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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Chunk

    CMLL Sunday

    Right, I understand. Where does a new Luchadore go to get a mask if they are the first in their family line then? Or doesn't that matter?
  2. Chunk

    Best wwf shows? What are they?

    Thanks guys, Im still open to more suggestions if anyone has them, but that should be enough to Max out my credit card for now. Cheers, ChUnK!
  3. Chunk

    Problems accessing the site

    Ok, at least i know now that its not a problem my end. Thanks. Does anyone know why it happens, or is it just one of those things that can't be helped?
  4. Thanks very much, its greatly appreciated. ChUnK!
  5. In the indy and mma folder, i mad a typo on my "FWA: Britich Uprising, My review and photos" thread. It should read: "FWA: British Uprising, My review and photos", which is really annoying becasue that post took me ages. Is there anyway to correct the typo? Thanks in advance for any help.
  6. Chunk

    FWA: British Uprising

    Like I say, i'm not very good at rating matches when i go to live shows, because I tend to mark out too much for live action. And I always end up missing something or over looking something. But I would defiently give the AJ Styles/Jonny Storm and Lynn/Williams matches around **** Personally, I would also give the Balls/Ulf Brawl at least ***1/2 and I would give Nikita/Travell **1/2 (ish) In the cold light of day, I would probably have to re-consider some of those ratings, but on the night, with the electric crowd, the FWA guys could do little wrong in my opinion. If you are thinking about going to the December show, then I would recomend you do. I think they have confirmed that AJ Styles is back and will feature in a Fatal Four way for the Number one contendership to Chris Daniels' newly won FWA heavyweight title. It should be a great night. Its a pity they are putting ticktes prices up and that they insist on holding shows on a Sunday night, but you can't have it all your own way I guess ChUnK!
  7. Chunk

    CMLL Sunday

    This may be a dumb quetion to all of the massive Luch fans, but why are masks soooo important in Lucha?
  8. Chunk

    Whos member no 1?

    I was just wondering who the first member of this forum is? Also, who leads the way with greatest number of posts?
  9. Chunk

    Best wwf shows? What are they?

    What about Dinamit Kid Singles matches? Which show scould i get with classic matches from him on them. thanks for all the help by the way, much appreciated.
  10. Chunk

    Making banners

    Many thanks ChUnK!
  11. Chunk

    The Need Funds Sale

    Nice one, i just spotted the list myself. You have a number of tapes i am interested in, so i will let you know if NTSC is any good for me. I PM you by the way.
  12. Chunk

    Best wwf shows? What are they?

    thanks for all the help, i was thinking about getting some stuff with the best matches of the dinamite kid and the british bulldogs. what shows would cover that?
  13. Chunk

    FWA TV Volume 8

    Just a few quick notes: I had a chat with the UK Pitbulls after the show who said they had no idea whether Fleisch's injury was worked or not ("If that was a work, he was selling it backstage.") I talked to Chris Daniels also, who said he would not be back till the February show (also at Walthamstow.) As such, I would imagine they will sort out the #1 contendership at the next shows. Xavier is still booked for the trainee shows at the time being. I found it strange that he lost this match too. Maybe they'll work a TWA match or something on an FWA card. Crowd was entertaining. Another enjoyable show. Best wishes, Andy thanks for the info, im looking forward to the broxborne show in a big way now. I hear my man AJ Styles is back
  14. Chunk

    Scott Steiner Banner....

    Its not bad, I think you need to bring the bring the "Scot Steiner" text down a little though, as its kind of stuck to the top of the banner, if you get what I mean. ChUnK!
  15. Chunk

    FWA TV Volume 8

    Ok, i'll check it out.
  16. Chunk

    New Wildside Review

    Hmmm, where did i see that then? Im sure i saw a link to a Jake inteview in this folder. Anyone else know what im talking about. Thanks anyway Styes Clash.
  17. Chunk

    FWA TV Volume 8

    Bagels! The food of wrestlers Sounds like a great show, i wish i could have been there. It seems a little strange that the title was taken offf Jody so quickly. Is Chris Daniels going to be working regularly for the FWA then? Do you know the reason behind Xavier leaving? What was the drowd like comapared to Uprising? They were electric there. ChUnK!
  18. Chunk

    Banners I made rate them.

    the ed leslie one is the best by far. The others have slighlty blurred pictures, but are still good.
  19. Chunk


    Ok, thanks.
  20. Chunk

    FWA TV Volume 8

    LOL Are you going to posta review of Last nights London Calling? How did it go down?
  21. Chunk

    New Wildside Review

    Did someone post a Jake Roberts Interview? Im sure is saw that, but i cant find the link aanywhere now. Was that you Styles Clash? If not, who did and where is the link? Does anyone know?
  22. Chunk

    Compilations for the New Year

    he appeared at an FWA show, over here in england as well. Im sure it was FWA: Revival, but you can ask "Curry Man" to confirm that if you want, he'll know for sure.
  23. when will they be ready for sale?
  24. Chunk

    Staying connected

    Whats that software called, and where can you get it? This is a constant pain in the arse for me aswell. The times ive left the computer downloading something, come back in a couple of hours and found its disconnected 5 minutes after i leaft, ive lost count of. The software you are talking about sounds like it would be most helpful.
  25. I got a capture card for about £50, which came with all the software i needed. Then, all you need to do is connect a VCR to the capture card using am s-video lead, and then press playa nd capture away. You can also conect your camcorder to the capture card and do the same thing. Switch it to playback mode, press play and then capture. The real trouble i found was keeping picture quality good whilst keeping file size down. I tried using div-x and other codecs but it didnt really help? Does anyone have any tips for this?