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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames


    I've never been there, but I've always wanted to go too. I was actually going to go to Boston with my girlfriend at the time a couple of years ago. September 14th -17th, 2001. Had everything booked, had money saved and everything. After 9/11 happened, we canceled the hotel and all that and I still haven't been there. Dames
  2. ...I love this show. I can't lurk? Dames
  3. I agree...fucking hilarious. Dames
  4. ...what does your sister look like? Dames
  5. Does anyone else think that Amanda is just so incredibly cute? Definitely a step up from Ingrid... Dames
  6. The Dames

    OMG, what a KO!!!

    Alright, alright...let me school you really quick. In late 98/early 99 I believe, the WWF came up with a boxing style tournament called the Brawl For All. The rules were that you could box, or you could do take downs. Now Jim Ross has always been one of Steve Williams' biggest supporters and practically got him the job in the company. He had convinced Vince to do this tournament and since Williams is a legit tough guy, everyone figured on him to win. The bouts were 100% legit to make Williams look THAT good. But that was not to be... The first round was disastrous as the matches were terrible and many of the guys got injured. I specifically remember The Godfather, Savio Vega and Bradshaw having to be out for some time due to the tourney. Anyway, Bart Gunn faced Williams and knocked him out, catching the company with their pants down. Steve Williams never got a chance in the WWF after that and Gunn went on to face Butterbean. The WWF felt that if Gunn even got a couple of good shots in, the company would look good...but they didn't count on him getting DESTROYED. That killed his entire North American career. His tag title reigns as the Smoking Gunns? Means NOTHING. The only thing that he'll be known for in America is getting knocked the fuck out by Butterbean. Bart Gunn ended up going to Japan where Steve Williams had built himself a great reputation, so Gunn besting him in a legit situation gave him respect over there. He's been there ever since, never to return to the WWF. He made an appearance or two in TNA a while back, but that's about it. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

    No, I mean this is going to be a fucking classic. Seriously. A must see. Dames
  8. The Dames

    Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

    That's going to be a fucking classic. Dames
  9. Stacy: "So, what are you going to do"? Lita:"I don't know...(sobs)...wait a minute! Kane vs. Matt Hardy - Paternity Test Match! " Dames
  10. It wouldn't be the first time I got TV props. .... That was possibly the most vain statement I've ever said on these forums. Dames
  11. ? Was there a Dames sign? No, there's someone with a "Hi Damian" sign right in the middle of the camera view. I'm just vain enough to think it's directed towards me, despite the fact that the most I've ever been south of NY is Pennsylvania. Dames
  12. Who the FUCK do I know in Virginia? Dames
  13. The Dames

    Dames, did you know you're on Wikipedia

    I know I didn't write it. I definitely would have talked about myself more. I marked out reading this...just knowing that this is something that I've helped to bring to life. I hope you guys appreciate it. I know I do. Dames
  14. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...but I'm just pissed off at the world today. Anyone else suffer from this affliction? Dames
  15. The Dames

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    He's going to end up taking down the family. All this time and he hasn't slipped up at all? He's been feeding them info for YEARS. Dames
  16. The Dames

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Happens every week. The trailers always make it seem more impactful than they usually are. I was surprised that Tony B. was killed in the fashion he was...but damn, Johnny Sack's in jail!? I would have preferred NY vs. NJ going into Season 6 as opposed to the end of the war in one episode.... Dames
  17. The Dames

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    Damn right I did. Atari 2600 Sucka. Dames
  18. Just me or does this not make any sense? Dames
  19. The Dames

    You ever been pissed off and not realize why?

    Nah...I'm chillin to some Mario Winans. I just downloaded the album. God Mother Fucking Bless The Internet Dames
  20. The Dames

    You ever been pissed off and not realize why?

    Guys...guys...I love you guys *cries* Dames
  21. The Dames

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    See, I don't mind the stick for moving...not at all. It's the one for looking that fucks me up. The guys online have fucking Look Sensitivity at 10..which is RIDICULOUSLY fast...and I don't even have mine on 5 and they still move too fast for me man. Dames
  22. The Dames

    You ever been pissed off and not realize why?

    Well...looks like all that's taken care of for now. Let's just say that I took the advice of someone in this thread. Dames
  23. The Dames

    You ever been pissed off and not realize why?

    ...putting in here allows me to bitch, which i'm CERTAIN I'm about to. Dames
  24. The Dames

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    It's like I told EQ...I remember when all we had was a joystick and one button. God, I feel old. Dames
  25. The Dames

    You ever been pissed off and not realize why?

    That was done before I felt this way. Comments by people such as Banky, FS and the fact that Rudo was bitching about it didn't make it any better. If he had just PM'ed me and talked it over, it would have been a different story. Dames