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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Chunk

    Radius of Interest

    I travelled an hour drive to see the WWE in london! Im lucky because i live close to the capital. They also have shows in Birmingham and Manchester, but i would not make the 5 hr trip to see it their. If they held at decent ppv over here (like they did in 1992) then i would make the longer journey. But with the glorified house shows they give us over here, i dont think its worth the journey. Especially as the tickets sell out so quickly, that you never get brilliant seats! The quality of the product doesnt bother me, at the end of the day its still the WWE! They would have to go dramatically downhill for me not to go and see them, but then i think that would be the same for any Smark or massive fan. ChUnK!
  2. Chunk

    The Retirement Home

    Unless there has been an announcement that i havent heard, i dont think anyone could say when they will retire. I mean when you look at flair, he continues to rubbish his legacy, and taker is by no mean main event material anymore, however both "stars" continue to wrestle on prime time wwe tv! I dont hate legends, and i respect taker and flair for what they have done, but my respect is dwindling. Its time for Taker to realise that he has to give young talent a chance and put them over clean, just like the last generation did for him. With flair, i undertsand that it must be hard to give up something that you love doing, but he just cant cut it anymore, and i believe that he will injure himslef through a badbump before he decides to retire. Massive props to hogan though, he came back fo an over title reign, but put brock over without question when he was asked to. A i agree that start is to be made when taker is finally beaten clean. I would hope that they would give it to Brock (if it is in the near future, even though i dont like the guy) to get him further over (if they decide to persist with him) or to RVD to finally push him to main event status. However, i fear that it will more likely be given to the like of Edge or John Cena! Shame on you vince, shame on you! ChUnK!
  3. how sweet is my hurricane sig? I mean come on, you have to admit, it kicks major ass!
  4. those tapes sound great! how much would you want for each tape? and would you accept £'s or would you want me to change the moeny into $'s! do you know how much it would cost to post to the UK? cheers ChUnK! p.s. could you check your private messages (at the top of the screen) Thanks!
  5. Chunk

    Thoughts on Angle/Benoit

    Could you imagine angle/benoit in the mian event at WMXIX? What else can benoit do to make Vince wake up and push him to the main event? I feel for the guy! On the plus side, Hurri-tag champ! ChUnK!
  6. Ive been listening to it all the time recently, is it true that AJ Styles is on the phone tonight? ChUnK!
  7. Chunk

    Now taking banner requests.

    erm, look at the quote! Isnt DJ JEFF making banner any more either?
  8. Chunk

    Thoughts on Angle/Benoit

    Thats certainly the best match ive seen this year! I think the finish was short of brilliant though. I mean, the submission reversals kicked ass of course, but the pin with Benoit on the ropes, just looked a little rushed and sloppy. Im not complaining though, becasue that match just showed how much the WWE are missing outon by not having angle and benoit in main events of ppv's! It was all i could do to watch taker vs brock. Big Boot, Big Boot, crappy blade job, Big Boot, DQ, HUH? Brocks through the set, im asleep! ChUnK! p.s. 200 posts baby!
  9. tajiri mark, i NEED that tape lol ! Im the biggest hurri-mark in the WORLD! The good news (for me anyway) is that ive just got a new VCR, that i think supports NTSC format! YAY!!! So could you also keep me up to date with the creation of the tape! I would be interested in buying it from you! But i live in the UK, so could you check out how much shipping would be for you to send it to me! many thanks! ChUnK! p.s. i would just want as much hurri-goodness crammed on the tape as possible, (not just the best stuff) cheers!
  10. Jonny Storm is still without an opponent for British Uprising, so does anyone have any ideas on who it will be? Bearing in mind that Balls Mahoney and Jerry Lynn have allready signed for the show, the following names have been mentioned for the match: Super Crazy Masato Tanaka Low Ki Sean Waltman Brian Lawler/Grand masta Sexay or a number of other guys that i can think of at the moment LOL So who do you all think it will be? ChUnK!
  11. Chunk

    Now taking banner requests.

    Wahey, your back in business! Ive never had a banner made by you before, so could you make me one please ??? Heres what i would like: Wrestler/celebrity pics: Hurricane please! Type of background: I Dont mind, which ever looks best! Colors: I dont mind, which ever looks best! Text: I dont min, which ever looks best! If there is a specific picture you want on it, please post it or a link to it: Yep, the picture in my signature please: I I I \/ many thanks ChUnK!
  12. Chunk

    A Divas compilation

    Would anyone be interested in a WWF Divas compilation, that i could make. It would be PAL, and i would be willing to trade it for other WWF/wrestling tapes that i dont have. It would absically contain all of the divas matches that i could find. If anyone would be interested then reply here. Cheers ChUnK!
  13. Chunk

    Best of 2001?

    No worries, it not your fault. It was kinda fun re-liveing some of those classic moments from last year anyway :-) Ifi can help you with anything else, just let me know ChUnK!
  14. Chunk

    a Weekly Smarkmark Manifesto

    I think some sort of guidelines need to be set up. Perhaps by trivia as it was his/her idea. Sort of like, everything you want to be sent to the WWE put in speach mark and mark finalised i.e. FINALISED => "insert_views_etc_here". That way, only stuff that is meant to get sent will get sent. And also set up the day that wiews should be sent. I.e Trivia can send them every sunday, or whatever. perhaps thats a bad idea, but if you ask me, by setting up a routine, people will get used to the system and so will the wwe in recieveing our comments. also, how about you leave your email address at the end of your comments I.e. FINALISED => "insert_views_etc_here. Submited by [email protected]" That way trivia can head the email. Comments from the SMARKS, but wwe can reply directly to the person making the comments (if they ever reply that is) just my opinion, what do the rest of you think? ChUnK!
  15. Chunk

    a Weekly Smarkmark Manifesto

    for what its worth, i fully support this idea. If the view of the smrks were sent in an intelligent wy week after week, then they would take notice. ChUnK!
  16. Chunk

    No videos?

    has anyone tried to watch those videos with a 56k dial up modem connection? Its worse than watching the real thing on tv LOL! ChUnK!
  17. Chunk

    More whiners

    If that is real (which i highly doubt) it just goes to show you how messed up some people are. I mean come on, they run the un-american angle, but people complain about the hurricane gimmick. And anway, if you ask me, we dont see enough of my man shane helms on prime time wwe programming! ChUnK! => Number 1 Hurricane mark I I I I I \/
  18. ive never been to an fwa event my self, i must admit that although im very interested to see what its like, the tickets seem a little over priced to me. ChUnK!
  19. Chunk

    Best of 2001?

    Sorry it took me a while (is it just me thats been having trouble accessing thesmartmarks.com page today?), but here is the complete run down for the WWF: “Viewers Choice – Best of 2001” tape that I was talking about. The content of the tape was decided by visitors/voters on wwf.com Top 10 matches of 2001: #10: Benoit/Jericho (Intercontinental Title Ladder match from Royal Rumble) #9: HHH/Undertaker (From Wrestlemania 17) #8: Shane McMahon/Kurt Angle (Street Fight from King of the Ring) #7: HHH & Austin/Benoit & Jericho (From Raw, i.e. the match where HHH tore his quadriceps, and the end of the “two man power trip”.) #6: Stacy Kiebler/Torrie Wilson (Lingerie match from No Mercy) #5: Team Alliance: Angle & Booker T & Stone cold & Shane Vs Team WWF: Rock & Kane & Undertaker & Big Show and Jericho (Winner Takes all match from Survivor Series) #4: Jeff Hardy/RVD (Hardcore Championship from Invasion) #3: Rock/Austin (WWF Championship from Wrestlemania 17) #2: TLC 2 (From Wrestlemania 17) #1: Austin/HHH (No way out, best 2 out of 3 falls match) Best Moments of 2001 Clips: Top 5 Shock Moments: #5 WCW and ECW merger, and intro of Steph as ECW owner #4 Jericho becomes the first ever undisputed champion #3 Drew Carey eliminates himself from the Royal Rumble #2 Taker makes JR kiss Vince’s’ arse #1 Ric Flair buys out half the WWF to become co-owner and Vince’s partner Top 5 Kisses: #5 Regal kisses Vince’s arse #4 Lita kisses Matt Hardy #3 Vince kisses Rikish’s arse #2 Trish and Rock Kiss #1 Angle kisses his medals after retrieving them from Benoit’s tights Top 5 Slaps: #5 Debra slaps Vince #4 Molly slaps Austin #3 Debra slaps undertaker #2 Trish slaps Vince #1 Steph slaps Linda Top 5 put downs: #5 Rock/Steph #4 Edge/X-Pac (“Hey X-pac 1998 called, they want their wrestler back”) #3 Big Show/DDP (Show dresses up as DDP, after DDP was fired) #2 Jericho/Steph (Re: The size of her “hooters”, the before and after shot on the titan tron) #1 Rock/Booker T Top 5 food moments: #5 Jericho slams a pie into Steph’s face #4 Debra hits Austin with a cookie tray #3 Angle gives the alliance a milk bath #2 Austin and Booker T brawl in a supermarket (“Price check on a jackass”, I love that line :-)) #1 Rock ask Lillian Garcia if she likes “Strudel” Other clips: Undertaker Desire video Why the WWF has been the best show of 2001 Tough enough winners clip Rock returns to the WWF, and chooses the WWF over the alliance Best of/compilation of WHAT!? HHH desire/comeback video Austin Desire video WWF Live! Desire video Phew, now that took some typing. I hope this helps, if you have any other questions just ask. If you would like a Pal copy of this tape I would be glad to trade/sell it with you. Cheers ChUnK!
  20. damn it wwe, why dont you use him more! lol :-) ChUnK!
  21. dont even tempt fate lol :-) unless the feud was on heat, then by all means, i fully endorse it :-) lol
  22. Chunk

    Smackdown taken off air in the UK

    Am i right in thinking that Velocity on saturday night wasnt on either?
  23. did any one else notice that the late night showing of this weeks smackdown was just taken off air (in the uk). It was scheduled to be on at 03:30, so i set the video as i usually do, but when i woke up, it turns out the SKY just took the show off air. Which means that i missed smackdown this week. cid anyone else notice this, and does anyone know why it happened? ChUnK!
  24. can anyone else see what the point in adding sara to the whole mix was? I thought she might be involved in the finsish, but she wasnt at the ppv? What was th epoint in having her in the feud at all? She didnt add anything to it, she didnt make us hate brock anymore because he didnt actually directly harm her. And the fact that Taker was "fighting for his family" wasnt at all involved in the final match? Perhaps it was alwyas planned for this month to span two months, and something will develop with sara over the next month leading up to No Mercy! That would laso explain how they had the screen set up for Brock to be put through as well! ChUnK!
  25. Chunk


    this guy doesnt seem very interested anymore, lol loads of us have replied tho! ChUnK!