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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    my opinion on TNA

    Lately, they've gotten a lot better when it comes to keeping their storylines and not dropping them, they've just been dragging them out too long. There are still a few glaring exceptions though: What happened to Vader? What happened to Larry Zbyszko as AJ Styles' mentor? GIVE US SOMETHING! What TNA seriously needs is to give the audience reasons why these people do what they do. Now that Vince Russo is gone, what is the purpose of Sports Entertainment Extreme? Why is Mabel with The Truth? Why is New Jack here? What happened to JJ Dillon? Why should we cheer Jeff Jarrett over D'Lo Brown? Things like that bother me because when there is no explanation, storylines end up with plot holes. Without these reasons, the fans can't latch onto anyone and get behind them. Right now, there is no true #1 babyface in the company. As a matter of fact, if you look at it...there's an abundance of heels. They need to fix that and soon. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Recent purchases

    I got screwed at The Wiz, as I was waiting for the price drop to get to 50% off to pick up The Sopranos: Season Three but every copy was sold the day before, when it was at 40% off for some reason. So, instead, I bought The Scorpion King, Shallow Hall, Kiss of the Dragon and Mick Foley: Hard Knocks and Cheap Pops, finally. Dames
  3. The Dames


    I HATE CABLEVISION. I don't get FX. Dames
  4. The Dames


    How do you guys know that her name is Jasmine? You've been SPOILERIFFIC~! haven't you? I just got back into Angel with the Faith/Willow crossover and haven't really watched since Connor was born. Just a coincidence, although I can't stand Connor. I can't believe just how dark the show has gotten. The murder of that innocent girl was just disturbing, in combination with the creepy score and slow-motion cam. Dames
  5. I bought the movie the other day without knowing anything about it, just going on word of mouth. I just finished watching it and I absolutely loved it. I'm a little confused about one thing though... The last scene with Roth and Keitel, after Orange tells White that he's a cop....the camera pans on Keitel's face while his gun is pointed at Roth. Does White kill Orange right then and there? The cops obviously shoot but is it in retaliation for White killing Orange? Dames
  6. Hey....one of my best friends at RPI was expelled last year for stealing computer equipment! Dames
  7. Was Kylie Cammie in the original? I definitely could see her playing that. Good thing I don't remember part 1 well. Dames
  8. Just curious.... Does HHH take the opportunity to badmouth Y2J or Goldberg? The answer is very interesting... Dames
  9. DH, just throwing a scenario out there for you. A guy named Chris is flirting with this girl and it looks like he's going to get her. They're really good friends and it looks like she's diggin' him. Along comes Bill and steals the girl and tells her that he doesn't want her ever talking to Chris again. To keep Bill happy, she abandons Chris, leaving him heartbroken. Chris moves away, hurt and hates Bill for it. Bill moves to his town. Chris sees him and punches him in the fuckin' mouth. Do you blame him? Dames
  10. I think the reason that the prevailent attitude here is pro-Jericho, anti-Goldberg regardless of who started it is because of what happened a few years ago. Goldberg was the #1 reason why Chris Jericho left WCW and went to the WWE to begin with because Goldberg refused to work with him and was an unprofessional as it gets about it. He said that he was too small and too "jokey" to be taken as a serious challenger and that's when Jericho realized that the glass ceiling in WCW was lowering onto his head. Then Jericho comes to the WWE and becomes a victim of it again....only to see Goldberg come in and get a huge push despite doing nothing to deserve it. THIS was 5 years in the making. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Anyone mourning the loss of The Wiz?

    Yeah....The Wiz on Fordham has been there since I can remember and it was pretty damn cheap compared to the other places in the neighborhood. There aren't any Best Buy's in the Bronx and now I have to travel my ass off to get DVD's. Oh, AC...Sopranos Season 3 sold out the day I went to pick it up at 50% off....bastards. Dames
  12. The Dames

    IZ Feedback

    Personally, I felt the interactions between myself and AS were pretty poor...but then again, I didn't get to write any of it. Popick never told me the deadline and asked me to write it an hour and a half before it was due. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Torch news...

    I'm not going to lie...I stole this from L4W over at WDI. I figured something like this would have been here by now. -- Kurt Angle has heat with some people in the company right now for not giving Brock Lesnar enough offense at Wrestlemania. It is thought that he took responsibility for booking the match and did not do a good job and that every sequence was designed to make him look good in the end. -- No one is buying Kurt Angle's six-week recovery. At the least, he is looking at a 12-week recovery. Lots of wrestlers are skeptical that he is taking medical advice from Scott Hall, with Austin said to be very openly critical. -- There is also some heat on the Rock for the promo he delivered on Monday night. The feeling is that Rock is being treated like such a special attraction and is naming off all the people he has beaten and it's making the rest of the roster look bush league. -- Steve Austin is now basically retired due to his neck injury. -- Triple H spoke out against jobbing to Booker T. He argued that babyfaces should not be transitional world champions and that Booker should only win if they plan to make him a permanent main eventer after the loss. He argued that Chris Jericho was hurt before because the company did not back him and he did not want the same happening to Booker. He also argued that he needs to be kept strong for Goldberg. The two are scheduled to headline the first RAW PPV in June. -- Vince McMahon made the decision to shorten the cruiserweight and lengthen the Undertaker's match. -- The reason Paul Heyman is in the doghouse right now is that he was very vocal about wanting this Wrestlemania to be the show where the new guard went over the old guard in every match. He was most specifically vocal about Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho, calling Shawn a "ratings disaster" and claiming that putting him over anyone at this point is not a good idea. -- There is already a running joke among the wrestlers that Steve Austin, the Rock and Mick Foley will return just in time to headline next year's Wrestlemania. -- Lots of head shaking over the Undertaker being allowed to be so dominant in a handicap match. -- As of right now, the plan is for Rock to leave immediately after Backlash and probably not return for 6-8 months. -- Steve Austin will most likely be staying on RAW in a figurehead role. Discuss. Dames
  14. The Dames

    I've got a question about Reservoir Dogs...

    But with the cops bursting in, they could have got him to a hospital in time, right? Why did Orange confess he was a cop anyway? Dames
  15. The Dames

    Favorite moves not seen on WWE/F TV

    I would never...EVER...want Nathan Jones to use the Chokebreaker. That's a Droz incident waiting to happen. Dames
  16. The Dames

    Favorite moves not seen on WWE/F TV

    The Houston Hangover was used at Wrestlemania and at Vengeance of 2002. Funaki has done the Diamond Dust on WWE TV but no one watches Velocity. Sandman9000 can correct me, but I believe that Nick Gage of CZW does the chokeslam into a backbreaker. Dames
  17. The Dames

    What would really change....

    Should they break up, the split between Steph and HHH would have a fallout in terms of the things they would normally agree on. Regardless of how hard they try not to, their feelings will affect their work (like it is now) and they'll be at odds with their ideas and more than likely, Vince will side with Steph most of the time. This might not exactly de-push HHH at all, but it may lead to more fluctuation in the top tier as he won't have enough pull to hold down guys anymore. Dames
  18. Well, what do you know. I went to RPI. Dames
  19. The Dames

    Who's ever tried snoiffing glue?

    That is the funniest defense I've ever heard. Helmet, you dont know the skillz. I'll post them on here tomorrow if you wanna know how I tore him up. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Who's ever tried snoiffing glue?

    That was a total, unequivocal "Flawless Victory" on my part. I don't know what you're talking about. Dames
  21. The Dames

    Who's ever tried snoiffing glue?

    Pardon me....but when the FUCK did you beat me in a rap battle? If I remember correctly, I made you my bitch 6 different ways before you even realized what hit you. Dames
  22. The Dames

    Who's ever tried snoiffing glue?

    In all honesty, I never sniffed glue, but I did sniff white out in the 5th grade. It actually became a problem and I was reprimanded by my teacher for stealing other kids white out. Dames
  23. The Dames

    Griffey Hurt Again!!

    On March 7th, I said this in the "Griffey Homers Three Times....He's BACK" thread. I should open up a business telling the future. Dames - The Bike is in the Basement of the Alamo.....
  24. The Dames

    Recent purchases

    I seriously lucked out on Friday. At the Virgin Megastore in Times Square, where EVERYTHING is severely overpriced, they had a sale. 5 specially marked DVD's for 70. I used to work there and I NEVER bought anything because it was always so damn expensive. I got down there and couldn't resist. I picked up Ferris Beuller's Day Off, "O", Reservoir Dogs, Say Anything and The Warriors. I got to the register and the woman said it came out to 80 something and I paid without questioning it. She did though and went on to try and fix the price for me, giving me what seemed to be the longest receipt in history. Eventually, she ended up giving me a 20 dollar refund by accident and I only paid 60 for the whole shebang. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Phone Booth

    A sequel to this, although it may be profitable, doesn't exactly bring much else to the story. Kiefer stalks and terrorizes someone else in a phone booth? Colin Ferrell goes into a phone booth and it happens again? Dames