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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Chunk


    Great post, I totally agree. And Spaceman, while I agree that wrestlers should look after their families first, CZW were like a family to Pain. It wasnt just a group of guys he saw once in a while. ChUnK!
  2. Ive seen Towel Boy take it twice, so that must be WAY off. ChUnK!
  3. Chunk

    some indy results from 1/17

    Right, that must have been where I got the idea from, about it being more than two tapes. Before I go searching on the net, do you have a match listing? ChUnK!
  4. Chunk

    some indy results from 1/17

    Oh really, sounds sweet. For some reason I thought it was a mammoth show over 3 or tapes. Cheers, ChUnK!
  5. Chunk


    Double post! Bad EMAX lol Ahh, I had to see that scary Lizzy picture twice ChUnK!
  6. Chunk

    some indy results from 1/17

    How many tapes is that? ChUnK!
  7. Chunk


    Are you gonna post the pics here as well? Good work on the review ChUnK!
  8. Chunk

    Indy fans, help me out

    Off topic I know, but black tiger, thats a sweet banner you got your self there. ChUnK!
  9. Chunk

    Download XPW TV Online

    Why? You'll probably get a more stable download form the link above? ChUnK!
  10. Chunk

    FWA sign agreement with XPW!

    EDIT: Sorry, double post. ChUnK!
  11. Chunk

    FWA sign agreement with XPW!

    A deal with ROH would be awesome on many levels. First of all, we would get the ROH talent over here, we would also have the positive exposure in the US, and it would solve all the problems that the XPW deal has caused. I can only hope that the rumours are true. Chris Daniels is the champ yes, but dont think that much can be read into that. He hasnt been able to make one title defence yet, so if any hassle does arrive, then I reckon he will just drop it straight away. So saying, if it gets that bad, I can see him just giving the title up and the FWA making it vacant again! They kind of shot themselves in the foot makinf Daniels champ, and have limited what they can do. They cant make the belt vacant AGAIN! (unless the really have to) and Daniels hasnt been able to show for any defences. It really seems to me that the XPW deal has caused more harm than good. And although an ROH dealwould be awesome, if the philly wars really kick off, is any sort of link with XPW going to cause trouble with ROH, and vice versa? We'll just have to wait and see. At least us Brits have some quality US talent to look forward to in the mean time. ChUnK!
  12. Chunk


    Doesnt the fact that these guys go out there and put there bodies on the line to work matches for pittence, show you that there is more to Wrestling than money? Surely if they were all in it for the money, they would have left the industry and got more secure jobs years ago. A lot of indy guys will have jobs outside the ring. If they were in it for the money, wouldnt they work thier full job full time? ChUnK!
  13. He was trained at the Texas Wrestling Academy, that HBK used to own. He was trained by Rudy Boy Gonzalez though. Thats where the whole HBK thing comes from. You say that like it's a bad thing...why I agree, why? At least there is some hope for Spanky then. I thought that his HBK connection would get him somewhere. ChUnK!
  14. I just got my first Japanese tape (Super J Cup 95), and it mafe me think about that language barrier for wrestlers working abroad. There must be some sort of conversation in a match between wrestlers, and the referee. So how do foreign workers talk to Japanese guys in the ring. Sure, some Japanese guys must speak English, Spanish etc And Vice Versa, but theres no way that everyone can be multi-lingual. Does anyone know how this is overcome, of if there is a way around it? ChUnK!
  15. Bill DeMott is not passed his prime. Really? You dont think that 36 is too old to be getting your initial mid card push on Smackdown. Perhaps its just me then. ChUnK!
  16. Chunk

    Download XPW TV Online

    Just finished watching it. I thought it was a quite good match. But it kind of lagged in places, and the finish let it down. I dont get why the crowd were so against Zebra Kid. Right from the start, they were at him, and for no real reason. The crowd were actually pretty wierd throughout the macth. It seemed like they couldnt really give a crap about what was going on in the ring, and were more interested at shouting abuse at Zebra. Sweet moonsault off the stage area (or whatever it was lol ) Jonny was taking a leaf out of Jodys book there. But what was the commentator doing. He kind of let out a huge shriek when it happened. I also noticed how the outside area seemed huge, and the fans were positioned a long way away from the ring. Any reason for that? Also, the replyas were good in the way that they were slowed down. But it was annoying they way that you couldnt see what was happeing 'live' while the replays were being shown. It wasnt bad, and if it wasnt for my slow internet conection I would take a look at the other two parts. ChUnK!
  17. Chunk

    Looking for NBA games

    Ok. I just taped that game as a one off, so that all I have really. As for PAL, are you sure that your video wont play it, because I could tape up a load of Saved by the Bell for you. ChUnK!
  18. Chunk

    Who wants a burger?

    I think I have to agree. I like everything in my burgers, but if im paying that much for Kobe Beef, I want to be able to actually taste the meat. ChUnK!
  19. Chunk

    Looking for NBA games

    I'm pretty sure I have the New York Nicks Vs The Washington wizzards from a couple of years ago. It was the game shortly after 9/11, where Jordan made his debut for the Wizards. Forgive me if I got any details wrong there, im not a huge Basketball fan. Saved by the Bell and Saved by the Bell the College years are aired on UK TV, so I could tape some up for you. They would all be in PAL format however, so youre video needs to be PAL compatible. Check it out, if your not sure, it might just well be compatible. Im not looking to make any money for the tapes, but I would gladly trade them for wrestling tapes. Let me know what you think. ChUnK!
  20. As a wrestling fan, I would rather have both guys stay away from the WWE, and fork out the money to see them via tapes. However, they do deserve a shot at the big time pay packets. I know theres more to wrestling than the money, but guys like Ki, Daniels and Dragon bust there ass to scrap by, whilst Rikishi, Crash and Henry make a fortune. ChUnK!
  21. Chunk


    Sabu was the Sheiks nephew. Unless your talking about something else. ChUnK!
  22. Chunk

    Download XPW TV Online

    Finally the bugger has finished downloading. Ill let you know what I think of it as soon as I get a chance to check it out. ChUnK!
  23. Chunk

    CZW Live Again

    It looks like a good card, but I would be honest and say that the whole who can draw the most fans battle excites me more. Cant wait to see how the fans turn out. lol ChUnK!
  24. Chunk

    FWA sign agreement with XPW!

    When was that booking made though. The XPW announcement has only just been made. ChUnK!
  25. Ok, so lets get this right. Spanky, the up and comer, the man billed as the next show stopper, gets a meaningless role on Velocity where he doesnt even keep the same name for more than a week. And Bill DeMott who is far passed his prime, and Albert who has proved time and time again that he can not make it in the big time, get unreal smackdown pushes. Yep! Sounds about right! Keep up the good work Vince. And while your at it, why worry about those Low-Ki and Chris Daniels chaps, that you gave trials to. Crash Holly and Chuck are just waiting in the wings for their next pushes. And we havent seen Mark Henry in a while, go on bring him back to Smackdown. After all, thats what the fans want to see. ChUnK!