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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    No one cares about Arcade Games these days...

    Personally, I always preferred the SNES controller for fighting games. When SFII:CE came out for Genesis, if you didn't have the 6 button pad instead of the 3 button pad that came with your system, you were fucked. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Favorite Arcade Games

    Oh man, Operation Wolf brings back so many memories. So do most of the old games with a stationary machine gun, like T2. These days, I just miss the excitement of anticipating the next big arcade game to hit the ports...now it straight to console. Dames
  3. The Dames

    Use Your Illusion says goodbye

    Hey, don't thank me. You didn't break the rules....you entertained. Sad to see you go. Dames
  4. The Dames

    Movies That Made you Cry

    I ALWAYS lose it when Boromir says this.... Dames
  5. The Dames

    Favorite Arcade Games

    It's CE. I have another pic where I'm celebrating beating some guys ass in it, but even I don't dare leave myself THAT open for public mockery. Dames
  6. The Dames

    Favorite Arcade Games

    Here's a blast from the past... Keep in mind that I was about 11 or 12 years old in these pictures, tops. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Week 39 is up...

    I have no closed captioning on my TV....and I don't think TNA supports it. Dames
  8. The Dames

    Week 39 is up...

    Top of the forum or the sig, baby. Feedback me. Dames
  9. The Dames

    How Can Japs Be Better Wrestlers?

    After seeing his other comments in the "jock" thread...he deserves to go. Dames
  10. The Dames

    A test run review, here goes

    Just so you know....I absolutely loved it. If you could crank these out on a regular basis, I could definitely see you as a TSM writer. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Sequals thread

    They've got a ton of Blair Witch 2 DVD's at the few Wiz's that are going out of business. 5 bucks. Dames
  12. Does everyone on campus know about this? I bet the fuckers that got caught for this must feel like dumb shits. Dames
  13. The network must be empty as fuck then. Dames
  14. The Dames

    Who Will Be The New Commissioner?

    No way... He's too busy leading the InVasion. Dames
  15. The Dames

    How Can Japs Be Better Wrestlers?

    Passenger....racism and bigotry isn't allowed anywhere on the board, including No Holds Barred. This is your official warning. Do it again and you'll have to find a new place to post. Dames
  16. The Dames

    WM 20 New Logo?

    And you've never been to a PPV there? Why not? I've never been to a PPV at the Garden either, just askin'. So....where do you work Dames
  17. The Dames

    WM 20 New Logo?

    Don't bother, I'm camping out. I was going to make that joke...but I'll just keep that in my sig. Dames
  18. The Dames

    What was the best match from 4/9/03?

    The X-Division tag match was the best match they had all year, let alone last night. Saturn and Barton really impressed me though, as did Styles/Gilberti. Dames
  19. The Dames

    WM 20 New Logo?

    I would sell Bob Barron for 'Mania tickets. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Observer (Meltzer's) WM Star Ratings

    Once again...production does not make a match better or worse, just the presentation of it. That's why I didn't take off anything for last night's awesome Saturn vs. Barton match even though they caught a CLOSE UP of Saturn blading and putting the blade back into his glove. Dames
  21. The Dames

    Who Will Be The New Commissioner?

    I was asked by Jerry Jarrett, but had to turn it down due to travel expenses. Yeah. Dames
  22. The Dames

    WM 20 New Logo?

    Bob, If I could go back in time and give you my WM 18 ticket to insure that I'd be at WM XX, I would. Dames
  23. The Dames

    Observer (Meltzer's) WM Star Ratings

    Hey hey hey! I DO NOT underscore a match due to personal bias. If Goldberg had a ***** match, I wouldn't knock it down to ***3/4 just cuz I have disdain for the man. I honestly felt the match was worth * in terms of the work done. Crowd heat does not make a match better, it simply enhances the aura behind it. Dames
  24. The Dames


    As many issues as I have with the guy, the bus trips are smoov. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Observer (Meltzer's) WM Star Ratings

    I've got to rewatch both again, but that was what I got out of the initial reactions. I will say this, the Mania match had a better finish. Dames