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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Chunk

    HDD problem with amount of space free.

    The link won't work. Is there anywhere else I can get the file, or a similar program?
  2. Chunk

    HDD problem with amount of space free.

    I've been cutting and pasting the files, so that I know for sure that nothing is getting left behind. Thanks for the link though, Ill give it a try.
  3. Chunk

    MLW (Major League Wrestling)

    If you look at a few older posts you will seem some reviews/results of MLW's latest stuff. Ive seen a couple of Underground TV's and I didn't thing it was that bad. Jerry Lynn was playing a heel though, which seemed wierd as I'm used to him getting a huge FWA face reaction.
  4. I'd go for When Hero met Punk as well. Like I said before, I've just finished watching it, and its a very good tape if only for the main event. Seeing two men wrestle for more than 90 minutes, while keeping the action at a good pace and never boring the crowd through repetativeness is worth the money IMO. I think that might have been the interview that I read. He says he is done with IWA:MS, but he doesn't really explain why.
  5. Chunk

    My New Avatar

    Yep, thats scary alright! Seriously, looked at it for a few seconds ...
  6. Chunk

    ROH 8/16/2003 Results

    True. But in his defence, its not like he makes a habit of it. He's built a name for him self built partly on his stiff martial arts kicks. One accidental KO here or there can't really be cause to criticise him IMO. I'm not saying he is in the right, but based on what I have seen of Ki, I think it was probably a genuine accident rather than a result of him being careless.
  7. Chunk

    My second TASW show...a review

    I still think he would get over as a heel though.
  8. Chunk

    Mil Mascaras

    Is she actually as mad in real life as here character in the WWE now? If she isn't then she is still a damn fine actor.
  9. Oh right, I can understand it if that is the case. The news update just makes it sounds as if they are being kicke dout even though they are paying the full lease on the venue. Hopefully. Ive just finished watching "When Hero met Punk" and I thought it was very good. Dave Prazak is outstanding on commentary. I also read recently that CM Punk says he is done with IWA:MS. Anyone know whats caused that?
  10. Chunk

    My second TASW show...a review

    Good review. I checked out TASW when I was in Texas on holiday this year, you might remember me saying that before. Shame about Strider leaving, I didn't think he was too bad when I saw him. Did the fans get on him about that? I think he should turn heel. He could draw heel heat really easily. When I was there, people were chanting "Has Justin hit puberty yet?" and all sorts of other things.
  11. I don't understand why the owner is saying they can;t run their any more as a result of bad attendence. If the IWA is paying the money to lease the venue, why does it matter how many they draw?
  12. Chunk

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    As a side note: do we know if that match was actually ever going to take place? I've been behind with WWE programming for a long time, and have only now just caught up. I was wondering if they were just teasing it for a later date, or if they had actually planned to have that match at SS. Houston area cable providers featured a 30-second spot that said that that was the match. It even had clips of Goldberg talking shit about HHH. Really. I always thought it was a tease for a later date. I never really believed that trips would drop the belt, but at the same time, I don't think they would want Goldberg to be jobbing to anyone at this point. It would have been great to see, just for the sheer hell of seeing trips worm his way out of dropping the belt. Going over Steiner and Nash is one thing, but Goldberg is a whole new league when you consider the money they must have spent on signing him. This is why I was so sure trips would drop the belt to Nash. Hence allowing Nash to lose it to Goldberg, and then HHH to win it back from Goldberg. Bill would have had his title reign and trips would come out the eventual top dog. I dont know the general feeling here, but a HHH/Goldberg feud would be great TV IMO, if not for the actual matches but for the way each man protected themselves.
  13. Chunk

    Rare ECW Matches

    I'm not sure tobe honest, I don't visit his site that much. I just thought that once in about 2 months wasn't really enough.
  14. Chunk

    Rare ECW Matches

    Oh right. I wasn't aware of that. Is that why the site hasn't been updated for weeks then?
  15. Chunk

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    Wasn't it "The Pasty Boys"?
  16. Chunk

    Insurrextion 2003

    This was actually the first WWE Sky box office show I haven't bought for a long time. I just couldnt justify the £14 when the DVD is only £18. I might end up getting the DVD now though. Are Silvervision still doing that deal where you get money off for pre-orders? Or is it too late for that now?
  17. Chunk

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    I give him two months tops, with the old gimmick before hes on Heat.
  18. Chunk

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    As a side note: do we know if that match was actually ever going to take place? I've been behind with WWE programming for a long time, and have only now just caught up. I was wondering if they were just teasing it for a later date, or if they had actually planned to have that match at SS.