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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Am I the only one that doesnt like gauntlet matches? I dunno, its just the whole set up of how one team could have to face every other and another team will only have one match. If your using it to get someone over then fair enough (i.e. when Brock went over all of team angle on the same night). But for soemthing like this it jsut doesn't seem right.
  2. Chunk

    Do You Fit The Drink?

    Im not old. I hope that isnt true about me According to this, my old age isnt looking very good is it.
  3. I thought it could be serious when I read an early list of the injuries he suffered at the show. I always thought that an Ear drum doesnt mend once broken. I hope im wrong.
  4. Chunk

    ROH Bus Trip On Saturday?

    Oh right. Its not sooo bad then. But I still would have been annoyed.
  5. Chunk

    Word association thread

    "Dangerously" (Paulie -> Paul E)
  6. Chunk

    HDD problem with amount of space free.

    Good idea. They were all made on the 15th of august. That is probably very close to the date I was trying to burn the VCD's. Ill delete them and see what happens.
  7. I've got a problem with my hard disks and its driving me mad, I dont have a clue what could be causing it. Basically I have two Hard drives set up. One (C:\) is 10gb and the other (E:\) is 5gb. I've been trying to burn VCD's but it wont work fully. When I go to burn it doesn't fully read the files I want to burn. I put this down to the fact that there is not enough free temp space on drive C (this has always been the problem before). So I decided to delete files from C: and move some files across to E: to free up space. This is where the problems start... For some reason, the amount of available free space seems to be screwed up. The amount will just vastly change for no reason, and I have no true idea of how much free space there actually is. Here are some examples. I went to burn a CD, but it wouldn't fully work even though (right click on C drive -> properties) was showing over 1gb of free space. I decided to reboot my PC, and when I checked after that there is only 200mb free! I then moved a 600 mb file to E: and it showed that I had 800 mb free. The CD still would not burn so I shut down and rebooted again and it shows 250mb free, even though the file is now on E:. I'm getting more and more annoyed at this point so I decide to move a load of stuff over to E:, and basically fill up E: drive (only 100mb was left free). This now left me with 800mb free on C:. I go to burn the CD and supprise supprise it still doesn't fully work. I reboot and now I only have 50mb free on C: drive. The only thing I can think of is that the CD writting software (Adaptec Easy CD creator 4 deluxe) is leaving temp files all over C: when the cd burn attempts are unsuccesful. However, I've looked for files like this and can't find them, and I've run Norton clean sweep to get rid of needless files and it does nothing. Im now in the position where I can do very little as I have practically no hard drive space left. Does any one have any idea as to what is happening and what I can do to try and fix this. Thanks in advance.
  8. Chunk

    HDD problem with amount of space free.

    Worked a treat! Ive tracked down 5 files in C:\Windows\Temp Together they come to 2.68 Gb. Im now in two minds as to weather of not it is safe to delete them. Here are the names of the files: VCRC073.TMP VCR6385.TMP VCR91C3.TMP VCRA0B3.TMP VCRC343.TMP Anyone now if it will be safe to delete these files?
  9. Chunk

    HDD problem with amount of space free.

    Thanks, ill give that one a try.
  10. Chunk

    Word association thread

    Billion Dollar Princess
  11. The show is weeks away, but it is the British version of Wrestlemania. On top of that, the FWA have a canny way of releasing news slowly over long periods of time. With that in mind, I've started the thread early, for any FWA fans on the board. No matches are signed yet, but we can bet on: The blow off feud ender between Alex Shane and Ulf Herman Vs The Family. We are also likely to finally see Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch get their hands on one another (again ). Finally, Doug Williams will likely defend his title against the winner of Flash Barker vs James Tighe (which will take place at hotwired in September). Now, the reason for me starting the thread now.... Alex Shane has said that we are likely to see as many as 5 Americans at the show, and we could see 1 man from Japan! The first name has been released, and it is none other than .... DUN DUN DUN The Amazing Red! Many thought he wouldn't debut in Europe for the FWA when he screwed Alex Shane around with bookings for Frontier Of Honour. However, the reports of the FOH show must have made him realise what he missed out on, and we will now see him at Uprising 2. I'm glad in a way, as I would like to see him work live, but at the same time it seems like a strange choice. With Storm/Fliesch, you have more than enough high flying spot monkey goodness, so why bring Red over as well? In addition, with Storm and Fliesch allready used up, theres no body left that can realistically keep up with him. You could put him against a man like Jack Xavier, and have Xavier try to ground him, but then you wouldn't see any of the trademark Red offence, so it would kind of defeat the point of bringing him over here. I'm still hoping in a big way that we get to see CM Punk come over here. I also think it would make good sense for them to bring at least one ex-wwe guy over, so that they can draw the non-smarks. I think Raven would be the best choice, because he has a good smark following as well, but somebody like Jeff Hardy or even Al Snow would have the same effect. Realistically, I think if someone comes over from Japan it will be Taka. That way they can please the puro marks and draw people via his wwe fame, all at the same time. I'll post all the news over the coming weeks, as its released. Thoughts anyone?
  12. Chunk

    FWA: British Uprising 2

    No, I don't know of anywhere to be honest. I wasn't even aware that Uprising was stocked by highspots. RF has their version of Frontiers of Honor. Here. They also have the fan fest on tape, which I forgot to mention in my last post. It was basically a fan convention the day after FOH. It features interviews with Samoa Joe, Mikey Whipwreck, Low Ki and Styles. Here. Other than that, your best bet is to try and track down a trader that has converted the tapes into NTSC format, but the video quality will not be anywhere near as good. Or preferably, check that your video player is PAL compatible (which many are) and then buy them from the UK. I know the head of Frontier Merchandise personally, and he will not rip you off. If you post the money over and he agrees to send to the USA, you will get your tape.
  13. Chunk

    ROH Bus Trip On Saturday?

    You travelled all the way out there and didnt get to go to the show. That just plain sucks.
  14. Chunk

    FWA: British Uprising 2

    I'll take this one That was the last major show. It was called Vendetta 2003. I haven't seen the Scramble Madness match. However, I have seen AmDrag/Williams from Road to the title, which you may have also seen. Although the match at Vendetta was solid enough, IMO it wasn't better than the match at Road to the Title. In addition, the crowd heat was very smarky and annoying towards AmDrag (who was wearing a mask), I'm not sure how this will be handled if the show is released on tape, but at the show it was unecessary and definetly distracted from the match. Due to the fact that FWA merchandise hasn't been up and running for long, you don't have a huge number of tapes to choose from. Here is a link to where you can buy them from, and I'll give a brief run down for you. British Uprising Part 1 When this show took place, it was one of the biggest they had ever done and has acted as a launch pad for them to where they are now. They drafetd in Balls Mahoney, AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn for the show. The length of the show meant it had to be released on two seperate tapes. Part 1 offers you: * James Tighe vs Raj Ghosh vs Jack Xavier A very good three way that shows what the FWA undercard is capable of. I honestly believe that Tighe is a star in the making and will be wrestling in the USA in a few years. This opened the show very well indeed. * Zebra Kid vs Hade Vansen A match for the All England Title that was also prety solid. Zebra plays the heel very very well and is always super over. * UK Pitbulls vs The New breed Complete time filler that went about two minutes. It acted as a way of getting Paul Birchill on the card, who continued his huge push by putting curve (if memory serves - maybe it was ash, it was a while ago) through a table from the apron. Pretty sick bump actually. * Drew McDonald vs Robbie Brookside This acted as a match for the old school fans at the show. It was completely slated on the night for being rubbish. At the time I thought they both phoned it in, but I later learnt that McDonald wrestled the match in agony due to a back injury, so full respect to him for that. * Doug Williams vs Jerry Lynn Super hot crowd, and a very good match if a little short. Worth the tape money IMO. British Uprising Part 2 Tape two is probably slightly better than tape 1. It has: * Paul Travell vs Nikita You may have seen Nikita in my sig? I'm a huge mark for her, and a few others on the board became fans when I introduced her via my sig She is also very competant in the ring. This match demonstrates that and is an ok little match. * Ulf Herman vs Balls Mahoney You get a bonus Ulf interview on the tape which is pretty good. He got the loudest reaction I have ever heard at a live show. Everyone was on their feet chanting along with his music. The match is a perfectly acceptable little brawl, that goes around the York Hall and in amoungst the fans. You've got barbed wire, you've got thumb tacks, its good for what it is. * Jonny Storm vs AJ Styles After watching the tape this is easily MOTN. Just incredible. Around **** easily, buy the tape for this match. You will not be disapointed. * Flash Barker vs Jody Fleisch (FWA title ladder match) Another decent match with some pretty sweet spots. It also features Jody's moonsault off the 20 foot bleachers, that is just incredible! Seasons Beatings The show that took place after Uprising is a one night round robin for the #1 contenderhsip to the FWA title. The men involved are: Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Doug Williams, AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn. I reviewed this tape recently. Here are the star ratings I gave: Jonny Storm Vs Doug Williams ***1/4 Jody Fleisch Vs AJ Styles **** Jonny Storm Vs Jody Fleisch *** Doug Williams Vs Jody Fleisch ** 3/4 Doug Williams Vs AJ Styles Vs Jerry Lynn *** This tape is very very good. It only features the tournament matches, the others were cut to fit it on to a single tape. Nothing here will let you down. AJ/Jody is probably the best match I have ever seen in the FWA. AJ is hyped and gives 110%, he uses some of the stiffest offence I have EVER seen! Frontiers of Honor Part 1 This was the huge show they did with ROH. It is one of the biggest shows in British Wrestling history. On tape one you get: * Paul London vs James Tighe As I said, I see good things for Tighe. This was supposed to be an opener, but many chose it as a MOTN contender. * Mikey Whipwreck vs Jack Xavier Another good match. Mikey got a huge reaction. This won't disappoint. * Birchill vs Double Dragon Just a simple squash to continue Birchills push. This was his first official match, but it is worth watching just to see Birchill. Seeing someone that size pull off Standing SSP's and moonsaults is awesome. He is Lesnar-esque, with almost the agility of someone like AJ Styles. * AJ Styles vs Jonny Storm Easily as good as their Uprising match, maybe even better. A slightly botched finish, but apart from that incredible. The other tapes you can get hold of are compilations rather than complete shows, and I haven't been able to watch them yet. However, here are match lisitings and some info: International Classics * Doug Williams vs Chris Daniels (from Crunch 2002) * Solid Gold Scot Parker vs Steve Corino (from Trick or Treat 2001) * Jody Fleisch vs AJ Styles (from Seasons Beatings) The Fan's most Wanted You have to join the Fan club to get this tape. * Raj Ghosh vs James Tighe (London's Calling 2002) * Jody Fleisch vs Jonny Storm (Vendetta 2002) * Doug Williams vs Jack Xavier (Hotwired 2002) * Jody Fleisch vs Doug Williams vs Chris Daniels (London's calling 2002) Personally, I would recommend getting hold of the complete Uprising show and starting from the beginning. However if your after a quick fix then Frontiers of Honor or Seasons Beatings are the shows for you. I would probably go with Seasons Beatings as it has AJ/Jody and is a complete show on the one tape. Hope that helped
  15. Chunk

    Word association thread

    Anna Kournikova
  16. Chunk

    MLW (Major League Wrestling)

    They would also be giving up the ability to travel east to Japan. That would surely be a huge hit to their pay days.
  17. Chunk

    MLW (Major League Wrestling)

    No that isn't goign to happen any time soon, but it would be awesome to see. Not only for the fact that it would make Vince crap himself, but perhaps he would tsrat using his talent properlly. How do you think the talent would react to this? Although they would have full time contarcts earning more money, they wouldn't be able to choose where they work and would work fewer shows. It could be less financially rewarding than workign for many diferent promotions.