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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Man, WWE firings are so lame.

    Now if it was Stevie Richards and Victoria...THEN she'd cry. Dames
  2. Personally, this is what I see. A guy who looks like a balding David Arquette walks up to a ticket window and hands him three fitty. He walks back to his car when his cell phone rings. "Who is this?" ...Click. He throws the cell phone down, starts stomping and kicking at it, yelling about telemarketers....goes back in the car, rips up the ticket and drives back home. The End. Dames
  3. We're not talking about that, IDRM. We think Downhome is crazy for downloading a movie, then buying a ticket for it that he doesn't use because he feels bad. Dames
  4. Straight from Columbia House: You get 5 DVDs for 49ยข each plus shipping and processing. As a Club member, all you need to do is buy 4 more movies in the next 2 years at regular Club prices (currently as low as $19.95 plus shipping and processing). You may cancel anytime thereafter. ADVANCE BONUS OFFER! Take a 6th movie now for $14.95 (plus shipping and processing)and have to buy only 3 more movies (instead of 4) in the next 2 years. Plus, You can even take a 7th movie for the special price of $9.95 plus shipping and processing. Membership means you're eligible for private Club offerings and special sales! You will receive a free DVD Club magazine about every 4 weeks, as well as some Special Selection mailings. That will give you up to 17 buying opportunites per year! If you want the Director's Selection, do nothing ---it will be sent automatically. If you prefer an alternate selection, more selections or none at all, just mail the response card or visit our web site by the date specified. You will always have at least 10 days to decide. If not, you may return the Director's Selection at our expense and we will credit your account. Your introductory package is sent on a 10-day trial basis and includes complete details of membership. If you are not completely satisfied, you may return that package at our expense to cancel your membership and we will credit your account. Offer limited to customers of the contiguous United States and may be withdrawn at any time. Residents of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. territories, APO and FPO addresses, please write or e-mail us for a separate offer. (Applicable tax added to all orders). All applications are subject to review. Columbia House reserves the right to request additional information, to reject any application or to cancel any membership. Doesn't sound much different... Dames
  5. Dammit....why couldn't they do this before! Dames
  6. The Dames

    What would it take for you to think

    In all seriousness, Nuclear War Some Independence Day or Armaggedon Shit Women giving birth to weird animals at the same time Sauron regaining the Ring of Power. Dames
  7. Hey, I WAS doing it online, but I just got forgetful. Oh well. Dames
  8. The Dames

    New HULK Trailer~!

    I LOVED DareDevil, but I only had one glaring moment of CGI action/poor storytelling. Both DD & Bullseye have powers...right? So, it's ok that they're flying around. But Elektra...a mere human with training, a great body and some sais jumps ACROSS buildings and shit to face Bulleye. BullSHIT is what that was. Dames
  9. I did Columbia House.... Let me just explain to you how it works really quick. You choose from their catalog of DVD's, which is pretty big, 3 movies that you get FOR FREE. All you have to do is pay shipping. By doing so, you're required to buy 4 movies at regular price, which is VERY overpriced. If you get a 4th DVD with your initial shipment for 14.99, then you only have to buy 3 movies at regular price for the duration of your membership, which is 3 years. Naturally, I chose 4 of the most expensive DVD's in the catalog, which would cost about $100+ if I purchased them in a store. I'm talking Men In Black: Limited Edition, Seven Platinum Edition, Mallrats, etc. Movies that are overpriced to begin with. So, I paid about 20 or so total. Shipping plus the extra fee for the 4th movie. Saving about 80 bucks. Now, here's where things get kinda weird. Every 3 weeks, they send you a catalog with a "Directors Selection". CH gets their inventory VERY late, so if Spiderman came out on DVD in January, they'd get it in April. Now, as someone who purchases movies when they're released, this does nothing for me. With every packet, there is a special of some sort. "Buy 2, get 1 at 14.99" or "Buy 3, get unlimited at 14.99" or something like that." Sounds ok, but the movies are so overpriced that you're not saving shit. Here's the catch...and the one that pisses me off the most. With each packet, if you don't return the slip letting them know that you do NOT want the Director's Selection (or let them know online), then they will send it to you. Now, it sounds easy, right? Well, sometimes you forget and then there's a DVD in your mailbox. Keep in mind that most of the time, what they sent you is something that you already have. So, how much does one of these Directors Selections cost you? Well, they sent me Oceans Eleven. Granted, I didn't have it, but I didn't want to pay for it, Columbia House style. With shipping and their overpricedness....30 beans. FUCK THAT. Keep in mind, you have to purchase 3 movies at regular price. I told my mom to send it back, but she forgot. I didn't know...she put it away. Eventually, 30 days passed by and I CANT send it back, so I'm stuck paying 30 for this piece of shit. Not saying it wasn't good....but not 30 beans good. So, since I didn't send it back...and I didn't pay for it. They canceled my contract and expect full payment of the entire contract. 3 movies worth or about 90 bucks. I still get to choose 2 other movies and I'm going to make sure they're expensive as fuck. Bottom Line....Columbia House. Seems like a good idea. Don't do it. Dames
  10. Downhome is..."unique", EQ. Dames
  11. The Dames


    Are you fucking INSANE? Isn't episode 5-8 where Gaines puts Jack on surveillance and makes him do all sorts of fucked up shit? I mean...come on, that was the best one! Dames
  12. The Dames

    Fix your clock

    If your "board clock" is out of whack by an hour, head into your personal controls and in "board settings" checkmark the box to put Daylight Savings Time into effect. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Monitor Problems

    It happened to me once....my shit just blew out. I bought a new one. Dames
  14. The Dames

    EWR 3.0 is now available~!

    I'm asking because I've been running NWA:TNA and I was just given a show on the USA Network. I put it on Monday and I have a late evening time slot. If the ratings improve, I'm going head to head with Raw, baby. Dames
  15. So far, I know that Areacode lives in the city, but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in going to see The Matrix Reloaded sometime on the weekend of the 16th. Dames
  16. The Dames

    For those in the NYC/ Tri-State Area...

    Oh....I'm seeing it midnight opening night, but I plan on seeing it more than once. Dames
  17. The Dames

    EWR 3.0 is now available~!

    Just curious fellas, have you ever ended up going head to head with either Raw or Smackdown? If so, how did you do? Dames
  18. The Dames

    Road to 1000

    Neither, Rant. Dames
  19. The Dames

    Road to 1000

    Guys....I can't drive. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Miss Smartmarks III

    Jennifer Love Hewitt!!!! SHE MUST WIN! Dames
  21. The Dames

    For those in the NYC/ Tri-State Area...

    Very funny Bob. I'm just trying to get some sort of TSM meeting going. Dames
  22. The Dames

    Road to 1000

    Don't worry, MX. I have a great sense of humor. Dames
  23. The Dames

    Road to 1000

    I just couldn't go on having people think that you're taller than me. (Edit. Opps, I fucked up the first time) Dames
  24. The Dames

    What is your favorite...

    Can't Hardly Wait is my favorite, but technically, it's the night of graduation. Other than that, Ferris Beuller and American Pie. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Road to 1000

    You know....I don't mean to out Bob Barron, but I am taller than him. Dames