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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Silly people...

    Ditto. I actually found it to be a pretty funny movie and the hot (young) girls were a plus as well... Dames
  2. The Dames

    Halo 2 on XBox Live

    Scroby, I actually have a head set, but I lent it to my friend before I got Halo 2 and I forgot it at his house the other night. Then again...do you REALLY want me to have one? I am the Ultimate Shit Talker...even if I can't back it up sometimes. Dames
  3. The Dames

    Scott Keith WWF PPV ***+ Matches

    Soooo....why did you do this? Dames
  4. The Dames

    Halo 2 on XBox Live

    It's all good then... It was just an idea. Dames
  5. The Dames

    Halo 2 on XBox Live

    Nope. Dames
  6. The Dames

    Halo 2 on XBox Live

    I've sent both of you requests... And I would start a Smart Marks Clan. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Halo 2 on XBox Live

    Sent you a friend request... Dames
  8. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    Alright...everyone knows that the product is in serious trouble. Ratings are down, house attendance figures are in the toilet these days...and it doesn't seem like things are getting any better. A lot of people on the internet think that they can fix the problems plaguing the promotion and turn it around. The bottom line is, that company is being mismanaged internally and no one will really have an opportunity to take a long term approach to turning things around. So I direct this question to you. Assume the company were to hire YOU on the WWE Creative Team, but on a trial basis up until Wrestlemania 21. Since you're only a member of the team, not the head of it, you have limited input into the actual exectution of most angles and what really goes into the show. Give me 5 to 10 examples of things you would do to turn things around before your trial on the Creative Team is over. Keep in mind that you have to sell your ideas to upper management and the head of the writing staff, so I want detailed explanations as to why this would better the product. You have to make them believe it enough to have them go through with it. This is a BUSINESS, but it's a rather unique one, so play that up. I'd like to see what you guys can come up with. Dames
  9. The Dames

    I'm back.

    Yep...and I sure know how to hold a grudge. I'd be an AWESOME wrestling promoter. Dames
  10. The Dames

    I'm back.

    And...she's gone. Dames
  11. I thought this would make for an interesting topic. When I first moved up to CT, I was out of the loop on a lot of my favorite TV shows for a couple of months. I borrowed tapes from friends to catch up for most of them. When I got high speed internet installed, I caught up on the rest on my computer. Then, I found a GREAT site for TV Show rips, tvtorrents.net. They have HDTV rips of most shows. At this point, I noticed that I had changed my viewing habits. I realized that I pretty much didn't HAVE to be home or set my VCR to record one or two things that I always watch...I could just download them. Now, I refuse to watch certain shows on TV, since I can get an HDTV rip of if on the net. I HATE Fullscreen. I'd rather watch TV on my TV screen, since it's a much bigger picture, but the computer gives me convenience. Now I'm getting DVR installed in a couple of weeks and I won't even have to download most shows on the net. It's freed up my time in terms of the weekdays, because I know I can watch it later. However, I still think that if there's a GREAT show out there, like 24 or The Sopranos that I'm hooked up, I'll make an attempt to see it live. Has the internet or DVR (Digital Video Recorders)/Tivo changed the way you watch TV? What will happen to the TV industry in the future with DVR's availability growing exponentially in the country? Dames
  12. The Dames

    Has The Internet And/Or DVR/Tivo...

    To use Bit Torrent, it's simple. Go to Bittorrent.com, download the program. Then, go to BitTornado.com and download that. Install them in order and then go to any bittorrent sites and download away. tvtorrents.net is a GREAT site for TV shows. Dames
  13. The Dames

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Amazingly, I enjoyed this PPV. You can tell that the production values have increased tenfold and the company was really giving it their all tonight. Some matches were good, albeit short. Some weren't great and the main event wasn't good either, but that was to be expected based on the card on paper. They wanted to establish Trinity, so they put her over the known face, Jacqueline. Albeit with interference, so I don't think it's a one time appearance for her. Triple X & AMW have had WAY better matches and there were too many spots blown. The Piper/Snuka segment really didn't go anywhere and that's not who the X Guys need the rub from. There should have been no midget match. But, I do see a LOT of good coming out of this PPV. Green or not, Monty Brown sure is over and that Monster's Ball match got a "This is awesome" chant from a casual crowd. That sure said a lot to me. The main event had constant "Let's Go Jarrett" and "Let's Go Hardy" matches, so it did have some heat. Williams vs. Styles got the crowd going, the finish was fucking BANANAS and both men got over. Styles got even more over after the main event. Dave Sahadi is going a kick ass job with the video packages as I would say that they introduced many of the characters perfectly. Triple X & AMW's post match angle did a good job of getting heat. They've set up a couple of matches for the next PPV. The Bottom Line is that it gave us 3 hours of a non-WWE PPV with styles & enough action that you don't see in WWE these days for the casual fan to have their interest peaked. I was very impressed with their effort and if Jarrett can get his head out of his ass in terms of booking the main event scene and stop trying to dominate it, this company could have a fighting chance. Dames
  14. The Dames

    The Heat THread For Today

    Benoit and Malenko know first hand just how much of an idiot this Grisham is. It's time for America to find out! Dames
  15. The Dames

    Happy Birthday Randolicious~!

    Now footage of that is something that I'd end up buying for my own birthday present. HEY~! Dames
  16. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    You realize that you're talking about the same company that signed Ultimo Dragon thinking he was a Rey Mysterio type wrestler without checking him out first. WWE really doesn't have anywhere else to shop around for wrestlers these days. The only ones out there are TNA guys, which are chock full of former stars, stars that Vince has beef with or guys that Vince considers too small. If he'd change his booking philosophy, he'd have a lot more talent out there to work with, but for right now, what you see plus who ever is in OVW is what you get. Dames
  17. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    ....Do you not realize that they already have talents on their roster in OVW waiting to be called up? It's their version of the minor leagues, so they don't have to sign anyone...they've already been signed. It's just a cost measure. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Best casino you've been to

    Are they really that scarce? Dames
  19. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    Because they had no plans for them presumably. With these theoretical signings, they would have definite plans for them, and so would be willing to hire them. Like I said...it's for cost reasons. Let's say that you're a manager with 4 employees and your company can only afford to keep 3, you fire one and that's it. You don't hire another one...because that contradicts the reason for firing the other. Dames
  20. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    Those people were let go for cost reasons. They let go those that they felt were expendable. Dames
  21. The Dames

    Best casino you've been to

    Just so you know, the rumor behind Mohegan's no Poker rule is apparently because their former Poker Manager wanted more money, which they weren't willing to fork up, so he pretty much stopped working and the company was forced to eliminate their Poker Division. Why they haven't hired another Poker Manager is something that I have no idea about...
  22. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    I like that Rudo, I really do, but sadly, given the political nature of WWE right now with Angle & Undertaker as the 2 top guys on SD, who's going to agree to job to him? Those are the only two guys on there, aside from JBL (As Champion) that would give RVD the kind of rub he needs for that to work. Dames
  23. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    You just reminded me of a point that I wanted to make. RVD's popularity has been adversely affected because the fans don't have a reason to care for him. When he first came over, he was OVER because he brought his unique style and most mainstream fans heard he was from ECW. His matches with Jeff Hardy were good and soon, the fans wanted him to get a World Title shot, which he did at No Mercy 2002. But after losing that shot...and after losing the shot to the Undertaker (false finish), the fans have had no real reason to care about RVD. What's his motivation for wrestling? Does he want to be World Champion? He's never mentioned in the past 2 years. Does he want the tag team titles? We assume so, but he hasn't said anything. Why does he want them...he's had them in the past with others. That always needs to be explained to me. Why do we want him to win the tag belts with Rey? Is it because Kenzo & Dupree are "bad guys"? Give us more than that in order for us to care. You'll know it when we're into the near falls.... Dames
  24. The Dames

    What Would YOU Do?

    I agree with you Kahran, I was simply answering Dan's question about why this movie could hurt Cena's career. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Hulk Hogan's best matches

    Probably because the Havoc match was hyped on the retirement stip, which ended up like every other retirement stip out there these days. Dames