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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    But Glory was so much more powerful than he was. Also, while The Master rose to the surface and tried to open up the Hellmouth, Glory was actually successful in opening the portal to another dimension. It took Buffy offing herself in order to stop it...and Glory technically couldn't be killed. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I can't believe you would rank Glory underneath Warren and The Master. Metcalf ruled, but he never truly posed a threat. Season 5 Buffy would have killed The Master in seconds. Dames
  3. The Dames

    It's Up. Read it.

    Click the sig or the top of the forum. Feedback here. Dames
  4. The Dames

    The Site Archives...

    I've come to the conclusion that while some people enjoy reading the articles written here, they don't bother to write any feedback because they don't want to write emails or whatever. So...... I've had the Archives changed so that anyone, including guests, can reply to the articles to discuss them. WITH THAT BEING SAID.. It is SOLELY for discussing the articles at hand and not to be turned into a petty flame war or something like that. Anything like that or something that's just off topic will be deleted. Dames
  5. The Dames

    Do Smarks Use The Same Brain?

    Word Life. That girl is GORGEOUS. Dames Where can I see the pic Dames? Sorry brother, can't help you out. Dames
  6. I...O...W... I...O...W... (I just had to) Dames
  7. The Dames

    Do Smarks Use The Same Brain?

    Word Life. That girl is GORGEOUS. Dames
  8. The Dames

    Matrix Reloaded

    Mole, 30 million for the Matrix? You've got to be kidding me. AT LEAST 60 million. If 8 Mile made 55 million as a Rated R movie, Matrix will definitely beat the shit out of it. Dames
  9. The Dames

    Eliminate the Post Counts??

    Why does everyone feel that the NHB folder is where all the "shit" is supposed to go? It's a flaming folder. Just because people haven't used it properly doesn't mean that we should just dump everything in there. Dames
  10. The Dames

    Eliminate the Post Counts??

    Do you really think the board would be "suffering" without the post counts? Even I admit that I've enjoyed my slow trek up the ranks but the number is trivial. As for deleting unintelligent posts....that would be opening up a can of worms that could eventually kill the damn board if you think about it. Every thread would have to be dissected and examined for "intelligence" and even if that were possible, the whole question of what is an intelligent post comes into question. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Which actors...

    Oh, trust me...in The Bronx, J-Lo's popularity has plummeted. It's all because of her claiming to be "real", yet becoming the standard for bitchy Hollywood divas lately. Not to mention her "Jenny from the Block" video didn't include ANY footage of her in The Bronx at all... Yeah, she's keeping it real alright. Dames
  12. The Dames

    The wCw Belt

    Incorrect, YNA. The Big Gold Belt that HHH has isn't even the same title that Bischoff awarded him months ago. It was redone and if you take a good look at it, the WWE logo is at the top of it. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Week 41 Finally UP

    Top of the forum or the sig... Dames
  14. The Dames

    It's Up. Read it.

    I'd like to know that as well... And for the record, if you're ever looking for any of my older articles, just check the Archives on the board, that's what its for. Dames
  15. The Dames

    It's Up. Read it.

    At Overstock.com, they have it for 12 bucks. Dames
  16. The Dames

    It's Up. Read it.

    At Overstock.com, they have it for 12 bucks. Dames
  17. The Dames

    Diatribe Xplanation....

    Those of you who know me very well know that for the past 5 years, I've had one of the shittiest computers ever created. All this time, I've been running on a 266Mhz with 64MB of RAM and Windows 95. While it may be slow as hell, it has one major flaw that makes it the Gateway of Hell. It shuts down....at random. I'm not talking about Windows shutting down and rebooting. I'm talking "the screen goes black out of nowhere and the computer starts rebooting on its own". Well, enough was enough for me and I was finally able to buy a new computer. It arrived Wednesday afternoon, which was good for me because I had Wednesday and Thursday off due to religious holidays at the office. 2Ghz with 512 RAM running Windows XP. 60 Gigs, CD Burner, DVD drive, the works. Now...my only real problem at this point is that I've got a TON of documents on my old computer that are simply invaluable to me. Pictures, rare mp3s, my memoirs of the past 5 years of my life...all stuck on that ridiculous machine. So, I bought a program that would allow me to transfer my files from the old computer to the new one. After scanning my old computer, I had about 15 Gigs worth of things that I was going to transfer over. I set the connection up..... SIXTY HOURS AND 45 MINUTES. That's just insane. But either way, it needed to get done, so I left it on. I realized I wouldn't be able to do my TNA review and have it up by Wed because I couldn't even get online or use Word while this was going on. Now, here's where things get worse. My old computer decides to be a TOTAL bitch and shut down on me in the middle of the transfer, making me start over. TWICE. I decided that not everything was crucial after all as I'm simply dying to get rid of that piece of shit. I'm almost finished transferring what I considered to be a priority and the report SHOULD be up either tonight, but definitely tomorrow. Oh, I'm still doing Backlash too. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Denny's 24 hour restaurant...

    Well, that's what you get for hanging out with that guy. Dames
  19. The Dames


    ....Carry on then. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Survivor: The Amazon

    Rob vs. Butch....Butch really hasn't done anything to GET anyones votes, but Rob will automatically have 3 votes against him from Alex, Heidi & Jenna. Not good for Rob. Rob vs. Christy. Rob has NO chance against a sweet deaf girl who was able to make it all the way to the finals. Rob vs. Matthew. Heidi & Jenna most likely will vote for Matthew based on the skirmish they showed between Jenna and Rob on the preview for next week. Butch would probably vote for Matthew. I could see Alex voting for Rob just because he played the game well and knew that it was his fault for telling him he's out. Deena had an alliance with Rob, so she may vote for him. Dave can go either way because he didn't really know them well. Christy doesn't trust Rob, but Matthew gives her the creeps..... Rob's best shot is against Matthew, but his chances still aren't great. Dames
  21. The Dames


    ....don't play with me Barron. You of all people know that I'm not a fatty. Dames
  22. The Dames

    Survivor: The Amazon

    Personally, I want Rob to win because he really has played the game the best. Who do you think Rob would have the best shot going up against in the final 2, should he make it? Dames
  23. The Dames


    Hey asshole! The name is Damian....and I'm not fat! Dames
  24. The Dames

    Miss Smartmarks III

  25. The Dames

    Cable Modem with a Hot Box...

    Dammit! You got DSL? Dames