ChUnK!
  9. Chunk

    Christina Banner~!11!~

    Pretty sweet work. I give it 8 out of 10 ChUnK!
  10. Oh right, so its sort of like a trapped nerve. Cynical Profit -> Quadruple post, nice work my man ! ChUnK!
  11. "Please sir... Please Mr Zandig ... can I have my job back?" Mwahahahahaha! ChUnK!
  12. Whats a stinger? Perhaps its an american term? ChUnK!
  13. Chunk

    Inappropriate Breakfasts

    You know what I meant. Pretty funny typo though Hmmm, that sounds dodgy to me. One of the first things I learnt in Food Tech was that between 5c and 70c, is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. You could find your self with a nice bout of food poisoning, by doing this. Up to you though Yeah thats pretty bad. Ive done that before now, but I think I would rather go hungry ChUnK!
  14. Chunk

    Ever made you own drink?

    The thought of milk and alcohol still scares me. That cant be good for you lol ChUnK!
  15. Chunk

    Who wants a burger?

    Italy? Isn't Pomme Frites the French name for chips (or fries as you guys call them). ChUnK!
  16. Chunk

    FWA: Seasons Beatings 15/12/02

    Thanks for the positive feedback. I would recommend the CZW: Best of the best 2 show aswell. The fact that the crowd popped bigger for Fleisch than Trent Acid, at the end of the show, speaks for its self. Also, if your from the USA, it might be easier for you to get hold of that tape, than it would for you to get hold of FWA stuff. ChUnK!
  17. Heres my review live from the FWA: Seasons beatings show, that took place in Broxbourne, London. On the 15th of December 2002. Alot of effort and time went into this review, so feedback on both the show and my work are very welcome Seasons Beatings was my second FWA show. I saw British Uprising, and was kinda hooked, so I bought my seasons beatings tickets as soon as they went on sale. I’m a huge AJ Styles fan, so I was looking forward to seeing THE MAN again, and also seeing the other FWA talent (that thoroughly impressed me last time around). I arrived at the venue about 2 minutes before the bell. An accident on junction 27 of the M25 made it a complete nightmare of a journey. And to make things worse, some kind people had sat in our seats and refused to move (thanks for that, whoever you were). Anyway, I finally got seated and luckily didn’t miss much of the first match. Tournament rules: Win = 20 points Draw = 15 points Loss = 0 points * Doug Williams Vs Jonny Storm Jonny opened up the show by tripping over the turn buckle as he entered the ring. This must be some sort of curse or something, because it happened to James Tighe (I think it was James) at Uprising. I thought this was a very good opener. It kind of surprised me, because I thought the guys would all start slow and build up through the night. But this match lasted, what seemed like, 15 minutes and involved some good stuff. The finish was botched, but I was into the show straight away after watching this one. Jonny Storm picked up the win. * Jody Fleisch Vs AJ Styles WOW, this one looks good on paper, and it lived up to it. As I said, I’m a huge fan of AJ Styles, and Jody Fleisch impressed me no end at Uprising. In my opinion, this was the match of the night and I wouldn’t think twice about giving it ****+ The match finished with a power bomb into a Styles Clash combo. Awesome! The ticket price was worth it for this match alone. AJ went over aswell, which made it just that little bit better, because I was sure that we would see Jody win. * Duke of Danger & Simmons & Mark Sloan Vs Hade Vansen & Chris Justice & Raj Ghosh This was probably the worst match of the night, but it wasn’t THAT bad. Duke had good heat with the fans, and played the hell very well. Simmons was insanely over. I thought this was good for what it was. It served its purpose well. The main problem was that it just dragged on and on. If it had ended about 7 minutes before it did, then it wouldn’t have been that bad. But it just dragged on, and the heat with Simmons and Duke soon got old. Not bad, but in a show of great matches, it was sorely lacking. Served its purpose well. Was this a debut for Daisy? Speaking of Daisy… WOW! Paul Birchill ran in on this match to give the heels the win. He looked monstrous again and I can’t wait to see him in a full match. The faces took huge bumps for him, and his twisting senton off the top rope looked awesome. * Jonny Storm Vs Jody Fleisch Both of the guys looked tired by this point, and hit finishers within the first minute of the match. Jonny repeated the finish he botched from the past match. I also noticed how Jonny fell down to hands and knees during his entrance, trying to make it look as if his fall from earlier in the night was planned. Nice try Jonny This match was good, but not as good as either of the opening tournament matches. The finish was amazing though, with Jody hitting a 720 DDT to the arena floor from the security railing!! After Jonny was counted out on the outside, Jody got on the Mic and said he didn’t mean to hit him with a DDT to the outside, and that he went too far and doesn’t want the points from the match. Kind of weird this one. I don’t really understand why he did it, unless it was to emphasis the injury that Jonny was trying to sell. During the Interval, we are told that Jonny can not compete in the rest of the show, because he has been take to a local hospital. I think that anyone with half a brain cell realised that this was so Jerry Lynn could enter the tournament. I was a little shocked that they did it this way, because it made the whole tournament process a bit of a waste of time. * All England Championship match: Zebra Kid Vs James Tighe I wasn’t really interested in this one, I was just eager to see the rest of the tournament. Saying that though, Zebra played the heel very well, and this match wasn’t bad at all. Tighe got in very very little offense, so it turned into more of a time filler than anything else for me. This was better than the 3 man tag but, for me, it still wasn’t on par with the rest of the show. I would have preferred to see some time cut from the tag match, and added to this one. That way, they could have made this into a decent contest, and the tag match would have benefited by staying fresher. Zebra kid did impress me as a heel though, and he’s lost his mullet now LOL. * Doug Williams Vs Jody Fleisch Jody comes out for the third time (Doug for the second), so I was sure that this was going to be a short match with a quick finish. And to be honest, I couldn’t have complained at either man for having very little energy left. However, I was completely wrong. By this time, Jody had huge bruising across the entire small of his back, but he still managed to put on a great match with Doug. This one must have gone on for about 15 minute’s aswell, and was, in my opinion, the second best match of the night. They guys battled to the outside, and we saw another insane spot from Jody. He threw Doug off the bleachers from about 6 feet up, and then proceeded to climb to the last row and moonsault to Doug (on the ground) from about 15 feet up. Looking back at this, I have mixed feelings. I’m not sure if Jody should keep doing things like this, because people are just going to expect it, and its going to loose its effect. At the time though it was amazing, and I was literally a few feet away from him when he made his jump (check out the photos to see for yourself). I can’t praise Jody Fleisch enough for what he did. He fought three times; put two guys over cleanly and wrestled his ass off in every one of his bouts. He could have gone out their and half assed his final match, and nobody would have thought any the less of him for it, but he didn’t and I think that tells you a lot about him. I met him after the show and he was only too happy to sign autographs and meet the fans. I hope that 2003 is a great year for him, because he has really impressed me, and seems to be everything that a wrestler should. If he continues to put on performances like the ones I have seen from him this year, then he is destined for greatness, and should help the British wrestling scene to no end. * Ulf Herman Vs Flash Barker This was the hardcore fans section of the evening. And wasn’t bad. Along with the tag match and the all England title match, I think this did its job well and wasn’t all that bad of a time filler. Alex Shane did a good job on the mic and Ulf was hilarious with his one liner: Alex: “And there’s two things you can do about it…” Ulf: “Eat Shit and Die! I don’t think this was a bad way to spend 10 minutes while the tournament guys caught their breath, and it set up the tag match for February pretty well. Ulf got the 3 count, before the ref over-ruled for thinking that Alex hit him with a chair. We got a big table spot, which I got a good photo off. I’m looking forward to seeing Alex Shane wrestle, because I haven’t seen him in a match yet. His mic work impresses me though. Ulf: “You, me and two blow jobbers at the next FWA show”. Sounds good to me. * Tournament Final: Jerry Lynn Vs AJ Styles Vs Doug Williams Jerry Lynn comes out, which wasn’t really at all surprising. I spoke to him in the interval and asked him who he was facing tonight: Me: “Who you wrestling against tonight Jerry? Or is it top secret?” Jerry: “You’ll have to wait and see, I was supposed to be in this tournament, but AJ’s changed all that” Jerry tells us that he was supposed to be in the tournament, but AJ phoned the FWA and told them that Jerry wasn’t able to compete due to injury, and offered his services for the night instead. Everyone says that Jerry is rubbish on the mic, but it was pretty sweet seeing a bit of a heel turn for AJ, and Jerry managed to deliver a line which I will remember for one of my greatest mark out moments ever: “You think a torn shoulder is going to keep me out of England?” Great Stuff! Jerry gets the fans to chant for a three way dance, and Elisar Cabrera gets on the mic and agrees to give the fans what they want and make it a three way dance. My mouth was watering at the thought of a triple threat main event, don’t get me wrong, but I kind of thought it made a bit of a mockery of the whole tournament process. We had seen: AJ/Jody Jody/Jonny Jody/Doug Doug/Jonny AJ had 20 points Jody had 15 points Doug had 20 points Jonny had 20 points AJ/Jonny couldn’t happen because Jonny was injured, and AJ/Doug was scheduled to be the final. So in effect it made sense and there weren’t any logical loop holes, it just seemed wrong that someone should be able to enter the tournament at this late stage and have the chance of winning it. Nether the less, the match took place and it was good. It was very short, and only lasted for about 10 minutes. The crowd was super hot by this point though, and we saw some good offence from all three men. We had a great spot where all three guys stole each others finishers. AJ got Styles clashed by Lynn, Lynn gets cradle pile-driven (which I thought was outlawed by the FWA) by Doug, and then Doug gets hit with the Chaos theory by Jerry Lynn. The match finished when Jerry Lynn sunset flipped both Doug and AJ from the top rope, to get the double pin and the #1 contendership with 40 points. There was some confusion at the end, as to why we hadn’t seen all tournament matches, and if Jerry had won by inheriting Jonnys’ 20 points, or by being awarded 40 points for the double pin. That aside, it was a good finish to a great show. The FWA delivers the goods again, and I can’t wait for their next show in February. This sets up Jerry Lynn Vs Chris Daniels in February. I can’t see us having an all American title match, so I think we can expect to see Doug Williams added to that match. I’m not sure 3 triple threats in a row is a good idea, but when you look at Lynn/Daniels/Williams, you can’t really complain, and I think that any Indy promotion would be proud of that main event. When you add the tag match of Ulf/Shane Vs Flash/Sloan in February, I think you’ve got a great looking card already. I’m hopeless at rating matches when I’m at the show live, but its all a matter of opinion, so here are my ratings for the night: * Doug Williams Vs Jonny Storm ***1/4 * Jody Fleisch Vs AJ Styles ****1/2 * Jonny Storm Vs Jody Fleisch **3/4 * Duke of Danger & Simmons & Mark Sloan Vs Hade Vansen & Chris Justice & Raj Gosh *3/4 * All England Championship match: Zebra Kid Vs James Tighe ** * Doug Williams Vs Jody Fleisch *** * Ulf Herman Vs Flash Barker **1/4 * Tournament Final: Jerry Lynn Vs AJ Styles Vs Doug Williams ** I also want to mention how great the guys were after the show. They all waited around for about an hour and a half after the show to sign autographs and have their pictures taken, and they were all great about it. AJ styles is a funny guy as well and even started singing at one point Thank FWA for another great night out, and I can’t wait for February. Thanks for reading. ChUnK! And now for my exclusive photos. (Please ask me first if you would like to use them): The arena is set for the evening Zebra Kid superplex on James Tighe Zebra Kid hits his top rope elbow for the 1,2,3. Jody and Doug get ready to face off Jody and Doug Springboard SST by Jody Fleisch (damn you digital camera) Jody and Doug battle into the crowd Jody Moonsaults off the 15 foot stand Doug gets a rana Ulf and Flash face off Flash takes a trip to the outside Ulf introduces Flash to the railings Those railings come in handy again Flash fights back with a chair Ulf piledrives Flash Ulf gets wood! The ref takes a real bump Show Stealer Alex Shane! Show .... Stealer! Doug Makes his way out again Doug and AJ face off We've got ourselves a 3 way dance final AJ takes flight Fly AJ fly Jerry Styles Clashes AJ Doug gives Jerry a Cradle Piledriver AJ takes to the air again Your winner and new number 1 contender, Jerry Lynn
  18. Chunk

    Ever made you own drink?

    Alcohol and milk? Now thats asking for trouble. My stomachs churning just thinking about it lol ChUnK!
  19. Chunk

    some indy results from 1/17

    DOH! Didnt see that, ill check it out though. ChUnK!
  20. Chunk


    Sweet, ill check out your pics as soon as I get time. That one with Rob Black just scared the living cack out of me. How scary does that dude look? ChUnK!
  21. Chunk


    That's not the point. People aren't mad at Pain for making a better living. They're mad at him for joining the sick fuck Rob Black. ... and turning his back on the people that made him. ChUnK!
  22. Chunk

    FWA: Seasons Beatings 15/12/02

    Thanks, im glad someone took the time to read it. Well, at least one person did. ChUnK!
  23. I always wondered about HIV anyway. I mean, even with a small WWE style blade job, there must be a chance of contracting the virus. Especially if both guys are blading. I think I asked this before, but does anyone know if there are rules about this sort of thing? Do you have to take and HIV test before you can wrestle of what. I used to play rugby union at college, and if you play professionally, you have to be tested and have to leave the filed if you get busted open (to be stitched up - before you can return). Surely a respectable company like the wwe (yeah right) muct have a process for this sort of thing, but that make sme wonder about steriods, surely they would show up on the tests aswell? Personally, I cant think why anyone would take the risk of wrestling someone that could be HIV positive, but with frequents tripa around the world in the indy's surely the threat is always there. When you think about it, its kind of supprising that wrestlers havent been affected by this a good deal more in the past. ChUnK!
  24. Chunk

    Download XPW TV Online

    It had 2 FWA workers in it, I was bound to like it No, taking nothing away from XPW, it was a decent match. ChUnK!
  25. Chunk

    some indy results from 1/17

    wow, that sounds like an awesome show. Does anyone have ratings for the matches. Also, was it actually tequila in the match, or just water? You would have to be pretty stupid and irresponsible to drink whilst wrestling? ChUnK!